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Python Daily

Annoying shade of tex field | tkinter

Here's a picture of it:

I haven't seen anyone discuss this before so I am starting it.


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Python Daily

Kanban-Tui, Moving Cards around in the Terminal

* **What My Project Does**

Kanban-Tui is a CLI application to manage tasks and (hopefully) makes you more productive.
It is quite customizable and my motivation was to have a better experience using the fantastic [textual]( package than with my
previous project [kanban-python]( which just utilizes `rich`. It was also the first project, where I used `uv` and I wanted to get more comfortable with databases (sqlite).
With v0.2.0 I also included a `Demo Mode` to create a temporary database and config to play around and test things out.

You can find it on PyPi: [Link](

Source Code on github: [Link](

* **Target Audience** (e.g., Is it meant for production, just a toy project, etc.)

For everyone who likes to work in the terminal and does not want to miss a more graphical Interface. It is ready to use, but I plan to add multiple boards feature after vacation. That might lead to a db schema change, so keep that in mind, when playing around.

* **Comparison** (A brief comparison explaining how it differs from existing alternatives.)

Its similar to kanban-python, but has not yet all the features.
Also with the TUI I was able to utilize vim-like motions to move cards around, which comes closer to the feeling of actually moving


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Python Daily

Pre-commit hooks that autogenerate iPython notebook diffs

What My Project Does

Nowadays, I use iPython notebooks a lot in my software development nowadays. It's a nice way to debug things without having to fire up pdb; I'll often use it when I'm trying to debug and explore a new API.

Unfortunately, notebooks are really hard to diff in Git. I use magit and git diffs pretty extensively when I change code, and I rely heavily them to make sure I haven't introduced typos or bugs. iPython notebooks are just JSON blobs, though, so git gives me a horrible, incoherent mess. I basically commit them blindly without checking the code at all nowadays, which isn't ideal.

So to resolve this I generate a readable version of the notebook, and check the diff for that. Specifically, I wrote a script that extracts only the Python code from the iPython notebook (which is essentially a JSON file). Then, whenever I commit a change to the iPython notebook, it:

1. Automatically generates the Python-only version alongside the original notebook.
2. Commits both files to the repository.

To make sure it runs when I need it, I created a git pre-commit hook. Git's default pre-commit hooks are a little difficult to use, so I built a hook for


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Python Daily

Pyro5 and other similar packages

Does anyone use Pyro5 to work with Python objects over a network? What are the pros and cons of using the package? Are there other Python packages that offer this functionality?


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Python Daily

Keep posting your wins

Hello guys keep telling us your wins. That keeps many of us motivated bigtime, and remember there is no small or big wins...a win is a win.


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Python Daily

Python 3.12 vs Python 3.13 – performance testing

This article describes the performance testing results of Python 3.13 compared to Python 3.12. A total of 100 various benchmark tests were conducted on computers with the AMD Ryzen 7000 series and the 13th-generation of Intel Core processors for desktops, laptops or mini PCs.


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Python Daily

Finally I make money from my django project

It was quite long journey.. it took about a year and a half to build and no sales for 4months.. I was quite depressed..

I figured out what to fix and my site started to make sales and now I make $100~$200 in revenue everyday. It is not that big amount but I can do this for living and I know how to scale up

I feel really thanks to django foundation..
If I chose nodejs or something else I wouldnt build a service for living in that short period of time..


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Python Daily

Speeding up PyTest by removing big libraries

I've been working on a small project that uses "big" libraries, and it was extremely annoying to have `pytest` to take 15–20 seconds to run 6 test cases that were not even doing anything.

Armed with the excellent [PyInstrument]( I went ahead to search for what was the reason.

Turns out that biggish libraries are taking a lot of time to load, maybe because of the `importlib` method used by my `pytest`, or whatever.

But I don't really need these libraries in the tests … so how about I remove them?

# tests/
import sys
from unittest.mock import MagicMock

def pytest_sessionstart():
sys.modules['networkx'] = MagicMock()
sys.modules['transformers'] = MagicMock()

And yes, this worked wonders! Reduced the tests run from 15 to much lower than 1 second from `pytest` start to results finish.

I would have loved to remove `sqlalchemy` as well, but unfortunately `sqlmodel` is coupled with it so much it is inseparable from the models based on `SQLModel`.

Would love to hear your reaction to this kind of heresy.


