Dear MDIS Tashkent staff and students!
On March 18, at the Navruz party, we will hold a chess, checkers, and table tennis competition!
Valuable prizes and an incredible atmosphere are waiting for you.
We kindly ask that you sign in to participate in the competition.
Please feel free to register at the Sport Centre, room 108!
Dear Students,
We are excited to invite you all to our vibrant concert for International Women's Day Concert. Our team has put together a fantastic programme to celebrate the spirit and achievements of women. Join us for a day filled with empowerment, inspiration, and unity.
🗓 Date: March 7th
🕰 Time: 4.00 PM
📍 Venue: Conference Hall (Block A)
🌸 Let's come together to celebrate Women's Day, appreciate each other's strengths, and foster a supportive environment for all! 🌸
Hurmatli abituriyentlar,
2024-2025 o‘quv yili uchun qabul boshlanganini mamnuniyat e’lon qilamiz.
Roʻyxatdan oʻtish muddati:
2024 yil 1 martdan - 15 avgustgacha
Eslatma: Muddat MDIS tomonidan o'zgartirilishi mumkin.
Abituriyentlar onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun quyidagi hujjatlarning skanerlangan nusxalarini yuklashlari talab etiladi:
1️⃣ Pasport (pasportga doimiy ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan manzili sahifasi ham talab etiladi) (PDF);
2️⃣ IELTS sertifikati (BC/IDP) yoki MDIS ingliz tilidan test natijasi - 5,5 va undan yuqori yoki TOEFL IBT 46-59/ TOEFL PBT 453-496 (PDF) yoki CEFRL B2;
3️⃣ 3,5×4,5 o‘lchamdagi fotosurat (JPEG);
4️⃣ Umumta’lim maktabi/Akademik litsey/Kasb-hunar kolleji diplomi va transkripti (ingliz tiliga tarjima qilingan va agar asl hujjatning ingliz tilidagi nusxasi bo'lmasa, notarial tasdiqlangan).
O'rta ma'lumot to'g'risidagi diplom hali olinmagan taqdirda, talabnoma beruvchi o'qishni tasdiqlovchi akademik sertifikatni yuklashi mumkin.
🔴 Marhamat, onlayn ariza topshirish uchun havolaga o'ting:
HBS jamoasidan Master Klass
Joriy yilning 29-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida HBS akademiyasi vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi.
Akademiya faoliyati moliya dunyosi, undagi fond va kripto bozori kabi yo'nalishlarni qamrab olgan bo'lib 4 yildan buyon aksiya va kripto bozorida faoliyat yuritib kelmoqda. HBS kompaniyasi Dubayda tashkil topgan bo'lib hozirgi kunda Toshkentda ham o'z filiallari mavjud. Shuningdek, yurtimizda Cyber Park, UIC, Najot ta'lim, C-Space va El Makon xorijda, ByBit, 7luxury car rental, F&C real estate hamda Al Najm Electronics kompaniyalari bilan hamkorlikni yo'lga qo'ygan.
Shuningdek, uchrashuvda TSMRI da ham HBS akademiyasi kurslarini tashkil etish hamda keng hamkorlik aloqalarini yo'lga qo'yishga kelishib olindi.
Master Class from the HBS team
On February 29, 2024, a meeting with the representatives of the HBS Academy was held at MDIS Tashkent.
The activity of the academy covers areas such as finance, fund management, and crypto markets. It has been operating in the stock and crypto markets for 4 years. The HBS company was founded in Dubai and currently has branches in Tashkent. It has also established cooperation with Cyber Park, UIC, Najot Education, C-Space and El Makon abroad, ByBit, 7luxury car rental, F&C real estate, and Al Najm Electronics companies.
Also, at the meeting, it was agreed to establish cooperation and organize HBS Academy courses at MDIS Tashkent.
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Talabalar ishtirokida intellektual o'yinlar
Joriy yilning 28-fevral kuni institutimizning talabalar turar joyi binosida talabalarimiz ishtirokida intellektual o'yinlar bo'lib o'tdi.
Talabalar o'rtasida do'stona muhitni yanada oshirish ularni ahil-inoq bir jamoa sifatida shakllantirish hamda intellektual salohiyatini yanada yuksaltirsh maqsadida TSMRI talabalar turar joyi binosida intellektual o'yinlar o'tkazildi. Bu esa yoshlarimizga ko'tarinki kayfiyat bag'ishladi.
