MDIS Tashkent student Ruzmatov Baxrom is involved in the startup VRGEN (Virtual Reality Generation), a project that helps school students learn lessons in virtual reality with the help of an artificial intelligence teacher. Four months after the investment was raised, the project was tested by a school student, and the results are impressive (please see the video above). It is known that the project will start working in several schools this fall. The project now has two lessons for the demo version: astronomy and English.
Читать полностью…Ahil jamoamiz bilan Parkent tumaniga sayohat uyushtirdik
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi 135-sonli Qarori ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti professor-o‘qituvchilari ishchi xodimlari bilan birgalikda Toshkent viloyatining Parkent tumanida joylashgan turizm obyektlariga sayohat uyushtirdik. Ushbu sayohatdan maqsad Institut professor-o‘qituvchilari hamda xodimlarda ichki turizmga bo‘lgan qiziqishni oshirish, yurtimizning yaxshi o‘zlashtirilmagan sayyohlik maskanlarini o‘rganish, qolaversa, xodimlar orasida jamoaviy muhitni yanada mustahkamlash bo‘ldi.
Parkent tumaniga sayohatimiz dastlab Parkent tumanida joylashgan O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlan Akademiyasi "Fizika-Quyosh" ilmiy ishlab chiqarish birlashmasining Fizika-texnika institutidagi "Geliopoli-gon"dan boshlandi. U yerda quyosh nuridan metall va jismlarni eritilishi jarayonlarini jonli tarzda kuzatish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ldik. So‘ngra, Kumushkon qishlog‘ining Chashma mahallasi yuqori qismida joylashgan “Xazrat Ali Buva” ziyoratgohida bo‘ldik. Ajoyib tog‘ havosi, Parkent tog‘larining go‘zal manzarasi barchamizga unutilmas lahzalarni taqdim etdi.
TSMRI jamoasi bu kabi sayohatlarni muntazam ravishda davom ettiradi.
Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti (TSMRI) ISO 9001:2015 standarti bo‘yicha qayta sertifikatlash auditidan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tdi
Xalqaro ISO 9001:2015 sertifikati jarayonga yondashuv, xavflarni baholash va kamaytirish, sanoat standardlariga mos keluvchi mijozlar va boshqa manfaatdor tomonlarning ehtiyojlarini qondirishni tasdiqlaydi.
2015-yilda TSMRI O‘zbekiston Respublikasidagi ISO 9001 xalqaro sifat sertifikatiga ega bo‘lgan birinchi oliy ta’lim muassasasiga aylandi va har yili xalqaro standartlarga muvofiqligini ta’minlab keladi.
Sertifikatlashtirish auditi mustaqil ekspertiza, inspeksiya, sinov va sertifikatlashtirish bo‘yicha jahonda yetakchi bo‘lgan va qariyb 200 yildan buyon butun dunyoda faoliyat yuritib kelayotgan Bureau Veritas Group (Fransiya) tarkibiga kiruvchi Bureau Veritas Tashkent kompaniyasi tomonidan o‘tkazildi.
Bugungi kunda Bureau Veritas butun dunyo bo‘ylab 1600 dan ortiq ofis va laboratoriyalarga ega bo‘lib, 80000 dan ortiq kishini ish bilan ta’minlagan holda sifat va ishbilarmonlik etikasi bo‘yicha global mezon sifatida e’tirof etilgan.
Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Mr. Bernardo Jeffrey Morante, Senior Lecturer, School of Banking and Finance🎓🧮🏦
Читать полностью…As part of the visit of a delegation of Belgian Trade Mission to Uzbekistan, a memorandum of understanding was signed with MDIS Tashkent.
According to the agreement, the sides are going to form partnerships in the following spheres:
• A student exchange programme between Higher Education Institutions specializing in the field of tourism located in Belgium;
• Organizing training courses for tourism professionals;
• Organizing conferences, symposiums and roundtable discussions in cooperation.
