Joriy yilning 26-iyuldan 9-avgustgacha bo'lgan kunlar oralig'ida TSMRI talabalari, yozgi ta'lim sayohatini Buyuk Britaniyaning London shahrida o'tkazishdi. Ushbu tadbir nafaqat ta'lim sayohati, balki talabalar uchun xalqaro maydonda yuqori tajriba orttirish va dunyoning yetakchi poytaxtlaridan birining biznes va madaniy dunyosini o'rganish imkoniyatini yaratdi.
From July 26 to August 9 of this year, students from MDIST participated in a summer educational trip in London, UK. This event was not only an educational journey but also provided students with the opportunity to gain significant international experience and explore the business and culture of one of the world's leading capitals.
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🎓UZCARD запускает новую инициативу «UZCARD AVLOD» для студентов бакалавриата.
Приглашаем студентов 2-3 курсов (Year 1 and Year 2) на встречу с представителями UzCard 25 сентября 2024 года в 10:00 в B311.
📚В честь своего 20-летия компания UZCARD выделяет бюджет на программу грантов для 10 студентов «UZCARD AVLOD».
💳Помимо оплаты контракта, одаренные студенты получат возможность пройти оплачиваемую стажировку в UZCARD.
Для кого грант?
👨🏻🎓Студенты 2-3 курсов всех направлений(факультетов) в четырех вузах (WIUT, INHA, MDIST, ТУИТ), прошедшие отбор.
👇Как устроен отбор?
1. Заполните форму заявки по ссылке или QR-коду на картинке.
2. Успейте до 1 октября 2024 г.
3. Убедитесь, что все необходимые документы прикреплены к форме.
🌐Специальная комиссия UZCARD оценит заявки и объявит имена обладателей грантов на официальном сайте.
✅ сканируйте QR-код для подачи заявки прямо сейчас!
☎️Есть вопросы или нужна помощь с заполнением заявки?
Обращайтесь по номеру + 998 71 203 34 43 или на почту
As the new Academic year is about to start, it is time to think how to improve academic performance.
Most students believe that straight A’s can be achieved only through cramming and painful all-nighters at the library. But Cal Newport knows that real straight-A students don’t study harder—they study smarter. A breakthrough approach to acing academic assignments, from quizzes and exams to essays and papers, How to Become a Straight-A Student reveals for the first time the proven study secrets of real straight-A students across the USA and weaves them into a simple, practical system that anyone can master.
#weekendsareforreading #MDIST_LRC
Our IELTS journey continues! 🚀
The best place to take IELTS exam
⚡️ This time, we explore one of the most impressive British Council IELTS venues – MDIS in Tashkent!
Along the way, we even guided one of the candidates to the venue.😅
👉 Excellence in environment, equipment, and service – Take IELTS with the British Council!
🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
Dear Foundation Year Students and Guests,
Please arrive at 9:30 AM on September 9, 2024, with your passports for registration before the Parents' Meeting.
Thank you, and see you soon!
Ўзбекистон бўйлаб саёҳат қил!
Жорий йилнинг 28-август куни Тошкент шаҳрида жойлашган "Сузук-Ота" мажмуасида "Ўзбекистон бўйлаб саёҳат қил" шиори остида ички туризмни ривожлантириш кўргазмаси бўлиб ўтди. Ушбу кўргазмада ТСМРИ жамоаси институтнинг таълим салоҳияти ва имкониятлари ҳамда туризм соҳасида малакали кадрлар тайёрлаш масалаларида ўз тарғибот тарқатма материаллари билан фаол қатнашди.
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MDIST ва Inter Nation English School ўртасида ўзаро ҳамкорлик алоқалари ўрнатилди
Жорий йилнинг 30 август куни Тошкентдаги Сингапур Менежментни Ривожлантириш Институти (MDIST) ва Inter Nation English School ўртасида ҳамкорлик меморандуми имзоланди. Ушбу меморандумнинг мақсади Янги Ўзбекистон ёшларининг билим ва кўникмаларини ривожлантириш, жаҳон стандартларига мос кадрлар тайёрлаш ва уларни мамлакатимизни ривожланган давлатлар қаторига олиб чиқишда ҳисса қўшадиган мутахассисларга айлантиришдан иборатдир.