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Python Daily

Need assistance connecting SQL Alchemy app db to Web App

I am building a WebApp with Flask, and Python. I have attempted to connect the database to the app, but I am unable to enter/retain any data. I am certain the databaseb exists, as I can see the empty file and can read the success messages:

Database URI: sqlite:///projects.db

Database initialized successfully.

* Debugger is active!

I get the error below when attempting to enter any data as a result:

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: projectsqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: project


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Python Daily

Tuesday Daily Thread: Advanced questions

# Weekly Wednesday Thread: Advanced Questions 🐍

Dive deep into Python with our Advanced Questions thread! This space is reserved for questions about more advanced Python topics, frameworks, and best practices.

## How it Works:

1. **Ask Away**: Post your advanced Python questions here.
2. **Expert Insights**: Get answers from experienced developers.
3. **Resource Pool**: Share or discover tutorials, articles, and tips.

## Guidelines:

* This thread is for **advanced questions only**. Beginner questions are welcome in our [Daily Beginner Thread](#daily-beginner-thread-link) every Thursday.
* Questions that are not advanced may be removed and redirected to the appropriate thread.

## Recommended Resources:

* If you don't receive a response, consider exploring r/LearnPython or join the [Python Discord Server]( for quicker assistance.

## Example Questions:

1. **How can you implement a custom memory allocator in Python?**
2. **What are the best practices for optimizing Cython code for heavy numerical computations?**
3. **How do you set up a multi-threaded architecture using Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?**
4. **Can you explain the intricacies of metaclasses and how they influence object-oriented design in Python?**
5. **How would you go about implementing a distributed task queue using Celery and RabbitMQ?**
6. **What are some advanced use-cases for Python's decorators?**
7. **How can you achieve real-time data streaming in Python with WebSockets?**
8. **What are the


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Python Daily

Auth external provider ?

Looking to use Supabase or Auth0 for auth.

I am leaning towards Supabase as their free tier also offers a managed db which looks generous.

Anyone got any recommendations of auth? Looking for Google SSO mainly. Something with a decent free tier


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Python Daily

My first python package got 844 downloads 😭😭

I know 844 downloads aint much, but i feel so proud.

This was my first project that i published.

Here is the package link: [](

Source code: [](

## **What My Project Does**

My project is a library for rendering custom font using opencv.

## **Target Audience**

* Computer vision devs
* People who are working with text and images etc

## **Comparison** 

From what ive seen there arent many other projects out there that does this, but some of similar projects i have seen are:

* []( this project get the job done, but have really messy code and doesnt have any documentation.


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Python Daily

Old school 2000s mouse accessory: Particles following your mouse! Get color under cursor! And more!

I would have loved to instead call this thread: "You can now have shit stuck to your mouse", but I felt it wouldn't take very long until it was removed.

# What my project does:

I've had an idea somewhere in 2022: I want rainbow trails for my mouse cursor. Available software was naught. So I made it myself!
- It can draw particles of any number and color spawning from your mouse cursor. With multiple vectors, influences from mouse motion and rotation, many ideas can be realized: Crazy or decent, river or beehive, smoke or explosion.
- or it can be the time
- Get RGB or RGB complementary color
- or get RYB and RYB complementary color from under it.
- Also useless stuff like the time with milliseconds, system cpu and ram usage, individual or at the same time, if you need it visible there for some obscure reason.
- An image is also possible - default is the poop emoji, of course.

(Just got a new idea: get color from under cursor and spawn particle with it for a sort of "scraping off pixels" effect)

The function to


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Python Daily

Which tier for how many average users ?

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to buy my own server for the first time. What criteria do I need to consider before buying? I know I can change the plan and I'm asking for educational purposes. I'm curious about how many requests each server can handle and how many users it can support. Thanks!

KVM 1~~US$13.99~~SAVE 64%US$4.99/mo

For 24-month term

Choose planUS$7.99/mowhen you renew1 vCPU core4 GB RAM50 GB NVMe disk space4 TB bandwidthData centers worldwideLinux operating systems


KVM 2~~US$17.99~~SAVE 61%US$6.99/mo

For 24-month term

Choose planUS$10.99/mowhen you renew2 vCPU cores8 GB RAM100 GB NVMe disk space8 TB bandwidthData centers worldwideLinux operating systemsKVM 4~~US$29.99~~SAVE 65%US$10.49/mo

For 24-month term

Choose planUS$22.99/mowhen you renew4 vCPU cores16 GB RAM200 GB NVMe disk space16 TB bandwidthData centers worldwideLinux operating systemsKVM 8~~US$59.99~~SAVE 66%US$19.99/mo

For 24-month term

Choose planUS$44.99/mowhen you renew8 vCPU cores32 GB RAM400 GB NVMe disk space32 TB bandwidthData centers worldwideLinux operating systems


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Python Daily

I want to create nth number of forms on an html page using pure flask and jinja and flask wtf forms. Is this possible and what would be the best way ?