In addition, during the meeting, MDIS Tashkent Rector, Dr. Ilkhom Mamatkulov exchanged opinions with his excellency, Mr. Marc Mikhelsen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, regarding future plans.
🎓Graduation photoreport: 2⃣0⃣2⃣2⃣
Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti “Times Higher Education” reytinglari bo‘yicha kuchli 1000 talikka kirdi
Xalqaro tan olingan Buyuk Britaniyaning nufuzli reyting tashkiloti “THE Impact Rankings 2023” reytingida Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti bir necha barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlari (BRM) bo‘yicha kuchli 1000 talikdan o‘rin oldi.
Jumladan, “THE Impact Rankings 2023” reytingining:
- Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) – Toza suv va sanitariya boʼyicha 401-600 o‘rin;
- Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) – Arzon va toza energiya boʼyicha 401-600 o‘rin;
- Climate Action (SDG 13) – Iqlim o‘zgarishiga qarshi kurashish boʼyicha 601-735 o‘rin;
- Quality Education (SDG 4) – Sifatli ta’lim boʼyicha 1001–1304 o‘rin;
- Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17) – Barqaror rivojlanish yo‘lida hamkorlik boʼyicha 1001–1625 o‘rin.
Shuni alohida qayd etish lozimki, Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish insitutida Buyuk Britaniyaning Bangor (Bangor University), Sanderlend (University of Sunderland) hamda Tissayd (Teesside University) universitetlari akademik dasturlari asosida ta’lim beriladi. Shu o‘rinda, ushbu hamkor universitetlarning “THE — Times Higher Education” reytinglaridagi ko‘rsatkichlarini ham keltirib o‘tamiz:
- Bangor universiteti – 64 o‘rin (THE Impact Rankings);
- Bangor universiteti – 401-500 o‘rin (World University Rankings 2023);
- Sanderlend universiteti – 1001-1200 o‘rin (World University Rankings 2023);
- Tissayd universiteti – 1001-1200 o‘rin (World University Rankings 2023).
Joriy yilning 29-30-may kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida o‘tkazilgan bitiruv marosimi Mening Yurtim telekanalida yoritildi.
Читать полностью…Joriy yilning 29-30-may kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida o‘tkazilgan bitiruv marosimi Yoshlar telekanalida yoritildi.
Читать полностью…Joriy yilning 29-30-may kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida o‘tkazilgan bitiruv marosimi O‘zbekiston 24 telekanalida yoritildi.
Читать полностью…Mamlakatimizda ta’lim sohasiga katta sarmoyalar kiritilayotgani sir emas. Natijada, yoshlarimizning jahon ta’lim standartlari asosida sifatli ta’lim olishlariga keng imkoniyatlar yaratilmoqda.
Kuni kecha Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida faoliyat yuritayotgan xorijiy professor-o‘qituvchilar jamoasi bilan ta’lim sifatini yanada oshirish yuzasidan suhbatlashdik.
Suhbat davomida mamlakatimizda ta’lim sohasiga berilayotgan e’tibor, yaratilgan sharoitlar, dunyo ta'lim reytingida o‘z o‘rniga ega oliy ta'lim muassasalari tomonidan taqdim etilayotgan xalqaro dasturlar orqali mamlakatimizning moliya, turizm, axborot texnologiyalari, sanoat boshqaruvi va boshqa sektorlariga raqobatbardosh kadrlarni yetishtirishda asqotishi qayd etildi.
Suhbat yakunida kelgusida amalga oshiriladigan ishlar bo‘yicha rejalarni tuzib oldik.
MDIS Tashkent School of Tourism and Hospitality conducted another online session with Mr. Amer Bazarbachi who shared his valuable knowledge as a guest speaker during closing lecture of the semester 2.
During the session, Mr. Bazarbachi talked about event operations in Fairmont Hotel with year 3 students, he also reviewed ballrooms types, room setup styles for events and then explained to students the usage of event proposals and banquet event orders in the hotel. At the end of the session, Mr. Amer was happy to answer students' questions and share with them his extensive experience in luxury hotels.