Shuningdek, tadbir so'ngida talabalar uchun kechki ovqat tashkil etildi. Ta'kidlash joizki, bu kabi tadbirlar talabalarimizda yuqori kayfiyatni ta'minlabgina qolmay o'z bilim salohiyatlarini yuzaga chiqarishda ko'makchi bo'lib xizmat qiladi.
Student Quiz
On February 28, 2024, an intellectual quiz was held at MDIS Tashkent student accommodation building.
In order to enhance the friendly atmosphere among students, to build a team, and to further increase their intellectual potential, an intellectual quiz and memorable dinner were held in the building of MDIS Tashkent student hostel.
It is worth noting that such events not only increase morale among students but also help them reveal their knowledge potential.
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Akademik va baholash innovatsiyalari festivali (UOS Akademik treningi)
Joriy yilning 26-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida UOS akademik treningi bo‘yicha sertifikatlar o‘z egalariga topshirildi.
Trening xodimlar o‘rtasida akademik yaxlitlikni kuchaytirish, baholashni loyihalash va amalga oshirish ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish, talabalarning muvaffaqiyati va o'quv natijalarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan baholash strategiyasini yaratishga e'tibor qaratish kabi mavzularni qamrab oldi. Shuningdek, trening qatnashchilariga sertifikatlar topshirildi.
Academic and Assessment Innovation Festival (UOS Academic Training)
On February 26, 2024, certificates for the academic training of UOS were handed over to its participants.
The training covered topics such as enhancing academic integrity among staff, developing assessment design and implementation skills, and focusing on creating assessment strategies that support student success and learning outcomes.
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Agroturizmni rivojlantirish istiqbollari
Joriy yilning 16-fevral kuni Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti huzuridagi pedagog kadrlarni qayta tayyorlash va ularning malakasini oshirish tarmoq markazi tinglovchilari uchun Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining "Biznes va menejment maktabi direktori Dr.Asghar Mehmood Sufyan hamda "Turizm va mehmondo'stlik maktabi direktori Mironshoh Uktamov tomonidan "Agroturizmni rivojlantirish istiqbollari" mavzusida seminar-trening tashkil etildi.
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International scientific-practical conference "Excursion activity: Symbiosis of education, science and practice"
On February 22, 2024 Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent held an International scientific-practical conference "Excursion activity: Symbiosis of education, science and practice"
The main aim of conducting scientific-practical conferences and roundtable discussions is to increase the interest of the scientific-educational public and representatives of the tourism industry in the system of training qualified personnel for excursion activities, to improve this system, as well as to develop proposals and recommendations. The conference highlighted one of the important directions of the tourism sphere - current issues and prospects of development of excursion activities.
It is worth noting that improving the details of excursions, as well as improving the quality of service to foreign and local tourists, increasing the flow of tourists, will serve as a real basis for full representation of the potential of our country as one of the world's touristic centers.
Dear Foundation Year students,
If you still have no idea which major to choose and are looking for professional advice, you are welcome to attend a session with Mrs. Dilafruz Kurbonova, Head of the School of Banking and Finance
Date: February 26, 2024 (Monday)
Time: 15:30
Venue: 209 - B
Page 3 | Free Google Slides & PowerPoint Templates about tourism
Dear Foundation Year students,
If you would like to delve into the world of luxury, travel, and hospitality, you are invited to attend a session with Mr. Mironshokh Uktamov, Head of School of Tourism and Hospitality
Date: February 28, 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:30
Venue: Conference Hall
Dear Foundation Year students,
If you still have no idea which major to choose and are looking for professional advice, you are welcome to attend a session with Mrs. Dilafruz Kurbonova, Head of the School of Banking and Finance
Date: February 26, 2024 (Monday)
Time: 15:30
Venue: Conference Hall
UzAuto Motors bilan istiqbolli hamkorlik sari
Joriy yilning 20-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida "UzAuto Motors" ochiq aksiyadorlik jamiyati direktori Bo Inge Andersson bilan uchrashuv bo'lib o'tdi.
Uchrashuvda zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari sohasida, shuningdek, ta'lim faoliyati sohasida hamkorlikni yo'lga qo'yish, O'zbekistonda axborot jamiyatini yanada rivojlantirish uchun ustuvor ahamiyatga ega bo'lgan loyihalarni amalga oshirish muhokama qilindi. Kelgusida hamkorlikni bosqichma-bosqish yuqori darajalarga olib chiqish maqsadida turli xil samarali kelishuvlarga erishildi. Jumladan, tomonlar o'rtasida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sheriklik munosabatlarini o'rnatish, donorlar, grantlarni o'z ichiga olgan qo'shma loyihalar va talabalar uchun ish tanlash jarayonida ularning ilmiy salohiyati, bilim darajasi va qobiliyatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda ishga joylashga ko'maklashish kabi loyihalarni o'z ichiga olgan.
