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Amnesty International has issued a fresh warning about US complicity in Israeli war crimes as Netanyahu visits the US.

The organisation has called on the US and all other countries to immediately impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel.

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A police officer was caught on video kicking and stamping on the head of a man lying on the ground at Manchester Airport.

Assistant Chief Constable Wasim Chaudhry confirmed that one officer has been removed from operational duties after the incident, pending an investigation.

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Respected GP and political activist of 25 years, Dr. Abdul Wahid, has had his NHS suspension lifted after a six-month suspension.

The outcome of the case sends a clear message to those who seek to weaponise regulatory processes, that their bullying tactics will not go unchallenged, and that the truth will always prevail.

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On Tuesday, Hamas and Fatah, along with 12 other Palestinian factions, signed a national unity agreement in Beijing, China.

According to Hamas, the unity government would oversee reconstruction and prepare conditions for elections in the territory.

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At a time when mainstream media skews the true meaning of success, we announce Khaled Nabhan as our "Person of the Year". This recognises his powerful story amid the resolute people of Gaza facing immense trials and tribulations.
Khaled Nabhan, a Palestinian grandfather, became a symbol of strength after tragically losing his granddaughter, Reem, in an Israeli terrorist attack. There is no doubt that his touching response and voluntary work at a hospital amidst personal grief demonstrate remarkable strength.
Contrasting this with mainstream culture's celebration of fictional heroes, sports stars, and business tycoons — often overlooking ethical considerations — highlights a need to re-evaluate our ideals. As Time magazine spotlights figures like Taylor Swift, we ask the question: should success not encompass ethical impact and societal contributions?
Shaykh Khaled's story, overshadowed by more sensational narratives, is a reminder for us to value real-life heroes whose courage and compassion inspire.

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Remembering Srebrenica

#Srebrenica #Genocide #Bosnia

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Human Rights Watch (HRW) has documented hundreds of Uyghur villages whose names have been sinicised in the past thirteen years in a pathetic attempt to wipe out Uyghur culture.

The report goes on to state that the renaming drive has had a major impact on Uyghur natives, with some leaving concentration camps only to be lost as they cannot locate their village by its true name.

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At least six people died and thousands were injured after police fired tear gas into crowds of protesting students in Bangladesh.

Pupils are protesting against a court order reinstating a 30 per cent government jobs quota for families of war veterans.

Students fear being deprived of opportunities if this quota is reserved for descendants of those who fought in the 1971 war.

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You've all heard of the Productive Muslim, but wait till you hear that its founder was once unproductive 😶

Dr. Salman Butt is joined by a live audience as he sits down with Mohammed Faris on this episode of Empowered by Islam21c to answer all things productivity.

Faris talks about the secret ingredient to being productive, the reasons why we procrastinate, common pitfalls in people's productive journey, how discipline and love are both required to being a high performer, and a unique way of controlling your social media usage that's not for the faint-hearted.

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The Gaza Civil Defence agency reported that three Israeli air strikes on Tuesday martyred over 40 people in just one hour.

Nearly 70% of UNRWA-run schools in Gaza have been bombed by Israel since the aggression began, according to the UN agency.

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The story behind this sacred day!

It is the 10th day of the Islamic month of Muharram and Muslims are encouraged to fast.

When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ arrived in Madinah, he found the Jewish community observing a fast on the 10th of Tishrei, Yom Kippur, a major Jewish holiday.

Upon learning that the Jews fasted on this day to commemorate the day Allah saved the Israelites from Pharaoh, the Prophet ﷺ recommended that Muslims fast on this day as well.

‘Ashūrā’ marks the day when Prophet Mūsā (ʿalayhi al-Salām) and the Israelites were saved from Pharaoh by the parting of the Red Sea. This parallel between Jewish and Islamic traditions highlights our shared Abrahamic heritage.

Fasting on ‘Ashūrā’ became voluntary for Muslims after the fasting of Ramadan was instituted.

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Will England ever win again?
How can patriotic sentiments survive in England after all that we’ve been through? Of course, it is not only about the football, but that certainly didn’t help.

The extremely low turnout in the 4 July general election already exposed a very serious loss of trust in democracy. Knowing that only around 22% of all voters elected the current Prime Minister, makes matters worse.

What is then the crux of "Britishness", if not democratic values? And it can’t be ethnicity either, especially when at least half of the England team yesterday were from non-White ethnic backgrounds.