Ҳамкорлик доирасида хорижий тилларни мукаммал ўргатиш, ўқувчи ёшларнинг турли соҳаларга қизиқишларини ривожлантириш, билим ва тажриба алмашинувини ташкил этиш, шунингдек, хорижий давлатларнинг ўқитиш методикаларини ўрганган ҳолда сифатли ўқув жараёнларини ташкил этиш назарда тутилган.
A cooperation agreement has been established between the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIST) and Inter Nation English School
On August 30th of this year, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIST) and Inter Nation English language school. The purpose of this memorandum is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the youth, to prepare professionals according to international standards, and to develop specialists who will contribute to the process of elevating our country to the ranks of developed nations.
The cooperation aims to provide comprehensive foreign language education, foster the interests of students in various fields, facilitate knowledge and experience exchange, and organize high-quality educational processes by studying the teaching methodologies of foreign countries.
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Advance Your Teaching Career with the MA Education (TESOL) Program at MDIS Tashkent!
Are you ready to take your teaching skills to the next level? Join the prestigious MA Education (TESOL) program offered by Teesside University (UK), delivered right here at the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) in Tashkent. This one-year Master's program is your gateway to becoming a leader in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Why Choose Our MA Education (TESOL) Program?
Renowned Partnership: Gain a globally recognized degree from Teesside University, run in collaboration with MDIS, both esteemed institutions in education.
Expert Faculty: Learn from highly qualified lecturers from Teesside University (UK) and MDIS (Singapore), who bring a wealth of academic and practical experience to your learning journey.
On-Campus Experience in Tashkent: Enjoy the convenience of studying at MDIS Tashkent while receiving a world-class education.
Affordable Investment: Complete your Master’s degree for just 54,000,000 UZS, offering unparalleled value for top-tier education.
Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your career in education. Enroll in the MA Education (TESOL) program at MDIS Tashkent and start making a difference in the world of teaching today!
⚡️Talabalar turar joyi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘ting!
📣Xurmatli talabalar, sizlarga shuni ma’lum qilamizki, 2024-2025 o‘quv yili uchun talabalar turar joyida istiqomat qilishga ro‘yxatdan o‘tish jarayoni 2024-yilning 26 - avgustidan 15 - sentabriga qadar davom etadi.
Talabalar turar joyi Toshkent shahar Chilonzor tumanida institutga kelib-ketish uchun qulay hududda joylashgan.
👆Talabalar uchun quyidagi qulayliklar yaratib beriladi:
🏠 Birlamchi qulayliklarga ega shinam xonalar
🛁 Yuvinish xonalari
🍽 Ovqatlanish xonalari
🛋 Ma’naviyat va ma’rifat xonasi
📚 Kutubxona
🌐 Wi-Fi
🔒 24/7 xavfsizlik xizmati
💻 Talabalar turar joyi cheklangan. Quyidagi HAVOLA orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin.
*Talabalar turar joyidan birinchi navbatda 1-kurs talabalari foydalanishi belgilangan
Batafsil ma'lumot uchun: +998712717703
ТСМРИ да Халқаро ёшлар туризм фестивалининг тантанали очилиш маросими бўлиб ўтди
Тошкентдаги Сингапур менежментни ривожлантириш институти ва Ўзбекистон халқаро ислом академияси ҳамда Туризмни ривожлантириш илмий-тадқиқот институти билан ҳамкорликда жорий йилнинг 21-25-август кунлари Тошкентда "Халқаро ёшлар туризм фестивали" ўтказилмоқда. Фестивал туризм соҳасида халқаро ҳамкорликни мустаҳкамлаш, ёшларнинг билим ва тажрибаларини ошириш мақсадида ташкил этилган бўлиб, 22-август куни ТСМРИ да фестивалнинг тантанали очилиш маросими бўлиб ўтди.
Фестивалга Италия, Польша ва Беларусиядан нуфузли меҳмонлар ташриф буюриб, туризм соҳасидаги бой тажрибаларини ёшлар билан бўлишди. Шунингдек, тадбирда Туркия, Қозоғистон ҳамда Қирғизистондан 9 та хорижий университет жумладан, Ибн Халдун Университети, Истанбул Университети ва Анталия Туризм Академияси вакиллари қатнашиб, туризм ва меҳмондўстлик соҳасидаги билим ва тажрибалари билан ўртоқлашишди.
