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📢 اليوم باذن الله تعالى❗️

🎙 ‎@Mpubs الدرس الأسبوعي مع الترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية

📓 الدرس الثاني والأربعون :

📖 الشبهة الرابعة عشرة: فضائح الغرب. (الجزء السادس)

📚شرح كتاب "شبهات حول الإسلام والرد عليها"

👤للشيخ الفاضل أبي عمار علي الحذيفي الشرفي العدني حفظه الله ورعاه 🇾🇪

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إن شاء الله

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

Alḥamdulillah last night, after years we completed Imām Nawawī’s 40 Hadith with our Shaykh @AbuHakeemBilal
A tremendously beneficial explanation replete with gems that intimately acquaint the Muslim with the Sunnah
May Allāh place it in our scale of good & allow us to benefit

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

📌Tonight’s Lesson will be on The Hadith:

On the authority of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Allah the Almighty has said: ‘O Son of Adam, as long as you invoke Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and you then asked forgiveness from Me, I would forgive you. O Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the Earth, and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it [too].’ ” It was related by at-Tirmidhi, who said that it was a hasan hadeeth.
عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ: سَمِعْت رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم يَقُولُ: قَالَ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى: "يَا ابْنَ آدَمَ! إِنَّكَ مَا دَعَوْتنِي وَرَجَوْتنِي غَفَرْتُ لَك عَلَى مَا كَانَ مِنْك وَلَا أُبَالِي، يَا ابْنَ آدَمَ! لَوْ بَلَغَتْ ذُنُوبُك عَنَانَ السَّمَاءِ ثُمَّ اسْتَغْفَرْتنِي غَفَرْتُ لَك، يَا ابْنَ آدَمَ! إنَّك لَوْ أتَيْتنِي بِقُرَابِ الْأَرْضِ خَطَايَا ثُمَّ لَقِيتنِي لَا تُشْرِكُ بِي شَيْئًا لَأَتَيْتُك بِقُرَابِهَا مَغْفِرَةً" . رَوَاهُ التِّرْمِذِيُّ [رقم:3540]، وَقَالَ: حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ.

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

📣الآن بث مباشر❗️

🎙 ‎@Mpubs الدرس الأسبوعي مع الترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية

📓 الدرس الواحد والأربعون:

📖 الشبهة الرابعة عشرة: فضائح الغرب. (الجزء الخامس)

📚شرح كتاب "شبهات حول الإسلام والرد عليها"

👤للشيخ الفاضل أبي عمار علي الحذيفي الشرفي العدني حفظه الله ورعاه 🇾🇪


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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

📢 اليوم باذن الله تعالى❗️

🎙 ‎@Mpubs الدرس الأسبوعي مع الترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية

📓 الدرس الواحد والأربعون:

📖 الشبهة الرابعة عشرة: فضائح الغرب. (الجزء الخامس)

📚شرح كتاب "شبهات حول الإسلام والرد عليها"

👤للشيخ الفاضل أبي عمار علي الحذيفي الشرفي العدني حفظه الله ورعاه 🇾🇪

⌚️ الساعة ٨:٣٠م بتوقيت مكة

📅 كل سبت


إن شاء الله

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

🕋Daʿwah to Tawḥīd Includes To The Muslims and Non-Muslims

🖋by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam

🎞Short Video Clip [2 Mins] with EXCELLENT VISUAL EFFECTS

🍃Muslims - Those who have fallen into errors
🍂Non-Muslims - Call to worship Allāh alone

🎥From @Mpubs Video Class in Kitāb at-Tawḥīd

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


‎📢ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Presents

📃Weekly LIVE Q&A Session

‎👤With The Noble Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī حفظه الله

‎📝LIVE Eng Translation


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📢 *LIVE NOW*❗️

🎙ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Lesson

📜Explanation of The Book, *“Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them”*

👤 _Written and Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī {حفظه الله}_

🇾🇪 _From the Mashāyikh of Yemen_
📝 Translated LIVE Into English
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻Radio 2 @

📱 _Mixlr ID: Radio Mpubs 2_

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

🔉NEW ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Audios

📚[Class 19] & [Class 20] 🚺 *Polygyny as it Relates To Islām*

📖Book: Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them

👤Written & Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī


💎 *GEMS In Understanding The Wisdom and Beauty of Polygyny In Islam*

📃See The Image Below For The Points Covered In These Two Classes

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين

⏱In 10 Mins...

