Dear Students,
In this cold weather, we invite you to warm up with a cup of free coffee in the main hall of the institute.
Where: Block A/B, Main Hall
Dear Foundation Year Students,
Please be informed that registration for the BA (Hons) Fashion Product and Promotion programme (University of Sunderland) is open.
Those who are willing to study the programme should fill out the UOS application form (attached) and submit it to the Central Registry department ( before the deadline.
Registration dates: December 1, 2023, to January 6, 2024 (5 p.m.)
* Kindly take note that students who choose this programme (FPP) will study Marketing Theory and Fashion Business instead of Fundamentals of Information Technology in the second semester of the Foundation Year. * For your information: To enter the BU BSc (Hons) Computer Information for Business, FY students must take Fundamentals of Information Technology.
Therefore, please discuss with your parents before making a final decision about your faculty choice.
For more detailed information about the Fashion Product and Promotion Programme, please attend the programme presentation on December 13, 2023 at 2pm Room B209, or contact the Head of School of Fashion, Mr Ercel Orge, at:
Dear SSU colleagues please share message through your telegram channels.
Best regards,
Central Registry
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasining 31 yilligi arafasida Institutning "Zakovat" klubi tomonidan ichki birinchilik o‘yinlari yo‘lga qo‘yildi.
Avvalgi yillardagidan farqli ravishda bu safargi o‘yinda talabalar jamoalariga qarshi xodimlar jamoasi ham yetarlicha qarshilik ko‘rsatishdi. O‘yin davomida hech bir jamoa passivlik ko‘rsatmadi. O‘yin davomida savollardan tashqari, talabalar uchun foydali ma’lumotlar ham berib borildi.
Ushbu turnir o‘quv mavsumi so‘nggiga qadar davom ettiriladi va yakunda g‘olib jamoalar munosib taqdirlanishi ko‘zda tutilgan.
MDIS Tashkent "Zakovat" club debuted its internal championship on the eve of the 31st anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Unlike in past years, the staff team stood strong against the student teams this time. During the game, neither side was inert. Along with questions, relevant information for students was provided during the quiz.
This event will be held until the end of the academic year, and the winning teams will receive tributes.
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Joriy yilning 6-dekabr kuni TSMRIda Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy tadqiqot instituti va O‘zbekiston tibbiy turizm assotsiatsiyasi hamkorligida “Tibbiyot, kurort va sog‘lomlashtirish turizmi: muammolar, innovatsiyalar, istiqbollar” mavzusidagi xalqaro konferensiya bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Tadbirda turli mamlakatlardan soha mutaxassislari, davlat sektori mas’ullari, tibbiyot muassasalari rahbarlari hamda texnologiya kompaniyalari vakillari ishtirok etdi.
Qayd etish kerakki, konferensiya O‘zbekistonni xalqaro maydonda tibbiy turizm sohasidagi istiqbolli yo‘nalish sifatida yanada tanitish maqsadida tajriba, bilim va g‘oyalar almashish uchun muhim platforma bo‘lib xizmat qildi.
Tadbir yakunida tomonlar o'rtasida o'zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi.
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On December 05, 2023, the Founder and CEO of the EduOn platform and a respected member of the “MFaktor” project, Mr. Ulug’bek Rakhmonberdiyev, held a Professional Talk on the secrets of successful startup projects. EduOn is considered to be part of the MFaktor Business School in Uzbekistan.
During the event, Mr. Rakhmonberdiyev presented his personal life experience with the processes in building numerous businesses and the secrets he acquired while managing companies.
Students had a warm conversation with Mr. Rakhmonberdiyev, and at the end of the event, all participants were awarded gifts from the EduOn platform.
Also, students had the opportunity to apply for the available vacancies on the "EduOn" online learning platform.
MDIS Tashkent team expresses its sincere gratitude to Ulug’bek Rakhmonberdiyev for the informative session and is looking forward to future cooperation.
🇺🇿 Hurmatli yurtdoshlar!
Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti Sizni Bosh qomusimiz - O’zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi qabul qilinganining 31 yilligi bilan samimiy muborakbod etadi!
🇺🇿 Дорогие соотечественники!
Сингапурский институт развития менеджмента в городе Ташкенте сердечно поздравляет вас с 31-летием принятия Конституции Республики Узбекистан!
