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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent Open Day, 2023💫

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MDIS Tashkent

2023-yilning 18-may kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti hamda Bo‘stonliq tumani hokimligi bilan hamkorlikda Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Respublikaning turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qoʻshimcha chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida”gi PQ-135-sonli qarori ijrosini taʼminlash maqsadida seminar-trening tashkil etildi.

Tadbir avvalida soʻz olgan Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti rektori I.Mamatkulov, Toshkent viloyati hokimi oʻrinbosari J.Babajanov hamda Bo‘stonliq tumani hokimi oʻrinbosari J.Shukurovlar tumanda turizm salohiyatini oshirishga qaratilgan saʼy-harakatlar samarasi va hal etilishi lozim boʻlgan masalalarga alohida toʻxtalib oʻtdilar.

Ushbu seminar-treningda Bo‘stonliq tumani hududida joylashgan dam olish maskanlari, sanatoriy, pansionat, mehmonxonalar, restoran, kafe xodimlari ishtirok etishdi. Bo‘stonliq tumaniga tashrif buyuruvchi mahalliy va xorijiy sayyohlar sonini oshirish va xizmatlar sifatini yanada yaxshilashga qaratilgan seminar koʻplab masalalarning istiqbolli yechimlarini topishda muhim vosita boʻlib xizmat qiladi.

Seminar-trening yakunida barcha ishtirokchilarga sertifikatlar taqdim etildi.

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MDIS Tashkent


Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining bir guruh talabalari Toshkent viloyatining Parkent tumaniga sayohat uyushtirishdi. Ushbu sayohatdan maqsad talabalarda ichki turizmga bo‘lgan qiziqishni oshirish, yurtimizning yaxshi o‘zlashtirilmagan sayyohlik maskanlarini o‘rganish, qolaversa, talabalar orasida jamoaviy muhitni yanada mustahkamlash bo‘ldi.

Talabalar sayohatni dastlab Parkent tumanida joylashgan Fanlan akademiyasi “Fizika-Quyosh” ilmiy ishlab chiqarish birlashmasining Fizika-texnika institutidagi “Geliopoligon”dan boshlashdi. U yerda talabalar quyosh nuridan metall va jismlarni eritilishi jarayonlarini jonli tarzda kuzatish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ldilar.

Kunning ikkinchi yarmida esa talabalar So‘qoq qishlog‘ida joylashgan “Chashma” etnoqishlog‘iga kelib, u yerdagi mehmon uylar, kafe va choyxonalar faoliyati bilan tanishishdi. Shundan so‘ng, So‘qoq o‘rmon xo‘jaligi tomon ekspeditsiya uyushtirildi. Ekspeditsiya davomida talabalar 1650 metr balandlikda joylashgan “Chashma” bulog‘ining go‘zal tabiati manzarasidan bahramand bo‘lishdi. Shuningdek, “Toza hudud” aksiyasi doirasida o‘rmon hududi chiqindilardan tozalandi.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear All!

You are cordially invited to the mnemonics training with Mr Shokhrukh.

‼️IMPORTANT for those who struggle to memorize essential information for final examinations‼️

1️⃣ - How to train memory;
2️⃣ - How to read more and not be lazy;
3️⃣ - Methods of fast and long-term memorization with mnemonics.

Date: May 18, 2023
Time: 12:00
Venue: 110B


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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent Year 3 student, Sabina Rizayeva (Industrial Management, Bangor University), has been accepted to King's College University in the UK. 
King's College ranks 35th in the ranking of world universities, and is one of the prestigious educational institutions among the top 10 institutions of higher education in Great Britain.
In turn, on behalf of the team of the Institute, we sincerely congratulate our student and his parents on the achievement.