📣 *CLASS 5*❗

📘Chapter 3 - Fear of Shirk

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_

⌚️3pm T&T | 2pm EST (NY) | 7pm GMT (UK)
📡 LIVE Video ONLINE Via:

إن شاء الله

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📝Class 4 Notes:

📘[Chapter 2] - Perfect Tawhīd Enters One Into Paradise Without Reckoning

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_

✏️TAKE QUIZ 04 - Class 04❗️via google forms

✅Test Your Retention of The Material


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📅 *Every Wednesday*

‎📢ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Presents

🎙A Short Reminder and Guidance

📃Followed by Our Weekly LIVE Q&A Session

‎👤With The Noble Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī حفظه الله

‎📝LIVE Eng Translation

⌚️1pm T&T | 12pm EST | 5pm GMT

‎إن شاء الله

📃Today’s Questions:
📌A shepherd killing a dog that kills his sheep
📌Students establishing jumuah at their school
📌Saying Alḥamdulilāh for multiple sneezes
📌Saying kids will pay for the sins of a father
📌What is considered gambling
📌Hijrah if we can practice Islam freely
📌A father giving all his wealth before he dies

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📘Chapter 3 - Fear of Shirk

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_
📡 LIVE Video ONLINE Via:

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🔉NEW ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Audio

📚[Class 18] 🚺 Polygyny as it Relates To Islām

📖Book: Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them

👤Written & Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī


📃See The Image Below For The Points Covered In These Two Classes

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


📘Chapter 2 - Perfect Tawhīd Guarantees Paradise

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd

🖊 Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb

👤Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}

⌚️3pm T&T | 2pm EST (NY) | 7pm GMT (UK)
📡 LIVE Video ONLINE Via:

إن شاء الله

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


📚 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Lesson

📓 Class 42

📜Explanation of The Book, “Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them”

📖 *Today's Lesson : The 14th Doubt - Scandals of The West* (Part6)

👤 Written and Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī {حفظه الله}

🇾🇪 From the Mashāyikh of Yemen

⌚12:30pm EST (NY) | 1:30pm AST (T&T) | 5:30pm GMT (UK) | 8:30pm KSA
📝 Translated LIVE Into English
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻 _Mixlr ID: Radio Mpubs 2_
‎إن شاء الله

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


📚 *ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ* Weekly Lesson

📜 *The Explanation of The Forty Ḥadīth of Imām An-Nawawī*

‎📖 Tonight’s Lesson:

📜 *Ḥadīth 42 - Repentance التوبة:*

👤 Taught By Shaykh Abū Ḥākīm Bilāl ibn Aḥmad Davis {حفظه الله}_

📅 Every Sunday
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻 _MIXLR ID: Radio Mpubs 2_

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


📚 *ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ* Weekly Lesson

📜 *The Explanation of The Forty Ḥadīth of Imām An-Nawawī*

‎📖 Tonight’s Lesson:

📜 Ḥadīth 42 - Repentance التوبة:

👤 Taught By Shaykh Abū Ḥākīm Bilāl ibn Aḥmad Davis {حفظه الله}

⌚ 6pm EST | 7pm T&T | 11pm GMT

📅 Every Sunday
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻 MIXLR ID: Radio Mpubs 2
‎إن شاء الله

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


📚 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Lesson

📓 Class 41

📜Explanation of The Book, “Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them”

📖 *Today's Lesson : The 14th Doubt - Scandals of The West* (Part5)

👤 Written and Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī {حفظه الله}

🇾🇪 From the Mashāyikh of Yemen
📝 Translated LIVE Into English
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻 _Mixlr ID: Radio Mpubs 2_

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Mpubs مكتبة الموحدين


📕Continuation of Chapter 4 - Call To Tawḥīd

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_
📡 LIVE Video ONLINE Via:

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📒Class 06: [Chapter 4] - Regarding The Daʿwah to Tawḥīd

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_

🎦All the evidences are subtitled in the video for maximum benefit

🎥 *WATCH*:

📝 Class 6 *NOTES*:
🎦 After You’ve WATCHED The Video & REVIEWED The Notes...

