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I’ve observed that we, as Africans, are evolving. We’re no longer as social as we once were. We don’t often greet strangers, and our interactions have become infrequent. This shift can be attributed to our current lifestyle and the pervasive influence of technology. It’s worth noting that mental health issues were less prevalent in the past. However, as we’ve advanced technologically, there’s been a corresponding rise in mental health cases. Simply picking up your phone and checking on a friend could potentially save a life. Visiting friends, greeting strangers, joining community groups, and opening up in these groups can be incredibly beneficial.

I’ve been going to the gym for the last five years, and it’s significantly improved my well-being. A gym can be a social hub. Lifting weights or running a mile on the treadmill triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters. Interacting with the friendly people at the gym can also boost your mood. So, consider subscribing to a local gym instead of heading to the bar in the evening.

On a final note, and this is very important, maybe I should have discussed it at the top. In today’s society, men are often the ones most affected by stress, primarily because we’re culturally conditioned not to express our emotions. Traditionally, a man is expected to be a pillar of strength for everyone else, but perhaps it’s time we had someone to lean on as well. Men often isolate themselves, while women tend to join local community groups and church communities. We, as men, need these supportive environments too, where we can interact and share our challenges.

If you’ve managed to read this article to this point, thank you so much. This journey through the landscape of mental health issues has hopefully reshaped your perspective. It’s a reminder that anyone can be affected, and it’s often the people we least expect. We’ve delved into the importance of observing telltale signs of mental illness in people around us, the value of joining supportive groups, and the necessity of expressing our emotions. We’ve also explored the benefits of joining the gym and treating ourselves kindly. Remember, you are important. We need you alive, happy, and mentally healthy. Let’s continue to spread awareness, break the stigma, and create a world where mental health is prioritized. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Your mental health matters, and there’s no shame in seeking help.

It’s important to remember that if you’re experiencing severe or distressing symptoms that have lasted two weeks or more, such as difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite or unplanned weight changes, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning because of mood, or difficulty concentrating, it’s essential to seek professional help

Written by Hilary Maingi

While I am not a health professional, I am a dedicated self-taught researcher with a deep concern for mental health issues in our society.

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Here is an article I felt compelled to write on the pressing issue of mental health.

📝 Take a moment to read it; the insights it offers could be beneficial for you or someone you care about.

💡 It's an important conversation that could make a difference. 💖

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This category requires a reference text. It involves rephrasing or modifying a given piece of text or any structured input to change the style, format, or writing quality while maintaining the original meaning.


Prompt: Put the following data into a table with the following columns: Owner, Name, Species.

People: Mary, John, and Luke

Pets: Cat, Dog, and Bird

Pet Names: Jake, Buffy, Brownie

Use these clues to decide who owns which pet, and what the pet's name is.

1) John's pet's name is Jake.

2) Brownie is the name of a bird.

3) Mary has a dog.

4) Jake is the name of a cat.



| Owner | Name | Species |


| John | Jake | Cat |

| Mary | Buffy | Dog |

| Luke |Brownie| Bird |


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This category requires a reference text. It requires the prompt to ask to pull out specific pieces of information from the reference text with certain guidelines.


Prompt: Give me all the sentences that include the word "beach" in them from the following text. Make a bulleted list with them.

Once upon a time, in a sunny little town, the children were longing for winter snow to build a snowman. But it was the middle of summer, and snow was nowhere to be found. That’s when little Emma had a brilliant idea. “Let’s make a summer snowman!” she exclaimed.

The children gathered at the beach, using sand instead of snow. They worked together, laughing and sharing, building the most wonderful sand snowman anyone had ever seen. He had a carrot nose, stick arms, and wore a sunhat and sunglasses, just like a true beachgoer.A Summer Snowman

As they admired their creation, an old man walked by and smiled. “You’ve made something special,” he said. “You’ve shown that with creativity and teamwork, you can enjoy any season to its fullest.”

