The Greatest Quotes of all Time 💯 Join our group👇 Channel's Private Link:
Do more than just exist.
You've mastered surviving. It's time to live now.
And believe me,if it's meant for you, it will find you again.
It okay to have a different path.
My worls is dark,
but I'll surely light up yours.
Everybody wants the truth
but no one wants to be honest.
People who hide their
feelings usually care the most.
I'm at a point in my
life where I just want to
be very quiet.
You can become happy
just by deciding to be happy.
Always look at
what you have left.
Never look at
what you have lost.
Take time to do what makes your soul happy.
Life begins on the other of despair.
The beginning is always today.
Live life on your own terms
You can always start again.👊🏻
Stay close to those
who give peace to your soul.
Sometimes only you
will be able to save yourself.
Life is much better
when you are living
in the present moment.
Time has A way
of showing us what
matters in life.
Thr soulvis stronger
tban it's surroundings.
I feel that the
simplicity of life is
just being your self.
Confidence is my superpower.👐🏻
If we do not choose,
we will end up with none.