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We give you that tiny reminder to move forward, every single day. Ads: 🎗 Cross: @goldeneagle (30k and up)

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You cannot get educated by this self-propagating system in which people study to pass exams, and teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything.

You learn something by doing it yourself, by asking questions, by thinking, and by experimenting.

@Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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@motivational ☺️

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4. ​It’s about the journey more than the destination​

Many of us, myself included, get caught up in the striving for a destination. “If I could just get…” “If I could just make enough to…” “If I can just reach…” This thinking is pointless because all we ever have is the present moment.

What this really means is that we’ll always have to be right here, right now. If we’re unsatisfied right here and right now, we’re fooling ourselves. We’re delaying gratification to a point that may never come. It’s powerful to reach and work towards goals on the daily, and smash them.

What’s not helpful for us is if we don’t allow ourselves to be happy on the journey. We can and should be proud of what we’ve done, have a clear goal for the future, and always be growing. Don’t let yourself slip down the path of bashing yourself for not being where you want yet. It will come, and right now is a part of the journey that’s extremely necessary.

5. ​There are tons of setbacks before the momentum​

Before you reach any type of tipping point, you will necessarily need to go through many setbacks and what look like failures. Be thankful for these opportunities. Think of it this way: these are the doors to what you want. You just go through them and get to the other side, which are your goals. You cannot succeed without them. So change your frame of mind and be happy and thankful when they show up, since you’re one step closer to success.

“Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.” – Henry Ford

Don’t confuse temporary setback with permanent failure, though. Setbacks are not failure, but quitting is. The only way you can fail is if you quit because you can’t do it. If you’re not willing to push through everything to what you really want most, then you don’t deserve it anyways. The world will test and try your will to seize what you want. Never give into these tests. Laugh in their face and say “bring it on.”


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Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others. -Confucius


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💥👆🏻Sometimes a little faith in ourselves is all we need to make the difference!

People who run towards their dreams, do so by faith and not by sight!

Because, there are times when all the odds will be against you. You can't point to a single physical evidence in your favour.

You will get emotionally exhausted.....!
You will get discouraged, face difficulties or run into roadblocks. It is in these moments that you have to call on your faith to persevere.

Your faith in yourself is all that matters at this point to keep you going.

You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Good morning & Have A
Great Thursday ahead ! 💐👍🏻😊


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💥👆🏻We all know this type of person: all talk and no results.

These people are rampant throughout society.

They love to talk about their future plans, but FAIL to act on those plans to make them more than just plans... and some of them just BLAME others for their lack of success...

Well, I'm here to tell you that Lions DO NOT do this. Lions let their results speak for themselves.

Lions speak little but are WELL KNOWN for their results because they are life's action-takers.

They don't give a crap about the people's opinion of them because they ACTUALLY produce results and can accomplish their goals...

it's time to stay quiet and it's time to take MASSIVE action.

*become the lion*🦁

Good morning &
Have fantastic WEDNESDAY Ahead! 💪💐😊


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Sweet Dreams✨❣🎯💪🙏💐


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"Your mindset of YES I CAN is far more powerful than your personal intelligence to get the kind of success you demand!"✨💪

"I Can"
"Key To All Locks"


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We spend our days
waiting for the
ideal path to appear
in front of us but
what we forget is that,
paths are made by walking
& not by waiting..✨


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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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@motivational 😊

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎯👆🏻I thought of quitting. Then I remembered what my critics would say.

So, I pressed on. And I made it!

Bottom line - I proved them wrong!

If you face an obstacle today, don't quit because if you do, that obstacle will still be there tomorrow; staring at you in the face. But then you would have been a day older.

Cowards die many times before their death. I hope that's not you. Get up and fight for your dream.

Life is too short not to live your true version. You can do it.


Good morning &
Have a fantastic week ahead ! 🤺🤾‍♀⛹‍♀🚵🏻‍♀🤼‍♀🏇🏊‍♀🏌🏼‍♀💪🥇💐


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Never Depend On The
Capability Of Your Brain
They Always Depend
On The Greatness

Sweet Dreams😇🙏❣✨💐


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​5 Life Lessons To Learn From "The Alchemist"​✨👇


​Reading is a skill that can help us dive into the minds of the greatest philosophers, historians, and generation leaders of all time. Paulo Coelho is one of those writers, and The Alchemist is a perfect example of one of these great books that comes along and leaves a huge wake in its trail.​

​This article will demonstrate a few of the key lessons and takeaways that this book has to offer, but as for any situation, there is always more to learn.​

​Here are 5 life lessons we can learn from The Alchemist:​

1. ​We are all Alchemists with the power to build our ideal lives​

Alchemy means to transform or create something through some seemingly magical process.Designing your own custom life from scratch, according to what was only a mental picture of it before, is nothing short of magic. How many people have successfully done this? Only a handful. But it’s the opportunity that lies in front of every single one of us. It’s imperative that we snatch it up and get to work!


