Dear MDIS Tashkent Students,
You are cordially invited to attend an online session with Mr. Farkhod Kamilov, the Founder and CEO of the "InMarketing" Digital Consulting Agency and creator of Futurum, the first EdTech platform in Uzbekistan.
Topic: Business Marketing
Date: August 23, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:00
On August 13, 2023, MDIS Tashkent Professional Development Centre held a meeting with Mr. Farkhod Kamilov, the Founder and CEO of the "InMarketing" Digital Consulting Agency and creator of Futurum, the first EdTech platform in Uzbekistan.
Following the meeting, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed to alleviate professional education and employment among MDIS Tashkent students and alumni.
“Yangiobod” dam olish maskanida sayyor dars
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Respublikaning turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qoʻshimcha chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida”gi PQ-135-sonli qarori ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida xalqaro mehmondo‘stlik va turizm menejmenti yo‘nalishi talabalari bilan navbatdagi sayyor darsni Ohangaron tumanida dengiz sathidan 1500 metrdan ziyod balandlikda joylashgan “Yangiobod” dam olish maskanida tashkillashtirdik.
Sayyor dars davomida talabalarga sohaga doir so‘nggi yangiliklar mazmuni amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar misolida tushuntirib berishdan tashqari, turizm obyektlarini boshqarishda SWOT tahlil natijalariga asoslangan holda boshqarish bo‘yicha tegishli tushunchalar berildi. E'tiborli tomoni, darslar xorijlik professor-o‘qituvchilarimiz — Dr. Ibitoye Olalekan hamda Farid Jamali tomonidan o‘tib berildi. Tadbir yakunida talabalar ekologik hashar o‘tkazib, hududni chiqindilardan tozalashdi.
Shuni alohida ta’kidlash lozimki, talabalar nafaqat nazariy bilimlarni puxta o‘rganishlari kerak, balki amaliyotda o‘rgangan bilimlarini qo‘llab ko‘rishlari orqali katta tajriba to‘plab borishlari mumkinligiga bu safargi amaliyot jarayonlari yordamida guvohi bo‘ldik.
Unda Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga marhamat!
Ushbu HAVOLAda batafsil ma’lumotga ega bo‘lasiz.
With regards to the academic regulations of the MDIS in Tashkent, the students who successfully complete the pre-degree (FY) course are required to choose one of the undergradute programmes by UOS, BU and TU. Those students who are going to join to University of Sunderland or Teesside University programmes are required to fill in the online application in the partner universities' application platform directly. Application link and instructions (how to apply) have been sent to students' web-mail accounts.
Those who do not complete the online application in partner university's application platform will not be eligible for enrolment to Y1 and cannot continue further studies at MDIST.
Deadline for online application (registration) is 25th of July.
Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti yangi o‘quv yili uchun qabul davom etmoqda
Buyuk Britaniyaning Bangor, Sanderlend va Tissayd universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda ushbu oliygohlarning bakalavr va magistratura ta’lim dasturlari asosida ta’lim beriladigan ushbu nufuzli oliygohda quyidagi yo’nalishlarda tahsil olish mumkin:
👨🎓Bangor universiteti (Bangor University) yo’nalishlari:
Bank ishi va moliya
Sanoat menejmenti
Turizm va mehmondorchilikda xalqaro biznes
Turizm va mehmondorchilikda: boshqaruvda yetakchilik
Biznes va iqtisodiyot
Moliya, sarmoya va risk menejmenti
Biznesda kompyuter axborot tizimlari
👨🎓Sanderlend universiteti (University of Sunderland) yo’nalishlari:
Buxgalteriya ishi va moliya
Biznes va moliya menejmenti
Biznes va marketing menejmenti
Biznes va menejment
Moda mahsuloti va uning targ‘iboti
👨🎓Tissayd universiteti (Teesside University) yo’nalishlari:
Xalqaro biznes
Kadrlar boshqaruvi
Loyiha boshqaruvi
🎓Bundan tashqari, Sanderlend universiteti tomonidan quyidagi Magistratura yo'nalishlari taqdim etiladi:
Kadrlar boshqaruvi
Mehmonxona boshqaruvi
Shuningdek, boshqa oliygohlardan o'qishni ko'chirish uchun ushbu HAVOLAni bosing.
Institutga onlayn hujjat topshirish uchun HAVOLA orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tish mumkin.