The children learned an important lesson that day: joy doesn’t depend on the circumstances but on the imagination and cooperation of friends. And so, the summer snowman stood proudly on the beach, a symbol of their friendship and creativity.A Summer Snowman

A Summer Snowman’ is a charming children’s story set in a sun-drenched town. Yearning for winter fun, the local children, led by imaginative Emma, craft a unique snowman out of sand. Their teamwork and creativity bring to life a symbol of joy and cooperation, imparting a heartwarming lesson about making the most of every moment, regardless of the season.


🌹The children gathered at the beach, using sand instead of snow.

🌹He had a carrot nose, stick arms, and wore a sunhat and sunglasses, just like a true beachgoer.

🌹And so, the summer snowman stood proudly on the beach, a symbol of their friendship and creativity.

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✍️Researcher Perfect🎓™️

This category requires a reference text. For this category, the prompt asks to condense a longer piece of text into a summary, retaining the key points/details.


Prompt: Summarize the following text: The six continents span across the vast expanse of our planet, each offering unique landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems.


The Americas, divided into North and South, boast diverse landscapes from the Arctic tundra to the Amazon rainforest. Culturally rich, North America is marked by technological advancements, while South America pulsates with the rhythms of Carnival and the Andean peaks.


Asia, the largest continent, is a tapestry of ancient civilizations and modern marvels. From the Himalayas to the Arabian Desert, Asia embraces diverse traditions, languages, and religions, with economic powerhouses like China and technological hubs like Japan.


Africa, a continent of contrasts, showcases the Sahara Desert's vastness and the lush rainforests of the Congo Basin. Rich in biodiversity, Africa celebrates its cultural heritage with vibrant traditions, art, and music.


Europe, the cradle of Western civilization, weaves a story of history and innovation. From the snowy peaks of the Alps to the Mediterranean coasts, Europe's cities blend ancient charm with modern sophistication.


Oceania, a realm of islands scattered across the Pacific, is home to diverse cultures, including the indigenous peoples of Australia and New Zealand. Coral reefs, rainforests, and unique wildlife define this region.


Antarctica, the southernmost continent, is a frozen wilderness where ice-covered landscapes and penguins prevail. Though uninhabited by humans, it plays a crucial role in global climate systems.

Response: The six continents embrace diverse landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems. From Amazon rainforest in America, Asia's technological marvels to Africa's rich biodiversity, each continent contributes to Earth's unique tapestry. Europe, a cradle of civilization, balances ancient charm with modern sophistication. Oceania, scattered across the Pacific, celebrates diverse cultures and stunning natural beauty. Antarctica, a frozen wilderness, plays a crucial role in global climate systems. Together, these continents form a mosaic of experiences and histories that define our remarkable planet.

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This category does not require a reference text but it can have one. For this category, the prompt needs to contain a false premise to try to make the AI assistant generate a response based on that or trick it to follow a false reasoning path. This false information may be in any part of it, and may or may not be the main subject of the prompt.


Prompt: How can I use more than only 10% of my brain? ⬅️ The notion that humans only use 10% of their brains is a myth.

Response: Humans using only 10% of their brains is a myth. In fact, people use much more than 10% of their brains on a daily basis. Different regions of the brain are active and engaged in various activities and functions.+

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This category does not require a reference text. The tasks can either be an Open Question requesting an Answer, asking for the Generation of a piece of text, or anything else as long as it does not require a reference text.


Prompt: What is the US GDP for 2020? ⬅️ this is an open question that does not require a reference text.

Response: In 2020 the GDP shrank to a level of $20.94 trillion.

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This category does not require a reference text (it doesn't require a previous text or additional text provided in the prompt), a prompt in this category requires you to ask about a topic that generates doubt, lack of certainty, or due to the limited knowledge about the whole or parts of the prompts, it may generate partial responses. The response should acknowledge information limitations while trying to generate a comprehensive answer.


