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Мальцовская Галерея

Josef Multrus - Relaxing with coffee (1922)

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Мальцовская Галерея

“Love From a Distance”, René Magritte.

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Мальцовская Галерея

Henri van Straten - The Banjo Player (1925)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Henri Biva (1848 - 1928) 
Villeneuve-l'Étang embrumé

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Мальцовская Галерея

Alfonso Simonetti - And She Never Returned (ca. 1880s)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Sophus Vermehren (Danish, 1866 - 1950) - Interior with a girl polishing apples

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Мальцовская Галерея

Oskar Bergman (Sweden, 1879-1963) - View over Stockholm

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Мальцовская Галерея

Gustave Caillebotte - Vue de Paris, effet de soleil (1878)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Blue Bell Vicua - Hans Norman Dahl
Norwegian , 1937-2019

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Мальцовская Галерея

Oskar Kokoschka, Kauerndes Mädchen ( Crouching nude girl), 1890

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Мальцовская Галерея

Tin-enamelled earthenware tile with a design of a hare amongst foliage (Mexico, circa 1700).

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Мальцовская Галерея

Pauline Jamar (Belgian, 1850 - 1911): Cornflowers in a basket (via Christie’s)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Teodor Axentowicz - Alone in the City (1887)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Vincent van Gogh ~ Still Life of Oranges and Lemons with Blue Gloves, 1889

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Мальцовская Галерея

Pacific Highlands - Stephen McMillan , 2017.

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Мальцовская Галерея

Louis Douzette (1836 - 1924)
Barth in the Moonlight, 1903

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Мальцовская Галерея

Francis Bacon
Man Kneeling in Grass, 1952

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Мальцовская Галерея

Margaret Clarke - Ann with Cat, circa 1924

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Мальцовская Галерея

Alone (The Stroll), 1946 by Gertrude Abercrombie (American, 1909--1977)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Charles Van den Eycken - The feather (1910)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Luigi Lucioni, View of Malnate, 1929 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Kansas City

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Мальцовская Галерея

Otto Dix, Ruhende Kompanie [Company resting] from Der Krieg, 1924

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Мальцовская Галерея

Wassily Kandinsky, 1941

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Мальцовская Галерея

Gennaro Favai (1879 - 1958) - Moonlight c.1908-1910

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Мальцовская Галерея

Piet Mondrian- Pioppi Rossi al tramonto (1908)

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Мальцовская Галерея

“The Moon”, 1928, Tarsila do Amaral.

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Мальцовская Галерея

George Henry - A girl seated by a bowl of goldfish (1894)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Léon Spilliaert - Wachtend (1902-1903)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Alfred J. Munnings - A bull-terrier named Weller (ca. 1913)

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Мальцовская Галерея

Wassily Kandinsky (Russian, 1866-1944), Park von St Cloud- mit Reiter [Parc de Saint-Cloud - with Horseman], 1906

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