2023-2024 o‘quv yili uchun O‘zbekiston banklar assotsiatsiyasi tomonidan taqdim etiladigan stipendiya uchun saralash bosqichi o‘tkazildi.
Ushbu stipendiya Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining yuqori bosqich (2-4 bosqichlar) talabalari uchun amal qiladi. Tanlovda ishtirok etish uchun talabalardan avvalgi o‘quv yilida yuqori o‘zlashtirish baholariga ega bo‘lishlari, institut ijtimoiy hayotida faol bo‘lishlari hamda tanlov uchun yozilgan insho yuzasidan ekspertlar suhbatidan o‘tishlari talab etiladi.
Joriy tanlov saralash bosqichida O‘zbekiston banklar assotsiatsiyasi hamda TSMRIning mas’ul xodimlari hamda professor-o‘qituvchilari ishtirok etishdi. Tanlovga 30 nafar talaba hujjat topshirgan bo‘lib, g‘oliblik ularning 15 nafariga nasib etadi. Qayd etish lozim, 10 ta o'rin O'zbekiston banklar assotsiatsiyasi, 5 tasi bevosita institut hisobidan taqdim etiladi. Stipendiya miqdori bir yillik kontrakt to‘lovining 20 foizini tashkil etadi.
The qualifying round for the scholarship offered by the Uzbekistan Banking Association for the 2023–2024 academic year was held.
This scholarship is valid for students at the higher level (levels 2-4) of MDIS Tashkent. In order to participate in the competition, students are required to have high grades in the previous academic year, to be active in the social life of the institute, and to pass an expert interview on the essay written for the competition.
The primary selection was conducted by Uzbekistan Banking Association representatives and MDIS Tashkent academic and administrative staff, who selected 15 candidates out of 30 applicants. It should be noted that 10 places are provided by UBA, and the other 5 ones are provided by MDIS Tashkent. The amount of the stipend is 20 percent of the one-year contract fee.
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O‘zbekistonning xalqaro reyting va indekslardagi o‘rnini yaxshilashga bag‘ishlangan ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi Davlat boshqaruv akademiyasida “O‘zbekistonning xalqaro reyting va indekslardagi o‘rnini yaxshilash muammolari: nazariya, amaliyot va strategiya” mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya bo‘lib o‘tdi.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi Davlat boshqaruv akademiyasi, Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti, “Science and innovation” xalqaro ilmiy jurnali hamkorligida tashkil etilgan ushbu anjumanda 200 ga yaqin Respublikamiz vazirlik idora vakillari, soha ekspertlari, olimlar, yosh tadqiqotchilar hamda OAV vakillari ishtirok etishdi. E'tiborli tomoni, mazkur konferensiyada TSMRIning xorijiy professor-o'qituvchilari - Aleksa Panda va Sreekanth o'z ma'ruzalari bilan qatnashishdi.
Konferensiyaga mavzu yuzasidan yurtimiz siyosatchi va olimlaridan 500 dan ortiq, xorijiy tadqiqotchilardan 50 ga yaqin ilmiy-maqola va tezislar kelib tushdi hamda ularning 200 tasi tanlab olindi. “Science and Innovation” xalqaro ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda har bir maqolaga raqamli identifikator raqami (DOI) olinib, Polshaning "Indeks Copernikuss", Yevropaning "Zenodo" va "Open Aire", Rossiyaning "Cyberlinenka", Angliyaning "EuroPub" xalqaro ilmiy bazalariga joylashtirildi. "Google akademiya” xalqaro ilmiy qidiruv tizimida indekslandi. Bu esa, anjuman doirasida nashr etilgan maqola va tezislardan dunyoning turli nuqtalaridagi tadqiqotchilar erkin foydalanishiga imkon yaratadi.
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🇺🇿 Bugun mamlakatimizning eng muhim ramzi — Oʻzbekiston davlat bayrogʻi qabul qilingan kun!
Milliy bayrogʻimiz oʻzbek xalqining shon-sharafi, tarixiy xotirasi va intilishlarini oʻzida mujassam etib, shu yurtda yashovchi har bir fuqaroga cheksiz gʻurur, faxr va iftixor bagʻishlaydi.