👆Qabul avgust oyigacha davom etadi.
Murojaat uchun telefon:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
⚡️🌐Talabalarimiz xalqaro dasturda ishtirok etishdi
2023-yilning 9–18-iyun kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti “Moda mahsuloti va uning targ‘iboti” yo‘nalishi talabalari yakuniy loyiha kolleksiyalarini Buyuk Britaniyaning Sanderlend universitetida o‘tkazilgan 2023-yilgi “San’at va dizayn ko‘rgazmasi”da namoyish etishga muvaffaq bo‘lishdi.
⚡️🌐Our students participated in the international program
On June 9–18, 2023, the students of the "Fashion Product and Promotion" School were honoured to showcase their final project collections at the University of Sunderland's annual Art and Design Degree Show 2023, held in the Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, UK.
❗️Ro'yxatdan qanday o'tiladi❓
🗣️Umumta'lim kursi
Umumta'lim kursi - bu bir yil ichida yakunlanishi mumkin bo'lgan dastur bo’lib, u har semestrda 3 yoki 4 moduldan jami 7 ta modulidan iboratdir.
🔔📌Kerakli hujjatlar
🟢Pasport nusxasi (ro’yxatga olingan manzili yani propiska ko’rsatilgan joyi bilan) (PDF);
🟢IELTS sertifikati (PDF) yoki MDIS English test natijasi - 5.5 va yuqorida yoki TOEFL IBT 46-59/PDT 453-496 va yuqorida;
🟢Photo 3,5 bitmas-tuganmas 4,5 o'lchamli (JPEG);
🟢O‘rta-maxsus ta'limni yakunlaganligi haqida shahodatnoma yoki diplom (ingliz tiliga tarjima qilingan va notarial tasdiqlangan, agar ingliz tilida bo’lsa, shart emas) (PDF);
⚠️📌Agar o‘rta-maxsus ta'limni yakunlaganligi haqida shahodatnoma yoki diplom berilmagan bo’lsa, lekin bitiruvchi bo’lsangiz, "bitiruvchi ekaningiz haqida ma’lumotnoma" yuklashingiz mumkin!
TSMRI arizalarni onlayn qabul qiladi. Qabul muddati tugaganidan keyin boshqa ariza va hujjatlar qabul qilinmaydi. Umumta'lim kursi uchun qabul 3 Aprel kunidan - 15 Avgust kuniga qadar davom etadi.
Ro’yxatdan o’tish -
✅️@mdist_official @ilkhom_mamatkulov
⚡️⚡️Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti yangi o‘quv yili uchun qabul davom etmoqda
🌐Buyuk Britaniyaning Bangor, Sanderlend va Tissayd universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda ushbu oliygohlarning bakalavr va magistratura ta’lim dasturlari asosida ta’lim beriladigan ushbu nufuzli oliygohda quyidagi yo’nalishlarda tahsil olish mumkin
📌Institutga onlayn hujjat topshirish uchun havola ( orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tish mumkin.
📣🔥Qabul 15 avgustgacha davom etadi.
Murojaat uchun telefon:
☎️ +998712717702
✔️Website ✔️Instagram ✔️Facebook ✔️YouTube
📣Biz kelajakka befarq emasmiz, senchi?
📣We are not indifferent to the future, what about you?
Saylov — barchamizning erkin tanlov huquqimizdir!
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi bugungi kunda siyosiy, iqtisodiy va ma’naviy taraqqiyotda salmoqli natijalarga erishdi. Ularning natijasi o‘laroq, jamiyat hayotining barcha sohalarida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlarni yanada chuqurlashtirish, yangilanish, ayniqsa demokratlashtirish jarayonlarini jadallashtirish imkoniyatlariga ega bo‘ldik. Shu jumladan saylov sohasida ham zamon talablaridan kelib chiqqan holda ilg‘or xorijiy tajribaning amaliyotda o‘zini oqlagan, milliy mentalitetimizga mos bo‘lgan tomonlari bosqichma-bosqich qonunchiligimizga joriy etib kelinmoqda.
Bugun Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutida professor-o‘qituvchilar, administrasiya xodimlari hamda talabalar bilan Prezidentlik saylovida munosib ishtirok etish, faol fuqarolik pozisiyasini ko‘rsatishga bag‘ishlangan masalalar qizg‘in muhokama qilindi. Tadbir davomida nomzodlar hamda ularning saylovoldi dasturlarining asosiy yo‘nalishlari haqida ma’lumot berildi.
