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We give you that tiny reminder to move forward, every single day. Ads: 🎗 Cross: @goldeneagle (30k and up)

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Easy to get financial opportunities once you are rich

Easy to get invited to private events once you are influential

Easy to connect with interesting people once you already succeeded

Life isn't fair: the more you have, the more you get

Don't complain, learn to play better

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🍀 Finding the right person:

The right person isn't someone you cannot live without, it's someone that adds value to your life, but you are still the sole responsible for your own happiness. The right person isn't someone who can read your mind. Get rid of your unrealistic expectations. Learn to communicate better, with calm and maturity, not defiance and anger. The right person isn't going to stay the same over the years. You grow, you change, and so do they. Make sure you both have a clear, long-term, compatible vision of who you want to become, and you will find your way. The right person is a human being just like you, with ups and downs. You cannot expect them to be happy all the time, but you shouldn't settle down with someone who only brings negativity either. Everyone has to do their own journey alone first, let them do it. The right person will not seek to control you. They will let you grow into the best version of yourself, because they are confident in their ability to do the same. They are not insecure that you might outgrow them. The right person isn't the right person just because you feel comfortable around them. Some people are just good at making everyone else feel comfortable. Don't jump to conclusions too quickly. The right person is not following you from behind, they are walking alongside, as a partner you respect and hold in high esteem. You are not supposed to "be one." Stay independent, you are simply walking the long journey of life together.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Learn to relax to make better decisions.
Many people 'waste' years undoing mistakes they could have avoided with a clearer mind.
Step back when you feel like you might be part of the crowd.
Make sure you allocate yourself enough time alone to evacuate the noise of society.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Regularly meet up with ambitious, optimistic people who will push the boundaries of what you thought you were capable of achieving.
You don't need to agree with each other about everything, you just need to respect each other and share similar long-term goals.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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If you can't write down in simple words what you want, the years will pass, and your life will stay the same. When you truly know what you want, you suddenly start noticing opportunities everywhere. Position yourself intelligently, you will catch them with a minimum of efforts.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Find a reason bigger than yourself. It's much easier to work hard and stay driven for many years when you do it for your family or for people you care about.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Never listen to people who never took any real risk in their lives.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Read books when you don't need knowledge.

Learn to invest when you don't need money.

Take care of your health when you don't feel sick.

Cultivate friendships when you don't feel lonely.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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If you start with no money, no connection, no clue, it’s simple:

educate yourself, invest with infinite patience, be ready to do what everyone is too scared to do, and forge yourself enough character to be able to believe in yourself when no one else does.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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🌱The fear of the unknown limits your potential, but courage opens doors to endless possibilities.

☘Embrace the unknown with an open heart, for it is the breeding ground of growth, discovery, and transformation.

🍀Courage is the bridge between fear and greatness; when you face the unknown with bravery, you unveil your true strength and unlock the path to extraordinary achievements.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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You naturally become mentally stronger once you put yourself in a situation where you can only rely on your own strength. The less dependent you are, the more your brain will push itself to find ways to survive. You also naturally get smarter as a result.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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You feel angry all the time, and never feel genuinely happy for the success of anyone else.

You feel anxious all the time, because you are not confident in your ability to deal with life.

You spend more time judging others than improving yourself.

You think you are smarter than others instead of being humbled by the realization that you have so much more to learn.

You don't smile much, take yourself too seriously, think the world revolves around you, feel entitled to what people should or shouldn't do for you.

You are scared of challenging yourself, because you don't want to face your limitations (and don't grow much as a result.)

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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You don’t get wiser by reading books written by wise people

you get wiser when you take the time to self-reflect on your “unfortunate” circumstances

until you understand that you were never a victim, that you are responsible for where you are, that you choose where you will be.

@Motivational 🎗🤍

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Don't forget that the whole point of being more efficient was to get more free time to do what you truly enjoy.
So many people forget that they didn't want more money, they wanted more quality time with their family, they wanted a less stressful, healthier lifestyle.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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You cannot be the best at everything.
Don't try to do everything by yourself.
Succeeding with people you enjoy the company is more fun than succeeding alone anyway.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Get rid of your pride and leverage all the technologies available. If you spent years studying tools that ended up obsolete, cut your losses quickly, move on to the next bet. Life is a journey of reinventing yourself over and over again.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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When you struggle to focus, it means you are not serious about your goals, likely because you have no real need, no sense of urgency, no deadline.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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A gift for your future self: disappear, take the time necessary to work on yourself, become clear-minded enough to understand what you want from life, mentally strong enough to handle all the ups and downs of life, wise enough to appreciate your everyday life.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Don't assume someone dislikes you just because they are rude and unpleasant, maybe they just dislike their own lives.

Don't assume someone likes you just because they are smiling and being friendly, maybe they just enjoy their own lives.

Most things in life aren't about you.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Get rid of your pride.

Often in life, in order to get what you want, you need to do what you don't want, for many years.

Life isn't a fairy tale. Learn to be smart and practical.

It's common to waste decades because you were too idealistic, and not ready for any compromise.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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You are not a good person just because you put on a fake smile when you are being disrespected.

You are not a good person just because you let people abuse your generosity.

You are not a good person just because you don't know how to say no.

Stop being nice.

Start being fair.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Too many people built their whole identity around "being a victim" just because they lived in a society where acting like a victim was somehow rewarded.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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People barely remember you after a few years.

Everyone is busy with their own lives, no one has time to think about you, especially not your “mistakes.”

Go take risks, go build the life you want, or you will end up bitter, anxious, and unable to genuinely be happy for others.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Channel @Kideli
Channel @Kideli

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If you don't want to take orders from others, then you better be ready to take risks and work smarter than others.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Sometimes, you are in the wrong direction in life, and it's going to take years to change that trajectory and improve the situation, but you still need to make that effort, because the longer you wait, the more painful it will be.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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Interesting people don't like to waste time. They are selective, with what they do, with who they spend time with. That's how they got where they are. That's also why they are harder to meet.

🎗 @Motivational 🎗

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