First Telegram Data Science channel. Covering all technical and popular staff about anything related to Data Science: AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Statistics, general Math and the applications of former. To reach editors contact: @haarrp
DeepMind is pushing the boundaries to build better game AI. Python bindings are available.
#rl #deepmind #blizzard #python
Research group at MIT discovered new way of tracking sleep phase. WiFi can interfere, but they used deep learning to clear the signal and to achieve 80% accuracy in sleep stage prediction, compapable with a lab equipment.
#timeseries #eeg #deep_learning #mit #sleep
#cv #photoes
Читать полностью…Russian Search Engine has opened sources of the CatBoost — library which claims to be replacement of Yandex’s famous MatrixNet. Researches claim that CatBoost results are comparable with XGboost.
#opensource #yandex #xgboost #catboost
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Pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot. Front-end developers might start getting scared.
Notes on effectively Using Matplotlib:
#python #vizualization
Using Deep Learning at Scale in Twitter’s Timelines
Learning Deep Learning with Keras
Andrew Ng has announced new Deep Learning course on Coursera:
“ Announcing new Deep Learning courses on Coursera” andrewng/deeplearning-ai-announcing-new-deep-learning-courses-on-coursera-43af0a368116" rel="nofollow">
#coursera #deep_learning earning #dl #andrewng
Non-NLP application of Word2Vec
#nlp #w2v @word2vec
Читать полностью… stunning demo for turning your hand drawing pictures into actual photoes.
#CV #pix2pix #tensorflow
Microsoft released new version of High-Performance, Open-Source, Deep Learning Toolkit
#microsoft #nvidia #news
Data Science:
“Deep adversarial learning is finally ready 🚀 and will radically change the game”
Picasso: A free open-source visualizer for Convolutional Neural Networks:
#vizualization #deeplearning
A Neural Representation of Sketch Drawings
#deeplearning #sketch
Deep Learning Papers by task
#deeplearning #list #github