Фестиваль доирасида Ўзбекистоннинг 6 та университети жумладан, Андижон Давлат Университети, Бухоро Давлат Университети ҳамда Наманган Давлат Университети вакиллари ҳам фаол иштирок этиб, ёшларнинг туризм соҳасидаги билимларини оширишига ҳисса қўшдилар.
Фестивал дастури турли тадбирларга бой бўлиб, Халкаро Ислом Академияси билан якиндан танишиш, Академия ходимлари иштирокида Тошкент шаҳрида жойлашган зиёратгоҳларга ташрифлар, Самарқандга саёҳат ҳамда “Узум Сайли” фестивали доирасидаги Тошкент вилояти ҳокимлиги ва Туризмни ривожлантириш институти билан ҳамкорликда ташкиллаштирилган халқаро агро-туризм конференциясида иштирок этиш имкониятларини ўз ичига олган.
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🔸Sizlarni Toshkent viloyati hokimligi, Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti va Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti hamkorligida o‘tkaziladigan “Agroturizm – turizmni rivojlantirishning yangi katalizatori: roli, strategiyalari va muvaffaqiyatli amaliyotlari” konferensiyada ishtirok etishga taklif qilamiz.
▫️Sana: 2024-yil 23-24-avgust
▫️Ro'yxatdan o'tish: 09:30 - 10:00
▫️Konferensiya boshlanishi: 10:00
▫️Joy: Parkent tumani, Zarkent qishlog'i
🔸Anjumanning maqsadi: Agroturizm sohasidagi muvaffaqiyatli tajribalar va innovatsion yechimlarni taqdim etish va muhokama qilish; turli hududlarda agroturizmni barqaror rivojlantirish uchun asosiy strategiya va yondashuvlarni aniqlash; enoturizm, uzumchilik, agrobiznes, turizm va hukumat vakillari o‘rtasida aloqa va hamkorlik uchun platforma yaratish; mahalliy va milliy darajada enoturizm infratuzilmasini rivojlantirish va agroturizmni qo‘llab-quvvatlash masalalarini muhokama qilish; agroturizmda barqaror rivojlanish tamoyillari va amaliyotlarini muhokama qilish; atrof-muhitga salbiy ta’sirni minimallashtirish strategiyalarini ishlab chiqish va ekoturizm tamoyillarini integratsiya qilish; agroturizmni qo‘llab-quvvatlash bo‘yicha davlat siyosati va dasturlarini muhokama qilish.
➡️ Axborot xati bilan tanishish.
➡️ Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun havola.
➡️ Ma'lumot uchun: @NavruzaAripova
🔸Agroturizm istiqbollari muhokamasiga qoʻshiling. Ajoyib tajribaga ega bo'ling, yetakchi mutaxassislar bilan tajriba almashing va turizmning barqaror kelajagini shakllantirishga hissa qo‘shing!
🔸Приглашаем Вас принять участие в Международной конференции: «Агротуризм – новый катализатор развития туризма: роль, стратегии и успешные практики», организуемой Хокимиятом Ташкентской области, Сингапурским институтом развития менеджмента в Ташкенте и Научно-исследовательским институтом развития туризма.
▫️Дата: 23-24 августа 2024 года
▫️Регистрация: 09:30 - 10:00
▫️Начало конференции: 10:00
▫️Место: Паркентский район, поселок Заркент
🔸Основные цели мероприятия: Предоставление и обсуждение успешного опыта и инновационных решений в сфере агротуризма; определение основных стратегий и подходов устойчивого развития агротуризма в различных регионах; создание платформы для общения и сотрудничества между винным туризмом, виноградарством, агробизнесом, туризмом и представителями власти; обсудить вопросы развития инфраструктуры винного туризма и поддержки агротуризма на местном и национальном уровне; обсудить принципы и практику устойчивого развития в агротуризме; разработка стратегий по минимизации негативного воздействия на окружающую среду и интеграция принципов экотуризма; обсуждение государственной политики и программ поддержки агротуризма.
➡️ Для ознакомления с Информационным письмом.
➡️ Для прохождения регистрации.
