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MDIS Tashkent

An exciting football tournament was held at the branch of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University in Tashkent, bringing together teams from various universities. The participants included:

🟦 The branch of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University in Tashkent
🟦 The Tashkent branch of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University
🟦 The branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Tashkent
🟦 The branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Tashkent
🟦 The Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent
🟦 The Singapore Management Development Institute (MDIS) in Tashkent
🟦 The branch of the National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" in Almalyk
🟦 The Tashkent branch of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK)
🟦 The branch of the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University in Tashkent

✅ The tournament took place in an atmosphere of friendship and competitive spirit, capturing the attention of spectators and fans alike. In the final, the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent achieved a convincing victory, defeating the D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University team with a score of 3:1, securing a prestigious first place.

📌 The D.I. Mendeleev branch claimed second place, showcasing a high level of play and team cohesion. The third spot went to the Tashkent branch of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University, which also delivered commendable performances.

😍 The football tournament became a vibrant event that strengthened connections among students and faculty from different universities, leaving a wealth of positive emotions. All participants left the stadium with a sense of pride and hope for new encounters and victories in the future! 🎉

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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI talabalar imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish maqsadida “Financial Compliance Solutions” MChJ bilan anglashuv memorandumini imzoladi.

15-oktabr kuni “Financial Complaance Solutions” MChJ direktori Davron Yoqubov va Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti vakillari o‘rtasida uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Shuningdek, hamkorlikni mustahkamlash va talabalarimiz uchun amaliyot, mehmon ma’ruzalari, mahorat darslari va turli kelajakdagi tashabbuslar orqali ta’lim tajribasini boyitadigan hamkorlik imkoniyatlarini o‘rganish maqsadida tomonlar o‘rtasida o‘zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi. Memorandum talabalarning nazariy bilimlarini amaliyot orqali mustahkamlash bilan birga, ularni kelgusida mehnat bilan ta’minlashning samarali mexanizmi bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.

"Financial Compliance Solutions" kompaniyasiga hamkorlik uchun samimiy minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz.


MDIST Signs Memorandum of Understanding with "Financial Compliance Solutions" LLC to Enhance Student Opportunities

On October 15, a meeting was held between the Director of "Financial Compliance Solutions" LLC Davron Yakubov and representatives of the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent.

Also, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the parties in order to strengthen cooperation and explore collaborative opportunities that will enrich the educational experience for our students through internships, guest lectures, workshops, and various future initiatives. The memorandum not only strengthens students' theoretical knowledge through practice, but also serves as an effective mechanism for providing them with work in the future.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Financial Compliance Solutions company for their cooperation. Their expertise and dedication to professional development align seamlessly with our mission to provide our students with exceptional learning experiences.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear students and colleagues !

🌸 Join the Business Women’s event at MDIST! 🌸

Empower, Inspire, Connect〽️

The main speaker is: Muqaddas Tagayeva

🗓 Date: 15.10.2024
🕒 Time: 15:00
📍 Location: Boardroom

Calling all female students

Are you looking for a supportive community to empower and uplift each other? Participate in the Women's event and become a part of a dynamic group that celebrates womanhood and fosters personal and professional growth!

What We Offer:
•Motivational speech and seminars: 
Gain valuable skills and knowledge on various topics.
•Networking Opportunities: Connect with inspiring women and mentors.
•Support & Friendship: 
Build lasting friendships and a support system.
•Fun Activities: Engage in exciting events and community service projects!

MDIST is home to all female students who are passionate about making a difference, sharing experiences, and supporting one another!

🌼 Let’s empower each other to reach new heights! 🌼

For more information, please contact: @mdis_ricc +998974757755
@Mdis_research +998974899779

Together, we can make a difference!☺️

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MDIS Tashkent

“Ilmiy tadqiqotlar, innovatsiyalar va konsalting markazi” e’lon qiladi 📣

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Bosh prokuraturasining 2024-yil 29-fevraldagi taqdimnomasida ko'rsatilgan kamchiliklarni bartaraf qilish, shuningdek, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining davlat stipendiyalari tanlovlarini adolatli va yuqori saviyada o'tkazish uchun talablar va jarayonlar quyidagi asosiy jihatlarni o'z ichiga oladi:

📃 Bakalavriat bosqichi talabalari uchun talablar:
1. Nomzodlarga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- A'lo o'qish va ilmiy (ijodiy) ishlar.
- Konferensiyalarda qatnashish.
- Oʻzbekiston tarixini bilish.
- Davlat va bitta xorijiy (Mustaqil Davlatlar Hamdoʻstligi mamlakatlari davlat tillaridan tashqari) tilni bilish. Bakalavriatdagi taʼlim yoʻnalishi xorijiy til hisoblangan alohida hollarda qoʻshimcha ravishda yana bitta xorijiy tilni bilish.

🗃Hujjatlar ro'yxati:
- Sinov daftarchasidan ko'chirma (transkript).
- Tavsiyanomalar (dekanat, kafedra, ilmiy rahbar).
- Ilmiy ishlar ro'yxati va nusxalari.
- Til va tarix kafedrasining suhbat natijalari haqidagi ma'lumotnomalar.

📃Magistratura bosqichi talabalari uchun talablar:

1. Talablar:

- Ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari bilan umumta'lim tayyorgarligini uyg'unlashtirish.
- Kamida ikkita eʼlon qilingan ishlar.
- Davlat va xorijiy (Mustaqil Davlatlar Hamdoʻstligi mamlakatlari davlat tillaridan tashqari) tillarni bilish. Bakalavriatdagi taʼlim yoʻnalishi xorijiy til hisoblangan alohida hollarda qoʻshimcha ravishda yana bitta xorijiy tilni bilish.

🗃Hujjatlar ro'yxati:
- Sinov daftarchasidan ko'chirma (transkript).
- Dekanat, kafedra tavsiyanomasi
- Ilmiy ishlar annotatsiyasi va taqrizi.
- Ilmiy ishlar roʻyxati va ularning bosma nusxalari.

🔎 Tanlov jarayoni:

Oliy ta’lim muassasalari kengashlari nomzodlarni professor-o‘qituvchilar va talabalar ishtirokida yashirin ovoz berish yo‘li bilan tavsiya qiladi. Oliy ta’lim muassasalari kengashlari eng ko‘p ovoz olgan olti nafar nomzodni tavsiya qiladi.
Yutuqlaringizni namoyish etish imkoniyatini qo'ldan boy bermang! 🔥
Omad 🙌🏻
Batafsil ma'lumot uchun quyidagi manzilga murojaat qiling:
@mdis_ricc / @mdis_research
205-xona, A blok

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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI, TTPU va Singapur xalqaro maktabi o'rtasida uch tomonlama imzolangan memorandum jarayonidan videolavha

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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI, TTPU va Singapur xalqaro maktabi o'rtasida uch tomonlama memorandum imzolandi

Joriy yilning 9-oktabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida TSMRI rektori Ilhom Mamatkulov va Singapur xalqaro maktabi direktori Tohir Hasanov hamda Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti rektori Olimjon To'ychiyev o'rtasida uchrashuv tashkil etildi. TSMRI jamoasi va Singapur xalqaro maktabi vakillarini TTPU rektori Olimjon To'ychiyev kutib oldilar. Uchrashuv davomida universitetning o'quv amaliy faoliyati ko’zdan kechirildi, shuningdek, universitet faoliyati, xususan, talabalar tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan ishlanmalar va erishilayotgan yutuqlar bilan tanishtirildi.

Tadbir doirasida tashkil etilgan uchrashuv davomida hamkorlikda ilmiy-amaliy seminarlar, ishbilarmonlik uchrashuvlari, konferensiyalar, davra suhbatlari va boshqa tadbirlarni tashkil etish, yuqori malakali kadrlar va mutaxassislarni tayyorlash, tomonlar vakillari tomonidan tajriba va bilim almashish uchun ma'ruzalar o'tish hamda qo'shma loyiha va dasturlarni amalga oshirish masalalari muhokama qilindi.

TTPU va TSMRI tomonidan Singapur xalqaro maktabida robototexnika yo'nalishi bo'yicha darslar tashkil etish bo'yicha muzokaralar olib borishga, robototexnika va texnologiya fanlari hamda fizika va kimyo fanlarining amaliy mashg'ulotlari TTPU malakali mutaxassislari bilan hamkorlikda tashkil etilishiga kelishib olindi.