Mr. Amer Bazarbachi is working as assistant director of conference and catering services at Fairmont Hotel Riyadh – Saudi Arabia.
Тошкент вилоятида туризм салоҳиятини янада ривожлантиришда талабаларнинг ҳам иштироки ва ҳиссаси ошади
Кўҳна тамаддун ва маданиятлар чорраҳасида жойлашган Ўзбекистон жаҳондаги туризм салоҳияти юқори ва жозибадор давлатлардан бири. Мамлакатимизда 7 мингдан зиёд нодир тарихий ёдгорлик, бетакрор архитектура намуналари мавжуд.
Батафсил 👉
Batafsil 👉
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Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent
The tourism industry is linked to the idea of travelling to other domestical or international locations (also known as the travel industry), for leisure, social or business purposes. It is closely connected to the hotel industry, the hospitality industry and the transport industry. Tourism industry (Tourism supply chains) involve many other components - not just accommodation, transport and excursions, but also bars and restaurants, handicrafts, food production, waste disposal, and the infrastructure that supports tourism in destinations. All added values in the tourism industry are based on profitability and keeping tourists happy, occupied and equipped with the things they need during their travel. The tourism industry complex and require multidisciplinary research. Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent study the industry global challenges, in order to robust the tourism supply chains. MDIST Research Innovation and Consultancy Center collects and analyzes unpublished new research outcomes to exchange experience on modern day.
The aims of collection:
• To attract the attention for new business models in tourism industry;
• To highlight the issues related to tourism industry;
• To investigate tourism industry development and global challenges;
• To develop Research and Education in tourism industry;
• To support the new approaches and mechanisms for strengthening the tourism industry.
The main thematic areas:
• Tourism Marketing; Trends in Tourism
• Tourism Management; Optimization
• Revenue Management in Tourism Industry
• The Emerging Technology Trends in the Tourism Industry
• Sustainable Development in Tourism Industry
• Tourism and Economic Development
• Tourism Industry Education
• APPs Travel Insights: Data and Tools for Tourism Industry
• Tourism supply chains
• Tourist Transportation
• Food and Beverage services
• Entertainment within Tourism Industry
• Media: Video Tourism Industry
• Connected Industries (Other Related Industries)
Articles submitted for the SDTA are to be published under ISBN as SDTA book.
Languages: Russian, English, Uzbek.
Originality has to be at least 80%
Font: size – 14, type - Times New Roman; line space – 1.5. All margins are 2 cm.
Submission format:
• title
• abstract (500-600 words)
• keywords (3-5)
• main text (introduction, main part and conclusion)
• bibliography
In case you are submitting in Russian and Uzbek, please, provide the title and keywords in English as well.
Please submit your articles with indication of full name, affiliation, phone number and e-mail to before June 20, 2023.
A trip of the MDIS Tashkent team to the Parkent district of the Tashkent region was organized on June 17, 2023.
In order to ensure the implementation of Presidential Resolution No. 135 of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 26, 2023, a trip to the cultural heritage sites of the Parkent district of the Tashkent region was organized for the MDIS Tashkent academic and administrative staff. The purpose of the trip was to increase interest in domestic tourism among the Institute staff, to explore the touristic destinations of our country, and to further strengthen the team atmosphere.
The trip started with a visit to the Institute of "Physics and Sun" at the Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan. There, the MDIS Tashkent team had the opportunity to observe live processes of melting metals and objects in sunlight. The second tourist site was the shrine of "Khazrat Ali Buva," located in the upper part of the Chashma neighborhood of the Kumushkon village. The wonderful mountain air and the beautiful view of the Parkent Mountains left unforgettable memories.
Visits to the cultural heritage sites are regularly conducted by the MDIS Tashkent team.
MDIS Tashkent has successfully passed the ISO 9001:2015 re-certification audit
On June 14, 2023, MDIS Tashkent officially received an ISO 9001:2015 certificate. The international ISO 9001:2015 certification confirms the implementation of a process approach, risk assessment, and mitigation that satisfy the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting industry-accepted standards.
