Udemy Free Course Each coupon has 4 days and 1000 redemptions only Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? 🚀 Join us and gain access to a world of knowledge!
📚✏️ poultry farming vaccines and vaccinations
⏰: ASAP (99 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.0/5
👨🎓: 9,059 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Other Teaching & Academics
👄: English (US)
💬 proper timing and proper administration
📚✏️ General bacteriology a concise course
⏰: ASAP (100 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.2/5
👨🎓: 18,587 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Science
👄: English (US)
💬 rom Yogurt to Disease: Understanding the Power of Bacteria
📚✏️ general mycology a brief review
⏰: ASAP (99 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.3/5
👨🎓: 10,710 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Science
👄: English (US)
💬 general mycology
📚✏️ from farm to table Egg journey
⏰: ASAP (98 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.6/5
👨🎓: 21,027 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Other Teaching & Academics
👄: English (US)
💬 Sustainable Egg Journey
📚✏️ Create a Successful Online Course Using AI
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.7/5
👨🎓: 1,011 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Online Education
👄: English (US)
💬 Mastering AI Tools to Design, Market, and Optimize Your Courses for Maximum Success
📚✏️ Advanced Skill Test: Python Professional Level 2 (PCPP2™)
⏰: ASAP (990 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 10 students
🎭: IT & Software > IT Certifications
👄: English (US)
💬 Master Advanced Python Concepts for Professional Development and Certification
📚✏️ Learn T-Shirt Design with Adobe Illustrator
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 24,554 students
🎭: Design > Graphic Design & Illustration
👄: English (US)
💬 T-Shirt Design with Mockup from Beginning to Advacned
📚✏️ Learn PHP and MySQL for Web Application and Web Development
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 42,732 students
🎭: Development > Web Development
👄: English (US)
💬 Unlock the Power of PHP and MySQL: Level Up Your Web Development Skills Today
📚✏️ Mastering English Idioms: Essential for ESL Communication
⏰: ASAP (893 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.7/5
👨🎓: 32,775 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Language Learning
👄: English (US)
💬 Unlock the Power of Idioms in English Conversation and Writing with Essential Techniques and Real-Life Examples
📚✏️ Learn Blockchain and Cryptocurrency from Beginning
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.2/5
👨🎓: 34,226 students
🎭: Finance & Accounting > Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
👄: English (US)
💬 Unlock the Future of Finance: Explore Blockchain and Cryptocurrency with Expert Guidance
📚✏️ emergency medicine for medical professionals
⏰: ASAP (100 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.8/5
👨🎓: 2,957 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Other Teaching & Academics
👄: English (US)
💬 prehospital emergency medicine for professionals
📚✏️ Back pain between fact and fiction
⏰: ASAP (97 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.5/5
👨🎓: 3,334 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Other Teaching & Academics
👄: English (US)
💬 back pain
📚✏️ How neuromarketing can influence buying behavior
⏰: ASAP (997 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.7/5
👨🎓: 13,315 students
🎭: Marketing > Other Marketing
👄: English (US)
💬 The nitty gritty of technical marketing and influencing the mind to make a purchase for your benefit
📚✏️ Black book for sales - the secrets and tricks of the trade
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.8/5
👨🎓: 32,431 students
🎭: Business > Sales
👄: English (US)
💬 All secrets you ever wanted to know about the sales trade
📚✏️ Advanced Skill Test: Python Professional Level 2 (PCPP2™)
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 1 students
🎭: IT & Software > IT Certifications
👄: English (US)
💬 Master Advanced Python Concepts for Professional Development and Certification
📚✏️ poultry farming nutrition and clinical nutrition stepby step
⏰: ASAP (100 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.7/5
👨🎓: 11,275 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Science
👄: English (US)
💬 formulate least cost ration and prevent deficiency diseases
📚✏️ practical bacteriology from scratch
⏰: ASAP (99 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.6/5
👨🎓: 18,596 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Science
👄: English (US)
💬 Beyond the Textbook: Practical Techniques in Bacteriology
📚✏️ speak Arabic like natives
⏰: ASAP (97 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.3/5
👨🎓: 32,887 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Language Learning
👄: English (US)
💬 listen to speak
📚✏️ From the Common Cold to COVID: Exploring Human Viral Disease
⏰: ASAP (97 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.5/5
👨🎓: 14,630 students
🎭: Health & Fitness > Other Health & Fitness
👄: English (US)
💬 Understanding Viruses and Human Disease
📚✏️ poultry diseases for professionals
⏰: ASAP (99 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.1/5
👨🎓: 8,060 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Science
👄: English (US)
💬 learn poultry diseases clinical signs lesions post mortium lesions lab diagnosis in 8 weeks
📚✏️ Essential Microsoft PowerPoint Course for Everyone
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 36,303 students
🎭: Office Productivity > Microsoft
👄: English (US)
💬 Master the Art of Presentations: Power up Your PowerPoint Skills
📚✏️ Learn HTML and CSS from Beginning to Advanced
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.2/5
👨🎓: 29,804 students
🎭: Development > Web Development
👄: English (US)
💬 Master HTML and CSS: Create Stunning Websites with Confidence
📚✏️ The Beginner's Guide to Bash Scripting and Automation
⏰: ASAP (97 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.1/5
👨🎓: 27,161 students
🎭: IT & Software > Operating Systems & Servers
👄: English (US)
💬 Empower Yourself with Bash Scripting: A Comprehensive Journey into Automation for Beginners
📚✏️ قواعد اللغه الإنجليزية الجرامر
⏰: ASAP (100 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.2/5
👨🎓: 8,335 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Language Learning
👄: Arabic
💬 الجرامر بالعربى
📚✏️ PHP with MySQL: Build Complete Coffee Shop System
⏰: ASAP (994 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 18,061 students
🎭: Development > Web Development
👄: English (US)
💬 Build Amazing Coffee Shop Management System with PHP MySQL Bootstrap PayPal and PDO
📚✏️ ELISA technique application in poultry industry
⏰: ASAP (97 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.6/5
👨🎓: 1,901 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Other Teaching & Academics
👄: English (US)
💬 ELISA technique application in diagnosis poultry diseases
📚✏️ Fast track French for beginners
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.3/5
👨🎓: 38,567 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Language Learning
👄: English (US)
💬 A step by step guide in building French sentences
📚✏️ 7 steps to entrepreneurship: A complete business plan (PRO)
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.3/5
👨🎓: 7,799 students
🎭: Business > Entrepreneurship
👄: English (US)
💬 Do you have a business idea burning bright? Launch it like a pro, from early beginner to experienced CEO.
📚✏️ C-level management: 20 models for business operations (2/5)
⏰: ASAP (998 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 9,636 students
🎭: Business > Business Strategy
👄: English (US)
💬 Learn how to use proven business models and frameworks - strategic, operational and tactical
📚✏️ C-level management: analyzing a business for maximal growth
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.3/5
👨🎓: 18,541 students
🎭: Business > Management
👄: English (US)
💬 Growing a business starts with analysis and actionable steps to improve processes and overall entrepreneurial success.