✅Test Your Retention of The Material

✏️TAKE *QUIZ 06* - Class 06 via google forms

📝 *QUIZ 6:*

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📅 *Sat 13th March 2021*

‎📢ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Presents

🎙A Short Reminder and Guidance

📃Followed by Our Weekly LIVE Q&A Session

‎👤With The Noble Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī حفظه الله

‎📝LIVE Eng Translation

⌚️2pm T&T | 1pm EST | 6pm GMT

‎إن شاء الله

📝 Today’s questions:
📌 In a non-Muslim country, does the islamic divorce count even if there’s no divorce in the non muslim court
📌 Is it authentic to read surah Mulk and Sajdah before sleeping
📌 A seller placing conditions on the product of a sale
📌 Is Mount Uhud considered a sahabi
📌 Putting The Mushaf on the carpeted masjid floor
📌 Is Salah in Jamaah compulsory in the non muslim countries
📌 Can the masjid admin post the masjid expenses in the notice board
📌 Saying we shouldn’t warn new Muslims of deviant speakers because it turns them off

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📢 *JOIN US IN 10 Mins*❗️

🎙ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Lesson

📜Explanation of The Book, *“Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them”*

👤 _Written and Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī {حفظه الله}_

🇾🇪 _From the Mashāyikh of Yemen_

⌚1pm EST | 2pm T&T | 6pm GMT | 9pm KSA
📝 Translated LIVE Into English
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻Radio 2 @

📱 _Mixlr ID: Radio Mpubs 2_
‎إن شاء الله

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📣 *LIVE NOW*❗️


📕Chapter 4 - Calling To Testification of Faith

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_

⌚️3pm T&T | 2pm EST (NY) | 7pm GMT (UK)
📡 LIVE Video ONLINE Via:

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📘Class 5 - [Chapter 3] - *Fear of Shirk*

📆 ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

📚Suitable For All Ages

🕋```The Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd```

🖊 _Authored By Shaykh ul Islām Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdul Wahhāb_

👤 _Taught by Abū Mu’ādh Taqwīm Aslam ‎{حفظه الله}_

🎦All the evidences are subtitled in the video for maximum benefit

🎥 *WATCH*:

📝 Class 5 *NOTES*:

🎦 After You’ve WATCHED The Video & REVIEWED The Notes...

✅Test Your Retention of The Material

✏️TAKE *QUIZ 05* - Class 05 via google forms

📝 *QUIZ 5:*

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⌚️2pm EST | 3pm T&T | 7pm GMT

🏞@Mpubs Weekly Class:

📖Explanation of “The Refutation of Bishir al-Mirīsī by Imām ad-Dārimī”

👤Taught by Shaykh ‘Alī al-Waṣīfī

📻Radio 2️⃣ @


إن شاء الله

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📢 JOIN US IN 15 Mins❗️

🎙ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Lesson

📜Explanation of The Book, *“Doubts Surrounding Islām and How To Respond To Them”*

👤 _Written and Taught by Shaykh Abū ‘Ammār Alī al-Ḥudhayfī {حفظه الله}_

🇾🇪 _From the Mashāyikh of Yemen_

⌚1pm EST | 2pm T&T | 6pm GMT | 9pm KSA
📝 Translated LIVE Into English
📡 Broadcast ONLINE Via:
📻Radio 2 @

📱 _Mixlr ID: Radio Mpubs 2_
‎إن شاء الله

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‎📢ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Presents

📃Weekly LIVE Q&A Session

‎👤With The Noble Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī حفظه الله

‎📝LIVE Eng Translation


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📕Class 03: [Chap 1 - Merits of Tawḥīd]

📺ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Weekly Video Class❗️

🕋Explanation of The Book of Tawḥīd

👤by Abū Muʿādh Taqwīm Aslam حفظه الله

📖 *Simplified Series:* _🚸For The Youth, Beginners, and New Muslims_

🎦 *Video Has Added Visual Aids with All The Evidences❗️*


📝Class 3 Notes:

✨Excellent and Comprehensive Notes❗️

🎦WATCH the video & REVIEW the notes...

✏️TAKE QUIZ 03 - Class 03❗️via google forms


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📃ⓜⓟⓤⓑⓢ Q&A Session

‎👤With The Noble Shaykh Dr. ʿArafāt ibn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī حفظه الله

‎📝LIVE Eng Translation



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