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MDIS Tashkent

“Real hayotda ma’lumotlar ilmi” mavzusida seminar

Joriy yilning 17-aprel kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida Bangor universiteti dasturiga doir Y1, Y2 hamda Y3 CISB talabalarimiz uchun “Real hayotda ma’lumotlar ilmi” mavzusidagi seminar bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Seminarda ma’lumotlar ilmiga kirish, ma’lumotlar ilmi faoliyatni boshlash va ma’lumotlar ilmini turli sohalarda qo‘llash kabi asosiy mavzular ko‘rib chiqildi. Shuningdek, seminar mehmoni, injener Roman Richard tomonidan ma’lumotlar ilmiga oid fikrlar tinglandi.

Ta’kidlash joizki, talabalar IT sohasida, xususan, kelajakda o‘zlari ishlashni istagan sohalarda ishlashga yordam beradigan muhim ma’lumotlarni oldilar.


Seminar on "Data science in real life"

On April 17, 2024, a seminar on "Data science in real life" was held for Y1, Y2 and Y3 students (Bangor University CISB programme).

The seminar covered key topics such as introduction to data science, starting a data science career, and applying data science in various fields. Also, the seminar host, engineer Roman Richard, spoke about data science.

It is worth noting that students received important information that will help them work in the field of IT, especially in the fields they wish to focus on in the future.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

“Innovator ayollar: zamonaviy dunyoda turizm va texnologiya” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya

Joriy yilning 18-aprel kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Turizm qo‘mitasi huzuridagi Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti va O‘zbekiston ishbilarmon ayollar xalqaro assotsiatsiyasi bilan hamkorlikda yuqori darajadagi xalqaro “Innovator ayollar: zamonaviy dunyoda turizm va texnologiya” mavzusidagi ilmiy amaliy konferensiya bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Konferensiyani kirish so‘zi bilan TSMRI rektori I.Mamatkulov, Oliy Majlis Senatining Yoshlar, madaniyat va sport masalalari qo‘mitasi raisi o‘rinbosari D.Toshmuhamedova, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Turizm qoʻmitasi huzuridagi Turizmni rivojlantirish ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti rahbari E.Golisheva so‘zga chiqdilar. Tadbirni O‘zbekiston ishbilarmon ayollar uyushmasi raisi o‘rinbosari N.Yakubova olib bordi.

Konferensiyadan ko‘zlangan asosiy maqsad ilmiy-nazariy va amaliy taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish, xususan, bugungi kunda mamlakatimiz uchun dolzarb bo‘lgan masala – respublikamiz aholisining turli yoshdagi ayollar qismini tadbirkorlik sohasida, o'z biznesini yuritishda, jumladan, turizm va IT xizmatlarini ko'rsatish sohasida keng jalb etish masalalarini hal etishdan iborat bo‘ldi. Anjumanda asosiy ma’ruzachilar sifatida O‘zbekiston ishbilarmon ayollari uyushmasi vakillari, ilmiy-tadqiqot institutlari olimlari, tajribali mutaxassislar, turizm va mehmondo‘stlik sohasidagi ekspertlar, davlat idoralari vakillari, mamlakatimizning yetakchi IT-kompaniyalari, O‘zbekiston oliy o‘quv yurtlari, yosh olimlar hamda xorijiy mutaxassislar ishtirok etdi.

Shuningdek, xalqaro konferensiya ishtirokchilari va ma’ruzachilariga sertifikat va esdalik sovg‘alarini topshirishga bag‘ishlangan tantanali marosim bo‘lib o‘tdi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

Dear MDIS Tashkent Students and Alumni,

MDIS Tashkent Professional Development Centre invites you to a Spring Career Fair 2024.

The event will bring together participants from various industries such as finance, marketing, tourism, state and private entities as well as many other international and local organizations.

We welcome everyone who is interested in internship, part-time and full-time employment!

Date: April 24, 2024 (Wednesday)

Time: 14:30 - 17:00

Venue: MDIS Tashkent campus (building B, Library 3rd floor)


• official/smart casual attire is must;
• please, ensure the necessary amount of your CV/resume copies
• Alumni are welcome. For registration please contact @RuslanEA

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MDIS Tashkent

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear MDIST Students

‼️ ATTENTION, Amazing trip with unforgettable PICNIC from New Age Team of MDIST‼️

The team "New Age" hope you do well❤️


☝️ What is waiting for you?

