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اشنایی با دکتر میراحمدی؛ نحوه تدریس و برگزاری دوره ها برای ورود به کانال آموزشی ما کلیک کنید @efllearners

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

نظر به شرایط ویژه کنونی و نیاز مبرم شما عزیزان به آموزش از راه دور
آقای دکتر میراحمدی قصد دارند بزودی دوره های تخصصی مکالمه و آمادگی آیلتس را با کمترین هزینه و بیشترین بهره وری بصورت انلاین همزمان برگزار نمایند.

جهت کسب اطلاعات کامل پیام دهید.

(خانم خجسته مدیر دوره ها)

(دکتر میراحمدی استاد دوره ها)

شماره تماس استاد میراحمدی در صورت نیاز

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها


نظرات دوستانی که تو دوره ها شرکت کردن

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

پادکست تقویت شنیداری

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

دوره 4 ماهه متوسط تا پیشرفته

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

👈رزومه مدرس
میراحمدی هستم مدرس و مدیر کانال. لیسانس خودم رو در رشته ادبیات انگلیسی با معدل ۱۸.۰۲ از دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد گرفتم. در دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز در رشته اموزش زبان انگلیسی در مقطع کارشناسی ارشد با معدل ۱۷.۸۴ فارغ التحصیل شدم و برای ادامه تحصیل در مقطع دکتری اموزش زبان انگلیسی وارد دانشگاه علوم و تحقیقات تهران شدم و از رساله خود با موضوع تاثیر اموزش مجازی از طریق تلگرام بر تقویت مهارت گفتاری زبان اموزان ایرانی با کسب امتیاز عالی ۱۹ با موفقیت دفاع کردم. کار تدریس در کانون زبان ایران را همزمان با تدریس در دانشگاه از سال ۱۳۷۸ اغاز کرده و تاکنون مدت ۱۹ سال است ادامه داده ام. مفتخر به تدریس در دانشگاه ها و مراکز اموزش عالی علوم پزشکی تهران. سوره تهران. جهاد دانشگاهی علامه طباطبایی تهران. علوم و تحقیقات تهران. ازاد و پیام نور بوشهر و دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد جزیره خارگ شده ام. در پی سالهای تدریس به مشکلات زبان اموزان احاطه کامل داشته و مجهز به روشهای نوین اموزشی گشته ام. امید میرود بتوانم با کمک شما و تجربه خودم این مسوولیت سنگین اموزشی را با موفقیت به انجام برسانم.

👈ارتباط با مدرس
👈لینک کانال گرامر


شماره تلفن مستقیم آقای دکتر 👆

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Step 5_Listen to it again.👆📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Step 3_Listen to it again.👆📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Step 2_Words and Expressions

Jung Min: the girl from Korea
Jessica: the girl from the US

Sophomore is the student in the second year of college or high school. Others are:
Freshman: 1st year
Junior: 2nd year
Senior: 4th year

I take it .... means I guess or It seems that

Pretty means very or so before adjectives like:
Pretty cool or Pretty soon

Last means continue to exist

Excitement means pleasure or joy or fun

Wear off means fade away or become bad or weak

Real quick means really fast

Be into sth means like sth or be interested in sth
If you're into something, it means you really like it. 'I'm into listening to music. What are you into?' 'I'm into singing!'

Show sb around means take sb to different places esp for the first time

Offer means invitation or suggestion

Keep sth in mind means not forget sth or remember sth

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

👈 نمونه تدریس دوره دوماهه تقویت مکالمه و شنیداری از طریق پادکست👇👇👇

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Mike: Hi Tom. This is Mike.

Tom: Hi Mike. How is it going?

Mike: Not bad, thanks. What were you doing when I called?

Tom: Nothing special. I was just going over some of the notes we had in our history class.

Mike: I saw David in the park yesterday.

Tom: What was he doing there?

Mike: He was talking and walking with a friend.

Tom: Did you hear about Jack?

Mike: No, why? What's wrong with him?

Tom: As he was cheating on the exam, the teacher noticed him.

Mike: Too bad. What did the teacher do then?

