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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Barbara O’Neil on Two factors that could be causing your Vitamin B-12 deficiency

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Healthy Rawmazing Food


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Healthy Rawmazing Food

'So many people have not been paying attention to what's going on with our food today.'

Alfie Oakes at our Freedom Summit shared his thoughts on the changes to food production and the wisdom of eating God's food.

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Mushroom Fungi: To Eat or Not to Eat?

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Healthy Rawmazing Food


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Healthy Rawmazing Food

The system is hell bent with poisoning you at every turn.
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Baby formula then and now

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Essiac tea: scavenging of reactive oxygen species and effects on DNA damage - PubMed

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

10 anti-parasitic foods. (12 seconds)

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Healthy Rawmazing Food


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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Barbara O'Neil on pharmaceuticals

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Plant foods that contain complete proteins

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Check out our latest blog on Quercetin 👉🏼 https://shop.davidwolfe.com/blogs/learn/quercetin-benefits

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Eating an avocado every day can add years to your life


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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Schizandra FITT Extract eeTee
(in a Sealed Jar)
(Crystallized Powder, 60 grams)

"Nearly two decades of studying and consuming schizandra berries as well as growing them for years have taught me that this fruit is full of surprises: from its unique 5-chain-sugar-cyanidin pigmentation system to its unusual vigour in numerous climates to its surprisingly high shikimate content and to its extraordinary powers as an adaptogen, nootropic as well as survival food. Schizandra is a great ally of humankind." — David Avocado Wolfe

Schizandra is called the quintessence of Daoist Super Herbs because it has so many health-promoting functions.

*Tonifies All 3 Treasures (Chi, Jing, Shen)
*Nurtures All 5 Elements (Wood, Fire, Water, Metal, Earth)
*Enters All 12 Meridians

Dosage: Add 1 teaspoon (2g) to 6oz. of water, hot or room temperature, stir or shake until the powder completely dissolves.


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Healthy Rawmazing Food

2024 Dirty Dozen | Clean Fifteen

For more information visit ewg.org/foodnews

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Healthy Rawmazing Food


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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Why Canola Oil is Considered To Be One of the Most Dangerous. (18 seconds)

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Once upon a time all food was organic

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

5 Ways to Balance Your Gut

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

🥑 Avocado: The Skin Superfood 🌟

A new study reveals that eating one avocado daily could be the key to more youthful-looking skin! 🔬

The research found that after 8 weeks, women who consumed a daily avocado experienced:

✅ Increased skin elasticity
✅ Improved skin firmness
✅ Decreased signs of skin fatigue

Avocados are packed with skin-loving nutrients like healthy fats, carotenoids, and vitamins E & C, which may explain their anti-aging effects. 🌿

But the benefits don't stop there! Avocados have also been studied for their potential to support heart health, blood sugar balance, brain function, and more. 💪

Ready to incorporate this creamy green powerhouse into your diet for a glowing complexion and vibrant health? 🥗

Read the full article to learn more about the science behind avocados and skin aging! 🔍 https://greenmedinfo.com/content/avocado-skin-superfood-enhanced-elasticity-and-firmness

#AvocadoSkinBenefits #AntiAgingNutrition #SkinHealth #SuperfoodSkincare

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Nourish your liver with the detoxifying wonders of this underestimated herb called Dandelion.

Our liver is a remarkable organ because it has the ability to rebuild itself.

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

The Original Essiac Tea Recipe.docx

Making the tea may seem a lot but once you make it the first time it becomes easier. One batch can last you 12 months.

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Eat more from the earth 🪴

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Tennessee State Representative Scott Cepicky on the vaccine ‘lettuce’ bill that recently passed in the state requiring any food that contains a vaccine to be classified & labeled as a drug. (3 min, 33 sec)

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Read your food labels…

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Remember to drink your lemon water 🍋

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

This is huge. Everybody is looking for the answer to the clots. Turns out that sulforaphane in #broccoli (also VERY high in broccoli sprouts) accomplishes this. I drink broccoli sprout powder in my green smoothie each day. It's also anti-cancer. The research on sulforaphane is quite extensive. You can generate your own sulforaphane by simply buying broccoli sprout seeds and sprouting it yourself. Powerful medicine, no prescription needed, no doctor, no co-pay, no surveillance of your health by the medical cartels, etc. GROW YOUR MEDICINE! Article here: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-03-22-study-broccoli-compound-can-address-blood-clots.html

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Read ingredient labels

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Healthy Rawmazing Food

Remember what I was saying about the FDA working with their masters at BigPharma to destroy the Natural Products industry? Why? Because Natural Products actually work—and the beast system cannot have that; the beast system wants every choice to be toxic and fake. (3 min 32 sec)

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