Uchrashuv yakunida ushbu yo'nalishlar bo'yicha tomonlar o'rtasida uch tomonlama hamkorlik memorandumi imzolandi.

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MDIS Tashkent

⚡️Talabalar turar joyi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

📣Hurmatli TSMRI barcha bosqich talabalari,

Sizlarga shuni ma’lum qilamizki,
2024-2025 o‘quv yili uchun talabalar turar joyida istiqomat qilishga ro‘yxatdan o‘tish davom etmoqda.

Talabalar turar joyi Toshkent shahar Chilonzor tumanida institutga kelib-ketish uchun qulay hududda joylashgan.

👆Talabalar uchun quyidagi qulayliklar yaratib beriladi:

🏠 Birlamchi qulayliklarga ega shinam xonalar
🛁 Yuvinish xonalari
🍽 Ovqatlanish xonalari
🛋 Ma’naviyat va ma’rifat xonasi
📚 Kutubxona
🌐 Wi-Fi
🔒 24/7 xavfsizlik xizmati

💻 Talabalar turar joyi cheklangan. Quyidagi HAVOLA orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin.

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun: +998712717703

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear MDIS Tashkent students!

On October 10, we will hold a chess and checker competition! 

Valuable prizes:
🥇 1st Place - Notebook
🥈 2nd Place - TV
🥉 3rd Place - Tablet

An incredible atmosphere awaits you! 

We kindly ask that you sign in to participate in the competition.

Please feel free to register at the Sport Centre, room 109!


Hurmatli TSMRI talabalari!

10 - Oktabr kuni institutimizda sportning shaxmat va shashka yo‘nalishlari bo’yicha musobaqa tashkil etilishini ma’lum qilamiz.

Qimmatbaho sovg‘alar:
🥇 1-o’ringa - Noutbuk
🥈 2-o’ringa - Televizor
🥉 3-o’ringa - Planshet, hamda ko‘tarinki kayfiyat sizlarni kutmoqda!

Musobaqada qatnashish uchun TSMRI sport majmuasining 109 - xonasida ro‘yxatdan o’tishingizni so‘rab qolamiz!

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 30-sentabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida 1-oktabr — O‘qituvchi va murabbiylar kuni munosabati bilan musiqiy bayram tadbiri tashkil etildi.

Ko‘tarinki ruhda o‘tgan tadbirda Singapur xalqaro maktabining ustoz va murabbiylari ham ishtirok etishdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

Yandex Cup: International Programming Championship with a Prize Pool of Over $130,000

Test your skills in the seventh championship for developers and compete for the title of the best of the best. The challenges for the championship are created by experienced Yandex employees and are based on real, everyday tasks faced by developers of large-scale applications.

Last year, the competition received 16,000 applications from developers in 70 countries. This year, the prize pool is approximately $130,000.

There will be six tracks:
• Algorithms
• Analytics
• Backend
• Mobile Development
• Frontend
• Machine Learning

The gold final for most categories will be held in Tashkent.

Registration is now open and will close on October 20. Hurry up and join the competition!

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MDIS Tashkent

Congratulations to everyone on World Tourism Day! This day serves as a powerful reminder of our shared aspiration to explore new horizons, foster cultural exchange, and create unforgettable experiences for every visitor who graces our beautiful country.
Let us continue to elevate the hospitality sector together, enhancing the quality of service and cultivating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort for every traveler who arrives. May this holiday inspire us all to pursue innovative ideas and achieve remarkable milestones in our journey forward.

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 24-sentabr kuni "Hyatt Regency" mehmonxonasida O‘zbekistonda turizmni rivojlantirishga qo‘shgan hissasi uchun "Turizm fidoyisi" ko‘krak nishonini topshirish marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Tadbirni O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Bosh vazir o‘rinbosari, Turizm va madaniy meros vaziri Aziz Abduhakimov ochib berdi.

