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Telegram-канал prograchallenges - Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer


I will make you the best Programmer you can be! Group of the best friends you can have: Challenge ideas: @BinaryByter Youtube:

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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a string and a list of words, implement a function that checks whether the string can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words, using dynamic programming approach.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency matrix, implement a function that finds the minimum spanning tree of the graph using Prim's algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given two words and a list of words, implement a function that finds the shortest sequence of transformations from the start word to the end word, where each transformation is a change of a single letter to any other letter.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency matrix, implement a function that finds the shortest path between every pair of vertices using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a string, implement a function that performs basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes - 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Implement the bubble sort algorithm for sorting a list of integers.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes - 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Implement a function that returns the nth Fibonacci number in a sequence.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that finds the maximum sum that can be formed by selecting any contiguous subsequence of the integers.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency matrix and a starting vertex, implement a function that finds the shortest path to every other vertex in the graph using Dijkstra's algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a list of stock prices, implement a function that finds the maximum profit that can be made by buying and selling the stock, with the restriction that you can't buy and sell the stock on the same day.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a matrix of integers where each cell represents the cost of traversing that cell and a starting position, implement a function that finds the path with the minimum cost from the starting position to the bottom-right corner of the matrix.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a string, implement a function that checks whether the string has balanced parentheses or not.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that counts the number of times a given integer occurs in the list.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Implement a function that takes in two strings and returns a boolean indicating whether or not the second string is an anagram of the first string.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given an array of integers, implement a function that finds the contiguous subarray with the largest sum, and returns the sum
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given two images represented by two matrices, implement a function that finds the location of the template image within the larger image using the normalized cross-correlation method.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency matrix, implement a function that colors the graph with the minimum number of colors such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color, using the Welsh-Powell algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given an array of integers, implement a function that finds the contiguous subarray with the largest sum of its elements.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Implement the quicksort algorithm for sorting a list of integers.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given the root of a binary tree, implement a function that performs a zigzag level-order traversal of the tree and return a list of lists of the nodes at each level.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given an array of non-negative integers representing a landscape, where the width of each bar is 1, implement a function that finds the amount of water that can be trapped in the landscape.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Implement a function that returns a list of all prime numbers less than a given number n
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that finds the maximum product that can be formed by selecting any subset of the integers.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a list of strings, implement a function that finds the longest common prefix of the strings.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given the root of a binary tree, implement a function that performs a level-order traversal of the tree and return a list of lists of the nodes at each level.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given an array and a number k, implement a function that rotates the elements of the array by k positions to the right.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a string, implement a simple encryption method that shifts each letter of the string by a given number of positions and returns the encoded string.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given two words and a list of words, implement a function that finds the length of the shortest sequence of transformations from the start word to the end word such that only one letter can be changed at a time, and each transformed word must exist in the given list of words.

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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given two sequences, implement a function that finds the length of the longest common subsequence of the two sequences and returns it.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Implement a function that takes in a string and returns the number of vowels in the string.
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