Barchangizni vatanimiz bayrog‘i qabul qilingan kun bilan tabriklaymiz.
Today marks the adoption of the most important symbol of our country—the national flag of Uzbekistan!
Our national flag embodies the glory, historical memory, and aspirations of the nation and gives unlimited pride and honour to every citizen living in our country.
We congratulate all of you on the day of the adoption of the flag of our country!
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17th of November: International Student Day!
Initially, we spend our childhood without realising it. As long as people become mature, they appreciate every drop of life by understanding the value of time and attempting to spend it in an efficient way.
Dear students, today in our New Uzbekistan, you have great opportunities to make your dreams come true. A wide range of possibilities have been created for us to improve our studies, gain advanced knowledge, and upgrade our personal skills. You are supposed to put that knowledge into practice and apply information technologies to life. Obviously, the future of a nation depends on you.
I take the opportunity to congratulate all our students on the holiday and wish you success in your studies, overcoming all the difficulties in your chosen career path. I wish you to be a professional in your major for the sake of the prosperity of our country.
Happy holiday!
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Joriy yilning 15-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahrida O‘zekspomarkaz milliy ko‘rgazmalar majmuasida “Ipak yo‘lida turizm” Toshkent xalqaro turizm yarmarkasining tantanaviy ochilish marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Mazkur xalqaro turizm yarmarkasida Toshkent viloyati xokimligi bilan hamkorlikda Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining jamoasi ham ishtirok etmoqda.
Tadbirda TSMRIning Biznes va turizm markazi tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan turizm va mehmondo‘stlik sohasiga oid broshyura va kataloglar, viloyatning turistik salohiyatini namoyish etuvchi ilmiy nashrlar va tarqatma materiallar namoyish etilmoqda.
Uch kun davom etadigan ushbu xalqaro turizm yarmarkasi Markaziy Osiyoning yirik xalqaro turizm yarmarkalaridan biri hisoblanib, bu yil 28 marotaba o‘tkazilmoqda.
On November 15, 2023 the Opening ceremony of the 28th Tashkent International Tourism Fair "Tourism on the Silk Road" was held in the National Exhibition Complex "Uzexpocenter" in Tashkent.
The MDIST team participates in this international tourism fair in cooperation with the Khokimiyat of Tashkent region.
Bochures and the catalogs related to the field of tourism and hospitality developed by the Business and Tourism Development Center are presented at the fair, as well as scientific publications and handouts demonstrating the tourism perspectives of the region.
This international tourism fair is considered to be one of the largest international tourism fairs in Central Asia. It is held for the 28th time this year and lasts for three days.
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On November 9–13, 2023, MDIS Tashkent held the Graduation Ceremony for the graduands of 2023.
The class of 2023 is the 14th cohort of graduates who received bachelor's degrees in such areas as Banking and Finance, Business and Marketing, Business Management, Computer Technologies in Business, Industrial Management, Accounting and Finance, Finance, Investments and Risks, Business and Economics, Business and Financial Management, Management in International Hospitality and Tourism and Fashion Product and Promotion.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Finance, Marketing, HRM, Tourism and Hospitality, and Supply Chain Management was awarded to 21 graduates.
The slogan for the Graduation Ceremony 2023 was "Never doubt your abilities! Believe in yourself!" best reflects the wishes of the graduates of the Institute. Since its inception in 2007, the Institute has trained more than 6500 specialists in the fields of tourism and hospitality, banking and finance, accounting, business and marketing, industrial management, business and enterprise management, accounting and finance. Also, the Institute is actively developing MBA programmes in such areas tourism and hospitality management, finance and marketing.
According to statistics, over 90 percent of graduates are successfully employed by commercial banks, public and private organisations, as well as international companies operating both locally and globally.
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Dear all,
You are cordially invited to attend a Professional Talk with Mr. Mirolim Obidov.
Mr. Obidov makes creative videos for top companies in Uzbekistan and have worked with more than 20 large companies in our country and abroad. He developed his own course on mobilography and has more than 500 graduates.