Marosimda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Turizmni rivojlantirish davlat qo‘mitasi rahbariyati, faxriy mehmonlar, vazirlik va idoralar hamda mahalliy ommaviy axborot vositalari vakillari ishtirok etishdi. Ulardan bir guruhiga “Turizm fidoyisi” ko‘krak nishoni tantanali tarzda topshirildi.

Eng quvonarlisi, institutimiz rektori doktor Ilhom Mamatkulov ham “Turizm fidoyisi” ko‘krak nishoni bilan taqdirlandi. Shu fursatdan foydalanib, institutimiz rektori doktor Ilhom Mamatkulovni mazkur unvonga sazovor bo‘lganligi bilan muborakbod etamiz. Kelgusidagi faoliyatlariga muvaffaqiyat tilab, yanada yuqori cho‘qqilarni zabt etishini tilab qolamiz.

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent Successfully Organizes Student Summer Tour to Singapore

MDIS Tashkent proudly organized a successful Student Summer Tour to Singapore, providing students with a unique blend of educational courses and cultural experiences. During the six-day tour, students participated in specialized training sessions designed to enhance their academic knowledge, alongside visits to some of Singapore's iconic sightseeing locations. One of the highlights of the tour was the "Understanding Global Cultures" course, where students experienced Singapore's rich multicultural environment firsthand. This immersion helped them appreciate diversity and emphasized the importance of global citizenship. The tour offered students a holistic experience that not only enriched their academic knowledge but also contributed to their personal and cultural development. By combining educational programs with cultural exploration, MDIS Tashkent continues to support students in becoming well-rounded global citizens.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear students, you are kindly invited to HoReCa Uzbekistan 2024 on October 8-10, 2024, which will be held at the Pavilion I of UzExpoCenter exhibition site.
HoReCa Uzbekistan 2024 is the first specialized exhibition for the hotel and restaurant industry.
The business program of the exhibition includes a wide range of topics and issues on improving and developing the hospitality industry.
As part of the exhibition, a conference “Green technologies and investments: economic benefits and sustainable development in the hospitality industry of Uzbekistan” will be held.
To register for participation, follow the link:

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear students, On September 27, 2024, on World Tourism Day, the II International Student Congress "Tourism of the Future - the Future of Tourism" will start.
The Congress is a unique online platform for professional dialogue between students and leading experts in the field of tourism in the world. The main theme of the congress is sustainable development of tourism and the hospitality industry.
The key area of work of the congress includes participation of more than 17,000 students from 100 universities and secondary specialized educational institutions of Russia and the CIS countries.
To register for participation, follow the link

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIST Participates in conference featuring Eric Grimson on AI Innovations

New Uzbekistan University, 15 October – The MDIST team proudly participated in a recent conference that brought together industry leaders and visionaries in the field of artificial intelligence. The highlight of the event was a keynote lecture delivered by Eric Grimson, a renowned expert in AI and computer science.

During his engaging presentation, Grimson explored the transformative potential of AI technologies and their applications across various sectors. He emphasized the importance of ethical considerations in AI development and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex challenges.

The MDIST team, including Business Development and Tourism Innovation Center, Business Incubation Centre, and International Relationships Department seized this opportunity to showcase our ongoing projects and initiatives in AI research and development. We highlighted our commitment to fostering innovation and supporting startups in the AI ecosystem. Our participation allowed us to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations.

"We are excited to be part of this dynamic conversation about the future of AI," said Shokhjakhon Akmalov, assistant coordinator at Business Incubation Centre. "Eric Grimson’s insights inspire us to push the boundaries of technology while remaining mindful of its impact on society."

The conference served as a platform for meaningful dialogue and networking, reinforcing MDIST's role as a key player in the advancement of AI and its applications.

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 11-12 oktabr kunlari “Movenpick” mehmonxonasida o‘tkazilgan “Ta’lim va Kasb” ko‘rgazmasida TSMRI jamoasi ham faol ishtirok etib, ta’lim sohasidagi o‘zining yetakchi o‘rnini yana bir bor namoyon etdi.