Toshkent viloyati – O‘zbekiston turizmining durdonasi
Joriy yilning 24-noyabr kuni O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qo‘shimcha chora-tadbirlar to‘g‘risida”gi PQ-135 sonli qaroriga muvofiq hamda Toshkent viloyati hokimligi va Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti o‘rtasida imzolangan yo‘l xaritaga asoslanib TSMRI talabalari o‘rtasida tanlov o‘tkazildi.
Ushbu tanlov yakuniga ko‘ra eng innovatsion va jozibador ishlanma (logo va slogan) Toshkent viloyati hokimligiga taqdim etildi.
Tashkent region: a masterpiece of Uzbek tourism
On November 24, 2023, in accordance with Presidential Decree PQ-135 dated April 26, 2023, based on the road map signed between Tashkent region Khokimiyat and MDIS Tashkent, a competition was held among students.
According to competition results, the most innovative and attractive logo and slogan were presented to the Khokimiyat of the Tashkent region.
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Rektor va yoshlar uchrashuvi
Joriy yilning 28-noyabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti rektori va talabalarining navbatdagi uchrashuvi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Uchrashuvda ochiq suhbat bo‘lib talabalar muammolari o‘rganildi.
Qayd etish kerakki, bu yil TSMRI talabalaridan 50 nafariga Oliy ta‘lim vazirligi tomonidan grant ajratilib to‘lov-kontrakt summasi to‘liq qoplab berilgan bo‘lsa, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi banklari assotsatsiyasi tomonidan 10 nafar, TSMRI tomonidan 5 nafar talabaga stipendiya berilishi tasdiqlandi.
Shuningdek, uchrashuvda ta‘lim tizimi rivoji uchun yaratilayotgan imkoniyatlar va qulayliklar yuqori baholanib, kelgusida bunday harakatlar yurtimiz taraqqiyotiga munosib hissa qo‘shishi qayd etildi. TSMRI rektori yoshlarga yuzlanib, bunday uchrashuvlarni doimiy tashkil etish, talabalarning fikr-mulohazalarini tinglashga tayyor ekanligini bildirib, ularga yurtimizda yaratilayotgan imkoniyatlardan unumli foydalanish kerakligini ta’kidladi.
On November 28, 2023, the meeting of the Rector and students of MDIS Tashkent was held, where students' problems were investigated in an open discussion.
It should be noted that this year, 50 MDIS Tashkent students were awarded grants from the Ministry of Higher Education to fully cover the tuition fees, 10 students were awarded scholarships from the UBA (Uzbekistan Banking Association), and 5 students received MDIS Tashkent scholarships.
Also, the meeting discussed the opportunities and facilities created for the development of the education system, and it was noted that such actions will contribute to the development of our country in the future. Addressing the youth, the MDIS Tashkent Rector mentioned that he is ready to organise such meetings on a regular basis. It was also noted that students should make good use of the opportunities created in our country.
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Dear All!
MDIS Tashkent is delighted to invite you to а Friday Talk with Mr. Hasan Mamasaidov.
Mr. Hasan Mamasaidov is the founder of the MFactor project, Office Market, and Dekos Companies. Mr. Mamasaidov holds his MBA degree from the Academy of School of Business under the President of Uzbekistan. He took part in many internship programmes and had the opportunity to expand his experience in the USA, Japan, Portugal, Estonia, and many other countries. He is currently taking an active part as an honoured member of different business clubs in Tashkent, where he mentors and shares his ideas with a wide public.
Topic: Business Success Factors
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 16:00
Venue: Conference Hall
Yevropa tajribasi — bilimlarni tijoratlashtirish va tadbirkorlik muhitini yaratish
Joriy yilning 19-25-noyabr kunlari Belgiyaning Bryussel shahrida “Oliy ta’limda bilimlarni tijoratlashtirish hamda universitetlarda tadbirkorlik muhitini yaratish - Yevropa tajribasi asosida” mavzusida seminar-trening o‘tkazildi. Belgiya ta’lim kengashi bilan hamkorlik shartnomasi imzolandi.
Bugungi kunda O‘zbekiston universitetlari oldida QS reytingiga kirish, xalqaro akkreditatsiyadan o‘tish, ishtirok etish intensivligini va Yevropa ittifoqining ta’lim va ilmiy loyihalar uchun yutib olingan grantlari jumladan, Horizont doirasidagi million dollarlik grantlar sonini oshirish kabi vazifalar turibdi. Rasmiy tashrif davomida Belgiya ta’lim kengashi bilan hamkorlikda ushbu vazifalarni amalga oshirish strategiyasi va yo‘llari muhokama qilindi.
