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Telegram-канал tupancrypto - Tupan.io


🌿 More than sustainability, we will promote regeneration by Tokens📈 Any questions: contact@tupan.io

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Good morning community, looks like the worse is behind us. Let’s start sharing the news and together push TCT 30x the next three months . It will be hard, but not impossible !

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Yes I do! He rushed talking about wallet while my question Is not about😂 l'escro

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You should know about scammers

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Good evening everyone.

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When does tupan reach $1?

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Reported Sledgehammer [982083639] to admins.

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I see that the supervisor does not respond to the questions of members and investors

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All these investors trusted the words and promises, and this approach and result was not correct at all

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The last 3 events Staking, Air-Drop and Surge were all executed poorly. From poor communication , to poor execution resulting in poor results. The silence isn’t helping, and excuse that something big is happening in the background doesn’t pass the smell test. Someone or something must change for all of our fortunes. Anybody else share my view ?

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Under the burning sun, I wither, I crumble,
I am a green plant, a soul in search,
Of fresh news, a breath, a tune,
For without news, I fade, I turn to dust too soon.

The TCT Tupan community, vast and bright,
Seeks to drink from a source of light,
Of living words, of captivating tales,
Without them, it will perish, like a ship without sails.

Quick, bring the news, let them fall like rain,
On this thirsty soil, on hearts in strain,
For we are plants, green with desire,
And without the water of news, all fades, all retires.

So send them forth, these words that warm,
Like rays of dawn on a cold, cold morn,
For we, TCT Tupan, live by their spark,
Without them, we are but shadows in the dark.

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It started this month anyways.

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Where is the TEAM WORK? What is cooking, to push up the price of TCT?

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I don't see any movement or action.
So what would TCT rise from?

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How many members think we will see 0.015 in the next 60 days? Explain why.

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Gabriel, is there any news?

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How many exchanges listed tupan token

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If you're asking if this is us, the answer is no.

We only answer here in this group chat, which is the official one.
We'll never DM anyone.

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1000x in 5 years would be great for me 💪🏻🚀

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This is a group dedicated to TCT news. Please do not confuse us and avoid posting things that are not related to the project.

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We hope to do things that help restore confidence to investors and hold competitions and advertisements about this project on all means of communication and media.

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Any news about the airdrop?

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Tupan should clarify the Futher Development???

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Time passes and nothing happens.😮‍💨

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Quick news, I am a green plant that is dying. The TCT Tupan community needs to drink fresh news or it will perish like a green plant lacking water.🥲

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I guess we are going to wait next month for the youtube live to see how the rally is going .

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Brother our think not matter
Team work is the all
I hope tct team work good

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I believe we will see 0,5$ in next twelve months

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Reported Shake56 [1617310358] to admins.

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Have a news for surge?

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