Ta'kidalash joizki, yuqorida keltirilgan yo'nalishlarda hamkorlikni yo'lga qo'yish va mustahkamlash maqsadida tomonlar o'rtasida memorandum imzolandi. Ikki tomon bu memorandum kelgusidagi samarali hamkorlik sari tashlangan ilk qadam ekanligini qayd etishdi.
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TSMRI da 8- mart “Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni” bayrami nishonlandi.
Joriy yilning 7- mart kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida 8- mart “Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni” bayrami ko‘tarinki ruhda bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Bayram institutning faol talabalari tomonidan ayol xodimlar va talaba qizlar uchun tabrik musiqalari bilan boshlandi. Tadbir ishtirokchilari tomonidan hayotimizni mehr-muhabbat hamda go‘zallik bilan to‘ldiradigan xotin-qizlarimizga qaratilgan minnatdorchilik bir necha bor yangradi. Aziz ayollar uchun bayram dasturxoni ham tashkil etildi.
Shuningdek, institut faollar zalida bayram konserti ham bo‘lib o‘tdi. Konsertda iqtidorli talabalarimiz ijrosida musiqiy hamda sahna ko‘rinishlari namoyish etildi. Tadbirda yangragan tabriklar va samimiy tilaklar tashrif buyurgan xotin-qizlarimiz yuzlarida tabassum, quvonch hamda minnatdorchilik kayfiyatini uyg‘otishga xizmat qildi.
Bayramingiz muborak bo‘lsin, aziz va muqaddas ayollar!
MDIS Tashkent celebrates International Women's Day
MDIS Tashkent hosted an International Women's Day celebration on March 7, 2024. The institute's cover club started the event with a performance to honour female employees and students. The attendees of the event conveyed their appreciation to women for bringing love and beauty into our lives.
Additionally, our gifted students' theatrical and musical performances were showcased at a concert in the institute's conference hall.The event's congratulations and heartfelt wishes helped to make everyone happy, grateful, and smiling.
Greetings on your holiday, dear ladies!
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The professional futsal team, BMB PFC, at MDIS Tashkent ⚽️
The professional futsal team at MDIS Tashkent represents excellence in the sport and embodies the values of teamwork, dedication, and integrity.
In 2021, the Professional Football League of Uzbekistan started participating in the 1st league futsal competitions, became the champion, and qualified for the Oliy League.
In the 2022–2023 season of the Professional Football League of Uzbekistan, they won the title of Champion of Uzbekistan with 31 wins and 1 draw.
The team's successes are not only reflected in their impressive winning record but also in their ability to inspire our students and unite the entire institute community.
“HOTEL BUSINESS FORUM-2024”: mehmondo‘stlik yo‘nalishida kadrlar tayyorlash
Joriy yilning 1-mart kuni AQSh, Rossiya, Yevropa, Janubi-Sharqiy va Markaziy Osiyodan mehmonxona biznesi, turizm va unga aloqador sohalar bo‘yicha 400 dan ortiq yetakchi mutaxassislarini o‘zida jamlagan “HOTEL BUSINESS FORUM-2024” xalqaro forumining ikkinchi kuni yakunlandi.
“Kadrlarga investitsiya: mehmondo‘stlik sohasini rivojlantirish katalizatori” mavzusidagi uchinchi sessiyada mutaxassislar turizm va mehmondoʻstlik sohasida kadrlar tayyorlash, texnologik innovatsiyalar va mehmonxona biznesidagi raqamli transformatsiya masalalarini muhokama qildilar. Shuningdek, hamkor kompaniyalarning yangi texnologiyalari, xizmatlari va mahsulotlari ko‘rgazmasi bo‘lib unda TSMRI ham o‘z taqdimotini namoyish etdi.
Ta’kidlash joizki, kadrlar resurslariga sarmoya kiritib, mamlakatimizning turizm sohasini rivojlantirish yo‘lidagi faol sa’y-harakatlar bilan kelgusi yillarda yanada katta yutuqlarga erishish munkinligi qayd etildi.