Ko‘rgazma davomida institutimiz tomonidan taklif etilayotgan keng qamrovli ta’lim dasturlari bilan o‘quvchilar va ularning ota-onalari yaqindan tanishtirildi. Turli ta’lim muassasalaridan tashrif buyurgan ko‘plab o‘quvchilar bizning dasturlarimizga katta qiziqish bildirishdi va o‘zlari uchun kelajakda muvaffaqiyatli kasbiy rivojlanish imkoniyatlarini kashf etdilar. Shuningdek, ishtirokchilar TSMRI da o‘qish imkoniyatlari va uning afzalliklari hamda institutga kirish jarayoni haqida batafsil ma’lumot olishdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 8-10-oktabr kunlari TSMRI jamoasi “UzExpoCenter” ko’rgazma maydonining I pavilionida bo‘lib o‘tgan HoReCa Uzbekistan 2024 birinchi ixtisoslashtirilgan xalqaro ko‘rgazmasida o‘z stendi bilan faol ishtirok etdi. Ushbu ommaviy tadbir O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Ekologiya, atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish va iqlim o‘zgarishi vazirligi huzuridagi Turizm qoʻmitasining ko‘magida O‘zbekiston Mehmonxonalar uyushmasi tomonidan tashkil etildi.

Ko‘rgazmaning dasturi keng ko‘lamli mavzularni va mehmondo‘stlik sohasini takomillashtirish va rivojlantirish masalalari hamda o‘zaro hamkorlikni yoʻlga qoʻyish kabi masalalarni qamrab oldi. Bundan tashqari ko‘rgazma maydonchasida B2B va G2B uchrashuvlar ham tashkillashtirildi.

Shuningdek, ko‘rgazma doirasida “Yashil texnologiya va sarmoya: iqtisodiy foyda va barqarorlik" mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman tashkil etilib, TSMRI ning xorijiy o‘qituvchilari Dr Firas Halavani va Yahya Halavani o‘zlarining taqdimotlari va mahorat darslari bilan ishtirok etishdi. Tadbir turizm va mehmondo‘stlik sohasida xizmat ko‘rsatish sifatini oshirish va xizmatlarni yaxshilashning asosiy yo‘nalishlarini belgilab berdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

“Research, Innovations, and Consultancy center” announces📣

"State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and "Named State Scholarship" contests for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Dear Students,
We are happy to announce that the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan is organizing a presidential and named state scholarship contest for the 2024-2025 academic year.

📃Eligibility Requirements for Bachelor's Degree Students:

Named State Scholarships:

• The student demonstrated excellent academic performance and actively participated in scientific work.
• Participation in conferences or competitions.
• The Commonwealth of Independent States recognizes two languages—the state language and one foreign language. Knowledge of the language, field of study at the bachelor's level, one additional foreign language in special cases considered a foreign language to know.

Presidential Scholarship:

In addition to the previous information, ensure you have at least two published scientific works that are pertinent to your field.

🗃Document Submission:

Candidates must submit the following documents for preliminary review:

- Test report extract (transcript).
- The dean's office, department, and the head of scientific work provide letters of recommendation.
- The collection includes a list of scientific works and printed copies.
- We gathered references from the language and history departments through interviews.

📃Eligibility Requirements for Master’s Degree Students:

General education preparation is integrated with scientific-research (creative) work.
• Participation in conferences (competitions) in relevant fields;
• At least two published works (articles).
• The master must possess proficiency in both the state language and one foreign language, excluding those of the Commonwealth of Independent States. If the master's specialization requires a foreign language, they must also know an additional foreign language.
• Knowledge of the history of Uzbekistan.

🗃Document Submission:

- A transcript from the examination record;
- Recommendation letters from the dean's office and department;
- Annotation of the scientific (creative) work;
- Feedback from the supervisor;
- Review of the scientific work;
- List of scientific works and their printed copies.

🔎Selection Process:

The councils of higher education institutions will recommend candidates through a secret ballot, involving both professors and students. The councils of higher education institutions will recommend the top six candidates with the most votes.
Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your achievements! 🔥
Best of luck🙌🏻
For more information, please contact:
@mdis_ricc / @mdis_research
+998 88 854 75 57 / +998 97 489 97 79
Room 205, Block A.