Topic: Creativity
Date: November 16, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 15:40
Venue: B-209
About the speaker:
Professor Paul van Gardingen FRSA was appointed to the new role of Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC) for Global Engagement at Bangor University on 1st February 2023. Paul is the academic lead for the Bangor’s globally focused education, research and strategic partnerships and has responsibility for the University’s Global Engagement Strategy.
Before joining Bangor University his previous role was as Special Advisor to the Principal and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Dundee, where he holds the title of Honorary Professor of International Development. At Dundee Paul led on the development of the social purpose Blantyre Declaration with universities in Malawi as well as driving research partnerships elsewhere in Africa and building international partnerships supporting youth and gender empowerment and climate action linked to COP27.
His early career has included senior leadership posts in major research-intensive universities including the Universities of Edinburgh and Leicester covering portfolios of both education and research.
His own research has focused on global sustainability, especially in developing and emerging economies. His work has delivered results that were designed to improve the lives of people through the application of scientific knowledge and world-class education, whilst also protecting the environment and delivering sustainable and resilient economic development.
As an environmental scientist, Paul also led the development and implementation of the UK’s Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation Programme (ESPA). ESPA was a major interdisciplinary research programme that operated on over 50 countries and was seen as an innovative example of the types of research required to deliver the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Earliers in his career, he led the research component of the UK-Indonesia Tropical Forestry Research Programme, supported the African Union's Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and Technology and Innovation and the establishment of Rwanda's system for Science, Technology and Innovation. He has worked with a number of UK Government departments, the World Bank and European Union and a number of governments in Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Fashion Incubator Tashkent (FIT) loyihasi ishtirokchilari taqdirlanishdi
Fashion Incubator Tashkent — moda sanoatidagi startaplar uchun moʻljallangan loyiha boʻlib, iqtidorli yosh dizaynerlar va moda tadbirkorlariga kuchli brend yaratish hamda milliy va xalqaro bozorlarda raqobatbardosh boʻlish uchun oʻz biznesini rivojlantirishga koʻmaklashishga qaratilgan. Joriy loyiha soha mutaxassisi Malika Ermatova tomonidan ishlab chiqilib, amaliyotga tadbiq etilgan edi.
Loyiha Germaniya iqtisodiy hamkorlik va taraqqiyot federal vazirligi (BMZ), Oʻzbekiston “Oʻztoʻqimachiliksanoat” uyushmasi nomidan GIZ global dasturi hamda TSMRI tashabbusi bilan amalga oshirildi.
Ushbu loyihaga 2022-yilda start berilib, ishtirokchilar uchun o‘ziga xos chorlov vazifasini bajara oldi. Loyihaning maqsadi moda g'oyasini ijodiy yo'nalishdan to'laqonli biznesga aylantirish bo‘lib, bir necha oy davomida saralash bosqichlaridan o‘ta olgan ishtirokchilar trening-seminarlar, moda bo‘yicha turli tadbirlarda ishtirok etishdi hamda jami 150 soatlik o‘quv va amaliy mashg‘ulotlarda ishtirok etishdi.
Loyihada TSMRI talabalaridan tashqari o‘z brendiga ega modelyerlarning ishtirok etgani e’tiborga molik. Jumladan, “Omio Dio”, “NTBN”, “Albina Ahmadi”, “Amora”, “Upcycling”, “DADO”, “Sabah”, “Tairzade” va “White Lab” brendlari asoschilari loyihada imkoniyatlarini sinab ko‘rishdi.
Joriy yilning 31-oktabr kuni TSMRIda loyihani muvaffaqiyatli yakunlaganlarga sertifikatlar topshirildi. Marosimni institut rektori Ilhom Mamatkulov ochib berdi. Shuningdek, marosimda GIZ vakili – Gina Burgard va ushbu dastur bo‘yicha hamkorlar – “O‘zto‘qimachiliksanoat” aksiyadorlik jamiyati – Kamola Gudyamova Xalitovna (rais maslahatchisi) nutq so‘zladi.
Shuningdek, marosimda faxriy mehmonlar — “O‘zbekipaksanoat” uyushmasi raisining xorijiy maslahatchisi Yokut Shmid hamda O‘zbekiston yosh dizaynerlar kengashi raisi — Dilnoza Umurzoqova ishtirok etishdi.
