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Волчица и Красная Шапочка
2 том 60 глава
The heroine spotted me as her new sister / 여주인공이 나를 새언니로 점찍었다T / 女主角認我當嫂嫂 / 女主把我当成姐姐 / Красная шапочка наоборот / Главная героиня хочет видеть меня своей невесткой / The Heroine Has Her Eyes on Me as Her Brother Wife / 暗黑小红帽认我做嫂嫂 / 여주인공이 나를 새언니로 점찍었다 / De feu et de glace / The Female Lead Turns Me Into Her New Sister / Yeojuingongi Nareul Saeeonniro Jeomjjigeotda / ヒロインが私を兄嫁にしたがっています / Главная героиня хочет сосватать меня со своим братом / The Heroine Wants Me As Her Sister-in-Law / Frozen Wolf, Fire Dragon / The Heroine Has Her Eyes on Me as Her Brothers Wife / นางเอกนิยายปักตำแหน่งพี่สะใภ้ให้ฉัน / Yeoju-ingong-i nareul saeeonniro jeomjjig-eossda
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Я создал бункер в замороженном мире
1 том 489 глава
地球速冻 / 寒武纪大地主 / TOÀN CẦU BĂNG PHONG: TA CHẾ TẠO PHÒNG AN TOÀN TẠI TẬN THẾ / The World Is Frozen: I Built a Doomsday Safe House / 全球冰封: 我打造了末日安全屋 / Global Freeze: I Created an Apocalypse Shelter / Freezing the world: I built a doomsday safehouse / 冰封为王 / Quan Qiu Bing Feng: Wo Dazaole Mori Anquan Wu / 冰封末日
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Влиятельная леди
4 том 99 глава
不熟练的女士 / เลดี้จอมบงการ / Bisonsilse lady / La Petite Lady tire les ficelles / 秘密控权的千金 / biseonsilse leidi / 비선실세 레이디 / 姐姐的護花使者 / 幕后掌权者小姐 / The Little Lady Behind the Scenes / Biseonsilse lady / An Unseemly Lady / Domineering lady / レディは陰の実力者
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Я забрала главного героя из приюта для заключённых
1 том 68 глава
수인 보호소에서 남주를 입양해 버렸다 / Adopted a Male Lead From a Prisoner Shelter / I Adopted a Male Lead From a Prison Shelter / I Adopted the Male Lead from the Shelter / Suin bohosoeseo namjureul ib-yanghae beoryeossda / เสือดาวกร้าวใจ / I Adopted the Male Lead from the Prisoner Shelter / Я забрала главного героя из приюта для заключенных / 捨てられた主人公を引き取りました
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Физиотерапевт Ли Ги Джок
1 том 70 глава
Miracle Physical Therapist / The miracle physical therapist / Чудо физиотерапевт / The Miraculous Physical Therapist / Miracle Physiotherapist / Physical Therapist of Miracle / 기적의 물리치료사 / Gijeog-ui mullichiryosa
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От гоблина к богу гоблинов
1 том 26 глава
从哥布林到哥布林神 / The From Goblin to Goblin God
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Собиратель навыков
1 том 15 глава
특성 쌓는 김전사 / Harakteristiki voina Kima
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Я встретила главного героя в тюрьме (Перезапуск)
2 том 46 глава
Я встретилась с главным героем в тюрьме / Conocí al protagonista masculino en una celda / I Met the Male Lead in Prison / 在监狱捡到忠犬男主 / ខ្ញុំបានជួបតួឯកប្រុសនៅក្នុងគុក / Би шоронд эрэгтэй гол дүртэй уулзсан / The I met the male protagonist in the cell / 在监狱里驯服了忠犬系男主人公 / 감방에서 남자주인공을 만났습니다
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Внук предыдущего императора - некромант!