So, what are we left with? Religion? Well, neither Christianity and certainly not Islam, endorse genocide. What, then, is going to make us proud and supportive of the "English cause", when the cause itself seems to be already lost.


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Much confusion surrounds this day. Some Muslims treat this occasion as a day of celebration and joy, while others mark it as a day of sadness and mourning.

A study analysing the ahadith on ‘Āshūra against the practices of the two camps mentioned above...ḥarram-a-day-of-joy-or-grief/

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In occupied East Turkestan, mosques and other places of Islamic worship continue to be demolished, one after another.

The Chinese regime has detained millions of people in camps and jails, criminalising growing of beards or reading the Qur'ān.

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The Zionist state targeted a camp for displaced people outside a school in southern Gaza and martyred at least 29 Palestinians.

al-Awda school in the town of Abasan al-Kabira, east of the city of Khan Younis, was struck during the airstrike late on Tuesday.

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Over 250 Jewish activists from Jewish Voice for Peace were arrested for protesting against US military support for Israel inside a congressional building. This demonstration occurred just before Prime Minister Netanyahu's scheduled speech to Congress.

Activists wore red T-shirts with messages like "not in our name" and demanded a ceasefire in Gaza. The protest aimed to highlight the group's stance against the violence funded by the US government.

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There are at least ten myths around RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) in England’s schools, that are preventing parents from taking effective action against inappropriate teaching.

Yusuf Patel separates fact from fiction and offers actions you can take in order to protect your children.

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Shaykh Asif Uddin has just returned from visiting al-Aqsa, and we couldn't believe what an amazing experience he had. Not only did he encounter peace and tranquillity, but also safety.

In this Islamic Thought video, he encourages Muslims to visit right now, and the risk of Masjid al-Aqsa being abandoned if we don't.

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Israel's army has launched artillery and air strikes on eastern Khan Younis and demanded residents leave the humanitarian zone.

The designated "safe zone" had sheltered thousands of displaced Palestinians who were in desperate need of shelter and food.

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On Friday, the UN's top court declared Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory "illegal" and demanded its cessation.

"Israel is under an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities and to evacuate all settlers," the ICJ said.

Israel has built around 160 illegal settlements housing some 700,000 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 1967.

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Did you know that Dr. Anas Altikriti has nearly twenty years of experience as a hostage negotiator? In this Islamic Thought video, he exposes what really happens behind the scenes, often unreported in the media. 
He examines the various factors heavily influencing the Hamas-Israel negotiations, including the starkly different terms and goals pursued by each party, and the deceptive tactics Israel uses to sabotage the ceasefire talks.

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On Thursday, Israeli far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir broke into al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

Ben-Gvir, head of the far-right and racist Otzma Yehudit party, is notorious for inciting Israeli settlers to storm the mosque.

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What is the oppression that even the nicer people in the West are engaged in without realising it?

The demand for full assimilation is the bigger picture, the demand to deny all that leads to differences of thought and behaviour.

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“In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths.

“Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.”

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Israeli occupation forces have attacked five schools in Gaza in just one week, killing dozens of people sheltering in them.

"I am not exaggerating, we have a funeral every 15 minutes leaving the hospital", said a charity worker at Nasser Hospital.

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Is this magnificent legacy that we have inherited limited to following a single tradition of his in fasting the day of `Āshūra?

Or does our right to Mūsā (ʿalayhi al-Salām) extend beyond such a limited understanding?

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On Sunday, at least 17 people were killed in Israeli bombardment of a UN-run school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza.

The European Union, France, and Germany called for an investigation into the school strikes by Israel.

Brazil's President Lula da Silva denounced the "endless massacre" in Gaza and condemned Israel's attacks on safe zones.

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Several people in Gaza City reported that civilians were shot dead by snipers after Israel issued a new evacuation order.

Multiple people said they saw a man walking in the street being shot in the head by a sniper taking aim from a tower.

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Did you know there was a declaration of Jihad to save Muslims in Europe?

In today’s special episode of Empowered on the anniversary of the Bosnian Genocide, Dr. Salman Butt speaks to Shaykh Mostahfiz Gani and Umer Suleman on some key lessons we need to learn, particularly contrasting it to the Gaza genocide today.

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Alhamdulillah, the Muslim community has made a significant mark on this election, and we must build upon the political literacy, infrastructure, cooperation and grassroots activism that we have built over the last several weeks.

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