Prompt: When exactly will quantum computers be available to the public? ⬅️ In this case, even if there is information available about what a quantum computer is, it is not possible to know the exact date when it will be available.

Response: It is not possible to predict the exact time when quantum computers will be accessible. Quantum computing faces many technical difficulties, including issues related to error correction, stability of qubits, and scalability. Many researchers are actively working on solving these problems, but it may take years or decades before quantum computers become practical for general use. ⬅️The response acknowledged the information limitation.

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The seven categories

We’ll handle the following categories:


Constrained Open QA / Generation

False Premise





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Section 1: Categories

Each task requires the prompt and response to be of a specific Category and adhere to specific Requirements. These will be specified at the top of the task. We'll start checking the categories

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intro to nightngale canyon

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Sample paper: Managing Information Systems

Question 1

Information resources includes data and information that can be used by an organization. ABCU can use information resources to store and track any information related to student satisfaction rate, student retention rate, student progression rate as well as student completion rate. Any information and data related to these factors can help the university management to evaluate its progress over the years and also make informed decisions regarding the future operation and relationship with the students(Tsvetkov, 2016). One example in which information resources can be used strategically by ABCU…

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Sample paper:Emerging Technologies JD Finance Would Rely on


Emerging Technologies JD Finance Would Rely on

The emerging technologies JD Finance would use are blockchain technology, Machine learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Robotic Process Automation.

Blockchain technology can solve fundamental trust concerns, eliminate the need for facilitators and mediators because it is decentralized, and reduce the danger of human operational mistakes (AFP Mindshift, 2017). Blockchain simplifies banking and loans services by lowering facilitators’ risk and reducing dangers and settling transactions.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help JD Finance improve its security by studying and identifying standard…

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✍️Researcher Perfect🎓™️

Sample paper:Disruptive Technologies

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction​3

2.0 Artificial Intelligence​3

2.1 Benefits of artificial Intelligences​3

2.2 Limitation of artificial Intelligence​5

2.3 Ethical Issues​5

2.4 Security Issues​5

2.5 The impacts of the technology in my Future career role​6

3.0 Augmented Reality​6

3.1 Benefits​6

3.2 Limitations​7

3.3 Ethical issues​8

3.4 Security Issues​8

3.5 The impacts of the technology in my Future career role​8

4.0 Internet of things​9

4.1 Benefits​9

4.2 Limitations​10

4.3 Ethical and Security issues​10

4.4 Security Issues​11

4.5 The impacts of the technology in my Future career role​11

5.0 Conclusion​11


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Sample paper:Marketing Research Essentials

Hello Everyone

My name is (Student’s Name) and I would like to present about the marketing research essentials of the production and marketing of ice creams and the associated problem discussion.Perhaps, it is worth to note that when thinking to expand the brand, various matters should be considered to ensure success of the business. For instance, management issues is one the significant factor that should be considered when thinking to expand a brand. The management problem for the expansion of any business is mostly categorized into three…

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✍️Researcher Perfect🎓™️

Unmasking Mental Health: A Personal Journey Towards Understanding and Coping Strategies

What exactly is mental health? As per various authoritative sources, mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It significantly influences how we think, feel, and behave, and it’s crucial in determining how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices1235. In today’s world, numerous challenges, including economic issues and the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, are making it increasingly difficult for individuals to maintain their mental well-being. These everyday problems are intensifying the struggle for people to cope with mental health issues.

Just last year, a former house agent of mine tragically took her own life. She was a woman who was greatly admired by many. I remember a particular incident where she intervened in a dispute between me and my neighbour, although I won’t delve into the specifics. She had recently finished building her house and had only been living in it for two months when she was found lifeless in her home.

On a separate occasion, I was driving home from church just last Sunday when a well-dressed man at our estate gate approached me. He asked me to park my car and follow him to where he said I would be served a soda. His behavior suggested he was hallucinating, which could potentially be an early sign of schizophrenia. On the same day, a respected member of our community also tragically ended his life. The reasons behind his actions remain unclear. These incidents prompted me to delve deeper into the issue online, and I discovered that this problem is far more widespread than I had initially thought. The individuals who are dying by suicide are not always those who appear to be struggling; they are often the people we least expect - those who seem to be leading good lives, those we look up to, the trailblazers.