2 том 63 глава
성황의 손자는 네크로맨서 / Previous emperor's grandson - necromancer / Grandson of the Holy Emperor Is a Necromancer / Seonghwang-ui sonjaneun nekeulomaenseo / Holy Emperor Grandson Is a Necromancer / Previous emperors grandson – necromancer
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Фионе известно будущее герцога-убийцы
2 том 47 глава
菲奥妮-预见与杀人魔大公的未来 / I Saw the Future With the Killer Grand Duke / Peony: Vi Mi Futuro Con El Gran Duque Asesin / Peony – I Saw the Future with the Killer Grand Duke / ピオニー~冷酷非道な大公と私の未来について~ / I Saw the Future With the Murderous Archduke / Peony - I saw a future with the murderous archduke. / Peony Saw the Future with the Killer Archduke / I Saw the Future With the Killer Archduke / Pioni-salngwi daegong-gwaui milaeleul boassda / 피오니-살인귀 대공과의 미래를 보았다
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Повелитель насекомых
1 том 29 глава
Supreme Zerg Lord / 我,虫族主宰 / 虫族主宰:我玩的就是天灾 / Overlord of Insects
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Призванный в параллельные фэнтези миры несколько раз [ЦВЕТНАЯ ВЕРСИЯ]
1 том 41 глава
Oversummoned, Overpowered, and Over It! (Tsugutoku) / Summoned to a parallel fantasy world many times [COLOR VERSION] / めっちゃ召喚された件【フルカラー】 / Summoned to a Parallel Fantasy World Many Times (Tsugutoku) / 엄청 소환된 건에 대하여
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Эпоха высокомерия
1 том 73 глава
अहङ्कारको युग / The Era of Pride / LÂge de lArrogance / Age of Arrogance / ยุคแห่งความโอหัง / 傲慢的时代 / 오만의 시대 / Oman-ui sidae / City of Arrogance / La Era de la Arrogancia / The Age of Arrogance / 傲慢の時代
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Надзиратель, охраняющий ведьм
1 том 93 глава
看守魔女们的典狱长 / Kanshou Monvmen De Dian Yu Zhang / 最弱で最強な看守長様 / Kanshou Monümen de Dianyuzhang / A Transmigrated Warden Battle for Redemption / Warden who guards the witches / The Wardern That Watches Over the Witches / Надзиратель, который охраняет ведьм / The Witch-Guarding Warden / Warden of the Demonesses
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Абсолютное Чувство Меча
1 том 110 глава
Perfect Sword Sense / เซียนสัมผัสดาบ / 절대검감 / 絶對 劍感 / Le Sens de lépée / Absolute Sword Sense
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Cмертельная игра апокалипсиса
1 том 102 глава
The death game of the apocalypse / Doomsday Puzzle / Doomsday Jigsaw Puzzle / Apocalypse Jigsaw Puzzle / 転生したサイコパスが崩壊世界で無双する / Головоломка Судного дня / 末日拼图游戏 / Mòrì Pīntú Yóuxì
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Моя подруга детства - искусный мечник издевалась надо мной, поэтому я порвал с ней все связи и начал новый старт как магический мечник!
4 том 26.2 глава
His Swordmaster Childhood Friend Hit Him Hard with Power Harassment, so He Cut Their Ties and Made a Fresh Start in the Frontier as a Magical Swordsman / Kensei no Osananajimi ga Power Harassment de Ore ni Tsuraku Ataru node, Zetsuen shite Henkyou de Makenshi toshite Denaosu Koto ni Shita. / so I Broke off Our Relationship and Made a Fresh Start at the Frontier as a Magic Swordsman. / Kensei no Osananajimi ga Power Harass de Ore ni Tsuraku Atarunode, Zetsuen Shite Henkyou de Makenshi to Shite Denaosu Koto ni Shita / A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly / A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, so I Broke Off Our Relationship and Made a Fresh Start at the Frontier as a Magic Swordsman / A Sword Master Childhood Friend Power Harassed Me Harshly, So I Broke Off Our Relationship And Make A Fresh Start At The Frontier As A Magic Swordsman. / 剣聖の幼馴染がパワハラで俺につらく当たるので、絶縁して辺境で魔剣士として出直すことにした。
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Беззаботная жизнь на необитаемом острове с растущим числом невест
1 том 54.2 глава
With a Single Palm Founding a Pioneering Village in Another World - Live with the Married Girls in an Uninhabited Islan / In the Developing Village in the Palm of His Hand, Another World Record of the Founding of a Country - Laid-back Desert Island Life with an Increasing Number of Brides / Tenohira Kaitakumura de Isekai Kenkouki ~Fueteku Yome-tachi to Nonbiri Mujintou Raifu~ / Tenohira Kaitakumura de Isekai Kenkouki - Fueteku Yome-tachi to Nonbiri Mujintou Life / てのひら開拓村で異世界建国記〜増えてく嫁たちとのんびり無人島ライフ〜 / Carefree Life on an Uninhabited Island With an Increasing Number of Brides / Desert Island Life with an Increasing Number of Brides Tenohira Kaitaku Mura de Isekai Kenkoku-ki ~ Fuete ku Yome-tachi to Nonbiri Mujintō Life ~ / 掌中开拓村的异世界建国记 / In the Developing Village in the Palm of His Hand, Another Worlds Record of the Founding of a Country - Laid-back / Tenohira Kaitaku Mura de Isekai Kenkoku-ki ~ Fuete ku Yome-tachi to Nonbiri Mujintō Life ~ / Tenohira Pioneer Village / With a Single Palm Founding a Pioneering Village in Another World - Live with the Married Girls in an Uninhabited Island Life
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Я - тот, кто создал городскую легенду!