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❗️Attention please❗️
Dear MDIS Tashkent Year1, Year2, Year3 Students,
To win the Scholarship (20% discount of the total annual Tuition Fee) sponsored by MDIS Tashkent and Uzbekistan Banking Association (UBA), each candidate should ALSO meet the following application requirements:
1️⃣ Filling an Application Form
2️⃣ Mission Statement Essay (should be attached to the application form, which is included in the downloadable application form)
3️⃣ Academic results of the last academic year (eligible when minimum average score is 70 percent and above) and to be confirmed by the Exam Unit.
4️⃣ Extracurricular achievements (certificates, recommendation letters and etc.)
5️⃣ Passport copy
For Application Form: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AqmMZ2vCCKMbar9n8V3MmeIT0k8
For Academic results form: https://www.mdis.uz/uploads/pages/Academic%20records%20Appendix%20III.docx
The completed hardcopies of the documents mentioned above should be submitted (offline submission) to SSU Department. The application will be carefully reviewed according to the set criteria by the members of Committee of MDIS, MDIST and the UBA. At the first stage submitted applications have been checked for completeness (Application form, academic results, mission statement, extracurricular achievements). If an application passes the first stage, the committee will review the application at the second stage where a candidate should make a presentation of his/her essay (mission statement) and present it to the selection committee members. The results will be announced accordingly.
Please note: 15 places of Scholarship are provided for the 2023/2024
Academic Year
* For further information please contact with your Course Coordinators (SSU) +998712717703/ Room B101
Application DEADLINE: 9:00 a.m., November 3, 2023.
Dear Graduates 2023,
Please see the Graduation Ceremony schedule and rules:
Arrival time for the afternoon sessions on November 9, 2023:
Graduates: 15:00 p.m.
Guests: 16:00 p.m.
Arrival time for the morning sessions on November 10 and 13, 2023:
Graduates: 8:00 a.m.
Guests: 9:00 a.m.
Arrival time for the afternoon sessions on November 10 and 13, 2023:
Graduates: 13:00 p.m.
Guests: 14:00 p.m.
Your passport (must have)
Formal Dress Code:
🧑🏻🎓Gentlemen: white shirt, tie, black classic trousers, black shoes.
👩🏻🎓Ladies: white shirt (blouse), black skirt or black classic trousers, shoes. Please avoid wearing high heels!
Do not forget to take a small handbag or purse to keep all the necessary items with you!
2023-yilning 25-oktabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti rektori doktor I.Mamatqulov Britaniya Kengashining O‘zbekistondagi direktori Denise Weddinhem va O‘zbekiston Britaniya Kengashi direktori o‘rinbosari Jamila G‘ulomova bilan rasmiy uchrashuv o‘tkazdi.
Yig‘ilishda institut o‘quv ishlari bo‘yicha prorektori, doktor Amir Singx va mas’ul bo‘limlar vakillari ham ishtirok etishdi.
Tomonlar ta'lim masalalarini hal etish, shuningdek, istiqbolda hamkorlikning yangi yo‘nalishlarida ikki tomonlama munosabatlarni rivojlantirish masalalarini muhokama qildilar.
Xususan, o‘zaro uzoq muddatli hamkorlik asosida ilmiy-tadqiqot va almashuv dasturi (exchange program) kesimida ishchi guruhlar tashkil etish, shuningdek, ilmiy xodimlar va talabalar uchun treninglar o‘tkazish orqali ta’lim va akademik ko‘mak berish hamda ikki tashkilot o‘rtasida bir qator ustuvor yo‘nalishlarda hamkorlikda ishlashga kelishib olindi.
On October 25, 2023, MDIS Tashkent Rector, Dr. Ilkhom Mamatkulov held an official meeting with Ms. Denise Waddingham, Director, British Council, Uzbekistan, and Mrs. Jamilya Gulyamova, Deputy Director, British Council, Uzbekistan.
The meeting was also attended by the Vice-Rector, Dr. Amir Singh, and key departments representatives.
The parties discussed ways to address educational matters as well as boost bilateral relations between the two organisations by finding new areas of cooperation on the basis of a forward-looking stance.