Please note that if you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, it’s essential to reach out for help. In Kenya, you can contact the Befrienders Kenya helpline at +254 722178177 or +254 736542304 for support. Numerous online resources are also available, such as the Taskforce on Mental Health in Kenya, Kenya Mental Health Policy, and Kenya – National Adolescent Mental Health Survey (K-NAMHS), which provide information on how to get help.

So, what can we do to ensure our mental well-being? How can we prevent ourselves from becoming the next victims of mental health issues or suicide? I conducted some research and was particularly struck by the advice shared by a member of my local community’s WhatsApp group. The member provided a list of strategies men could adopt to combat mental health issues. He emphasized, “In life, it’s crucial to remember that you can’t settle all financial expenses in one day; it’s essential to create time for rest. Sleep is indeed essential. Relaxing the brain, worrying less, thinking less, laughing more, and smiling more can all contribute to better mental health. Remember, everything will pass in time. Sometimes, it’s beneficial to sit outside quietly on your own, do nothing, say nothing, just admire the beauty of nature, and breathe in the fresh air calmly. While the advice was initially directed at men, it can be applied universally. The key takeaway is the importance of setting aside time for oneself. We are not Atlas, burdened with always holding up the world on our shoulders. Taking time to rest, relax, and indulge in self-care is essential. Additionally, seeking help when needed is crucial.

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if you want more remotasks info including questions and answers as well as screening tests show some love to this post and the above posts 👍

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False Premise:

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Constrained Open QA / Generation:

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Before we start, please have the instructions at hand.

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📘 Instructions
Please remember that this instruction applies to writers, reviewers, and raters alike. Keep in mind that as a writer, it's highly probable that you'll encounter review and rating tasks as well. You can review the instructions here.

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below are remotasks guidelines for Nightingale canyon

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discussion:Factors Affecting Fx Supply and Demand, and Consequently

Factors Affecting Fx Supply and Demand, and Consequently the AUD/EUR Exchange Rate on December 31, 2021

The forex exchange (Fx) is the largest market where participants sell and buy currencies and commodities. Fx rates are a sign of a country’s economic stability and a valuable tool for assessing a country’s economic growth. This is why the foreign exchange markets are so closely watched. There are things that when major countries controlling the world economy face them, they can affect the Fx market, making the market go according to how…

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Suspected Earning Manipulation of the Scentre Group Company

Information about Scentre Group

Scentre Group (SG) Company was founded in 2014 following merging with Westfield Retail Trust, Westfield Group, and a New Zealand management company. Scentre Group is a retail,residential property management firm specializing in renovation and retail shopping with luxury goods and a leisure experience. The Group invests in retailing, marketing, asset management, and the construction of residential and commercial buildings.

The analysis of what happened in Scentre Group FY18

In the 2018 annual report,…

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✍️Researcher Perfect🎓™️

Sample paper:Diary


Date | Process
3/9/2020 | Received assessment 3Allocated to do a topic titled “what is meant by market failure? List and discuss reasons for market failure
4/9/2020 | Began the research Visited above website discuss the main reasons for the market failure and factors that makes market to experience inadequate production and sup-ply of goods and services. The website showed that some of the reasons for the market failure includes…

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✍️Researcher Perfect🎓™️

Discussion:Contemporary Issues in Accounting

The concerned issue between the client and the firm is increased fee that has resulted from accounting regulations enforced by our company. The client is a real estate company and is concerned about the increased fee, which has resulted from increased regulations and other structural organization of the firm such as HR structure, high tax plan, increased complexity of strategies and business processes. The imposition of strict and complex regulations is likely to increase the cost of implementation and high time consumed when implementing the regulation. Additional labor is…

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