🚌 -Round trip transportation (Comfortable touristic bus)

🥪🍢 -Kebabs and sandwiches

🍪🍩 -Snacks

🍹🧃 -Drinks

🏜🏕 -Massive picnic with your friends

🧩Group games (UNO, MAFIA, CARDS, JENGO)

🏐 Volleyball with your friends

🌅 - Beautiful view of the sky and nature

💰Price: 190.000 soums

📅Date: April 28, 2024 (Sunday)
🕟Time: Departure from Tashkent - 13:00 a.m.; Arrival to Tashkent - 21:30
Departure place: 🅿️ MDIST parking

⚠️WARNING: First come - first served! Come with your ID card. Be kindly and do not be late, there is no reimbursement😉

🎟 To acquire your ticket as soon as possible, please approach Room 403 (New Building) or feel free to contact @khalilullah0901 @azizbek_kbv
or phone number:


Best Regards
NEW AGE team

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MDIS Tashkent

"Ilk qadam" loyihasi doirasida oliy ta'lim muassasalariga sayohat tashkil etildi

#Toshkent shahri


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MDIS Tashkent

Introduction to Travel & Work moduli va o‘qishga amaliy yondashuv doirasida turizmga oid dasturlar doirasida talabalar turli mehmondo‘stlik va turizm tashkilotlarida amaliyot o‘tamoqda. Xususiy turizm agentliklari assotsiatsiyasi (APTA), Oʻzbekiston mehmonxona xoʻjaliklari uyushmasi, “Oʻzbekiston havo yoʻllari” milliy aviakompaniyasi, “Wyndham Hotel”, “Hampton by Hilton” kabi mehmonxonalar va sayyohlik agentliklari shular jumlasidandir.

Talabalarning amaliyot o‘tash joyidagi jarayonlarni TSMRI turizm va mehmondo‘stlik maktabi yetakchi o‘qituvchisi Shahnozaxon Faxriddinova doimiy ravishda kuzatib bormoqda. O'qishga bo‘lgan bunday amaliy yondashuv talabalarga qimmatli sanoat tajribasini olishga yordam beradi hamda kelgusida o‘z kasbining tajribali xodimi bo‘lib yetishadi.


As part of the Introduction to Travel and Work placement module and practical approach to studies, students of tourism-related programmes are doing their internships in different hospitality and tourism organisations. Such as the Association of Private Tourism Agencies (APTA), the Association of Hoteliers of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Airways, the Wyndham Hotel, the Hampton by Hilton, and other hotels and travel agencies.

Students' internships in organisations at their place of internship are regularly monitored by Miss Shakhnozakhon Fakhriddinova, the leading lecturer at MDIS Tashkent School of Tourism and Hospitality. This practical approach to studying helps the students gain valuable industry experience and prepares them for their future careers.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent faces

Dear All

Meet Mr. Ersel Örge, the Head of the School of Fashion and Design

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent faces

Dear All

Meet Mr. Mironshokh Uktamov, the Head of School of Tourism and Hospitality

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MDIS Tashkent

Efforts to develop tourism

On March 29, 2024, MDIS Tashkent representatives took part in a roundtable discussion at The Elements Hotel, organized by the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Hotel Association of Uzbekistan.

The roundtable was aimed at launching the dual education system project in Uzbekistan as well as improving students' practical skills. The event was attended by the State Committee for Tourism Development, representatives of HEIs, the Hyatt Regency, the Lotte City Hotel Tashkent, InterContinental, the business managers of hotels such as Elements and Wyndham, and representatives of tourism colleges and technical schools.

The discussion addressed the issues of the development of dual education, methods of improving students' practical skills, and the problems they face during internships and ways to overcome them. The results of this roundtable discussion are planned to be included as proposals for the development of tourism.

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MDIS Tashkent

“Talabalar ligasi” musobaqasida ildam qadam

Oliy ta'lim muassasalari o'rtasida futzal bo'yicha o'tkazilayotgan III bosqichli “Talabalar ligasi” musobaqalarining Toshkent shahar bosqichi 1/8 final o'yinlari yakunlandi.