Ushbu seminar-treningda respublikaning 30 dan ortiq oliy ta’lim muassasalarining rektor, prorektor va mas’ul xodimlari ishtirok etishdi. Dasturning uchinchi kuni O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Belgiya Qirolligidagi elchixonasida xorijiy kompaniyalar, ommaviy axborot-vositalari xodimlari ishtirokida O‘zbekiston oliy ta’lim muassasalarining taqdimotlari tashkil etildi.
Shuningdek, Belgiya ta’lim kengashi bilan mamlakatimizning 15 dan ortiq universitetlari o‘rtasida istiqbolli vazifalarni amalga oshirish va hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘yish bo‘yicha memorandumlar imzolandi.
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Volleybolchi talabalarimiz besh muhim tashabbus musobaqasida tengsiz!
Prezidentimiz ilgari surayotgan besh muhim tashabbusni birgalikda amalga oshirish maqsadida, xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari filiallari o‘rtasida imzolangan hamkorlik memorandumi doirasida Rossiya kimyo-texnologiya universitetining Toshkent filiali sport inshootida hamkorlikdagi voleybol bo‘yicha musobaqa o‘tkazildi.
Musobaqada xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari filiallarining 9 jamoasi ishtirok etdi. Murosasiz kechgan bahslar musobaqaning ko‘tarinki ruhda o‘tishini ta’minladi.
Quvonarli tomoni, Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti terma jamoasi finalda “MISIS” universiteti jamoasi bilan to‘qnash keldi. Qizg‘in kurashlarga boy uchrashuvda, institutimiz talabalarining qo‘llari baland keldi va musobaqa g‘olibiga aylanishdi.
Ushbu g‘alaba institutimiz talabalari uchun nafaqat musobaqadagi g‘oliblik, balki besh muhim tashabbusning faol namoyondalaridan bo‘lishning yaqqol misolidir.
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MDIST Business Development and Tourism Innovation Center in partnership with the School of Tourism and Hospitality, is pleased to announce a Contest to create the best tourism logo and slogan of the Tashkent region.
Eligible Participants: MDIST students regardless of their course and field of study.
Purpose:е to create a tourism logo and slogan of the Tashkent region.
Registration: deadline December 20, 2023 via Google form.
Google form link:
Contest results announcement: December 25, 2023
Technical specification parameters for the development of a Logo and Slogan:
1. Full and abbreviated names of the region – in Uzbek (Latin script), Russian, and English.
2. Color scheme (based on the specific features of Tashkent region).
4. Shape – rectangular, diamond, square, triangular, oval, circular, polygonal, complex.
5. Letter arrangement – vertically, horizontally, or in another form.
6. Font – which font will be most stylistically preferred and its size.
7. Style – contemporary, with a nod to a specific historical period, denoting regional features, technological, friendly, etc.
8. Images and symbols – graphics or symbols on the final design that might be recognizable even without any inscriptions (a successful example might be McDonald's).
Contact to Miss Navruza, BDTIC Leading specialist
+99871 271 77 00 (1041)
Room 215, Building A
Besh muhim tashabbus - Tennis musobaqasi
Joriy yilning 21- noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining beshta muhim tashabbusini birgalikda amalga oshirish maqsadida Toshkent shahri va Toshkent viloyatidagi xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari filiallari o‘rtasida hamkorlik to‘g‘risida”gi memorandumida belgilangan vazifalar hamda tadbirlarni tashkil etish maqsadida oliygohlarning talabalari o‘rtasida sportning tennis turi bo‘yicha musobaqa o‘tkazildi.
Qayd etish kerakki, unda A.I.Gerchen nomidagi Rossiya pedagogika universiteti, D.I.Mendeleev nomidagi Rossiya kimyo-texnologiya universiteti, M.V.Lomonosov nomidagi Moskva davlat universiteti, Moskva davlat xalqaro munosabatlar institutlarining Toshkent shahridagi filiallari hamda “MISIS” Milliy tadqiqot texnologik universiteti Olmaliq shahridagi filiali hamda mezbon TSMRI talabalari ishtirok etishdi.
Quvonarli tomoni shundaki, institutimiz talabalari o‘zlarining kuchli va jozibali o‘yinlaridan so‘ng musobaqa g‘olibiga aylandilar. Qizlar o‘rtasidagi bahslarda Malika Tsoy g‘olib bo‘lgan bo‘lsa, o‘g‘il bolalar o‘rtasida o‘tkazilgan bahslarda esa Qudrat Shonig‘monov g‘olib deb topildi.