I want to create nth number of forms on an html page using pure flask and jinja and flask wtf forms. Is this possible and what would be the best way ?


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Python Daily

Tips for Command Line Project

Hello! I'm making a short project to have a little experience creating a command line tool, as well as getting a project onto PyPI. Mainly, I'm doing this because I think it's cool, and it would be awesome if a friend could pip3 install my project and just have a CLI tool off the install, similar to how the `qrcode` Python library comes with the `qr` CLI tool when installed. If you have any tips **AT ALL** for anything you see, like project organization, overall Python usage, or too many commits (is that possible), please tell me, I'm a sponge for info!

I'm still making the GUI portion, but the actual command line part should be done!

Off a google search, I understand there is already a PyPI project [Jonathan Löfgren\]( made some time ago for converting paces into different distance paces. The purpose of my project here is to get a little experience creating a CLI tool I could use along with the overall process of getting something onto PyPI that works. If what I'm doing is majorly wrong, however, please tell me, I don't know!

PyPI Page:

GitHub Source Code link:


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Python Daily

D Self-Promotion Thread

Please post your personal projects, startups, product placements, collaboration needs, blogs etc.

Please mention the payment and pricing requirements for products and services.

Please do not post link shorteners, link aggregator websites , or auto-subscribe links.


Any abuse of trust will lead to bans.

Encourage others who create new posts for questions to post here instead!

Thread will stay alive until next one so keep posting after the date in the title.


Meta: This is an experiment. If the community doesnt like this, we will cancel it. This is to encourage those in the community to promote their work by not spamming the main threads.


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Python Daily

Wednesday Daily Thread: Beginner questions

# Weekly Thread: Beginner Questions 🐍

Welcome to our Beginner Questions thread! Whether you're new to Python or just looking to clarify some basics, this is the thread for you.

## How it Works:

1. Ask Anything: Feel free to ask any Python-related question. There are no bad questions here!
2. Community Support: Get answers and advice from the community.
3. Resource Sharing: Discover tutorials, articles, and beginner-friendly resources.

## Guidelines:

This thread is specifically for beginner questions. For more advanced queries, check out our [Advanced Questions Thread](#advanced-questions-thread-link).

## Recommended Resources:

If you don't receive a response, consider exploring r/LearnPython or join the Python Discord Server for quicker assistance.

## Example Questions:

1. What is the difference between a list and a tuple?
2. How do I read a CSV file in Python?
3. What are Python decorators and how do I use them?
4. How do I install a Python package using pip?
5. What is a virtual environment and why should I use one?

Let's help each other learn Python! 🌟


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Python Daily

Requiring approval for certain actions


I am trying to figure out if there is a way for me to implement some form of authorization for an action to occur for example if someone wants to do a task on the web app which would change a lot of data I want that action to have to be approved by someone else first, is there a known way in which this could be implemented in flask?


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Python Daily

Hi! 😊 I'm a self-taught backend developer

I've learned Django, REST API, Docker just finished learning it today and it was easy and fun , and many other skills.
Here’s a list of what I've learned so far:
Django rest
Django channels
html and css
I've also completed several projects, including:
ecommerce website
Real-time chat app
To-do list app
CRUD application
Portfolio website

I’m not sure what to learn next to land a job i have nobdy to guide my what to do next im right know in a rabbit hole . Any advice would be awesome! 🙏


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Python Daily

Qtcord - A lightweight, native Discord client for Windows and Linux

Ever noticed that the normal Discord client is bloated and takes too long to load for quick conversations? Well, here's the solution. Qtcord is a very lightweight Discord client written by the open source community and me.

Shoutout to randomusername-a for optimizing the backend and improving the UI of this project!

# How Qtcord works.

Qtcord uses Python Requests to send and retrieve data from the Discord API.