➡️ Для контакта: @NavruzaAripova
🔸Присоединяйтесь к обсуждению перспектив агротуризма. Откройте для себя передовые практики, делитесь опытом с ведущими экспертами и внесите свой вклад в формирование устойчивого будущего туризма!
🇺🇿 Rasmiy sahifalarimizni kuzatib boring:
Rasmiy | Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | Youtube
Dear Students,
We invite you to join our new MDIST SSU channel to stay updated on important news and developments related to both academic and social aspects of our Institute. By subscribing, you'll receive timely information on upcoming events, program updates, and announcements that impact our community.
We look forward to keeping you informed and engaged.
Best regards,
Student Services Unit
🚨 Ayni paytda Qo‘qon universitetida "Mamlakatimizda turizm sohasi uchun zamon talablariga javob beradigan yuqori malakali kadrlar tayyorlash istiqbollari: muammo va yechimlar" mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy seminar bo‘lib o‘tmoqda.
👆llmiy-amaliy seminarda O‘zbekistondagi turizm yo‘nalishi mavjud 30 dan ortiq oliy ta'lim muassalarining rektor, prorektor va kafedra mudirlari ishtirok etmoqda.
💙Ilmiy-amaliy seminarda so‘zga chiqqanlar 2024-2025 o‘quv yili dasturlarini o‘quv yili yakunigacha turizm ta'limi dasturlari jahon universitetlari reytingida top-100 talikka kiruvchi nufuzli ta'lim muassasalari standartlari asosida qayta ishlab chiqish, ushbu yo‘nalish bo‘yicha dual ta'lim shaklini joriy etish, universitetlarning o‘zida amaliyot bazalarini tashkil etish kabi masalalar yuzasidan o'z fikrlarini bildirib o‘tishmoqda.
Joriy yilning 12-avgust kuni TSMRI Biznes Inkubatori va talabalari Toshkent Amity universitetida bo'lib o'tgan BRB Fintech Hackcelerator rasmiy ochilish marosimida ishtirok etishdi.
Amity Universiti va Biznesni rivojlantirish banki hamkorligida bo'lib o'tgan ushbu tadbir TSMRI talabalari uchun innovatasion ishlanmalar ishlab chiqishda va yuqori o'rinlarni egallashda ajoyib imkoniyat yaratadi.
On August 12, 2024 MDIST Business Incubator and students participated in the official opening ceremony of BRB Fintech Hackcelerator held at Tashkent Amity University.
Organized in partnership with Amity University and Business Development Bank, this event provides an excellent opportunity for MDIST students to develop innovative startups and achieve top positions.
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UZCARD Launches New Initiative "UZCARD AVLOD" for Undergraduate Students
We are kindly inviting Year 1 and Year 2 students of MDIST to meet with representatives of UzCard on September 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM in room B311.
📚 In honor of its 20th anniversary, UZCARD has allocated a budget for a grant programme for 10 students under "UZCARD AVLOD."
💳 In addition to covering tuition fees, selected students will have the opportunity to undertake a paid internship at UZCARD.
Who is eligible for the grant?
👨🏻🎓 Year 1 and Year 2 students from all disciplines at four universities (WIUT, INHA, MDIST, TUIT) who pass the selection process.
How does the selection process work?
➡️Fill out the application form via the link or the QR code in the image.
➡️Submit your application by October 1, 2024.
➡️Ensure that all required documents are attached to the form.
🌐 UZCARD Special Committee will evaluate the applications and announce the names of the grant recipients on the official website.
✅ Scan the QR code to apply now!
☎️ If you have any questions or need assistance with the application, please contact us at +998 71 203 34 43 or email
MDIS Tashkent is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of its Foundation Year Parents' Meeting, which took place on September 9, 2024. The event provided an excellent opportunity to welcome students and their families into the MDIST community and featured engaging discussions and a celebratory Plov party.
Following the meeting, attendees enjoyed a Plov party, which featured traditional Uzbek cuisine and served as a festive occasion to mark the beginning of the academic year. The event fostered a strong sense of community and connection among students, parents, and staff.
MDIS Tashkent extends its heartfelt thanks to all participants and looks forward to a productive and successful academic year.