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MDIS Tashkent

Institutimiz talabasi Buyuk Britaniyaning “King’s College” talabasiga aylandi

Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining hamkor universitetlaridan biri Bangor Universiteti “Sanoat menejmenti” yo‘nalishi 4-bosqich talabasi Sabina Rizayeva Buyuk Britaniyaning “King’s College” universiteti magistrantiga aylandi. Ushbu muvaffaqiyat bilan Institut jamoasi va talabamizning oilasini muborakbod etamiz.

Ma’lumot o‘rnida, Buyuk Britaniyaning “King’s College” dunyo universitetlari reytingida 35-o‘rinda, Buyuk Britaniya oliy ta’lim muassasalari ichida esa TOP-10’talikka kirgan nufuzli ta’lim maskanlaridan biri hisoblanadi.

O‘z navbatida Institut jamoasi nomidan talabamizni hamda ota-onasini yuksak natija bilan chin qalbimizdan tabriklaymiz.

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent is searching for volunteer students with the level of English 7+ to assist the representatives of Belgian business circles coming to Uzbekistan with the official mission. At the end of selection only selected candidates will be contacted. Please, contact International department (building A room 213) Deadline: May, 18.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear Graduands 2022,

Please see the Graduation Ceremony schedule and rules:

Arrival time for the morning sessions:

Graduands: 8:00 a.m.
Guests: 9:00 a.m.

Arrival time for the afternoon sessions:
Graduands: 3:30 p.m.
Guests: 4:00 p.m.


Your passport (must have)

Formal Dress Code:
🧑🏻‍🎓Gentlemen: white shirt, tie, black classic trousers, black shoes.
👩🏻‍🎓Ladies: white shirt (blouse), black skirt or black classic trousers, shoes. Please avoid wearing high heels!

Do not forget to take a small handbag or purse to keep all the necessary items with you!

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear Applicants!

We look forward to welcoming school graduates, parents, friends and families to our annual Open Day!

MDIS Tashkent is open to visitors on:

Date: May 20, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

The day includes Information Sessions for prospective Foundation Year, Undergraduate and MBA students and their parents.

⏰ The information sessions will be run at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00 in our Lecture Halls.

🔵 Admission Requirements

🔴 Entrance Exams (MDIS English Test)

🟢 New Campus Building Tour


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MDIS Tashkent

Toshkentdagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish instituti Vatanimiz tinchligi uchun kurashgan faxriylarimizni “9-may — Xotira va Qadrlash kuni” bilan muborakbod etadi va yosh avlod manfaati uchun ko'rsatgan jasorat va qahramonlik uchun chuqur minnatdorlik izhor etadi.

Qahramonligingiz hech qachon unutilmaydi!

  ⭐️   ⭐️   ⭐️   ⭐️   ⭐️

Сингапурский институт развития менеджмента в г. Ташкенте поздравляет ветеранов с Днем Памяти и Почестей и выражает глубокую признательность за проявленные отвагу и героизм во благо подрастающего поколения.

Ваш героизм никогда не будет забыт!

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MDIS Tashkent

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear MDIS Tashkent Students,

You are invited to attend a session with Mr. Amer Bazarbachi -Assistant Director of Conference and Catering Services, Fairmont Riyadh - Saudi Arabia, who will be sharing his experience in Event Operations in Hotels - The Case of Fairmont Hotel Riyadh.

Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM
Venue: B-312

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent students took a field trip to TBC Bank Uzbekistan.

Ms. Olesya Lapina, an internal communication specialist, made a  guided tour for the students, where they had a chance to observe the building and hear briefly about the work of both the front office and the back office.

The students also had a lecture with the Director of Human Resources of the bank, Director of Marketing and CEO of TBC Bank Uzbekistan, Mr. Spartak Tetrashvili.

All interested candidates provided their contacts to the HR manager for future internship programs and discussed opportunities created for students as part-timers.