I reverse engineered some of the requests with the browser devtools network tab. The rest were implemented from documentation/tutorials that various people wrote online, including the actual Discord API docs!

For the GUI, I chose PySide6 because it is very easy to use, especially with Qt Designer. This saved me time hardcoding the UI.

# Target Audience

Qtcord is designed for people who don't need the extra features and ads from Discord.

# Why is Qtcord different?

Qtcord is different because it is native. For example, the normal Discord client takes around 500 MiB of RAM. Qtcord only takes 138 MiB of RAM.

# Downloads and Source

You can get builds of Qtcord here.

Please give my source code repository for Qtcord a star if it's interesting! 🌟


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Python Daily

Having issues deploying my flask app on vercel. Please Help!!!

This is the error I'm getting on vercel

in my vercel.json I have

    "version": 2,
        "src": "",
        "use": "@vercel/python"
        "src": "/(.*)",
        "dest": ""

This is my file structure


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Python Daily

Full Stack Web Developer Hiring

Hi everyone, we have added a new job on our platform. If you are looking for a Full Stack Web Developer position please check the link below

Role - Full Stack Web Developer in Ashburn, Virginia, United States (Remote, Full-Time)

Job Link -


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Python Daily

Teaching the world's largest programming lesson

This past Saturday I taught the world's largest programming lesson, with 1668 students, breaking the previous record of 724 students.

We broke the record in Portugal 🇵🇹 and the event was co-organised by a local university and a company I used to work at.

It was an insane event.
I have been in plenty of events with WAY more than 2k people.
Music festivals, sports matches, etc.
And yet, nothing beat being on stage, teaching Python to ~1750 students.
(The official record is at 1668 because some students were disqualified for not actually following the lesson 🤦.)

The lesson was split in three and I taught the middle segment, which was scheduled to last for half of the lesson.

The professor before me taught the students what an algorithm was, conceptually.
One of the examples provided was a brute forcy algorithm to solve a Sudoku puzzle.

Then, I taught them some basic Python syntax.
The objective was for me to introduce enough syntax so that we could implement the algorithm described in the first part on top of an abstraction that I created beforehand.

Finally, a third professor showed a couple of more advanced applications of Python, like creating a RAG application to interact with a major literary work that Portuguese students


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Python Daily

Which libraries have the best docs?


Out of all the available python libraries and frameworks, which ones do you think have the best documentation?

I am looking for examples to learn how to create good docs for a project I am working on.



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Python Daily


Released Django-Routify new v0.3.3 version with cool feature and has been writen documentation!

Downloads last month on PyPI: 1800+


Check docs here:

Django-Routify is a lightweight package designed to simplify routing views in the classic Django framework.



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Python Daily

I made a website for finding deals on Pokemon cards on Ebay



What My Project Does

For the past few weeks I've been working on a Pokemon deal finder website. It works by finding listings from Ebay and card valuations from Pricecharting then returns the listings with the biggest difference in card price compared to card valuation.

It searches Ebay for 112 different sets and right now it has around 200,000 listings.

The listings will be updated every 8 hours.

It seems pretty successful at identifying cards. Most of the misidentification seems to be when a seller has mislabelled the card or set in the title, but for the most part, it seems good at identifying the cards.

It seems to find deals well, though a lot of the deals are heavily played cards that are underpriced due to their condition. For example, on the front page, there's a heavily played Umbreon EX #112 from Unseen Forces that's valued at $165.60 and the price is $19.96.

Target Audience

There's a large market for people buying and selling cards on Ebay. Users are constantly looking for good deals, and this tool is a way to automate looking for deals by comparing listing prices to valuations.


There was a site a while ago that I believe did the same thing,


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Python Daily

How to enable zsh terminal in jupyter when launching from conda environment

So basically I want the terminal that is launched within jupyter (specifically jupyter-lab) to be zsh instead of bash.
If I am have not expressed the my querry clearly attached screenshots might help.
ss-1: default zsh shell with 'ml0' conda env
ss-2 : terminal launched from jupyter-lab uses bash by default and also loses the conda env
And my major motive is to preserve the conda environment in the jupyter from which it is launched.


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Python Daily

Comprehensive Django Deployment Guide for Beginners


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Python Daily

Database preference

Hey all, newish to python, wanted to start working with data. In my previous work i dealt a lot with sql, so iam used to looking at that type of layout. What do yall suggest that has a similar layout. Thanks!


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