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MDIS Tashkent

"Ma'rifat ulashib" loyihasi doirasida taniqli ijodkorlar bilan uchrashuv

Joriy yilning 4-oktabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Administratsiyasining 2024-yil 13-apreldagi 03-RA 1-5357-sonli topshirig'i ijrosini ta'minlash hamda oliy ta'lim muassasalari talabalarini kitob mutolaasiga jalb etish, badiiy savodxonlik darajasini oshirish orqali ularni vatanparvarlik va yurtimiz kelajagiga daxldorlik ruhida tarbiyalashga qaratilgan "Ma'rifat ulashib" loyihasini amalga oshirish maqsadida taniqli ijodkorlarning oliy ta'lim muassasalariga tashrifi dasturi bo'lib o'tdi.

Tadbirga O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasi a'zosi bo'lgan taniqli ijodkorlardan Dilorom Karimova, Hulkar Hamrayeva hamda Iqbol Qo'shshayeva mehmon sifatida tashrif buyurib, institut hamda unda yaratilgan sharoitlar bilan yaqindan tanishdilar. Tadbirning asosiy qismida talabalar bilan suhbat tashkil etildi. Uchrashuv davomida mehmonlar o‘zlarining hayot yo‘llaridan misol keltirgan holda yoshlarimizni ilmi-ma’rifatli va ona vatanimizga muhabbatli insonlar bo‘lishga chorlab, ijodlaridan namunalar taqdim qildilar.

Tadbir davomida talabalar ham o‘z she’riy va badiiy chiqishlari bilan davraga ko‘tarinki kayfiyat ulashdilar. Talabalar adabiyot, san’at va madaniyat haqidagi savollarga ustozlar tomonidan javob olish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ldilar. Shuningdek, loyiha doirasida ijodkorlar hamrohligida Chilonzor tumaniga qarashli 195-, 200- va 232-umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktablariga tashrif buyurildi. Adiblar bilan tashkil etilgan mazkur keng qamrovli uchrashuvlar yosh avlodni ilmli, ma’rifatli hamda madaniyatli yuksak inson bo‘lib voyaga yetishida o‘z hissasini qo‘shadi desak, mubolag‘a bo‘lmaydi.

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 10-oktabr kuni TSMRI jamoasi “Wyndham Tashkent” mehmonxonasida bo‘lib o‘tgan “Ipak yo‘li: turizm prizmasi orqali hamkorlik” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyada ishtirok etdi.

Rasmiy ochilish nutqlari bilan Turizm qo‘mitasi raisi Umid Shadiyev, Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vaziri Kongratbay Sharipov, O‘zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi rektori Uyg‘un G‘afurov hamda Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti direktori Yelena Golisheva so‘zga chiqib, konferensiya ishiga muvaffaqiyat tiladi.

Shuningdek, Turizm, madaniyat va tarix sohasidagi yetakchi milliy va xorijiy olimlar, ekspertlar hamda oliy va o‘rta ta’lim muassasalarining professor-o‘qituvchilari, doktorantlar birgalikda zamonaviy dunyo oldida turgan dolzarb muammolarni muhokama qildilar.

Tadbir so‘ngida, Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti faoliyati va rivojlanishiga munosib hissa qo‘shgan olimlarga “Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy-tadqiqot institutining Faxriy professori” unvonini topshirish marosimi ham bo‘lib o'tdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI va Uzbekistan Airports o'rtasida hamkorlik memorandumi imzolandi

Joriy yilning 27-sentabr kuni Uzbekistan Airports AJ boshqaruvi raisi Javlonbek Umarxodjayev hamda ular boshchiligidagi mutaxassislar bilan Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti vakillari o'rtasida uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi.

Unda aeroport mutaxassislari uchun malaka oshirish kurslarini tashkil etish, O'zbekiston aeroportlarida xizmat ko'rsatish darajasini yanada rivojlantirish uchun ustuvor ahamiyatga ega bo'lgan loyihalarni amalga oshirish hamda TSMRI ning yuqori kurs va bitiruvchi talabalari uchun stajirovkalar tashkil etish hamda talabalar uchun ish tanlash jarayonida ularning ilmiy salohiyati, bilim darajasi va qobiliyatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda ishga joylashishiga ko'maklashish kabi loyihalarni o'z ichiga oldi.