Unga ko'ra 8 jamoa 1/4 finalga yo'l oldi. Quvonarli tomoni shundaki, TSMRI jamoasi ham ildam qadamlar ila musobaqa g'olibligi sari yaqinlashib bormoqda. Ular 1/4 finalda Toshkent Moliya instituti jamoasiga qarshi bahs olib borishadi.

Qayd etish kerakki, ushbu turnirda dastlabki uch o'rinni qo'lga kiritgan jamoalar joriy yilning may oyida bo'lib o'tadigan Respublika bosqichida ishtirok etadi.


Step forward in the Student League

The 1/8 finals of the 3d stage "Student League" futsal competitions between higher educational institutions of the Tashkent city have been completed.

Eight teams went to the quarter finals.The good news is that MDIS Tashkent team is also getting closer to winning the competition, as it will compete against Tashkent Financial Institute in the quarter finals.

It should be noted that the teams that won the first three places in this tournament will participate in the Republican stage, which will be held in May 2024.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent faces

Dear All

Meet Mrs. Dilafruz Kurbonova, Head of School of Banking and Finance

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MDIS Tashkent

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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI va Hilton: Hamkorlik imkoniyatlari

Joriy yilning 26-mart kuni Hilton mehmonxonalar tarmog'ining Rossiya va MDH dagi rivojlanish bo'yicha vakillari direktor Aleksey Shatalov boshchiligida Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga tashrif buyurdi.

Tashrif davomida hamkorlik aloqalarini yo'lga qo'yish hamda o'zaro manfaatli shartlarda hamkorlik istiqbollarini rivojlantirish masalalari muhokama qilindi. Shuningdek, ikki tomon ham bir birining tajribasidan foydalangan holda ijobiy natijalarga erishishi mumkinligi keltirib o'tildi.

Ta'kidlash joizki, Toshkent sayyohlik maskani sifatida rivojlanishda davom etar ekan mahalliy tashkilotlar va ushbu xalqaro mehmondo'stlik tarmoqlari o'rtasidagi hamkorlik aloqalari soha rivojini yangi bosqichga olib chiqishda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.


MDIS Tashkent and Hilton: Partnership Opportunities 

On March 26, 2024, development representatives from the Hilton hotel network in Russia and the CIS, led by director Alexey Shatalov, paid a visit to MDIS Tashkent. 

During the visit, the subjects of building cooperative relations and expanding collaboration opportunities on mutually beneficial terms were discussed. It was also suggested that both parties can benefit from each other's experience. 

It is worth emphasising that as Tashkent grows as a tourist destination, collaboration between local organisations and worldwide hospitality networks will be critical in propelling the industry to new heights.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

Toshkentda kibersport bo‘yicha xalqaro universitetlararo chempionat finali bo'lib o'tdi

Joriy yilning 25-mart kuni Moskva davlat xalqaro munosabatlar instituti (MGIMO) Toshkent filialida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti tomonidan ilgari surilgan besh tashabbusni birgalikda amalga oshirish maqsadida Toshkent shahri va Toshkent viloyatidagi xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari filiallari o‘rtasida imzolangan hamkorlik to‘g‘risidagi memorandum doirasida Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha xalqaro universitetlararo kibersport musobaqasi finali bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Musobaqa 20-25-mart kunlari oralig'ida bo'lib o'tib unda 7 ta xorijiy oliy ta'lim muassasalari filiallari ishtirok etdi. Jumladan, Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti, Moskva davlat xalqaro munosabatlar instituti, A.I.Gersen nomidagi Rossiya pedagogika universiteti, M.V.Lomonosov nomidagi Moskva davlat universiteti, D.I.Mendeleev nomidagi Rossiya kimyo-texnologiya universiteti, G.V.Plexanov nomidagi Rossiya iqtisodiyot universiteti hamda Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetilari jamoalari qatnashdi.