1 том 74 глава
I Created an Urban Legend! / Ta Sáng Tạo Truyền Thuyết Đô Thị / Wǒ, Chuàngzàole Dūshì Chuánshuō! / 我,创造了都市传说! / Urban Legend Chronicle! / I, the last city, say! / Urban Legend Maker / Создатель Городских Легенд
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У меня 90 миллиардов на счету
1 том 422 глава
I Have Nine Quadrillion Simp Gold Coins / Ta Có 90 Tỷ Tiền Liếm Cẩu! / Wǒ yǒu jiǔqiān wànyì tiǎngǒu jīn / 我有九千万亿舔狗金 / Wo you jiuqian wanyi tangou jin / TA CÓ 90 TRIỆU ỨC KIM CẨU / I have 90 billion licking gold / Wo You Jiu Qian Wan Yi Tian Gou Jin
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1 том 17 глава
Absolute reign / 절대군림
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Злодейка воспитывает сына в любви и заботе!
1 том 24 глава
シングルマザーの転生悪女ですが、溺愛ルートつかみました! / I'm a reincarnated villainess and single mother, but I managed to get the doting route!
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Возвращение мифического архимага
1 том 24 глава
신화 속 대마법사의 재림 / The Return of the Mythical Archmage
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У меня 90 миллиардов на счету
1 том 421 глава
Wo You Jiu Qian Wan Yi Tian Gou Jin / Ta Có 90 Tỷ Tiền Liếm Cẩu! / TA CÓ 90 TRIỆU ỨC KIM CẨU / Wǒ yǒu jiǔqiān wànyì tiǎngǒu jīn / Wo you jiuqian wanyi tangou jin / I have 90 billion licking gold / I Have Nine Quadrillion Simp Gold Coins / 我有九千万亿舔狗金
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Я шокировал свою жену-императрицу, я непобедим!
1 том 43 глава
The beginning shocked my wife, the a empress, I am invincible / 开局震惊女帝老婆,我无敌了 / Kaiju Zhenjing Nudi Laopo, Wo Wudile / Invincible After Shocking My Empress Wife
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Моя младшая сестра была гением
2 том 44 глава
My Brother Was a Genius / My Younger Brother Was a Genius / 동생이 천재였다 / My younger sister was a genius / My Younger Sibling Was a Genius / Моя сестра оказалась гением / Dongsaeng-i cheonjaeyeossda
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Возвращение мифического архимага
1 том 23 глава
The Return of the Mythical Archmage / 신화 속 대마법사의 재림
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Я стала жертвой одержимости злого императора
2 том 54 глава
Villainous Husband, the One Youre Obsessed With Is Over There / Mr. Villain Husband / 악역 남편님, 집착할 분은 저쪽인데요 / Dear Villainous Husband, the One to Be Obsessed With Is Over There / The Person Who Is Obsessed With the Villain Husband Is Over There / Mr. Villain Husband, the One You Should Be Obsessing With Is Over There / Villain husband, the one who is obsessed is over there. / the One Youre Obsessed With Is Over There / Villainous Husband / the One You Should Be Obsessing With Is Over There
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Контратака изгнанного ученика
1 том 327 глава
Xian wudi zun / Immortal And Martial Venerable Emperor | 仙武帝尊 / Les Chroniques du disciple Dragon / King of Martial Arts / Tiên Võ Đế Tôn / Xian Wu Chuan / 仙武帝尊 / Emperor Xianwu / Immortal Martial Emperor Venerable / The Path of Conquest / Banished Disciple's Counterattack / Immortal and Martial Venerable Emperor / Legend of Xianwu / Banished Disciple Counterattack / 선무제존
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Поднятие уровня в подземелье, после конца света
1 том 385 глава
我有一座末世地下城 | I have an Apocalyptic dungeon / Level up in the dungeon, after the end of the world / 我有一座未世地下城 / I have a post-apocalyptic dungeon
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