Tom: He took his paper and led him out of the room while Jack was crying.


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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

اکنون نگاهی به شکل سوالی و منفی گذشته استمراری می اندازیم.

از انجا که در ساختار گذشته استمراری همواره was یا were قبل از فعل اصلی ing دار موجود است پس براحتی میتوان با جابجایی فعل to be و فاعل انرا سوالی و با افزودن not به فعل to be انرا منفی کرد.

Was it raining hard when you left home?
Were you crossing the street when the van ran to you?

It wasn't raining hard when I left home.
I wasn't crossing the street when the van ran to me.

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

ماضی یا همان گذشته ساده عملی است که در زمانی معین چه کوتاه چه بلند قبل از الان اتفاق افتاده و تمام شده است.

We had an exam yesterday.
ما دیروز امتحان داشتیم.

They moved to their new house on the weekend.
انها اخر هفته به خانه جدیدشان رفتند.

اما گذشته استمراری با داشتن اشتراکاتی با گذشته ساده در اینکه هر دو در زمان معینی در گذشته چه دور چه نزدیک اتفاق افتاده اند بر استمراری یا پیوسته بودن عمل تاکید میکند. این زمان که معمولا به همراه گذشته ساده می اید نشان میدهد عملی که در حال انجام بوده توسط عمل دیگری قطع شده است.

It was raining hard when I left home.
وقتی از خانه زدم بیرون باران شدیدی داشت میبارید.

As I was crossing the street, a van ran to me.
همینطور که داشتم از خیابان رد میشدم یک وان با سرعت به سمتم امد.

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

👈 نمونه تدریس گرامر کاربردی سه ماهه مبتدی تا پیشرفته👇👇👇

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

▶️ A lot more to learn👇

✅ Benefit and profit are not different.

✅ Deposit account is the same as Savings account.

✅ Current account is the same as Checking account.

✅ Draw a check is the same as write out a check

✅ We write a check out to sb

✅ When a check bounces to us we had less money than the amount of the check.

✅ Cash a check is to exchange the check with cash or money.

✅ Endorse a check means write some information on back of the check as name address phone no etc.

✅ Interest free means having no interest

✅ A blank cheque or carte blanche (US: blank check) is a cheque that has no numerical value written in, but is already signed.

✅ A bad check is a check written on an account that doesn't have enough money to cover the amount of the check.

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Vocabulary Expansion

Checking and Savings accounts

These are the two bank accounts we can have. Checking is the one in which money can be added or from which taken any time. It also comes with a checkbook.
Savings, on the other hand, gives us some interest and from which the money can not be taken out. Savings accounts ca be short-term,mid-term or long-term.

Withdraw v.
take out (money from account)

I would like to withdraw 400 dollars from my account.

Deposit v.
put in or add money to (account)

I would like to deposit 400 dollars in my account.

Interest n.
money charged for borrowing money or paid to sb who saves his money

Both receiving and giving interest are forbidden in Islam.

Receipt n.
a written statement that you give to sb showing that you have received money or sth from them

Make sure to show the receipt when you want to take it back.

Merchant n.
a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts

He is a clothes merchant.

Safe n. (plural safes)
a small or large strong box with a special lock for keeping money or other things

The burglar broke the lock on the safe and stole the money.

Valuable adj.
Precious or important

I love you because you are my valuable students.

Finance v.
privide a large amount of money to pay for sth

My office finances my studies at Azad University.

Financial adj.
Related to finance or money

The family are in a bad financial condition.

Exchange v.
give sth and receive sth in return

Do you like to exchange your umbrella with my pens.

Address v.
Send (a document or check)

The bank addressed the check to my friend in Shiraz.

Settle v.

Does anyone settle in that old house?

Credit n.
the belief that a person or business can pay debts

A property such as a house or a business can give you credit.

Resource n.
sth such as natural energy that exists in a country

We must try hard to save our natural resources.

Bill n.
a written list of services that you received and the money that you should pay

The waiter gave us the bill after wr finished the meal.