In 2015, MDIS Tashkent became the first higher education institution in the Republic of Uzbekistan to be awarded the ISO 9001 international quality certification, which annually confirms compliance with international standards.
The certification audit was conducted by Bureau Veritas Tashkent, part of the Bureau Veritas Group (France), which is a world leader in independent expertise, inspection, testing, and certification and has been operating globally for about 200 years.
Today, Bureau Veritas is recognized as a global benchmark for quality and business ethics, with more than 1,600 offices and laboratories worldwide and employing more than 80,000 people.
Kuni-kecha Institutimizda Ozarbayjonning “Azerkosmos” agentligi vakili Imran Muxtorov bilan uchrashdik.
Uchrashuvda 2023-yil 2-oktabrdan 6-oktabrgacha Boku shahrida o‘tadigan Xalqaro Astronavtika Kongressi 2023'da Institutimiz vakillarining ishtiroki bilan bog‘liq masalalarni muhokama qildik. E’tiborli tomoni, mazkur Kongressda Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlaridan Qozog’iston va O’zbekiston ishtirok etadi. Mamlakatimiz nomidan oliy dargohinizning ishtiroki biz uchun juda muhim hisoblanadi.
Shuningdek, bugungi kunda Yevropaning dolzarb yo‘nalishi bo‘lgan kosmik turizmni rivojlantirish masalalari ham muhokama qilindi. Uchrashuvda ta’lim muassasasining brendini targ‘ib qilish maqsadida forumda ishtirok etuvchi boshqa davlatlar qatorida Institut stendi uchun joy ajratilishi ta’kidlandi.
Bundan tashqari, forum yakunlari bo‘yicha to‘plamlarda Institutimiz ilmiy maqolalarining tezislarini chop etilishi yuzasidan kelishuvga erishdik.
On June 13, 2023, MDIS Tashkent welcomed Mr. Imran Mukhtorov, the representative of the Azerkosmos agency in Baku, Azerbaijan.
During the meeting, issues related to the participation of MDIS Tashkent's Rector, as well as professors and students, in the upcoming International Astronautical Congress 2023, which will be held in Baku on October 2–6, 2023, were discussed. It is noteworthy that only Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from the countries of the Central Asia will participate in this Congress. The participation of MDIS Tashkent on behalf of our country is very important for us.
Issues regarding the development of space tourism were also discussed, as a relevant field and modern trend in the leading developed European countries today. During the meeting, it was mentioned that MDIS Tashkent will be allocated a place for the institute stand among other countries participating in the forum, in order to promote its brand.
In addition, it was agreed to provide the Azerbaijani side with abstracts of scientific articles for publication in collections following the results of the forum.
Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Dr. Maged Al-Dubai, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Management 📊🏢💻
Читать полностью…Belgiya tadbirkorlaridan iborat delegatsiyaning O‘zbekistonga tashrifi doirasida Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti bilan o‘zaro anglashuv memorandum imzolandi.
Kelishuvga ko‘ra, tomonlar quyidagi yo‘nalishlarda hamkorlik qilishadi:
➡️ Belgiyada joylashgan turizm sohasiga ixtisoslashgan OTMlar o‘rtasida o‘zaro talabalar almashinuvi dasturi;
➡️ turizm sohasi mutaxassislari uchun malaka oshirish kurslari;
➡️ hamkorlikda konferensiya, simpozium hamda davra suhbatlari uyushtirish.
Bundan tashqari, uchrashuv chog‘ida TSMRI rektori I.Mamatkulov Belgiya Qirolligining Rossiya Federatsiyasi, Armaniston, Belarus va O‘zbekiston Respublikasidagi favqulodda va muxtor elchisi Mark Mixelsen bilan istiqboldagi rejalar yuzasidan firk almashishdi.
As part of the visit of a delegation of Belgian Trade Mission to Uzbekistan, a memorandum of understanding was signed with MDIS Tashkent.