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MDIS Tashkent

MDIS Tashkent Startup Incubation Programme Demo Day, April 28, 2023

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear MDIS Tashkent Students,

MDIS Tashkent Professional Development Centre invites you to a Professional Talk with KPMG Uzbekistan. The Representatives of KPMG Audit Department will present the features of a job at an international company and the required skills to be successful at business consulting. You have a great opportunity to pass the recruitment process during the assessment session.

Topic: Welcome to the Audit

Jasur Fayziev - Audit Manager
Nadezhda Tyo - HR Specialist

Date: May 5, 2023
Time: 12:30
Venue: 109B

#Big4 #emloyment

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MDIS Tashkent

Shu kunning o‘zida, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi “Respublikaning turizm salohiyatini jadal rivojlantirish hamda mahalliy va xorijiy turistlar sonini yanada oshirishga doir qoʻshimcha chora-tadbirlar toʻgʻrisida”gi PQ-135-sonli qarori ijrosini ta’minlashga doir yana bir tadbir — xalqaro mehmondo‘stlik va turzim menejmenti yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun “Chorvoq” TRZ direksiyasi bilan hamkorlikda Bo‘stonliq tumanida joylashgan “Archazor” mehmonxonasida sayyor dars o‘tkazildi.

Sayyor dars davomida talabalarga sohaga doir so‘nggi yangiliklar mazmuni amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar misolida tushuntirib berishdan tashqari, turizm obyektlarini boshqarish bo‘yicha tegishli tushunchalar berildi. So‘ngra, talabalar ikki guruhga bo‘lingan holda, “Amirsoy” tog‘-chang‘I kurorti misolida uning ustun, kamchilik, qulaylik va imkoniyatlari haqida taqdimot qilishdi.

Shuni qayd etish kerakki, dars jarayoni boshlanishidan avval, TSMRI rektori Ilhom Mamatkulov sayyor dars oldidan kirish so‘zi bilan ochib berdi hamda talabalarga yurtimizda turizm sohasida amalga oshirilayotga islohotlar haqida qisqacha ma'lumot berdi.

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MDIS Tashkent

Сингапурский институт развития менеджмента в Ташкенте (MDIS Tashkent) приглашает всех желающих посетить кампус вуза в День открытых дверей (на правах рекламы).

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MDIS Tashkent

Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Mrs. Nodira Rakhimkhodjaeva, Head of School of Banking and Finance🎓🧮🏦

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MDIS Tashkent

Three reasons to join MDIS Tashkent by Dr. Firas Halawani, Visiting Senior Lecturer at School of Tourism and Hospitality🤩✈️🗺

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MDIS Tashkent

On May 12, 2023 MDIS Tashkent held the Students and Staff Liaison Committee Meeting, which is aimed to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

During the meeting MDIS Tashkent students shared their ideas and concerns  regarding the 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023. In addition, such important matters as attendance system regulation, social and academic life of students and classroom management were discussed. All questions raised by students will be carefully reviewed by MDIS Tashkent Administration.

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MDIS Tashkent

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2023-yil 26-apreldagi 135-sonli Qaroriga muvofiq, Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutiga Toshkent viloyatining Bo‘stonliq, Parkent, Ohangaron tumanlari va Angren shahrining turizm salohiyatini oshirish vazifasi yuklatilgan.

Ushbu vazifalarning ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida, 2023-yilning 13-may kuni Toshkent shahridagi Singapur menejmentni rivojlantirish institutining bir guruh talabalari Toshkent viloyatining Parkent tumaniga sayohat uyushtirishdi. Ushbu sayohatdan maqsad talabalarda ichki turizmga bo‘lgan qiziqishni oshirish, yurtimizning yaxshi o‘zlashtirilmagan sayyohlik maskanlarini o‘rganish, qolaversa, talabalar orasida jamoaviy muhitni yanada mustahkamlash bo‘ldi.