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Новости 24 | Рассмотрены вопросы улучшения позиций Узбекистана в международных рейтингах и индексах
#17nov #uzbekiston24 | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram | | TV-dastur
Hurmatli talabalar,
Sizlarni 25-noyabr kuni O‘zbek milliy akademik drama teatrida "Adolat fasli" spektakliga taklif etamiz. Spektakl buyuk sarkarda Amir Temurning bir kuni haqida so‘z yuritadi.
Spektaklda yurtimizning mashhur aktyor va aktrisalari Dilnoza Kubayeva, Hojiakbar Komilov, Behzod Muhammadkarimov va boshqa professionallar rol ijro etishadi.
Qachon: 25-noyabr, 12:00
Spektakl nomi: "ADOLAT FASLI” ("Amir Temur")
Manzil: O‘zbek milliy akademik drama teatri. Toshkent shahri, Alisher Navoiy ko‘chasi, 34-uy
Eng yaqin metro: "O‘zbekiston yo‘li"ning Gʻafur Gʻulom bekati.
Dear Students,
We are pleased to invite you all to the biggest concert of the Year. Our team did their best and prepared all of your favourite and hit songs to give you a high and cheerful holiday mood in this cold snowy winter ❄️
•Special guests: “Tala Band” and also gorgeous performances by “Dance Club”✨
•Dresscode: New Year headbands🎄
🗓 Date: December 15th
🕰 Time: 4.00 PM
📍 Venue: Conference Hall (Block A)
❄️ Come, sing, dance and enjoy with us the real holiday atmosphere! ❄️
Best Regards,
Cover Club 🎤
Joriy yilning 7-dekabr kuni Institutimizda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi statistika agentligi rasmiylari ishtirokida talabalar uchun davra suhbati tashkillashtirildi.
Uchrashuvda agentlik direktor o‘rinbosari Ziyayev Zohidjon Muratovich hamda bir qator boshqarma boshliqlari talabalarga soha faoliyati yuzasidan muhim va qiziqarli ma’lumotlarni gapirib berishdi. Jumladan, sohada erishilayotgan yutuqlar hamda yangi loyihalarni amaliyotga tadbiq etilishi bo‘yicha so‘nggi yangiliklardan talabalar boxabar bo‘lishdi. Tadbir yakunida tomonlar o'rtasida o'zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi.
O‘z navbatida talabalar ham davra suhbatida faol ishtirok etib, mehmonlar tomonidan imtiyozli vaucherlar hamda kitoblar bilan taqdirlanishdi.
On December 7, 2023, a roundtable discussion with the officials from the Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.
At the meeting, the deputy director of the agency, Ziyayev Zohidjon Muratovich, and a number of heads of departments made presentations about the activities implemented within the industry. In particular, the students learned about the latest news on the achievements in the field of new projects implementation. At the end of the event, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the parties.
In turn, MDIS Tashkent students took an active part in the round discussion and were awarded with preferential vouchers and books.
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Institutimizda bosh qomusimiz — O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasining qabul qilinganiga 31 yil to‘lishi munosabati bilan bir qator tadbirlar tashkil etilmoqda.
Jumladan, joriy yilning 6-dekabr kuni Institutda sana munosabati bilan madaniy tadbir tashkil etildi. Tadbirda oliygohning "Cover club" ishtirokchilari tomonidan kuy va qo‘shiqlar yangragan bo‘lsa, "Art club" tomonidan davlatimiz ramzlari o‘ziga xos tarzda tasviriy san’at ko‘rinishida chizildi. Shuningdek, "MDIS TV" ijodkorlari talabalar o‘rtasida Konstitutsiyaga bag‘ishlangan savollar bilan talabalar bilimlarini tekshirib, to‘g‘ri javob berganlarga yangilangan konstitutsiya kitoblarini taqdim etishdi.
Tadbir butun Institut bo‘ylab o‘tkazilgani tahsinga sazovor. Tadbirlarda nafaqat talabalar, balki xodimlar jamoasi ham faol ishtirok etishdi.
A variety of events were held at our institute to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In particular, on December 6th, a performance was organised by the MDIS Tashkent student community.
The participants of the "Cover Club" performed songs, while the "Art Club" drew the symbols of our country. Also, "MDIS TV" representatives run the contest on Constitution Day.
It is commendable that the event was held throughout the institute. Not only students, but also staff, took an active part in the events.
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Hurmatli Ilhom Abdurashidovich!