"Hotel Business Forum 2024": training personnel in hospitality
On March 1, 2024, the second day of the international forum "Hotel Business Forum-2024" came to an end. The event brought together more than 400 leading experts in hotel business, tourism, and related fields from the USA, Russia, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia.
In the third session on "Investment in personnel: a catalyst for the development of the hospitality sector," the renowned experts discussed the issues of personnel training in the tourism and hospitality sectors, technological innovations, and digital transformation in the hotel business. Also, there was an exhibition of new technologies, services, and products of partner companies, where MDIS Tashkent was also represented.
It is worth noting that by investing in human resources and actively developing our country's tourism sector, we may achieve greater success in the years ahead.
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Dear Applicants,
We are pleased to announce the commencement of the 2024-2025 Academic Year Admission.
Registration dates:
March 1 - August 15, 2024
N.B.: Dates are subject to change by MDIS.
Applicants who wish to apply for the Foundation Year program shall upload the scanned copies of the following documents while registering online:
1️⃣ Passport (including the permanent registration page) (PDF);
2️⃣ IELTS Certificate (BC/IDP) or MDIS English Test result - 5.5 and above or TOEFL IBT 46-59/ TOEFL PBT 453-496 (PDF) or CEFRL B2;
3️⃣ Photo 3.5×4.5 sized (JPEG);
4️⃣ Diploma and Transcript of Secondary School/Academic Lyceum/Professional College (translated into English and notarized, if there is no English version of the original document).
In case the Diploma of Secondary Education is not received yet, the Applicant may upload an Academic Certificate the proof of study.
🔴 Please, follow the link to submit your online application:
TSMRI turizmni rivojlantirish yo'lida
Joriy yilning 29-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti vakillari Toshkent viloyatining Parkent tumani 1-ixtisoslashgan davlat umumiy maktabida bo'lishdi.
Parkent tumanining namunali yuqori sinf o'quvchilari uchun tashkil etilgan ochiq davra suhbatida TSMRI vakillari tomonidan institut faoliyati hamda turizm va mehmondo'stlik sohasi haqida taqdimot o'tkazildi. O'quvchilar ushbu yo'nalishda o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollarga javob olishdi.
Ta'kidalash joizki, taqdimot o'quvchilar orasida yuqori qiziqish uyg'otib kelgusida turizm salohiyatini yuksaltirish yo'lida amaliy dastur vazifasini bajarishini qayd etish mumkin.
MDIS Tashkent is on the way to developing tourism
On February 29, 2024, representatives of MDIS Tashkent visited the 1st specialised state general school of the Parkent district of the Tashkent region.
At an open roundtable discussion organized for exemplary high school students of Parkent district, MDIS Tashkent representatives made a presentation about the activities of the institute and the field of tourism and hospitality.
It should be noted that the presentation aroused high interest among the students and served as a practical programme to increase tourism potential in the future.
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TSMRI da koreys tili va IT kurslari tashkil etiladi
Joriy yilning 28-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida Janubiy Koreyaning HanCom kompaniyasi vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Uchrashuvdan asosiy maqasad TSMRI da koreys tili va IT kurslarini tashkil etishdan iborat bo‘lib, institutimizda smart sinf tashkil qilish ko‘zda tutilgan.
Ta‘kidlash joizki, bu kabi hamkorliklardan ikki tomon ham mamnun ekanligi va kelgusida hamkorlikni memorandum orqali yanada mustahkamlashga kelishilganligini qayd etish mumkin.
Korean language and IT courses will be introduced at MDIS Tashkent
On February 28, 2024, representatives from HanCom Corporation (South Korea) met at MDIS Tashkent.
The meeting's main objective is to organize Korean language and IT courses as well as set up a smart class at our institute.
It is worth noting that both sides are pleased with the cooperation and have agreed to strengthen it through a memorandum of understanding.
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Zakovat intellektual o‘yinlari bo‘yicha master-klass
Joriy yilning 23-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida Zakovat intellektual o'yini yuzasidan master-klass bo'lib o'tdi.
"Zakovat NTT" klubining 2006-yilgi Oliy Liga o'yinlari g'olibi Furqat Qurbonov boshchiligida master-klass TSMRI ning "Dream Team" terma jamoasiga saralash jarayonini olib borishni ko'zda tutgan bo'lib, talabalar o'rtasida o'zaro zakovat o'yinlari tashkil etildi.
