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🌿 More than sustainability, we will promote regeneration by Tokens📈 Any questions: contact@tupan.io

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Thé binance adresse is for that

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Which exchange do tct

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I bought for 400euro and i have only for 16.and i dont know what to do with

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Or exchange currencies for another currency through the Nomo app

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Contact Tupan Support They will guide you.

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It seems that you did not perform the deportation process.

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Boba, thanks for this insight and invaluable contribution. I suggest Oderli should invite you to their board.  That will give confidence to us fellow investors that someone of knowledge is inside.

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Somebody is manipulating TCT, either internally or Mexc. We are scaring investors instead of attracting! I’m not happy with leadership at the moment.

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I truly hope you are mistaken !

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Looks like the migration was just to rip off investors, promised listing at
0.05 and sold at 0.03, worse than zeniq they accused of manipulation

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Silence is enough for the shareholders to stand up

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We all agree with BOBA's comments, so we upvote them

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Rose mutes Boba, yet allows spam , nothing makes sense anymore.

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Tupan Team can you tell us if all these points are taken into consideration in our beautiful Tupan TCT project?

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3. Governance mechanisms and transparency

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): Set up a DAO to govern the project and give a voice to stakeholders (local communities, investors, environmental organizations, etc.). The DAO could make decisions about the allocation of social credits and the evolution of the project.

Transparency via blockchain: By using a public blockchain to record all transactions and impacts of carbon and social credits, you guarantee the transparency of the process. This will strengthen the trust of users and investors.

4. Economic model

Develop a clear economic model where the value of the TCT token is linked to the demand for carbon and social credits. The price of the token could fluctuate depending on the scarcity of available credits, the results of the projects in the Amazon and market rules.

Create a buy-sell mechanism where part of the funds obtained from the sale of TCT is reinvested in local projects to generate new carbon and social credits.

5. Education and awareness

Raise awareness among companies and governments about the benefits of purchasing carbon and social credits through tokens. The storytelling around the protection of the Amazon and the improvement of the living conditions of local communities can be a major asset to attract partners.


To attach the value of the TCT token to carbon and social credits, it is essential to combine a solid technical structure with increased transparency and clear benefits for stakeholders. Blockchain provides an ideal infrastructure for the tokenization and traceability of credits, while the integration of social credits allows to valorize projects with significant impacts on local communities.

Such a project could become a virtuous model of sustainable development, combining both environmental and social objectives.

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Contact TCT support and they will guide you.

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We are no longer responsible for anything safir and nomo related. Get in touch to them for support.

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Give the support adress please

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Oh i dont know what about

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I dont know what happen

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Boba, thanks for this insight and invaluable contribution. I suggest Oderli should incite touch to their board. That will give Confidence to us fellow investors that someone of knowledge is inside.

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This situation is getting worse day by day

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Why is no one responding?

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Boba, I agree with you, what does the management of this project have to say about all this? There is no progress in sight.

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Where is the governance?

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This is really strange and weird

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Yeah, I don't like your flooding. BOBA has been temporarily muted for 5 minutes.

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This is the project that I would like to see realized for our TCT and which respects the architecture of success.

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2. Attach social credits to the token

Social credits can represent social and community benefits provided by projects in the Amazon, such as access to education, healthcare, or local economic development. Here is how to integrate them into the TCT token structure:
a. Social impact assessment

Measure the social impacts generated by the projects you support in the Amazon. This could include indicators such as the number of schools built, access to clean water, job creation, or improvement in the living conditions of local communities.

Use an assessment framework such as the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to quantify and track these impacts.

b. Create a second category of token: social credit

In addition to carbon credits, you can consider creating a second category of tokens linked to social credits. These could be specific tokens (for example, TCS – Social Credit Token) that reflect the value of the social impacts generated.
These tokens could be distributed based on the results of social projects and used to incentivize companies or governments to support social initiatives.

c. Incentives for TCT and TCS holders

Create incentives for investors or companies that hold and use both TCT (carbon credits) and TCS (social credits). For example, companies could benefit from tax advantages or a better image by purchasing both carbon credits and social credits to offset their environmental and social footprint.

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