Musobaqa finalida Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti jamoasi hamda institutimiz jamoasi o‘rtasida bellashuv bo‘lib, unda Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti jamoasining qo‘li baland keldi. Institutimiz jamoasi faxrli 2-o'rinni band etdi. Qayd etish kerakki, musobaqa ko‘tarinki ruhda o‘tib tomoshabinlarda katta qiziqish uyg‘otgan bo‘lsa, jamoalar o‘rtasidagi murosasiz bahslar esa musobaqaga o‘ziga xos joziba bag‘ishladi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

Ochiq muloqot: Talabalar muammolari o‘rganildi

Joriy yilning 19-aprel kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida talabalar va institut rahbariyati, mutaxassislar hamda professor-o‘qituvchilar ishtirokida ochiq muloqot bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Ochiq muloqotdan ko‘zlangan asosiy maqsad, talabalarga institut xodimlarini tanishtirish, mavjud hamda yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo‘lgan muammolarni bartaraf etish yuzasidan xodimlarga zarur ko‘rsatmalar berildi. Jumladan, talabalar uchun bilim olishda yordam beradigan qulayliklarni yanada oshirish kun tartibidagi asosiy masala bo‘ldi.

Shuningdek, talabalar fikr-mulohazalari tinglanib, ularning takliflari, tashabbuskorligi institut hayotida muhim o‘rin tutishi ta’kidlandi.


Tashkent, April 19th, 2023 - MDIS Tashkent recently held the Students and Staff Liaison Committee Meeting, a platform dedicated to fostering collaboration and improving the quality of education. During the meeting, students actively participated, sharing valuable ideas and concerns related to the ongoing second semester of the Academic Year 2023-2024.

The meeting provided students with an excellent opportunity to voice their opinions and contribute towards the continuous improvement of educational programs and services. Discussions covered important topics such as the attendance system, social and academic aspects of student life, and effective classroom management.

MDIS Tashkent administration will carefully review each question raised by the students during the meeting, emphasizing the importance of addressing areas that require attention and developing appropriate strategies.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

The path to success

Karolina Gorodnyaya, the owner of a high-end beauty salon and makeup academy, delivered a guest lecture at MDIS Tashkent on April 17, 2024.

The important aspects of creating one's own brand and business were discussed by the guest. The students learned about the professional experience and the ways to collaborate with well-known individuals and major corporations.

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MDIS Tashkent

On April 17, MDIS Tashkent hosted a guest talk with the magnificent Karolina Gorodnyaya, the owner of a premium beauty salon and makeup school in Tashkent. The students were presented with the topic "Way to Success,"  covering important aspects of developing their own brand and business in the field of beauty and awareness.

Students had a unique opportunity to learn about Caroline's experience during her professional career and how to establish cooperation with famous personalities and large companies. Karolina shared her knowledge and experience gained over 18 years of working with people and 5 years of building her own business.

"After 18 years of working with people and 5 years of building a business, I realised that it is not enough to understand only business processes. It is very important to build a powerful internal foundation based on what kind of person you are and what state you are in. The trends of the modern world are such that only a conscious person will be able to harmoniously build all spheres of his life," Karolina noted.

The meeting was not only informative but also pleasant; the participants had the opportunity to ask their questions and even received gifts from famous brands. We would like to thank everyone who took part in this wonderful event.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

📣 Exciting Announcement for Students! 🏆

Dear students,

Get ready for an exhilarating experience! The final tournament for the Zakovat Intellectual Games is set to take place on Friday. We kindly ask all participants to come prepared with a pen for the event. Punctuality is key, so please make every effort to arrive on time.

The champions will be determined during this tournament and, exclusive gifts awaits the winners🎁 so we wish all participants and teams the best of luck! 🏆

📅 April 19, 2024
🕓 16:00
📍 Venue: LRC 3rd floor

After the tournament, join us for a celebratory awarding ceremony filled with joy and pride. Let's come together to honor the achievements and revel in the victories!

We can't wait to see all your enthusiasm and talent shine brightly on the day!

Warm Regards and Best Wishes 🌟
Zakovat Club

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MDIS Tashkent

Call for Papers (CFP)

Dear All,

The International Scientific Journal of “Management, Marketing, and Finance” publishes the results of scientific research conducted by professors, researchers and students of higher educational institutions in the form of scientific articles.

