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Welcome to the unofficial community channel for Kadena. No real racism, sexism, porn. No Klaus Schwab. No pure fud. No selling any items. No social justice rants. https://kadena.io https://twitter.com/kadenians_io

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Daily...weekly...body closure is important.

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My money is still on no rate cuts in July. But very likely that we see some positive movement for the next two weeks as people speculate on what the Fed will do when they meet at the end of the month.

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They don’t ever seem to respond to it too

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Hmmm this makes things difficult to move upwards especially they have so many senior hires

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I look on their twitter and keep seeing stuff like they are selling coins monthly

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Watched a spam comment snapped away haha

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Also, my bet is that if they do rug, they won't do it until closer to the elections in November. If they rug before peak hype for political tokens then they are just plain retarded lol

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Not fair launch. The team holds 86% of the supply publicly. On their website it saids that 5% is for the team. The team holds 144m tokens. If they sell 1% (1.44m tokens) of that on eckoDex right now the price will go down 48%. I think the team sent tokens to different wallets and those are the ones that are currently selling slowly (I’m too lazy to check atm). When MAGA launched they only put 1% of the supply in the liquidity pool on eckoDex and the team was holding 95%+ of the tokens at the time. 14m tokens are also unaccounted for, I’m guessing the team holds at least half of these tokens secretly

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If they don't rug first lol

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Lol, how is it any more of a scam than any other meme?

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well not with you, since you deleted your account

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ohh now i see, very cool ser💃

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O wow cool!

We have 2 more busisness days and then its "off to the reces" with fun traveling again,

I'll suggest my folks to go there within the few days well have left in SF 😊

Thank you ser! I appreciate that 🫡

You seem to know a lot of good stuff in SF ser, are you living near here or something or just visit a lot? 😇

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I usually watch the fog coming around 5pm in the park

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How you enjoying your stay in SF?

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Kda first target hit.

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Well , its told since the start.
This emission ends 2030.
Then Kadena perhaps dies if not gotten major adoption before that

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Wonder what the game plan is

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Yes they are.
2M monthly platform emission!

But they also have about 70 people employeed (1 year ago , dont know what it is now).

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I’m kinda new on KDA could anyone share some thoughts on how you think things will go?

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How are my kda broskis

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I think the concept of a fair launch is totally over hyped in crypto. There really is no such thing and any method of launching is 100% able to be gamed by a project whether it is an IDO with wallet limits or just straight launched on a dex. Agree that their tokenomics got screwed up badly when hardly nobody bought the IDO and so they burned the rest which massively inflating the percentages they owned. They should have burned from the team wallets in proportion to what they were burning from the IDO wallets at the same time to keep the tokenomics in line. Looks like they have burned over 75% of the total supply so far and plan to burn everything except a remaining supply of 65 million. I don't know the dev or team and I never expect any meme token to be legit lol. But I don't mind a good gamble once in a while and this one has paid off handsomly.

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I just typed a long message and it got deleted because I put a picture in it. I hate this tg

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All meme coins run on hype. They pump with hype and then dump when the hype is over. That is the nature of the meme beast.

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Dang, MAGA pumping hard today again!!

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Make a friend?💕🌷🌷

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I'm from the Bay, and I have family in SF I often visit. But yeah, SF was my playing ground. haha

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Make sure you checkout this place https://maps.app.goo.gl/9fXunWzzhU7ADqTV7

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Its foggy and sunny and foggy and sunny again every few hours, and becuase there are high buildungs all around you see the clouds getting into some of them, and then sometimes you see patly sunrizes or partly sunsets coverd with lines of clouds in speciphic different hights, sometimes above the distance nature view, sometime below the distance nature view...

Its an interestimg fenominon for the cat to see 😇☺️

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Saved from Liquidation

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