Namely, it was agreed to establish working groups on research and cultural affairs as well as ensure the maintenance of quality standards in education and academic support through the provision of trainings both for academic staff and students and collaboration between the two organisations in all areas as a reflection of the common interest in strengthening existing friendly relations and mutual cooperation on a long-lasting basis.
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Dear all,
You are cordially invited to attend a Professional Talk with Mr Umid Ikramboev, the founder of “Quant Club" and one of the most competent minds who can help you in your journey to making money online, building websites (without using codes).
Topic: Creating sites and earning online by using no-code technologies
Date: October 26, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 15:30
Venue: Room 110 (Block B)
MDIST Business Development and Tourism Innovation Center in partnership with the School of Tourism and Hospitality, is pleased to announce a Contest to create the best tourism logo and slogan of the Tashkent region.
Eligible Participants: MDIST students regardless of their course and field of study.
Purpose of the contest: To create a tourism logo and slogan of the Tashkent region.
Registration: November 1-20, 2023 via Google form.
Google form link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1L_n5PakZQDhQTgq7Dj8RsKNgTXW3ztqnAjsIELy4Rzg/edit
Contest results announcement: December 15, 2023
Technical specification parameters for the development of a Logo and Slogan:
1. Full and abbreviated names of the region – in Uzbek (Latin script), Russian, and English.
2. Color scheme (based on the specific features of Tashkent region).
4. Shape – rectangular, diamond, square, triangular, oval, circular, polygonal, complex.
5. Letter arrangement – vertically, horizontally, or in another form.
6. Font – which font will be most stylistically preferred and its size.
7. Style – contemporary, with a nod to a specific historical period, denoting regional features, technological, friendly, etc.
8. Images and symbols – graphics or symbols on the final design that might be recognizable even without any inscriptions (a successful example might be McDonald's).
Contact to Miss Navruza, BDTIC Leading specialist
+99871 271 77 00 (1041)
Room 215, Building A
A scientific-practical conference dedicated to improving Uzbekistan's position in international rankings and indexes
An international scientific and practical conference was held at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic "Problems of improving Uzbekistan's position in international rankings and indices: theory, practice, and strategy".
About 200 representatives of the ministry of our Republic, industry experts, scientists, young researchers, and media representatives participated in this conference, which was organised in cooperation with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and MDIS Tashkent international scientific journal "Science and Innovation." It is noteworthy that visiting lecturers of MDIS Tashkent - Alexa Panda and Sreekanth took part in this conference with their reports.
More than 500 scientific articles and theses of local politicians and scientists and about 50 foreign research papers were submitted to the conference, and 200 of them were selected. In cooperation with the international scientific journal "Science and Innovation", a digital ID number (DOI) was obtained for each article and placed in the international scientific databases "Index Copernicus" of Poland, "Zenodo" and "Open Aire" of Europe, "Cyberlinenka" of Russia, and "EuroPub" of England. "Google Academy" has been indexed in the international scientific search system, which allows researchers from different parts of the world to freely use articles and theses published within the framework of the conference.
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News 24 | Conference held on improving Uzbekistan's position in international ratings and indexes
#18nov #uzbekiston24
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On November 17, 2023, MDIS Tashkent Professional Development Centre welcomed the representatives of Hamkor Bank to co-organise a two-stage employment interview for students where participants were given a chance of obtaining part-time positions.
Striving to be the best partner for its customers, the best employer, and a source of the best investments for its shareholders, Hamkor Bank continues to develop its services and collaborate with international financial institutions and educational organisations.
17-noyabr - Xalqaro talabalar kuni muborak bo‘lsin!
Avvalo, talabalikka erishguncha hayotning beqiyos davri hisoblangan maktab chog‘larini, bolaligini inson o‘zi anglamay o‘tkazadi. Voyaga yetib, shaxs sifatida shakllanib bo‘lgan inson talabalik baxti nasib qilgach, yoshlik umrining gultoji ekanini anglagan holda har bir kun, vaqtning qadriga yetib, undan samarali foydalanishga intilganligi sabab bu davr oltin davr hisoblanadi.