TSMRI da "Xon Atlas" festivali bo‘lib o‘tdi
Joriy yilning 9-sentabr kuni TSMRI da institut talabalari hamda хodimlari ishtirokida “Xon Atlas” festivali uyushqoqlik bilan tashkil etildi. Ushbu tadbirda institutning “Moda va dizayn yo‘nalishi maktabi” talabalari tomonidan atlas, аdrаs kabi milliy matolarimizni zamonaviy dizayn uslublari bilan chambarchas bog‘lab yaratilgan liboslar to‘plami namoyishi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Ushbu tadbirdan ko‘zlangan asosiy maqsad, milliy matolarimizdan yaratilgan liboslarda aks etgan xalqimizning ming asrlik o‘tmishi, urf-odat va an'analari, estetik qarashlari, shuningdek, o‘ziga xos xususiyatlarini namoyish etish hamda milliy qadriyatlarimizni mazmunan boyitish orqali, milliy birlik g‘oyalarini ilgari surishdan iboratdir.
Tadbir mehmonlari uchun tuzilgan dasturxonlarga turli xil noz-ne‘matlar va xalqimizning sevimli taomi, osh tortildi. Tadbir so‘ngida tashkil etilgan konsert dasturi esa barchada ko‘tarinki ruh uyg‘otib, festivalni yanada yuqori saviyada o‘tishini ta'minladi.
On September 9, 2024, the “Khan Atlas” festival was organized with great coordination at MDIS Tashkent. Students and staff members of the institute have participated actively on this prestigious event. During the event, a collection of garments created by the students of the institute's "School of Fashion and Design" was showcased, blending traditional fabrics like atlas and adras with modern design styles.
The primary goal of this event was to demonstrate the thousand-year history, customs, traditions, aesthetic views, and unique features of our nation, which are reflected in the clothing made from our national fabrics, and to promote the ideas of national unity by enriching our traditional values.
A variety of delicacies and our nation’s favorite dish, pilaf, were served to the guests. The concert program held at the end of the event elevated the spirit of everyone and ensured that the festival celebrated on high levels.
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Dear Foundation Year Students of MDIS Tashkent,
Welcome to the beginning of an exciting journey! 🎓✨
MDIST is kindly inviting you to the Orientation Week for the 2024-2025 academic year! Join us for a vibrant and engaging series of events designed to kickstart your MDIS Tashkent adventure.
Mark your calendars: September 10 - 13, 2024. 📅
Here’s what’s in store:
🤝Connect with your peers and start building your network.
📚Attend department-specific meetings tailored to your academic interests.
🛠Explore our programs, resources, and support services to ensure a smooth and successful journey ahead.
And don’t miss our special treat: a Freshmen Party for all Foundation Year students on September 13, 2024! 🎉
Important: Each group has a designated Orientation Day, so be sure to check your email 📧 and I-Net account on September 5, 2024, for your specific schedule.
We can’t wait to welcome you!
Best regards,
The MDIS Tashkent Team
🎉Welcome to MDIST! Join Us for the Parents' Meeting & Plov Party!
Dear Foundation Year Students of 2024-2025 AY,
MDIST warmly congratulates you on joining our vibrant academic community! 🎓✨We are excited to invite you and your parents to our special Parents' Meeting on September 9, 2024.
🗓 Date: September 9, 2024
⏰ Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: MDIST Campus
To confirm your participation and that of your parents, please go through the LINK by September 3, 2024, at 18:00 PM.📝
Please remember that each student may bring a maximum of two attendees.
And don’t miss out—enjoy a delicious Plov party following the meeting!🎉
We look forward to your confirmation and can’t wait to see you and your family at the meeting!
📣Talabalar turar joyi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan 1-kurs talabalari diqqatiga!
2024-2025 o‘quv yilida talabalar turar joyidan foydalanish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan 1-kurs talabalari, joriy yilning 5-sentabr kunidan boshlab, TSMRI institutining A binosi 108-xonasiga tashrif buyurib yozma tarzda ariza berishingiz va quyidagi hujjatlarni taqdim etishingiz so‘raladi:
➡️ TSMRI ma’muriyati bilan tuzilgan shartnoma;
➡️ Kontrakt to‘lovini amalga oshirganligi to'g'risidagi ma'lumotnoma;
➡️ Talabalar turar joyida yashash uchun to‘lov kvitansiyasi;
➡️ Pasport yoki ID karta nusxasi.
