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Telegram-канал tupancrypto - Tupan.io


🌿 More than sustainability, we will promote regeneration by Tokens📈 Any questions: contact@tupan.io

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This isso contract false

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Tupan.io this official site The project

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Reported Amauri Junior [1343524629] to admins.

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Happy Friday everyone

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I don’t use MetaMask. I use MEXC. Which address should I use please ?

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Which wallet address should I put please?

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Have a nice day everyone

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I hope team work on it

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What address should be entered for the rally?

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For the rally, is it the MEXC deposit address that must be entered?

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Agree with you but many of us have invested much more than 10k€ and we all are huge under water but no matter what we are still here..

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You are right, we as a community must support and participate in the success of the project.

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I try to educate people I know about the company, and Tupans vision. Never selling products or dreams.

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Hope everyone has a great weekend

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🔥Play with me, grow your startup.

💸 +5k coins as your first gift
💵 +25k coins if you have Telegram Premium

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Hi. I invite you to the Ducks Clicker. Connect via the link and get a bonus!

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It’s the deposit address ?

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Please, use your MexC wallet address.

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And if not for the rally still no answer?

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The number of fires in the Amazon is reaching new records. August alone recorded 38,226 hot spots, areas identifiable from satellite photos that show red patches of high heat indicative of a fire. A number never reached since 2010, according to Reuters. Two other Brazilian biomes are also affected by numerous forest fires: the large Pantanal wetland and the Cerrado further south, near São Paulo, according to the fire census by Brazil's National Institute for Space Research.

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We only hear words and promises
And never seen any thing
Over 20k invest but what have? 99% in loss

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We are in deep problem if the company can't pay for listing on CMC and we are even in bigger if the company can't pay for marketing and propaganda...
Few people know about TCT and without community we are lost and never will reach our goals..
My opinion.

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It would not be logical that we investors must pay for listing.
I can imagine that part of the money was lost because of the Zeniq robbery. But there must be a buffer, I cannot imagine the company cannot carry this cost.

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I invest to Tupan comunity allready 10.000€. How much investors invest in this project? Now the project dont have 5000? I cant belive that

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TCT certainly has huge potential, no doubt about it. We need to inform people in the crypto space as much as possible about it. As far as I understood, a listing on Coinmarketcap costs 5000usdt. Correct me if I am wrong. How about creating a donation account where long-term investors and believers donate usdt directly to listing on Coinmarketcap? Let's say we all together donate 2500usdt and the company pays the remaining 2500usdt! What do you think? I would be ready to donate.
Need listings on Coingecko and livecoinwatch too. I think it is either free or costs very little. We also need to publish articles on medium.com which is in my opinion free or costs a little and is one of the most popular in the crypto space. TCT need to partner with several popular influencers to create articles and videos and publish them on youtube and twitter X. All of this certainly comes at a cost, but if we believe that the project will survive and could be a success, then it is certainly worth it for everyone to help with our donations. The market for carbon credits is mind-bogglingly huge. It is already capitalized at around $1T and if TCT were to get just 0.01% it would be 5000X calculated at its current tiny price. I will say it again, but I think that either TCT goes to 0 or at least to 1000X and as carbon credits will become more and more in high demand and the market capitalization grows every year, also Oderli is an experienced businessman and has acquired 1 million carbon credits then I strongly believe that the time will come when TCT will be in higher demand and the price will grow to 1-5-20$ which is totally realistic! 🤷🏻😊 So guys, your thoughts?

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Let's hope so! What can we do as a community?

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