Hurmatli talabalar, bugun Yangi O‘zbekistonimizda siz yoshlarga barcha imkoniyatlar eshiklari ochiq. O‘qish, bilim va malakamizni oshirish uchun keng sharoitlar yaratilgan. Bundan unumli foydalanib, o‘z ustingizda ishlashingiz, zamonaviy bilim va ko‘nikmalarga ega bo‘lishingiz, axborot texnologiyalari imkoniyatlarini faol qo‘llay bilishingiz lozim. Zero, xalqimizning kelajagi siz yoshlarga bog‘liq.
Fursatdan foydalanib, barcha talabalarimizni bayram bilan tabriklab, o‘qishlaringizda muvaffaqiyatlar, tanlagan kasb yo‘lingizdagi barcha qiyinchiliklarni yengib o‘tishingizni tilayman. Mamlakatimiz ravnaqi yo‘lida har tomonlama yetuk kadr bo‘lishingizga tilakdoshman.
Bayramingiz muborak bo‘lsin!
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Bangor universiteti professori bilan uchrashuv
Joriy yilning 14-noyabr kuni Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida Bangor universitetining xalqaro aloqalar bo‘yicha prorektori, professor Pol Van Gardingen ishtirokida “O‘zbekiston uchun barqaror kelajakni qurishda: oliy ta’lim, tadqiqot va tadbirkorlikning roli” mavzusida davra suhbati bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Qayd etish kerakki, O‘zbekistonning 2030 – yilgacha bo‘lgan strategiyasida asosiy urg‘u barqaror rivojlanishga qaratilgan bo‘lib u ko‘p jihatdan Birlashgan millatlar tashkilotining – barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlarida (BRM) tasvirlangan mavzularni aks ettiradi.
Uchrashuvda Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining ushbu muhim maqsadlarni qo‘llab-quvvatlashda tobora ko‘proq salohiyatga egaligi ta’kidlab o‘tildi. Shuningdek, suhbat davomida institut talabalari ham o‘z fikrlarini bildiribgina qolmay kelgusida barqaror rivojlanish uchun o‘z imkoniyatlarini baholash imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lishdi.
On November 14, 2023, MDIS Tashkent hosted a lecture with Professor Paul van Gardingen, Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC) for Global Engagement, Bangor University, who spoke about "Building a Sustainable Future for Uzbekistan: The Role of Higher Education, Research, and Entrepreneurship."
It should be mentioned that the main focus of Uzbekistan's 2030 strategy is on sustainable development, which closely mirrors the main themes outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
MDIS Tashkent students also had the opportunity to evaluate their future opportunities for sustainable development during the discussion.
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9-10 hamda 13-noyabr kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida BITIRUV – 2023 marosimi o‘tkazildi. Joriy yil 14-bitiruv marosimi bo‘lib, unda Bangor, Sanderlend va Tissayd universitetlarining bakalavriat dasturlari bo‘yicha "Bank ishi va moliya", "Biznes va marketing", "Biznes boshqaruvi", "Biznesda axborot texnologiyalari", "Sanoat boshqaruvi", "Buxgalteriya va moliya", "Moliya, investitsiya va risk", "Biznes va iqtisodiyot", "Biznes va moliya boshqaruvi", "Turizm va mehmondo‘stlik" va "Moda mahsuloti va uning targ‘iboti" yo‘nalishlarida bitiruvchilarga diplomlar tantanali ravishda topshirildi.
Shuningdek, magistraturaning moliya, marketing, kadrlar boshqaruvi hamda ta'minot zanjiri boshqaruvi yo‘nalishlarida 21 nafar talaba magistr darajasiga ega bo‘ldi.
"O‘zingizga ishoning! Shubhasiz, siz iqtidorlisiz!" shiori ostida o‘tgan bitiruv marosimida umumiy hisobda 1130 nafar talaba ishtirok etgan bo‘lsa, ularning 74 nafari birinchi darajali diplomlarni qo‘lga kiritishgani ahamiyatga molik. 2007-yildan beri 6500 dan ziyod yoshlar turizm, bank, moliya, buxgalteriya, biznes va sanoat boshqaruvi, ishlab chiqarish sohalariga mutaxassislar yetishtirib berilmoqda. Bundan tashqari, institut moliya, marketing va turizm yo‘nalishlarida magistratura dasturlarini muvaffaqiyatli davom ettirmoqda.