Shuningdek, yangidan shakllanayotgan jamoa oldiga qo‘yilgan vazifalar, amalga oshirilishi lozim bo‘lgan vazifalar yuzasidan fikr almashib oldik. Ayni vaqtda qabul jarayonlari davom etayotgani, barcha xodimlarimizning ushbu jarayonga ulkan hissa qo‘shishlari orqali yangi o‘quv mavsumiga munosib kirib borishimiz mumkinligi qayd etildi.
At the end of this week, in order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 26, 2023, PQ-135 "On the rapid development of the tourism potential of the Republic and additional measures to further increase the number of local and foreign tourists", we organized a field trip to the "Parkent House of Creativity" recreation center located in the Parkent district.
During the mobile lesson, in addition to explaining the content of the latest news related to the field of tourism and hospitality, relevant concepts were provided for the management of tourism facilities. Then, together with the students, we visited the family business of a student of our institute, the "Favvora" cafe, in order to get acquainted with the activities of the cafes located in the village of Sukok, where we got acquainted with the conditions created for customers and the services provided to them.
It should be noted that outdoor sessions and field trips are essential for strengthening students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Dr. Ibitoye Olalekan, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Management 📊🏢💻
Читать полностью…MDIS Tashkent student Ruzmatov Baxrom is involved in the startup VRGEN (Virtual Reality Generation), a project that helps school students learn lessons in virtual reality with the help of an artificial intelligence teacher. Four months after the investment was raised, the project was tested by a school student, and the results are impressive (please see the video above). It is known that the project will start working in several schools this fall. The project now has two lessons for the demo version: astronomy and English.
Читать полностью…Prezident qarori ijrosi - OAV nigohida
Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Respublikaning turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qoʻshimcha chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida”gi PQ-135-sonli qarori ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida Ohangaron tumanida dengiz sathidan 1500 metrdan ziyod balandlikda joylashgan “Yangiobod” dam olish maskanida xalqaro mehmondo‘stlik va turizm menejmenti yo‘nalishi talabalari bilan o'tkazilgan navbatdagi sayyor dars "O'zbekiston 24" telekanalida namoyish etildi.
MDIS Tashkent School of Business and Management and Business Incubation Centre are pleased to invite you to the mentoring course with Mr. Atabek Nazirov, Advisor to the Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade — Director General of the Direct Investment Fund.
Mr. Atabek Nazirov worked in such financial and investment companies as Goldman Sachs Group, The Avascent Group, JPMorgan Chase in the USA and Troika Dialog and MDM Bank in Russia. He held the position of Senior Regional Banker of the Industrial Sector Investment Support Department at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
During the event, you will gain more insights about the direct investment trends and formation of long-term mutually beneficial partnerships with private national and foreign co-investors.
Тошкент шаҳридаги Сингапур менежментни ривожлантириш институти – олий таълимнинг замонавий ва самарали кўриниши
Angren universitetida Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti bilan hamkorlikda “Startup: nazariya, amaliyot va biznes inkubatsiya’’ yozgi maktabi tashkil etildi
Angren universiteti talabalari uchun tashkil etilgan yozgi maktabni TSMRI prorektorlari N.Sobirov, D.Ishanxodjayeva hamda Angren shahri hokimi A.Raimov kirish so‘zi bilan ochib berdilar.
O‘n kun davom etishi rejalashtirilgan dasturda talabalarga ekspertlar tomonidan "Startapda jamoa tuzish", "Biznesni modellashtirish", "Kompaniya ochish", "Investorlarni jalb qilish" va boshqa mavzularda onlayn hamda masofadan turib darslar o‘tilishi rejalashtirilgan.
Bundan ko‘zlangan asosiy maqsad ikki oliy ta’lim muassasasi o‘rtasida hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘yish, talabalarning kelajakda o‘z mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha yetuk kadr bo‘lishida hissa qo‘shishdan iborat.
Admission for the new academic year at MDIS Tashkent is going on.