Sizni institutimiz jamoasi va talabalari nomidan tavallud ayyomingiz bilan chin qalbimizdan muborakbod etamiz! Sizga metinday sog‘lik, farovon xayot va baxt-saodat har doim yo‘ldosh bo‘lsin!
Kelgusi ishlaringizda ulkan yutuqlar sizni hech qachon tark etmasin!
Xushchaqchaqlik va samimiy tabassum Sizga doimo hamroh bo‘lsin! Tavallud ayyomingiz muborak bo‘lsin!
Dear friends,
✨ The first snow fell today, but we have another great news for you.
✨ We are pleased to announce the long-awaited event of the year, which will take place on December 23, 2023.
✨ This Sunday we will publish all the details of the New Year Ball 2024.
With love,
WhiteBoard Union❤️
Join the ONE MILLION UZBEK CODERS programme (powered by IT Park) and become a highly skilled programmer with excellent free and paid courses on our open online platform
Coverage up to 50% for international IT-certificates on the Coursera platform
Join a friendly community of students and teachers
Internships, employment opportunities and the news for IT specialists
Get the opportunity to take 8 free courses from our partners, as well as gain access to more than 10,000 courses at special rates - and forward to the future of your dreams!
Hasan Mamasaidov bilan "Biznes-muvaffaqiyat omillari" mavzusida davra suhbati
Joriy yilning 1-dekabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida "MFactor" loyihasi, "Office Market" hamda "Dekos" kompaniyalari asoschisi Hasan Mamasaidov bilan talabalar o’rtasida davra suhbati bo’lib o’tdi.
Uchrashuv davomida H.Mamasaidov biznesda muvaffaqiyat omillari mavzusida o’z tajribasi bilan bo’lishdi. Tadbirda qatnashgan TSMRI talabalari o’zlarini qiziqtirgan savollar bilan uchrashuv mehmoniga yuzlanishdi hamda biznesda muhim bo’ladigan omillar haqida bilim va ko’nikmalarini orttirdilar.
Ta’kidlash joizki, uchrashuv mehmoni TSMRI talabalari salohiyatini yuqori baholab, institut dasturi biznesni rivojlantirish yo’lida chambarchas bog’liq ekanligini va bundan unumli foydalanib kelgusida yirik biznes loyihalarni amalga oshirishda ko’makchi vazifasini bajarishi mumkinligini qayd etdi.
Friday Talk with Mr. Khasan Mamasaidov on "Factors of Business Success"
On December 1, 2023, the founder of the "MFactor" project, "Office Market," and "Dekos" companies, Mr. Khasan Mamasaidov, held a guest talk with MDIS Tashkent students.
During the meeting, the distinguished guest discussed the critical success aspects of business, and MDIS Tashkent students had an opportunity to learn about the key elements of business and ask questions they were interested in.
It is noteworthy that the guest shared his positive assessment of MDIS Tashkent students' potential and mentioned how the institute's programmes are strongly tied to business growth and how the knowledge acquired may be applied to the advancement of massive commercial initiatives.
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"Teatr kuni"
O‘zbek milliy akademik drama teatrida Sohibqiron Amir Temur hayoti haqida so‘z yuritadigan “Adolat fasli” nomli spektakl bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu spektakl zamirida shonli tariximiz va sohibqiron bobomiz haqida yoshlarga ko‘proq ma’lumot berish va ularda vatanparvarlik hissini oshirish ko‘zda tutildi.
Ta’kidlash joizki Amir Temur tinchliksevar, bunyodkor xalqning farzandi, tabiatan ma’rifatparvar bo‘lib bu hislatlar barchamiz uchun, yurt rivoji uchun yaqqol namunadir.
Shuningdek tadbirda ishtirok etgan Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining 350 nafardan ziyod talabalari va xodimlari spektaklda gavdalangan obrazlar barcha uchun namuna ekanligi va Vatan tuyg‘usini oshirishda muhimligini qayd etishdi.
"Theatre Day"
A performance entitled "Season of Justice" dedicated to the memory of Sohibqiron Amir Temur was held at the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater. The performance intends to provide more information to young people about our glorious history and our great ancestors, thereby increasing their sense of patriotism.
It is worth noting that Amir Temur is the child of peace-loving, creative parents, enlightened by nature, and these feelings are a clear example for all of us for the development of the country.
More than 350 students and employees of MDIS Tashkent who participated in the event noted that the characters embodied in the performance are an example for everyone and are important in increasing the sense of the Motherland.