Statistik ma'lumotlarga ko‘ra, bitiruvchilarning 90 foizdan ortig‘i tijoriy banklar, davlat va xususiy tashkilotlar, shuningdek, mahalliy va xorijiy tashkilotlarda mehnat faoliyatlarini olib borishmoqda.
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Building a Sustainable Future for Uzbekistan:
A Role for Higher Education, Research and Enterprise
The Uzbekistan Strategy 2030 has a core theme of sustainability that in many ways mirrors themes described in the global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The question for every nation is how best to set out a process of positive transformational change to support national sustainable development, with a focus on the three pillars of social, economic and environmental sustainability.
The lecture will reflect on the ways that institutions of Higher Education can contribute to achieving national and global sustainable development using education, research and outreach to business and communities.
Paul van Gardingen is currently Pro-Vice Chancellor for Global Engagement at Bangor University in Wales, United Kingdom where he is the academic lead on Bangor’s global education and research. Bangor University’s Strategy 2030 has a central theme of sustainability that underpins the way the University operates, it’s education and research.
Before joining Bangor Professor van Gardingen lead major interdisciplinary sustainability research programmes funded by the UK Government in over 50 countries. Some these will be used as examples to illustrate the themes of the lecture.
The lecture will conclude with a consideration of the importance of international collaboration in education and research to address the most critical development challenges facing nations and the world before considering the role that institutions such as MDIS Tashkent must increasingly play to support this essential outcome.
Dear All,
You are invited to a Guest Talk with
Professor Paul van Gardingen (BU) who will be talking about Building a Sustainable Future for Uzbekistan: A Role for Higher Education, Research and Enterprise.
Date: November 14, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Venue: Conference Hall
2023-yil 17-apreldagi “O‘zbekiston Respublikasining turizm salohiyatini rivojlantirish, shuningdek, mahalliy va xorijiy sayyohlar sonini oshirishga doir qo‘shimcha chora-tadbirlar to‘g‘risida”gi PQ-135-sonli qaroriga muvofiq Toshkent viloyati hokimligi bilan imzolangan “Yo‘l xaritasi” vazifalarini bajarish maqsadida joriy yilning 4-noyabr kuni instutimizning 1-kurs talabalari hamda jalb etilgan volontyorlar uchun Toshkent viloyati Parkent tumanida joylashgan "So'qoq o‘rmoni"ga sayohat uyushtirildi.
Sayohatga 150 ga yaqin talaba va volontyorlar jalb qilingan bo‘lib, ularga biznes va turizmni rivojlantirish innovatsion markazi xodimlari hamda biriktirilgan tyutorlar hamrohlik qilishdi.
O‘rmon bilan tanishish jarayonida o‘rmonning ajoyib kuzgi manzarasidan bahramand bo‘lish, tabiat qo‘ynida sayr qilib, piknik uyushtirish hamda Parkent tumanining o‘simlik va hayvonot dunyosi bilan yaqindan tanishish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat yaratildi.
Field Trip to Sukok Forest
In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 135 dated April 17, 2023 "On additional measures to develop the tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to increase the number of local and foreign tourists", and in order to fulfil the tasks of the road map signed with the Khokimiyat of Tashkent Region", a field trip to the Sukok forest located in the Parkent district of Tashkent region was organised on November 4, 2023, for MDIST Foundation year students and the involved volunteers.
About 150 students and volunteers participated in the event, accompanied by specialists from the Business Development and Tourism Innovation Centre and involved tutors.
While walking in the forest, they enjoyed the wonderful autumn scenery of nature, and a picnic was organised with the help of volunteers. This was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Parkent district.
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On October 27, 2023, MDIS Tashkent Medical Unit conducted a seminar on the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections.
The event attendees (students and staff) learned about how influenza and acute respiratory infections develop, the clinical symptoms, differences, and methods of prevention, both specific (flu vaccination) and non-specific (personal hygiene), as well as the role of proper nutrition in the prevention of these diseases. An information video was shown at the end of the discussion.