In cooperation with the UK partners, Bangor University, University of Sunderland and Teesside University, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are provided in the following directions:
Bangor University:
Banking and Finance
Industrial Management
International Business in Tourism and Hospitality
Leadership in Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Business and Economics
Finance, Investment and Risk Management
Computer Information systems in business
👨🎓 University of Sunderland:
Accounting and Finance
Business and Financial Management
Business and Marketing Management
Business and Management
Fashion Product and Promotion
👨🎓 Teesside University:
International Business
Human Resource Management
Project Management
🎓In addition, Sunderland University offers the following MBA programmes:
MBA in Finance
MBA in Marketing
MBA in Human Resource Management
Click here LINK to transfer your studies from other universities.
You can register by using this LINK
👆 Admission will continue until August 31.
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
On July 10–11, the director of the Global Engagement department of Bangor University, Samuel Jackson-Royle, visited MDIS Tashkent to meet the staff and administration and discuss future goals.
During the meeting, a Bangor University representative offered to conduct short-term courses and exchange programmes for students and teachers of MDIS Tashkent.
Most importantly, Bangor University and MDIS Tashkent agreed to launch a 3+1 partnership programme. It is also planned to sign a MOU to further develop online educational programmes, student projects, teacher trainings, and student exchange programmes.
⚡️MBA dasturlari ( Sunderland Universiteti, Buyuk Britaniya)
Nomzodlar 2023-2024 oʻquv yilida Sanderlend universiteti (Buyuk Britaniya) tomonidan taqdim etiladigan quyidagi magistratura dasturlariga hujjat topshirishlari mumkin:
🧑🏻🎓MBA (moliya)
🧑🏻🎓MBA (marketing)
🧑🏻🎓MBA (Inson resurslarini boshqarish)
➡️Batafsil -
⚡️Программа магистратуры бизнес администрирования (магистратура)
Абитуриенты могут подать заявление на обучение по программам Университета Сандерленд, Великобритании, представленным на 2023-2024 академический год:
Программы университета Сандерленд:
👨🏻🎓MBA в сфере Финансов
👨🏻🎓MBA в сфере Маркетинга
👨🏻🎓MBA в сфере Управления Персоналом
Подробно -
⚡️MBA Programmes (University of Sunderland, UK)
Applicants can apply to the following postgraduate programs in 2023-2024 academic year offered by University of Sunderland, UK:
👨🏻🎓MBA (Finance)
👨🏻🎓MBA (Marketing)
👨🏻🎓MBA (Human Resource Management)
📌Admission period: July 03 - August 31, 2023
➡️For more information -
✅️@mdist_official @ilkhom_mamatkulov
🇺🇿🇸🇬Student Summer Tour 2023
✔️Website ✔️Instagram ✔️Facebook ✔️YouTube
⚡️⚡️IV Millennials’ Tourism Festival
✔️Website ✔️Instagram ✔️Facebook ✔️YouTube
Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Engr. Eugene Q. Castro, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Management 📊🏢💻
Читать полностью…Voting is our free choice!
Today, the Republic of Uzbekistan has achieved significant results in political, economic, and spiritual development. As a result of them, we had the opportunity to further deepen the reforms implemented in all spheres of society's life, to renew them, and especially to accelerate the processes of democratization. Elections, based on the requirements of the time, the aspects of advanced foreign experience that have justified themselves in practice and are compatible with our national mentality are gradually being introduced into our legislation.
Today, MDIS Tashkent professors, teachers, administrative staff, and students discussed issues related to proper participation in the Presidential election and showing an active citizenship position. During the event, information was provided about the candidates and the main directions of their pre-election programs.
We also exchanged views on the tasks set before the newly formed team and the tasks that should be performed. At the same time, it was noted that the admission processes are ongoing and that we will be able to enter the new academic season properly through the appropriate contribution of all our employees to this process.
Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti jamoasi barcha yurtdoshlarimizni shukronalik, saxovat va mehr-oqibat ayyomi — muborak Qurbon hayiti bayrami bilan samimiy muborakbod etadi!
Hayotingizda barcha ezgu niyatlar va xursandchilik hamroxingiz bo‘lsin. Xonadoningizda esa muhabbat, o‘zaro hurmat hamda farovonlik hukmronlik qilsin!
Iyd Qurbon hayiti qutlug‘ bo‘lsin!
* * * * * * * * * * *
MDIS Tashkent team extends its sincere congratulations to all compatriots on Eid al-Adha - the holiday of gratitude, generosity and kindness.
May you be blessed with warmth in your home, love in your heart, peace in your soul and joy in your life!
Happy Eid al-Adha!