Batafsil ma’lumot uchun: +998712717703
🎉Welcome to MDIST! Join Us for the Parents' Meeting & Plov Party!
Dear Foundation Year Students of 2024-2025 AY,
MDIST warmly congratulates you on joining our vibrant academic community! 🎓✨We are excited to invite you and your parents to our special Parents' Meeting on September 9, 2024.
🗓 Date: September 9, 2024
⏰ Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: MDIST Campus
To confirm your participation and that of your parents, please go through the LINK by September 3, 2024, at 18:00 PM.📝
Please remember that each student may bring a maximum of two attendees.
And don’t miss out—enjoy a delicious Plov party following the meeting!🎉
We look forward to your confirmation and can’t wait to see you and your family at the meeting!
ТСМРИ да "Маҳалла обод - юрт обод" шиори остида умумхалқ хайрия ҳашари бўлиб ўтди
Жорий йилнинг 24-25 август кунлари умумхалқ хайрия ҳашари доирасида институт жамоаси фаол иштирок этиб, институт ҳудуди ва унга яқин жойлашган бино атрофларини тозалаш ва ободонлаштириш ишларини амалга оширишди.
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Dear Facilitators,
Attached are the outcomes from the interviews for Orientation Week 2024. The students selected for the positions are kindly invited to attend the mandatory training day as follows:
📅 Date: August 27, 2024 (Tuesday)
🕒 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
📍 Location: MDIST Campus
Attendance is compulsory. Students who do not attend the training will be removed from the list of participants.❌
For detailed information about the training schedule, please refer to the attached file.
Kindly arrive 5 minutes before the starting time.
Best regards,
Student Services Unit
Joriy yilning 17-avgust kuni Toshkent viloyatining Bo‘stonliq tumanida joylashgan "Amirsoy Resort" dam olish maskani mezbonligida BEFIT RACE - 2024 musobaqasi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Havaskorlar ishtirokida o‘tkazilgan tadbir aholi o‘rtasida faol turmush tarzini shakllantirish va sport madaniyatini rivojlantirishga yo‘naltirilgan.
Har yili o‘tkazildigan ushbu musobaqa havaskorlar o‘rtasida eng orziqib kutiladigan voqea bo‘lib ulgurdi. Musobaqada Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti jamoasi ham faol qatnashdi va yuqori o‘rinlarni egallashga muvaffaq bo‘ldi. Bu mavsumdagi bellashuvlarda 14 ta mamlakatning 800 ga yaqin havaskor sportchilari ishtirok etib, o‘z kuchini sinab ko‘rishdi.
Shuningdek, tadbir yakunida g‘oliblar qimmatbaho sovg‘alar bilan mukofotlandi. Havaskor sportchilar uchun tashkil etilgan ko‘ngilochar konsert dasturi esa musobaqaga o‘zgacha joziba bag‘ishlab, ishtirokchilarda yuqori kayfiyat uyg‘otdi.
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ТСМРИ ва Марказий Банк алоқалари янги истиқболлар сари одимламоқда
Жорий йилнинг 23 июль куни Тошкентдаги Сингапур менежментни ривожлантириш институти (ТСМРИ) ва Ўзбекистон Республикаси Марказий банки ўртасида ҳамкорлик меморандуми имзоланди. Ҳамкорлик меморандумини имзолашдан кўзланган асосий мақсад, академик муҳит ва банк регулятори томонидан тақдим этилган молия сектори ўртасидаги алоқаларни йўлга қўйиш ва ўзаро интеграцияни мустаҳкамлашдан иборат.
Ушбу ҳамкорлик яқин келажакда иқтисодиёт ва молия, инвестиция (сармоя), ахборот технологиялари, молиявий ҳисоботларнинг халқаро стандартлари, банк рискларини суғурталаш соҳаларида билим ва тадқиқотлар алмашинуви учун янги жабҳаларни очади. Бундай яқин ҳамкорлик, шубҳасиз, ТСМРИ талабаларининг билимларини амалий жиҳатдан мустаҳкамлашга ҳамда банк сектори ва молия соҳасидаги замонавий тенденцияларни чуқурроқ тушунишга ёрдам беради.
Шунингдек, меморандум доирасида қўшма илмий лойиҳалар, талабаларнинг амалиёт ўташлари ҳамда банк ходимларининг касбий ривожланишини ошириш дастурларини амалга ошириш ҳам режалаштирилган.