Talabalar sayohatni dastlab Parkent tumanida joylashgan O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlan Akademiyasi "Fizika-Quyosh" ilmiy ishlab chiqarish birlashmasining Fizika-texnika institutidagi "Geliopoli-gon"dan boshlashdi. U yerda talabalar quyosh nuridan metall va jismlarni eritilishi jarayonlarini jonli tarzda kuzatish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lishdi.

Kunning ikkinchi yarmida esa talabalar So‘qoq qishlog‘ida joylashgan “Chashma” etnoqishlog‘iga kelib, u yerdagi mehmon uylar, kafe va choyxonalar faoliyati bilan tanishib chiqishdi. Shundan so‘ng, keyingi manzil So‘qoq o‘rmon xo‘jaligi tomon ekspeditsiya uyushtirildi. Ekspeditsiya davomida talabalar 1650 metr balandlikdagi “Chashma” bulog‘iga yetib borishdi. Shuningdek, o‘rmon hududi “Toza hudud” aksiyasi doirasida chiqindilardan tozalandi.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear Applicants!

We look forward to welcoming school graduates, parents, friends and families to our annual Open Day!

MDIS Tashkent is open to visitors on:

Date: May 20, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

The day includes Information Sessions for prospective Foundation Year, Undergraduate and MBA students and their parents.

⏰ The information sessions will be run at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00 in our Lecture Halls.

🔵 Admission Requirements

🔴 Entrance Exams (MDIS English Test)

🟢 New Campus Building Tour


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MDIS Tashkent

Dear Students,

Tourism Innovation club
are pleased to invite you to the GUEST TALK event with Shakhnoza Pashazade, chief manager of the travel company "Ribera Tours"

Topic: Practice for outbound tourism
Date:May 12, 2023
Time: 14:00
Venue: A135

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MDIS Tashkent

9-may – Xotira va qadrlash kuni!

9-may – Xotira va qadrlash kuni munosabati bilan Vatanimiz ozodligi, xalqimiz tinchligi yo‘lida halok bo‘lgan ajdodlarimiz xotirasiga va bugun hayotimizga fayz bag‘ishlab yurgan muhtaram faxriylarimizga hurmat bajo keltirishdan baxtiyormiz.

Qolaversa, shunday fidoyi, mard va qahramon insonlarning davomchilari ekanimizdan cheksiz g‘urur va iftixor tuyamiz.

Tilagimiz – inson qadri ulug‘ yurtda hamisha qadringiz baland, o‘tganlarimizning esa xotirasi boqiy bo‘lsin!

Hurmat bilan,
Ilhom Mamatkulov,
TSMRI rektori

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MDIS Tashkent

Talabalar tashabbusi bilan “Yoga4Unity & Well-being” tadbiri o‘tkazildi

Qadimgi manbalarga ko'ra, yoganing paydo bo'lishi va rivojlanishi tarixi bizning eramizdan ancha oldin Hindistonda boshlangan. U barkamollik va bilimning yuqori cho‘qqisiga erishish yo'lining falsafiy tizimi va shu bilan birga, inson tanasini takomillashtirishga qaratilgan amaliyotlar majmuasi sifatida paydo bo'lgan.

Joriy yilning 6-may kuni institutimizda talabalar tashabbusi bilan “Yoga4Unity & Well-being” yoga tadbiri o‘tkazildi. Unda 100 nafarga yaqin ishtirokchi — institut talabalari, xodimlari faol ishtirok etishdi. Ushbu tadbir orqali ishtirokchilar tana, ong va ruhiy holat o‘rtasida o‘ziga xos ko‘prik yaratish, buning mantiqiy davomi sifatida sog‘lom turmush tarzini targ‘ib qilishlari maqsad qilib olingan. Tadbir davomida yoga amaliy mashg‘ulotlari, yurak meditasiyasi, ko‘ngilochar loyihalar, “Baxt psixologiyasi” mavzusida suhbat hamda ishtirokchilarning o‘zaro fikr almashish jarayonlari ko‘pchilikda katta qiziqish uyg‘otdi.