2. ​Sometimes everything you seek is right where you started​

Often times along our journey to success and fulfillment, we realize that everything we wanted and needed was right where we started. We are often seeking something exterior to make us happy or fulfill us, but it’s unnecessary because we have everything we need inside of us. This search manifests itself in search of money, fame, and levels of success. 

The irony of the road to success is that you’re already successful if you’re committed to betterment, growth and abundance. Before you embark on any journey, recognize that you’ve got the tools within you to succeed, the capacity to learn a massive amount, and can develop an unbreakable mindset.

“Money is numbers, and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” – Bob Marley

3. ​Your mission is the most important aspect of your life​

Everyone needs a mission, and this is part of what gives you your drive and your purpose. When you know your why, you are more dedicated to your skill building, your hustle improves, and your clarity for the future increases.

Your relationships with family, friends, and romance are improved drastically because you’re authentically living for your real purpose. You’re fulfilling it every day, which brings more passion to each of those areas, your finances improve because you’re adding massive value, and your free time is expanded because you’ve created your ideal life from your passions. Hopefully you can recognize why clarifying your mission makes all else easier.

Also, it comes before your love life, because your heart is wide open, giving your all to the world as you see it, and providing value for generations that come after you. There’s an anecdote in the story when the main character Santiago is faced with a choice between his love Fatima, or his mission, otherwise known as why his search began.

He goes to a fortune-teller who tells him he could choose her first, and he would be happy, for a time. After these short years, havoc would wreak itself on the village he led because he did not give the world his full gift. In the end, he chose to leave her and pursue his mission, and was able to regain her love and relationship after he fulfilled his main purpose.

It’s like this for us too. If you’re not willing to throw it all away for the greater good, and your highest consciousness, it’s not going to end well.


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💥👆🏻Don't let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams.

One of the categories of people we have in the world are the people that have discovered their talents but are not utilising their talents or pursuing their dreams due to....
Fear of failure, procrastination,
Bad memories of the past, circumstances,
Background or family history.

Many people after discovering their talent find it difficult to start pursuing their dreams just because they are afraid to fail.

They prefer to play save and choose to remain in their comfort zones. They are afraid to take life on.

Instead, they come up with excuses on why they have not taken any step to start living up to their potential in life.

Hear this, if you aren't using your talent or pursuing your dreams because of fear of failure, I bet you are making the greatest mistake in life. Decide to start utilising your talent immediately.

Wake up to start pursuing your dreams. You've hidden yourself enough. Come out of your hiding place. Say enough is enough!

You deserve success.

Good morning & Have A
Fabulous Friday ! 💪💐😊


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Why resolving the Conflicts around you is so crucial before you die?

Watch this video and it may change your mindset today.

Duration: 4:10 minutes {Eng. Lang.}

#relationship #conflict

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There are many little things that happen each day; if you get caught up in talking about what you don’t love, every one of those little things brings more struggle and difficulty to your life. You have to talk about the good news of the day. Talk about the appointment that went well. Talk about how you love being on time. Talk about how good it is to be full of health. Talk about the profits you want your business to achieve. Talk about the situations and interactions you had in your day that went well...
​You have to talk about what you love, to bring what you love to you.​❣👍💐


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🎯👆🏻Run towards your dream with everything in you.

Don't look left or right; only forward. If you want to achieve more, you have to be willing to sacrifice more!

Raise the bar on yourself, stretch yourself, demand more from you and lift your level of thinking beyond that which you are comfortable with.

Do something new everyday that brings you closer to your goal.

Never quit until you make your dream become a reality!

You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Good Morning & Have A
Great Tuesday Ahead! 💐⛹‍♀🏄🏊‍♀🚵🏻‍♀🚵🤾‍♀🤺🏇🏌🏼‍♀💪


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Your thoughts make your way of future more than the parental rites ...
Choice is yours.
Wanna be A Victim or A Survivor✨
Watch This Video🙏❣
Sweet Dreams😇💞💐

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💥👆🏻People get offended when you tell them the truth. They want everything you say to them to be nice.

Even if you give them one piece of constructive feedback, they can't handle it. These are not the type of people that you want in your life.

You want the person who is going to take what you say and use it. They understand that you're not trying to hurt their 'feelings.'

Learn to accept criticism.

If someone more wise than you is telling you what to do, don't speak, listen. You might actually learn something.

"become the Lion🦁

Good morning & Have A
Great Monday ahead! 😊👍🏻💐


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