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Healthy Living 🍏

The latest from ‘Whole Foods’: Bioengineered food ingredients in prepared foods. (36 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

More than half of UK government nutrition advisors are paid by food companies, analysis finds | Daily Mail Online

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Healthy Living 🍏

How Early Menstruation Can Affect the Health of Young Women

More girls are getting their first periods earlier, putting them at risk of future health issues. Excessive exposure to estrogen may be to blame for this trend.

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Healthy Living 🍏

What You Need to Know About Broken Heart Syndrome

Intense negative emotions can lead to broken heart syndrome, a condition that mimics a heart attack, stunning and weakening your heart muscles.

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Healthy Living 🍏

White vs Brown Rice - Barbara O'Neill

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Healthy Living 🍏

NEW - ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940s. We've been manipulating weather for a very long time."


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Healthy Living 🍏

Phrases that cause people to trust scientific articles…

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Healthy Living 🍏

But no one with half a brain is buying it anymore.(1 min, 6 sec) Winning!!

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Healthy Living 🍏

Whole Paycheck (365 brand) is Made in China. (1 min)

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Healthy Living 🍏

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Healthy Living 🍏

Time to connect the dots. Glyphosate is poison. (32 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

Think before you drink ☕

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Healthy Living 🍏

The lyrebird (58 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

No-till gardening (put cardboard down or massive amounts of tree bark or do raised beds) and then you don’t have to dig. Much easier. Way less weeds! (1 min 39 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

What household items have antimony in them?

“Antimony is a naturally occurring metal often used in combination with lead and zinc, found in metal alloys, paints, ceramics, and fireworks. It is also used as a catalyst to produce polyester, and is found in plastics used for disposable beverage bottles.”


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Healthy Living 🍏

How ONE WORD reshaped my weight loss journey forever

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Healthy Living 🍏

Lack of Sleep Can Impact Your Waistline

Insufficient sleep is becoming a major public health issue in the U.S., with surprising connections to other widespread health problems.

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Healthy Living 🍏

How This Artificial Sweetener Can Damage Your Gut

Neotame, an artificial sweetener that’s chemically similar to aspartame, may seriously damage the human intestine and overall gut health. Sometimes listed on food ingredient labels as E961, neotame is a relative newcomer to the artificial sweetener market, despite well-known health concerns, is expected to reach a global market value of $3 billion by the end of 2025.

Neotame, developed in 2002 as an alternative to aspartame, is up to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar and widely used in drinks, sauces, sweets, savory foods and chewing gum. Yet, “Despite widespread global use of neotame, there are surprisingly few research studies on the biological and physiological effects of the sweetener,” researchers wrote in Frontiers in Nutrition.

More on this story:

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Healthy Living 🍏

Dr. Mercola on the Truth About Skin Cancer and Sunscreen. (3 min, 3 sec)

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Healthy Living 🍏

Take Massive Action towards your Goals daily!!

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Healthy Living 🍏

The organ weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed

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Healthy Living 🍏

From Brick Yard to Vegetable Haven. (58 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

They are trying really hard.

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Healthy Living 🍏

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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Healthy Living 🍏

Throw away AirPods. Do not put your phone against your brain. (32 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

“I ate it back in the day and I’m fine”. (17 seconds) Be sure to keep up with ever evolving food labels and ingredient swaps. (17 seconds)

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Healthy Living 🍏

Transgender Crisis Confirms We Have Entered into a Time of Great Controversy

Beyond fears of infectious diseases and delusional vaccine ideology over the past few years, the human gender odyssey confirms that something has gone deeply wrong. It's world wide and nearly simultaneous. @MikeVeraHealth

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Healthy Living 🍏

What to do with 1 acre of land. (1 min)

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Healthy Living 🍏

Aluminum adjuvants in quackccines cause brain damage. And yes, these are injected into children. (1 min 22 seconds)
If big pharma injections actually worked we wouldn’t have the sickest children in the world in America. And with the millions of children who haven’t been injected since the scamdemic, because their parents snapped out of the program, we should have epidemics by now—but we don’t. Because the entire charade is a satanic charade—an Ahrimanic Deception.

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Healthy Living 🍏

How bad is this COSTCO turkey that it needs ‘turkey flavor’?

Never mind the added MSG & soy!
Why do they hate us so much?

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