Listen plz.👇📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

توصیه استاد میراحمدی به زبان آموزان جدیدی که نگران سری جدید ۴۰۰۰ واژه ضروری هستند.

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رزومه آقای دکتر میراحمدی

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گرامر از مقدماتی تا پیشرفته

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

دوره 8 ماهه مقدماتی تا پیشرفته

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Step 6_Answer the comprehension questions.👇✍

1. How long has Jessica been a student?

2. How does Min feel in the U. S.?

3. What does Jessica think about the excitement?

4. When does the excitement wear off so quickly?

5. Why did Min come to the US?

6. Where has Jessica been before?

7. Why did Jessica go to Japan?

8. What's Jessica's father into?

9. Why did they cut the conversation off?

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Step 4_See the transcript👇✍

A: "Hi. What's your name?"
B: "My name is Jung Min. What's your name?"
A: "My name is Jessica. It's nice to meet you."
B: "Yes. It's nice to meet you too. Are you a new student too?"
A: "No. I'm a sophomore. I take it you are a new student?"
B: "Yeah. It's pretty exciting to be here."
A: "Have fun while it lasts. The excitement wears off real quick. Especially after you see how much homework you get. Where are you from?"
B: "I'm from Korea. My parents wanted me to go to an American university, so I came here."
A: "I have never been to Korea. I've been to Japan before, but never Korea."
B: "Why were you in Japan?"
A: "My father thought it would be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country. He's so into learning about different cultures."
B: "That's pretty cool."
A: "I thought it would have been more fun if I went without my parents."
B: "Well, if you ever want to visit Korea, I would be happy to show you around."
A: "Thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind. Oh, the professor is coming. We'll talk more after class."
B: "Ok."

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توضیحات بالا را به فارسی هم بشنوید.👇📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها


▶️ Introduction

You will hear two new classmates introducing themselves to each other.

Step 1_Listen👇📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

این پاراگراف را بخوانید.

When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service.

Yell فریاد زدن
Directions دستورات
Wave تکان دادن
Complain شکایت کردن


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حال کاربرد گذشته های ساده و استمراری را در متون ببینیم و بشنویم.👇✍ 📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

و اموختیم که برای سوالی کردن گذشته ساده اگر فعل های گذشته to be یعنی was و were در جمله بود جایشان را با فاعل عوض میکنیم. و اگر فعل غیر to be بود از کمکی Did در اول جمله و قبل از فاعل استفاده میکنیم.

Was the boss angry with you?
Did the boss talk to you angrily?

و برای منفی کردن اگر فعل to be در جمله بود فقط not را به ان اضافه میکنیم و اگر فعل to be در جمله نبود از کمکی didn't قبل از فعل اصلی استفاده میکنیم.
It wasn't so bad.
He didn't know that.

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها


◀️ در این جلسه خواهیم آموخت:

👈 مروری کوتاه بر ماضی ساده و استمراری
👈 سوالی و منفی کردن ماضی استمراری
👈استفاده کاربردی این دو زمان در متون

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Have fun dear all.🌹

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها

Now listen to some explanations in Persian.👇📞

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نمونه تدریس و شرایط ثبت نام دوره ها


▶️ Banking Terminology

In this session we are going to learn several technical terms related to banking services.

First read the following passage and then I will give you quite a few facts that can help you speak better.


We usually go to the bank to draw some money or deposit some. We can open either a checking account or a savings account. The bank doesn't pay any interest on a checking account. I may pay some interest on a savings account. When we deposit the money into our account, the bank clerk gives us a receipt.

Merchants and some other people put their money in the bank to keep it in a safe place. Banks have strong boxes called safes for keeping money and other valuable articles.

Banks also finance foreign trade and travel by exchanging the money from people's own country with the money from other countries. They also address checks and bills to people who settle in other cities or countries.

When you borrow some money from the bank with the purpose of buying a house or other things, you have to pay some interest on the loan. You should have no trouble getting the loan if you have good credit.

In the present century, banking is no longer an individual profit-making activity as it was in the past. It provides many financial services and is a good resource for the whole society.

Listen plz.👇📞

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