Новые перспективы развития партнерства между Сингапурским институтом развития менеджмента в Ташкенте и Центральным банком Республики Узбекистан
23 июля 2024г. между Сингапурским институтом развития менеджмента в Ташкенте (СИРМТ) и Центральным банком Республики Узбекистан был подписан Меморандум о сотрудничестве.
Основной целью подписания меморандума является налаживание связей и укрепление взаимной интеграции между академической сферой, представленной СИРМТ и банковско-финансовым сектором, представленным основным регулятором.
Данное сотрудничество в ближайшем будущем откроет новые горизонты для обмена знаниями и исследованиями в области экономики, финансов и банковского дела, инвестиций, информационных технологий, международных стандартов финансовой отчетности, а также страхования банковских рисков. Совместная работа по вышеуказанным направлениям, несомненно, будет способствовать практическому закреплению знаний студентов СИРМТ, а также более глубокому пониманию современных тенденций в банковско-финансовом секторе.
Также, в рамках меморандума планируется реализация совместных научных проектов, студенческих стажировок и программ повышения профессионального развития работников банковской сферы.
MDIS Tashkent Summer Camp Wrap-Up: A Season of Learning, Fun, and New Connections
The MDIS Tashkent Summer Camp for New Entrants of the 2024 - 2025 Academic Year has just concluded its exciting Third Season! This year, participants had the unique opportunity to engage in hands-on classes with both international and local experts in our Fashion, Tourism 🌍, and Finance 💼 labs, as well as our innovative Business Incubator 🚀.
But that’s not all! Our program also included enriching psychology courses, dynamic sports activities 🏀, and engaging team-building exercises 🤝. This blend of learning and fun was designed to boost your skills, expand your network, and build lasting connections.
Check out how our students shared their impressions about the summer camp🤩
Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida qabul davom etmoqda!
Sizda Buyuk Britaniya universitetlarining 3 ta xalqaro darajadagi diplomidan birini va 100 ta grantdan birini yutib olish imkoniyati mavjud.
TSMRI da siz quyidagi 17 ta bakalavriat yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha ta’lim olishingiz mumkin:
1. Biznes va Menejment
2. Biznes va Marketing menejmenti
3. Buxgalteriya ishi va moliya
4. Biznes va Moliya menejmenti
5. Moda mahsuloti va uning targ‘iboti
6. Sanoat menejmenti
7. Biznes va Iqtisodiyot
8. Biznesda kompyuter axborot tizimlari
9. Bank ishi va Moliya
10. Moliya, Sarmoya va Risk menejmenti
11. Turizm va Mehmondorchilikda xalqaro biznes
12. Turizm va Mehmondorchilikda: Boshqaruvda Yetakchilik
13. Xalqaro biznes
14. Kadrlar boshqaruvi
15. Loyiha boshqaruvi
16. Grafik dizayn va xalqaro marketing
17. Ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar, reklama va jamoatchilik bilan aloqalar.
Shuningdek, 4 ta magistratura yo‘nalishi mavjud:
1. Moliya (MBA Finance)
2. Marketing (MBA Marketing)
3. Inson resurslarini boshqarish (MBA Human Resource Management)
4. TESOL dasturi bo‘yicha ta’lim berish (MA in Education with TESOL)
Agar sizning IELTS darajangiz 5.5 yoki undan yuqori bo‘lsa, sizda bakalavriat dasturiga imtihonlarsiz qabul qilinish imkoniyati mavjud.
Shoshiling, hujjatlar 25-avgustgacha qabul qilinadi.
Tafsilotlar uchun murojaat qiling: 📞 71 271 77 02
Ma’lumot uchun:
MDIS Tashkent, in partnership with the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and the Institute of Tourism Development, announces the “International Youth Tourism Festival” from August 21-25, 2024. Key aims include promoting tourism, fostering intercultural exchange, engaging with sustainable tourism challenges, and analyzing global trends. The program features an opening ceremony, campus tour, historical site visit, international agrotourism conference, trip to Samarkand, Uzbek cuisine tasting, and a gala concert. Participants will receive an international certificate. For details, contact +998 71 271 77 00 (1077) or email, Visit or
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