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Telegram-канал prograchallenges - Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer


I will make you the best Programmer you can be! Group of the best friends you can have: Challenge ideas: @BinaryByter Youtube:

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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer


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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency matrix and a starting and goal vertex, implement a function that finds the shortest path from the starting vertex to the goal vertex using A* search algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a set of points in two-dimensional space, implement a function that performs k-means clustering on the set, using the Lloyd's algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a number n, implement a function that returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence using recursion
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Dijkstra's Shortest Path
Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a directed graph represented by an adjacency matrix and a source vertex, implement a function that finds the shortest path from the source vertex to all other vertices using Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that performs a bubble sort on the list
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a set of data points and a cost function, implement a function that finds the minimum of the cost function using gradient descent algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency list and a starting vertex, implement a function that performs a breadth-first search of the graph and returns a list of the visited nodes
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a set of items, each with a value and a weight, and a knapsack with a maximum weight capacity, implement a function that finds the maximum value that can be placed in the knapsack using a greedy algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Summer break 😎

Prograchallenges is on summer vacation the first 2 weeks in July. Hope you have had an amazing 2023 so far, and remember to take some time off and be outside.

See you soon again!

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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given an image represented by a matrix, implement a function that segments the image into multiple regions using the region growing algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a set of cities and the distance between each pair of them, implement a function that finds the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city using the branch and bound algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given an undirected graph represented by an adjacency matrix, implement a function that finds the smallest number of colors that can be used to color the graph such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color, using the Welsh-Powell algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a network represented by a directed graph with capacities on the edges, implement a function that finds the maximum flow through the network using the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a set of points in two-dimensional space that represent the corners of a polygon, implement a function that finds the smallest number of guards that can be placed at the vertices of the polygon such that every point on the interior of the polygon is visible to at least one guard, using the Chvátal's algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a sequence of complex numbers, implement a function that performs a Fourier transform on the sequence using the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a sorted list of integers, implement a function that performs a binary search on the list and returns the index of the element if found or -1 if not found
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that performs a heap sort on the list
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Languages: Any
Given a tower of n discs stacked in decreasing order of size and 3 pegs, implement a function that solves the tower of Hanoi puzzle by moving the discs from the first peg to the last peg with the help of the middle peg.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that performs a quicksort on the list
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a string of characters, implement a function that performs Huffman coding on the string to compress it.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a graph represented by an adjacency list, implement a function that performs a depth-first search of the graph, and returns a list of the visited nodes.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 1 hour - 2 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given an undirected graph represented by an adjacency matrix, implement a function that finds the minimum spanning tree using the Prim's algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 2 hours - 3 hours
Difficulty: Hard
Languages: Any
Given a directed graph represented by an adjacency matrix and a source vertex, implement a function that finds the shortest path from the source vertex to all other vertices using the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a set of points in two-dimensional space, implement a function that performs single-linkage clustering on the set, using the nearest-neighbor algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given an undirected graph represented by an adjacency matrix, implement a function that finds the minimum spanning tree using the Kruskal's algorithm
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a list of integers, implement a function that constructs an AVL tree from the list and a function that performs an in-order traversal of the tree
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given a target value and a list of coin values, implement a function that finds the number of ways to make the target value using the given coin denominations with dynamic programming.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given the root of a binary tree, implement a function that performs a preorder, in-order and post-order traversal of the tree.
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Programming Challenges - How to be a breathtaking Programmer

Time: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Difficulty: Medium
Languages: Any
Given two strings text and pattern, implement a function that finds all occurrences of pattern in the text using the Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm
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