The sickest, rudest, most offensive, inappropriate & politically incorrect jokes — we've got them all!
"Hey silly, 你估啲英國佬識唔識欣賞我呢個笑話?"
A Chinese guy talked to his iPhone.
Thought I'd be generous enough to hand out some cookies and milk to the starving kids of Africa this Christmas, along with some toys. I told them they can keep the toys, but the cookies and milk are strictly for Santa.
Christmas these days is a lot like having sex, the build up is great but when it finally comes, I regret spending all that money.
Good news for all of you with a coke habit.
No more sleeps till Christmas.
The shortest day of the year. Thank fuck for that, soon be summer again with nice warm rain to look forward to.
My wife had just given birth to a baby boy.
10 pounds.
Or nearest offer.
I need the money for drugs.
90% of being married is shouting “WHAT?” from other rooms.
It didn’t matter how many times I said ‘focus’ to my wife while she was practising her reverse parking.
She still hit it.
My co-workers are like my Christmas lights…
Half of them don’t work and the other half aren’t that bright.
I've just received a cheeky card promising me a Christmas morning of hot anal sex!
I really fucking hate prison.
I’m not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I’ve seen what it can do to skyscrapers.
It's impossible to persuade kids these days to write a letter to Santa.
They simply don't believe in the existence of letters.
"I got fired today," I told my mate, "for downloading porn on the work computer and causing everything to crash."
"That's a bit harsh," he replied.
"They don't fuck around at Air Traffic Control," I said.
What’s the worst part about having a daughter with cancer?
You can’t pull on her hair while you rape her
It's shit when all your brothers & sisters grow up, leaving you alone with your parents.
Especially when you're the oldest.
Two black guys are sitting at a bar when a gay man walks in and asks them if they'd like some blowjobs.
The two black guys immediately beat the shit out of him and return to their seats.
The bartender asks, "What the hell did you do that for?"
One of the black guys says, "Well, I'm not sure exactly what he said, but he said something about jobs."
With all that's going on in the world, I am really heartened thinking about that magical being who will visit millions of starving African children this Christmas.
A black boy is helping his mom cook, when he puts flour on his face and says, "Look mom, I'm a white man!"
She slaps him and tells him to go say that to his grandma.
He goes to his grandma and says, "Look, I'm a white man!"
She slaps him too and tells him to go tell his father.
He goes to his father and says, "Look dad, I'm a white man!"
He slaps him too and asks, "What have you learned?"
The boy says, "I've only been white two minutes and I already hate you fucking nigger bastards."
You know you're fat when you drop something and think to yourself "Do I really need it?"
Is it just me? Or does anybody else not understand what girls with big tits are saying?
Two's company, three's a crowd.
So stop fucking making up genders.
I took my son to see Santa today, but as soon as he sat on his knee he started crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's this job mate, I fucking hate it."
Once, my dad found out I had an imaginary girlfriend:
- "You can do so much better, you know?", he said.
- "Thanks dad, that means so much to me".
- "I was talking to her..."
My wife caught me sleeping with my daughter. She wasn't that surprised to be honest.
She was more surprised that the doctor gave me the fetus
I call my wife Bambi.
She thinks its because she's cute with big brown eyes.
Actually it's because I would like someone to shoot her mother with a hunting rifle
Why do birds sing in the morning?
Because they ain’t got to go to fucking work!
When Muslim parents have to use the, "Open wide, here comes the airplane!" technique, do they just smash it in their face and make explosive noises?
My therapist told me that a great way to let go of your anger is to write letters to people you hate and then burn them...
I did that and I feel much better but I'm wondering...
Do I keep the letters?
I saw a dozen people running down the road earlier
I shouted 'Oi, what's going on?'
A bloke shouts 'a lions escaped from the zoo'
'Bloody hell, which way did it go?'
'You don't think we're fucking chasing it, do you?'
What's red and crawls up a woman's leg?
A homesick abortion.