We welcome scholars, researchers, and students to submit their high-quality and original papers, including reviews, case studies, and empirical and theoretical works, to the next volume of the International Scientific Journal of Management, Marketing, and Finance in the following areas:

05.00.00: Subjects of Technical Sciences;
08.00.00: Subjects of Economics;
12.00.00: Jurisprudence (Law) Sciences

Please submit your manuscript directly to:
Please avoid double submissions

Official languages: Uzbek, English, and Russian

Deadline for Paper Submission: April 25, 24

The international scientific journal's editorial board accepts papers for its next new issues until the 25th day of each month

3030-3745   /

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MDIS Tashkent

Eid Mubarak! 

May the Almighty bless you and your family with happiness, success, and prosperity on this auspicious day of Eid-ul-Fitr. 

May our motherland be peaceful and prosperous! May your Eid be blissful and bright!

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear All,

We are delighted to extend our warm invitation to the International Conference "Women Innovators: Tourism and Technology in the Modern World", organized by the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent in partnership with the International Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan and Scientific-research institute for tourism development under the Committee of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Date: April 18, 2024

Time: 10:00 am (Tashkent time)

Venue: Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent, Building A, Boardroom

With an exciting lineup of speakers, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities, this event promises to be an enriching experience for all participants.
We welcome your active participation and valuable insights to make this conference a resounding success.

ZOOM link:
Identifier: 833 3861 2461
Password: mdist
ZOOM session starts at 09:30 am

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MDIS Tashkent

Turizm va mehmondo'stlik maktabi Wyndham mehmonxonasida

Joriy yilning 5-aprel kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti turizm va mehmondo'stlik maktabi vakillari Introduction to Travel & Tourism moduli va o'qishga amaliy yondashuv doirasida Wyndham mehmonxonasiga tashrif buyurishdi.

Ekskursiya davomida talabalarga konferensiya zallari, majlislar zallari, ochiq va yopiq suzish havzalari, front-ofis bo'limi, oziq-ovqat va ichimliklar bo'limi hamda mehmonxona xonalari tanishtirildi. Shuningdek, talabalar restoran xizmatlari faoliyati bilan ham tanishtirildi.

Ta'kidlash joizki, TSMRI qiziqarli ekskursiya uchun Wyndham mehmonasiga samimiy minnatdorchilik bildiradi va kelgusida mehmonxona bilan hamkorlik qilishdan mamnun ekanligini ma'lum qiladi.


The School of Tourism and Hospitality at the Wyndham Hotel

On April 5, 2024, representatives of the MDIS Tashkent School of Tourism and Hospitality visited the Wyndham Hotel.

During the tour, which was held as a part of the Introduction to Travel and Tourism module and practical approach to learning, the students were introduced to conference rooms, meeting rooms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, the front office department, the food and beverage department, and hotel rooms. Also, students became familiar with restaurant services.

MDIS Tashkent team expresses its gratitude to the Wyndham for the interesting tour and is happy to cooperate with the hotel in the future.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent faces

Dear All

Meet Mr. Asghar Mehmood Sufyan, the Head of School of Business and Management

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MDIS Tashkent

Turizm rivoji yo'lidagi sa'y-harakatlar

Joriy yilning 29-mart kuni TSMRI vakillari O'zbekiston Respublikasi Turizmni rivojlantirish davlat qo'mitasi va O'zbekiston mehmonxonalar uyushmasi tomonidan The Elements mehmonxonasida tashkil etilgan davra suhbatida ishtirok etdilar.

Davra suhbati O'zbekistonda dual ta'lim tizimi loyihasini ishga tushirish, shuningdek, talabalar amaliy ko'nikmalarini oshirishga qaratilgan bo'lib, ushbu tadbirda Turizmni rivojlantirish davlat qo'mitasi, OTM vakillari, Hyatt Regency, Lotte City Hotel Tashkent, InterContinental, The Elements, Wyndham kabi mehmonxonalar biznesi rahbarlari hamda turizm kolleji va texnikumlari vakillari ishtirok etishdi.