Oktabr oyi yakunida joriy o‘quv yilining magistratura bosqichiga yangi qabul qilingan talabalar bilan uchrashuv tashkil qilindi. Uchrashuvda o‘quv ishlari bo‘yicha prorektor, dekan, professor-o‘qituvchilar, ma’muriyat xodimlari ham ishtirok etishdi.
Uchrashuv davomida bo‘lajak magistrlar bilan yaqindan tanishib, ularning maqsad va rejalarini tingladik. Shuningdek, ularga magistratura bosqichida tahsil olishda e’tibor qaratish muhim bo‘lgan jihatlar yuzasidan maslahatlar berdik.
Sir emaski, so‘nggi paytlarda kadrlar siyosatiga jiddiy qaralmoqda. Suhbat davomida tahsil olish jarayonida o‘zini yaxshi tomondan ko‘rsatgan nomzodlar institutning o‘zida ish bilan ta’minlanishi mumkinligiga urg‘u berildi. Talabalar orasida o‘z yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha ma’lum muvaffaqiyatga erishgan, o‘ziga xos yutuqlari bor hamda muayyan bir yo‘nalishga qattiq bel bog‘lagan umidli yoshlarning borligi e’tiborimni tortdi.
Sermahsul o‘tgan uchrashuv fayzli dasturxon atrofida yakunlandi.
At the end of October, a meeting was organised with the new MBA intake students. The meeting was attended by the vice-rector, deans, professors, teachers, and administrative staff involved in educational activities.
During the meeting, we got acquainted with the future masters closely and learned about their goals and reasons for studying at the master's level. Additionally, we provided advice on important matters to consider for the successful completion of the master's programme.
Furthermore, we highlighted aspects of the new personnel policy. During the conversation, it was emphasised that outstanding students and graduates could be employed by the institute. We have noticed that there are a lot of young individuals who have unique accomplishments and strong aspirations in their field of study.
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Dear MDIS Tashkent Graduates 2023!
We are happy to announce that the registration for the Graduation Ceremony 2023 is open.
Please kindly fill out the required fields below for signing up:
Mr. Mironshokh Uktamov, the head of MDIS Tashkent Tourism and Hospitality School, took part in a joint scientific and practical conference dedicated to the development of tourism industry in the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Mr. Uktamov was one of the key speakers at the presentation on "Uzbekistan's Silk Road Heritage: A Sustainable Tourism Paradigm in the SCO Region".
Yaqinda ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti talabalarining kursdan-kursga o‘ta olmayotganlari bo‘yicha chiqarilgan video yuzasidan Buyuk Britaniya va Singapurdagi hamkorlarimiz tomonidan rasmiy bayonot taqdim etildi.
Quyida havolalar orqali rasmiy bayonot bilan tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin:
Our partners from the University of Sunderland and MDIS (Singapore) issued an official statement to rectify the inaccuracies on the recent video post alleging that MDIS Tashkent students are currently experiencing issues in progressing in their studies.
The formal statement is available at the following links:
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🇺🇿Dear students!
⚽️ "Rector's Cup" mini-football championship is about to start!
On October 31, 2023, MDIS Tashkent Sports Centre Organising Committee will hold a LOTTING ceremony for the "Rector's Cup" mini-football competition. All students at all levels can take part in it. Check out the information on participation in the competition below:
👉 The competition will be held in groups. Thus, each team must consist only of students studying in one group.
👉 Applications for participation in the competition will be accepted in room 108 of the Sports Center until October 31, 2023, 16:00.
👉 Requirements for sports clothes of the participants: futsal sports shoes (with a flat sole);
👉 If your match coincides with the class time, the responsible representative of the team must inform the Organising Committee at least 48 hours before the match;
👉 If the team is more than 15 minutes late for the game for no reason, the team will be given a technical defeat;
👉 For unsportsman like behaviour during the competition, the team will be excluded from the competition, and the matter will be raised with the disciplinary committee of the institute;
The draw ceremony will be held on October 31, 2023, at 18:00 at the Sports Center. Those who will not be able to attend the ceremony can watch it LIVE via this link.
👆Follow the latest news about the competition through the MDISTRECTORSCUP channel.
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