According to the agreement, the sides are going to form partnerships in the following spheres:
➡️ A student exchange programme between Higher Education Institutions specializing in the field of tourism located in Belgium;
➡️ Organizing training courses for tourism professionals;
➡️ Organizing conferences, symposiums and roundtable discussions in cooperation.
In addition, during the meeting, MDIS Tashkent Rector, Dr. Ilkhom Mamatkulov exchanged opinions with his excellency, Mr. Marc Mikhelsen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Russian Federation, Armenia, Belarus, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, regarding future plans.
Xalqaro hamkorlik: TSMRIga Fransiyaning oliy ta’lim muassasalarining vakillaridan iborat delegatsiya tashrif buyurdi
Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti Fransiyaning Turizm sohasida mutaxassislar tayyorlash uyushmasi (CFET) va Fransiyaning tegishli oliy ta’lim muassasalari vakillaridan iborat delegatsiyani qabul qildi.
Uchrashuv davomida Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti va CFET o’rtasida o‘zaro anglashuv memorandumi imzolandi.
Kelishuvga ko‘ra, tomonlar quyidagi yo‘nalishlarda hamkorlik qilishadi:
➡️ o‘zaro talabalar almashinuvi dasturi;
➡️ soha mutaxassislari uchun malaka oshirish kurslari;
➡️ hamkorlikda konferensiya, simpozium hamda davra suhbatlari uyushtirish.
Shuningdek, ushbu konsorsium yakunlaridan kelib chiqqan holda, tomonlar amalga oshiriladigan vazifalar yuzasidan yo‘l xaritasi ishlab chiqishga kelishishdi.
Uchrashuv yakunida, mehmonlar uchun TSMRI bo‘ylab tur tashkil etilib, institutda talabalar uchun yaratilgan sharoitlar tanishtirildi.
Joriy yilning 29-30-may kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida o‘tkazilgan bitiruv marosimi Mening Yurtim telekanalida yoritildi.
Читать полностью…Joriy yilning 29-30-may kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida o‘tkazilgan bitiruv marosimi UzReport TV telekanalida yoritildi.
Читать полностью…Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti yangi o‘quv yili uchun qabul davom etayotganini ma’lum qiladi.
Buyuk Britaniyaning Bangor, Sanderlend va Tissayd universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda ushbu oliygohlarning bakalavr va magistratura ta’lim dasturlari asosida ta’lim beriladigan ushbu nufuzli oliygohda quyidagi yo’nalishlarda tahsil olish mumkin:
👨🎓Bangor universiteti yo’nalishlari:
Bank ishi va moliya
Sanoat menejmenti
Turizm va mehmondorchilikda xalqaro biznes
Turizm va mehmondorchilikda: boshqaruvda yetakchilik
Biznes va iqtisodiyot
Moliya, sarmoya va risk menejmenti
Biznesda kompyuter axborot tizimlari
👨🎓Sanderlend universiteti yo’nalishlari:
Buxgalteriya ishi va moliya
Biznes va moliya menejmenti
Biznes va marketing menejmenti
Biznes va menejment
Moda mahsuloti va uning targ‘iboti
👨🎓Tissayd universiteti yo’nalishlari:
Xalqaro biznes
Kadrlar boshqaruvi
Loyiha boshqaruvi
🎓Bundan tashqari, Sanderlend universiteti tomonidan quyidagi Magistratura yo'nalishlari taqdim etiladi:
Kadrlar boshqaruvi
Mehmonxona boshqaruvi
Shuningdek, boshqa oliygohlardan o'qishni ko'chirish uchun ushbu HAVOLAni bosing.
Institutga onlayn hujjat topshirish uchun HAVOLA orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tish mumkin.
👆Qabul avgust oyigacha davom etadi.
Murojaat uchun telefon:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedInTa’lim reklamasi
On May 29–30, 2023, MDIS Tashkent held the Graduation Ceremony for the graduands of 2022.