* * * * * * * * * * *
Коллектив Сингапурского института развития менеджмента в Ташкенте искренне поздравляет всех наших соотечественников с
праздником Курбан-байрам!
Пусть в вашем доме царят радость, любовь, взаимоуважение и достаток!
С праздником Курбан-байрам!
Ushbu haftaning yakunida Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Respublikaning turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qoʻshimcha chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida”gi PQ-135-sonli qarori ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida xalqaro mehmondo‘stlik va turzim menejmenti yo‘nalishi talabalari bilan birgalikda Parkent tumanida joylashgan “Parkent ijod uyi” dam olish maskanida sayyor dars tashkillashtirdik.
Sayyor dars davomida talabalarga sohaga doir so‘nggi yangiliklar mazmuni amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar misolida tushuntirib berishdan tashqari, turizm obyektlarini boshqarish bo‘yicha tegishli tushunchalar berildi. So‘ngra, talabalar bilan birgalikda So‘qoq qishlog‘ida joylashgan kafelar faoliyati bilan tanishish maqsadida Institutimiz talabasining oilaviy biznesi — “Favvora” kafesiga tashrif buyurib, u yerda mijozlarga yaratilgan sharoitlar, ularga ko‘satilayotgan xizmatlar bilan tanishdik.
Shuni qayd etish kerakki, talabalar nazariy bilimlarini joylarga chiqib, bevosita amaliy ko‘nikmalar bilan mustahkamlashlari aynan mana shunday vaqtlarda juda bilinadi. Talabalar bilan navbatdagi sayohat davomida bunga yana bir bor amin bo‘ldik.
⚡️Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti yangi o‘quv yili uchun qabul davom etmoqda
Buyuk Britaniyaning Bangor, Sanderlend va Tissayd universitetlari bilan hamkorlikda ushbu oliygohlarning bakalavr va magistratura ta’lim dasturlari asosida ta’lim beriladigan ushbu nufuzli oliygohda quyidagi yo’nalishlarda tahsil olish mumkin:
👨🎓Bangor universiteti (Bangor University) yo’nalishlari:
Bank ishi va moliya
Sanoat menejmenti
Turizm va mehmondorchilikda xalqaro biznes
Turizm va mehmondorchilikda: boshqaruvda yetakchilik
Biznes va iqtisodiyot
Moliya, sarmoya va risk menejmenti
Biznesda kompyuter axborot tizimlari
👨🎓Sanderlend universiteti (University of Sunderland) yo’nalishlari:
Buxgalteriya ishi va moliya
Biznes va moliya menejmenti
Biznes va marketing menejmenti
Biznes va menejment
Moda mahsuloti va uning targ‘iboti
👨🎓Tissayd universiteti (Teesside University) yo’nalishlari:
Xalqaro biznes
Kadrlar boshqaruvi
Loyiha boshqaruvi
🎓Bundan tashqari, Sanderlend universiteti tomonidan quyidagi Magistratura yo'nalishlari taqdim etiladi:
Kadrlar boshqaruvi
Mehmonxona boshqaruvi
Shuningdek, boshqa oliygohlardan o'qishni ko'chirish uchun ushbu havolani bosing -
📥 Institutga onlayn hujjat topshirish uchun havola ( orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tish mumkin.
⏳Qabul avgust oyigacha davom etadi.
Murojaat uchun telefon:
☎️ +998712717702
Batafsil | Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
A trip of the MDIS Tashkent team to the Parkent district of the Tashkent region was organized on June 17, 2023.
In order to ensure the implementation of Presidential Resolution No. 135 of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 26, 2023, a trip to the cultural heritage sites of the Parkent district of the Tashkent region was organized for the MDIS Tashkent academic and administrative staff. The purpose of the trip was to increase interest in domestic tourism among the Institute staff, to explore the touristic destinations of our country, and to further strengthen the team atmosphere.
The trip started with a visit to the Institute of "Physics and Sun" at the Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan. There, the MDIS Tashkent team had the opportunity to observe live processes of melting metals and objects in sunlight. The second tourist site was the shrine of "Khazrat Ali Buva," located in the upper part of the Chashma neighborhood of the Kumushkon village. The wonderful mountain air and the beautiful view of the Parkent Mountains left unforgettable memories.
Visits to the cultural heritage sites are regularly conducted by the MDIS Tashkent team.