Shuningdek, yuqorida keltirilgan yo'nalishlarda hamkorlikni mustahkamlash maqsadida tomonlar o'rtasida anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi. Memorandum talabalarni amaliyot orqali nazariy bilimlarini mustahkamlabgina qolmay kelgusida ularni ish bilan ta’minlashda samarali mexanizm vazifasini bajaradi.

A memorandum of cooperation between Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent and Uzbekistan Airports

On September 27, MDIS in Tashkent hosted a meeting with Mr. Javlonbek Umarkhodjayev, the chairman of the board of Uzbekistan Airports JSC and specialists under his leadership.

The meeting focused on organizing training courses for airport specialists to further develop the level of service at Uzbekistan airports, and arranging internships for senior and graduate students of MDIS in Tashkent. The attendees also discussed projects aimed at assisting students in the job selection process based on their academic potential, knowledge level, and skills.

Additionally, to strengthen cooperation in the aforementioned areas, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the parties. The memorandum will not only reinforce students' theoretical knowledge through practical experience but will also serve as an effective mechanism for ensuring their employment in the future.

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MDIS Tashkent

Participation in the "2024 Uzbekistan-Korea Industry-Academy Week"

On October 2-3, 2024, the MDIS Tashkent Business Incubator team visited the innovative educational and production technopark "INNO" and took part in the opening ceremony of the "2024 Uzbekistan-Korea Industry-Academy Week."

The event showcased the latest technologies, featuring innovative projects and research from INNO Technopark. Additionally, discussions were held regarding potential partnerships with Korean institutions, specifically Kyungil University and Andong National University, focusing on student exchange programs, collaborative educational and research initiatives, and startup development.

As a result of the event, a preliminary agreement was reached to establish joint programs that will provide MDIS Tashkent students with opportunities for international experience and the enhancement of their entrepreneurial skills.

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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI va Markaziy Bank vakillari o'rtasida uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi

Joriy yilning 13-sentabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Markaziy Banki raisi o‘rinbosari Ulug‘bek Nosirov hamda ular boshchiligidagi mutaxassislar bilan uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi.

Uchrashuvda O'zbekiston Respublikasi Markaziy Banki tomonidan TSMRI talabalariga imtiyozli stipendiyalar ajratish masalasi, talabalarning nazariy bilimlarini oshirish va mustahkamlash maqsadida Markaziy Bank va uning viloyat boshqarmalarida amaliyot o'tash jarayonlarini tashkil etish hamda Markaziy Bank boshchiligida TSMRI va tijorat banklari o'rtasida hamkorlik aloqalarini yo'lga qo'yish masalalari o'rganildi.

Ta'kidlash joizki, bu jarayonlar talaba yoshlarimizni bilim olishida qulaylik yaratish, kelgusida ish bilan ta’minlangan holda yetuk kadr bo'lib shakllanishida va professional faoliyatini boshlashda dasturilamal bo'lib xizmat qiladi.

A meeting between the representatives of MDIS Tashkent and the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On September 13, MDIS Tashkent welcomed Mr. Ulugbek Nosirov, the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the team of bank experts.

At the meeting, the representatives of the Central Bank and MDIS Tashkent administration discussed the issue of preferential scholarships for MDIS Tashkent students, the organization of internships in the bank and its regional offices aimed at strengthening students' theoretical knowledge and cooperation between the institute and commercial banks under the leadership of the Central Bank.

It is worth noting that the above agreements will serve as a program to facilitate students’ education to ensure their professional growth and future employment.

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 27-sentabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti talabalari bilan "Giyohvandlikka qarshi kurashish" oyligi doirasida Сhilonzor tumani ichki ishlar organlari faoliyatini muvofiqlashtirish boshqarmasi ishtirokida uchrashuv tashkil etildi. Unda masʼullar tomonidan "Biz giyohvandlikka qarshimiz!" mavzusida targ'ibot tadbiri bo'lib o'tdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

On September 24, 2024, a prestigious ceremony took place at the elegant Hyatt Regency hotel to honor recipients of the esteemed "Tourism Devotee" medal, recognizing their invaluable contributions to the development of tourism in Uzbekistan. The event commenced with an inspiring address from Mr. Aziz Abdukhakimov, the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who emphasized the vital role of tourism development in the nation’s growth.