Ushbu tadbirda dual ta'limni rivojlantirish masalalari, talabalarning amaliy ko'nikmalarini oshirish usullari va ularning amaliyot o'tash jarayonida duch keladigan muammolar va ularni bartaraf etish yo'llari keng muhokama qilindi. Ushbu davra suhbati natijalari turizmni rivojlantirishda taklif sifatida kiritilishi rejalashtirildi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

Ichki turizm yarmarkasi

Joriy yilning 29-mart sanasida Toshkent viloyatining Zangiota tumanida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Ekologiya, atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish va iqlim o'zgarishi vazirligi huzuridagi turizm qo'mitasi, Toshkent viloyati turizm boshqarmasi tomonidan tashkillashtirilgan ichki turizm yarmarkasi bo'lib o'tdi.

Yarmarkada TSMRI jamoasi ham o'z ko'rgazmali targ'ibot materiallari bilan ishtirok etdi. Shuningdek, ichki turizm sohasida faoliyat yurituvchi turoperatorlar, turagentlar, joylashtirish vositalari (mehmonxona, hostel) va boshqa turizm sohasi vakillari ham qatnashdi. Ta'kidlash joizki, mazkur yarmarka mamlakatimizning ichki turizm salohiyatini yanada rivojlantirishda o'z hissasini qo'shishini qayd etish mumkin.


Domestic tourism fair

On March 29, an internal tourism fair was held in the Zangiota district of the Tashkent region. The event was organised by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Control, and Environmental Protection of Uzbekistan and the Department of Tourism of the Tashkent Region.

MDIS Tashkent team attended the fair, which also included local tour operators, travel agencies, hotels, hostels, and other tourism industry professionals. It is important to note that expanding such fairs will aid in the preservation and development of domestic tourism.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent recruits employees for the following positions:

Product Development & Management department
Specialist of the Learning Recourse Centre
Manager of English Preparatory Courses
Research, Innovations and Consultancy Centre
Manager of International Relations Department
Business Incubation Centre
Manager for Professional Development Centre
Specialist for Information centre
Manager for IT Centre
Specialist of Medical Centre
Manager of Security Department

For information about vacancies within management and technical support spheres at MDIS Tashkent, please submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the Human Resources Department via the following email

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MDIS Tashkent

Oliy ta’lim muassasalari o‘rtasida o‘tkazilayotgan “Talabalar ligasi” musobaqasidan📌

Institutimiz jamoasidan shedevr gol⚽️

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

Qabul boshlandi!

Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining “Management, Marketing And Finance” (“Menejment, Marketing va Moliya”) xalqaro ilmiy jurnalida maqolangizni nashr qiling!

Jurnalning 2-soniga maqolalar qabuli boshlandi!

Ilk sahifalaridan joy olishga shoshiling!

Maqolalar qabuli 25-aprelga qadar.

👩‍💻Murojaat uchun: +998 88 710 96 54 (/channel/MMM_journal)

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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MDIS Tashkent

TSMRI jamoasi Bo'stonliq turizm va servis kollejida

Joriy yilning 26-mart kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti Turizm va mehmondo'stlik maktabi o'qituvchilari, Biznes va turizmni rivojlantirish markazi mutaxassislari hamda institutning turizm yo'nalishida tahsil olayotgan talabalar Toshkent viloyati Bo'stonliq tumaniga tashrif buyurishdi.

Tashrif davomida Bo'stonliq turizm va servis kollejida turizm yo'nalishlarini rivojlantirish va jamoatchilikni jalb qilish mavzusida trening tashkil etildi. Unda TSMRI o'qituvchi-mutaxassislari tomonidan turizm rivoji yo'lida dolzarb masalalar sanab o'tilib ushbu soha rivoji uchun yetarlicha shart-sharoit borligi qayd etildi. Tinglovchilar bilan fikr almashilib qiziqarli takliflar bildirildi.

Bundan tashqari TSMRI talabalari G'azalkent shahrining mahalliy aholi vakillari bilan muloqoti jarayonida tumanning turizm salohiyati va rivoji yo'lida zarur bo'lgan fikrlarni so'rovnoma orqali o'rganib chiqdi. Shuningdek, talabalar so'rovnoma asosida ilmiy tadqiqot olib borib turizm sohasining yanada rivojlanishida o'z hissalarini qo'shishga kelishib olishdi.

👉Bizni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda kuzating:
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