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European experience: commercialization of knowledge and creation of an entrepreneurial environment
On November 19–25, 2023, a seminar and training on the commercialization of knowledge in higher education and the creation of an entrepreneurial environment in universities on the basis of European experience were held in Brussels, Belgium.
Today, Uzbekistan's universities are encountering the task of entering the QS rating, international accreditation, increasing the intensity of participation, and the number of million-dollar grants in the Horizon Framework, including grants provided by the European Union for educational and scientific projects. During the official visit, strategies and paths to implement these tasks were discussed in cooperation with the Belgian Board of Education.
Rectors, vice-rectors, and responsible staff of more than 30 higher education institutions in Uzbekistan took part in this seminar and training. On the third day of the programme, presentations of higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan were organised at the embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Kingdom of Belgium with the participation of foreign companies and media.
Also, memoranda were signed with the Belgian Board of Education to implement promising tasks and establish cooperation between more than 15 universities in our country.
Our volleyball students are unmatched in five important initiative competitions!
In order to jointly implement the five important initiatives proposed by the President, within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation signed between the branches of foreign higher education institutions, a joint volleyball competition was held at the sports facility of the Tashkent branch of the Russian University of Chemical Technology.
Nine teams from branches of foreign higher education institutions took part in the competition. Uncompromising debates ensured that the competition was held in an upbeat spirit.
The MDIS Tashkent team played against the team of MISIS University in the finals. In a match full of fierce battles, our team won the competition.
This victory is not only about winning the competition but also about being active representatives of five important initiatives.
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Dear Students,
MDIS Tashkent is pleased to inform you that the International scientific and practical conference
“Medical, resort and health tourism: challenges, innovations and perspectives” will be held on December 6, 2022.
The event is organized in partnership with Scientific-Research Institute for Tourism Development Under the Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Association of Medical Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The aim of the Conference is:
- development of scientific, theoretical and practical proposals and recommendations in the areas of sections formed within the framework of the conference;
- perspectives for the development of medical and resort tourism in Uzbekistan based on modern principles, including the use of foreign experience;
- presentation of the main features of the organization of medical and resort tourism;
- attracting the attention of students and specialists, scientific community, professional experts to the challenges and opportunities of modern business in the
prospects for the development of medical and resort tourism in Uzbekistan;
- exchange of knowledge and experience on modern tools used in the development of medical and health resort tourism;
- development of new approaches and mechanisms to strengthen the sphere of medical and resort tourism
Participation is free.
Feel free to reach us at, Room 215, Building A
Five important initiatives: tennis competition
On November 21, a tennis competition among university students was held at MDIS Tashkent to fulfil tasks and activities for the memorandum "On cooperation between branches of foreign higher education institutions in Tashkent city and Tashkent region for the purpose of joint implementation of five important initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan."
It should be noted that the memorandum includes the following tertiary educational institutions: the Russian Pedagogical University named after A.I. Gerchen, the Russian Chemical and Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev, the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the branches of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Tashkent and the branch of the National Research Technological University "MISIS" in Olmalik, and the host, MDIS Tashkent.
We are overjoyed to inform you that our students have won the tournament. Malika Tsoi was the winner in the girls' competition, and Kudrat Shonigmanov was the winner in the boys' category.
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News 24 | Conference held on improving Uzbekistan's position in international ratings and indexes
#18nov #uzbekiston24 | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram | | TV-dastur
Янгиликлар 24 | Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро рейтинг ва индекслардаги ўрнини яхшилаш муаммолари бўйича халқаро конференция
#20nov #uzbekiston24 | Youtube | Facebook | Telegram | | TV-dastur
Hurmatli talabalar,
Sizlarni 25-noyabr kuni O‘zbek milliy akademik drama teatrida "Adolat fasli" spektakliga taklif etamiz. Spektakl buyuk sarkarda Amir Temurning bir kuni haqida so‘z yuritadi.
Spektaklda yurtimizning mashhur aktyor va aktrisalari Dilnoza Kubayeva, Hojiakbar Komilov, Behzod Muhammadkarimov va boshqa professionallar rol ijro etishadi.
Qachon: 25-noyabr, 12:00
Spektakl nomi: "ADOLAT FASLI” ("Amir Temur")
Manzil: O‘zbek milliy akademik drama teatri. Toshkent shahri, Alisher Navoiy ko‘chasi, 34-uy
Eng yaqin metro: "O‘zbekiston yo‘li"ning Gʻafur Gʻulom bekati.