E’tiborli tomoni, yoga mashg‘ulotlari sohada katta tajribaga hamda maxsus sertifikatga ega mutaxassislar — Toshkentdagi yoga va meditatsiya maktabi direktori Irina Tashmetova hamda Markaziy Osiyo bo'yicha Heartfulness instituti hududiy koordinatori Kamol Islamov tomonidan olib borildi.

“Yoga4Unity & Well-being” dasturi 2023-yilning 14-martidan boshlanib, dunyoning rivojlangan mamlakatlari — Germaniya, Angliya, Shveysariya va boshqa mamlakatlarida o‘tkazilib kelinmoqda. Dastur joriy yilning 21-iyuniga qadar bo‘lishi belgilab qo‘yilgan.

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MDIS Tashkent

On May 5, 2023, MDIS Tashkent hosted an employment presentation with KPMG Uzbekistan. Students were provided with information on the essential  requirements and features of an international company.

The representatives of the Audit Department conducted an assessment session, which is the first step of the recruitment process and offers a great opportunity for students to become part of one of the Big Four companies.

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MDIS Tashkent

Dear MDIS Tashkent Students,

You are invited to a talk with Dr. Mohamed Nabil Arafa - Visitor Experience Senior Manager at Diriyah Gate ‍Development Authority(DGDA) - Saudi Arabia, who will be talking about At-Turaif World Heritage Site in Diriyah and How to Enhance its Visitors' Experience.

Date: Monday, May 8, 2023
Time: 12:30 PM
Venue: B-311

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MDIS Tashkent

On May 4, 2023, MDIS Tashkent hosted a Professional Talk with UzAuto. The representatives of the HR Department introduced an internship programme for students and graduates.
The benefits of working for UzAuto and its subsidiary organizations were discussed, along with the ability to grow within the company. Additionally, students had a chance to take an instant interview for the open intern positions.

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MDIS Tashkent

✨Murder Mystery 2✨
by “Movie Night”

Dear Students,

We cordially invite you to watch the best movie with us and enjoying the time. 🍿 Murder Mystery 2 is a 2023 American action comedy mystery film directed by Jeremy Garelick and written by James Vanderbilt. It is a sequel to the 2019 film Murder Mystery, and it stars Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston.

🗓 Date: May 5th
⏰ Time: 16:15
📍Venue: 413 room

We will be glad to see each of you and our team make sure that it will be unforgettable evening ✨


Team of “Movie Club”

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MDIS Tashkent

As part of the implementation of measures of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for the widespread introduction of the digital economy and e-government", on April 28, 2023, MDIS Tashkent held Startup Incubation Program and Demo Day. The event was organized in partnership with the Directorate of the Technology Park LLC software products and information technologies "IT-park".
The Demo Day was attended by representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Uzbekistan, IT Park Uzbekistan, UzVC - National Venture Fund of Uzbekistan, Aloqa Ventures Fund, Venture Fund "I2BF Global Ventures", Fund "Youth is our Future", Sugurta Bozor (resident of IT Park), Youth Entrepreneurship Support Center Uzbekistan "Yosh Tadbirkor", "Parfum Gallery", Joint-stock Commercial Bank "TBC Bank Uzbekistan" and others.
During the event, MDIS Tashkent students presented the results of their work: innovative projects in various sectors of the economy developed in the Institute's Business Incubator, which fostered the creation of favorable conditions for the development of talented youth in order to form their entrepreneurial skills, provide comprehensive support for student initiatives, and contribute to the strengthening and development of the startup ecosystem of Uzbekistan.
As a result of the competition, two projects were selected by the jury:
1. Project of Year 2 student Ziyovuddin Abdumannonov - "Tamerlan Electronics"
2. Project of Year 3 student Bakhrom Ruzmatov - "VR GEN"
The students were awarded prizes and were automatically admitted to the third stage of the acceleration program run by the Aloqa Ventures Fund.

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