Qayd etish kerakki, zakovat master-klass jarayonini tashkil etishdan asosiy maqsad, talabalarimiz orasida bilimdon yoshlarni saralab institutimizda professional jamoani shakllantirishdan iborat.
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International scientific-practical conference "Excursion Activity: Symbiosis of Education, Science, and Practice"
On February 22, 2024, the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent held an international scientific-practical conference, "Excursion Activity: Symbiosis of Education, Science, and Practice."
The main aim of conducting scientific-practical conferences and roundtable discussions is to increase the interest of the scientific-educational public and representatives of the tourism industry in the system of training qualified personnel for excursion activities, to improve this system, and to develop proposals and recommendations. The conference highlighted one of the important directions of the tourism sphere: current issues and prospects for the development of excursion activities.
It is worth noting that improving the details of excursions, as well as improving the quality of service to foreign and local tourists and increasing the flow of tourists, will serve as a real basis for a full representation of the potential of our country as one of the world's touristic centres.
"Ekskursiya faoliyati: Ta'lim, fan va amaliyot simbiozi" xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi
Joriy yilning 22-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida "Ekskursiya faoliyati: Ta'lim, fan va amaliyot simbiozi" xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi bo'lib o'tdi.
Ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya va davra suhbatlarini o‘tkazishdan asosiy maqsad ilmiy-ma’rifiy jamoatchilik va turizm sohasi vakillarining ekskursiya faoliyati uchun malakali kadrlar tayyorlash tizimiga bo‘lgan qiziqishini oshirish, ushbu tizimni takomillashtirish, shuningdek, bu boradagi taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqishdan iborat. Konferensiyada to'g'ridan-to'g'ri muloqot va turizm sanoatining muhim yo'nalishlaridan biri - ekskursiya faoliyatini rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalari va istiqbollari muhokama qilindi.
Ta'kidlash joizki, ekskursiya detallarini takomillashtirish, shuningdek, xorijiy va mahalliy sayyohlarga xizmat ko‘rsatish sifatini oshirish, turistlar oqimini ko‘paytirish, mamlakatimizning jahon sayyohlik markazlaridan biri sifatidagi salohiyatini to‘liq ochishga haqiqiy asos bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.
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HBS jamoasidan Master Klass ⚡️
Moliya dunyosi, undagi fond va kripto bozori qanday ishlashi qiziqmi?
Unda master klass aynan siz uchun 🦅
— Kriptotreyding;
— Aksiyalar;
— Qanday qilib moliya bozorida investitsiyalar boshqarilishi va boshqa mavzular bo'yicha qimmatli ma'lumotlarni olasiz 🔥
Master klassda maxsus sovg'alar ham bo'ladi 🎁
📅 Qachon: 29-fevral, payshanba, soat 14:00
🆓 Qatnashish: bepul
📍 Qayerda: Konferensiya zali
💼 UzAuto Motors Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti (TSMRI) bilan AKT sohasida hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘ymoqda
📹 Youtube
Dear Foundation Year students,
Those who are interested in business, HR, economics, marketing, and management are invited to attend a meeting with Mr. Sufyan Asghar Mehmood, Head of the School of Business and Management.
Date: February 27, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 15:30
Venue: Conference Hall
Hurmatli talabalar, fond va kripto bozorlarida tajribangiz yuksalishini hamda moliyaviy savodxonligingizni oshirishni istaysizmi? Unday bo'lsa master-klassimizga qo'shiling! Bu sizning mutaxassislardan maslahatlar olish va savdo qilishning eng ilg'or usullarini o'rganish imkoniyatidir! Savdo ko'nikmalaringizni oshirish hamda foydali daromad olishni boshlash uchun imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang!
Sana: 27 Fevral
Vaqt: 14:00
O'tkaziladigan joy: Konferensiya zali
Towards a promising cooperation with UzAuto Motors
On February 20, 2024, MDIS Tashkent hosted a meeting with Mr. Bo Inge Andersson, the CEO of UzAuto Motors.
The meeting addressed the establishment of cooperation in the field of contemporary information technologies, educational activities, and the implementation of priority projects for the further development of Uzbekistan. Various effective agreements have been reached in order to step up the cooperation to higher levels in the future. In particular, the establishment of direct partnership relations between the parties, joint projects including grants, student recruitment, and projects based on employment assistance.
It should be noted that a memorandum was signed between the parties in order to establish and strengthen cooperation in the above-mentioned areas. Both sides noted that this memorandum is the first step towards effective cooperation in the future.