The ceremony brought together a distinguished assembly of representatives from the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, esteemed guests, officials from various ministries and agencies, as well as members of the local media. Honorees received the "Tourism Devotee" medal in recognition of their dedication and hard work in promoting the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of Uzbekistan.

Among the celebrated individuals was our esteemed rector, Dr. Ilhom Mamatkulov, who was honored with the "Tourism Devotee" medal. This recognition not only highlights his commitment to advancing tourism but also reflects the impact of his leadership within our institute.

We take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Ilhom Mamatkulov on this significant achievement. We wish him continued success in his future endeavors and look forward to witnessing his further contributions to the field, inspiring all of us to strive for excellence.

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent Student Summer Tour to Singapore, 2024 🇸🇬

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MDIS Tashkent

Joriy yilning 20-sentabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida talabalar o‘rtasida stol tennisi sport turi bo‘yicha musobaqa bo‘lib o‘tdi. Musobaqada 50 dan ortiq talabalar faol qatnashib o‘z kuchini sinab ko‘rdi. Yuqori kayfiyat va ko‘tarinki ruhda o‘tgan bu musobaqada, g‘oliblar medal va esdalik sovg‘alari bilan taqdirlanishdi.

On September 20, Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent hosted a table tennis competition among students. Over 50 participants took active part in the event and tried their luck. The competition raised the contestants’ spirits and was full of uncompromising battles. The winners were awarded with medals and valuable gifts.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear Graduates and Alumni🎓

Congratulations on your graduation! As you begin the new chapter of your life, we invite you to the MDIST Alumni Association to stay connected with your institute and network with like-minded individuals. It's a good opportunity to share experiences, collaborate on projects, and grow together personally and professionally. Stay involved, attend events, and make the most of your alumni community!

Being part of our Alumni community  offers numerous benefits, including:
   •Networking Opportunities💼: Connect with fellow alumni from various fields and industries, opening doors for collaborations and career advancements.
   •Exclusive Events🔋: Participate in a range of events, from social gatherings and reunions to professional workshops and guest speaker sessions.
   •Career Resources📖: Gain access to job boards, LRC, mentorship programs, and professional development workshops designed to support your career growth.

Annual membership fee 💳: 60$
Please fill out the following form to register📨:

What we offer:
1.  Networking Opportunities💭
   - Events: Regularly organized networking events, reunions, and social gatherings.
2. Career Services📈
Mentorship Programs: Pairing alumni with current students for guidance and support.
3. Access to University Resources📇
   - Library Access: Continued access to university libraries and online databases.
   - Facilities: Use of campus facilities such as gyms, sports centers, and study spaces.
4. Social and Cultural Events🔮
   - Cultural Events: Invitations to art exhibitions, performances, and guest lectures hosted by the university.
   - Alumni Clubs: Regional or interest-based clubs that foster community among alumni with similar backgrounds or interests.
5. Philanthropic Opportunities⚡️
   - Giving Back: Opportunities to participate in fundraising campaigns or volunteer programs that support the university and current students.

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MDIS Tashkent

⚡️Talabalar turar joyi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!

📣Hurmatli TSMRI barcha bosqich talabalari,

Sizlarga shuni mamnuniyat bilan ma’lum qilamizki,
2024-2025 o‘quv yili uchun talabalar turar joyida istiqomat qilishga ro‘yxatdan o‘tish muddati 2024- yilning 10-oktabriga qadar uzaytirildi.

Talabalar turar joyi Toshkent shahar Chilonzor tumanida institutga kelib-ketish uchun qulay hududda joylashgan.

👆Talabalar uchun quyidagi qulayliklar yaratib beriladi:

🏠 Birlamchi qulayliklarga ega shinam xonalar
🛁 Yuvinish xonalari
🍽 Ovqatlanish xonalari
🛋 Ma’naviyat va ma’rifat xonasi
📚 Kutubxona
🌐 Wi-Fi
🔒 24/7 xavfsizlik xizmati

💻 Talabalar turar joyi cheklangan. Quyidagi HAVOLA orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin.

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun: +998712717703

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