The class of 2023 is the 13th cohort of graduates who received bachelor's degrees in such areas as Banking and Finance, Business and Marketing, Business Management, Computer Technologies in Business, Industrial Management, Accounting and Finance, Finance, Investments and Risks, Business and Economics, Business and Financial Management, Management in International Hospitality and Tourism and Fashion Product and Promotion.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Finance, Marketing, HRM, Tourism and Hospitality and Supply Chain Management was awarded to 27 graduates.
The slogan for the Graduation Ceremony 2022 was "Never doubt your abilities! Believe in yourself!" best reflects the wishes of the graduates of the Institute. Since its inception in 2007, the Institute has trained more than 5,500 specialists in the fields of tourism and hospitality, banking and finance, accounting, business and marketing, industrial management, business and enterprise management, accounting and finance. Also, the Institute is actively developing MBA programmes in such areas as supply chain management, tourism and hospitality management, business and finance, business and marketing.
According to statistics, over 90 per cent of graduates are successfully employed by commercial banks, public and private organizations, as well as international companies operating both locally and globally.
Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Ms. Yulia Paramonova, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Management 📊🏢💻
Читать полностью…MDIS Tashkent School of Tourism and Hospitality conducted an online session with Dr. Mohamed Nabil Arafa who shared his valuable knowledge as a guest speaker during the closing lecture of semester 2.
During the session, Dr. Mohamed Nabil Arafa briefed Year 4 students about At-Turaif UNESCO world heritage site at Diriyah in Saudi Arabia, then Dr. Arafa discussed At-Turaif visitor experience stages, visitor journey, cultural activities, guided tours, balancing conservation and connection. At the end of the session, Dr. Arafa was pleased to answer students' questions to strengthen their knowledge of managing heritage sites and enhancing the visitor experience.
Dr. Mohamed Nabil Arafa is working as a visitor experience senior manager at Diriyah Gate Development Authority (DGDA)- in Saudi Arabia.
2023-yilning 23-may kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti hamda Toshkent viloyati hokimligi bilan hamkorlikda Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Respublikaning turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qoʻshimcha chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida”gi PQ-135-sonli qarori ijrosini taʼminlash maqsadida Ohangaron tumani va Angren shahri turizm va mehmondo‘stlik soha mutaxassislari uchun “Yangiobod” sog‘lomlashtirish va dam olish sanatoriysida seminar-trening tashkil etildi.
Tadbir avvalida soʻz olgan Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti rektori I.Mamatkulov, Toshkent viloyati hokimi oʻrinbosari J.Babajanov tumanda turizm salohiyatini oshirishga qaratilgan saʼy-harakatlar samarasi va hal etilishi lozim boʻlgan masalalarga alohida toʻxtalib oʻtdilar. Suhbat davomida tadbirkorlardan mavjud muammolar, bartaraf etish yuzasidan takliflar so‘raldi.
Bundan tashqari, hududda joylashgan dengiz sathidan 1500 metrdan ziyod balandlikda joylashgan “Yangiobod” dam olish maskani ham mas’ullar tomonidan o‘rganildi. U yerda yangi dam olish mavsumi uchun olib borilayotgan ishlar bilan tanishildi. Dam olish maskani rahbari A.Tuxtayev istiqboldagi rejalari bilan bo‘lishar ekan, ushbu dam olish maskani boshqa joylardan tabiat qo‘ynida, tabiiy sharoitlarda, sog‘liq uchun foydali hamda ekstremal sayohat va hordiq chiqaruvchilar uchun qulayligi bilan ajralib turishini qayd etdi.
Bugungi seminar-treningda Ohangaron tumani hamda Angren shahri hududlarida joylashgan dam olish maskanlari, sanatoriy, pansionat, mehmonxonalar, restoran, kafe xodimlari ishtirok etishdi. Bu hududlarga tashrif buyuruvchi mahalliy va xorijiy sayyohlar sonini oshirish va xizmatlar sifatini yanada yaxshilashga qaratilgan seminar koʻplab masalalarning istiqbolli yechimlarini topishda muhim vosita boʻlib xizmat qiladi.
Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Ms. Yulia Paramonova, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Management 📊🏢💻
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