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Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhī rājiʿūn.

Indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we are returning.

It is with great sorrow that we share the news of the passing of Shaykh Abdul Majeed ibn Aziz al-Zindani, one of the most distinguished Yemeni scholars of his time.

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Shaykh Muhammad al-Hassan al-Dedew has recorded an exclusive message for Muslims living in the West amidst the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

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Israel is employing starvation and aid restrictions as weapons of war, precipitating famine across the entire population of Gaza.

This deliberate push to starve an entire population constitutes a war crime of the highest order, akin to the most brutal ethnic cleansing in modern history.

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The social and political landscapes of the globe have changed since Operation al-Aqsa Flood.   The eminent Shaykh Muhammad al-Hassan al-Dedew shares some key points that must not get lost amidst the ever changing turn of events.

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The reality of the Zionist state’s narrative has been questioned, with footage emerging of the Iranian retaliation.

Israeli air defence officials claim they were able to shoot down “99 per cent” of the 320 Iranian drones, as well as cruise and ballistic missiles — with critical help from the United States, Britain, and Jordan.

However, Tehran has dismissed Israel’s claim of resisting “99 per cent”, by stating that “all hypersonic missiles used against Israel hit targets”.

The clip shows an Iranian missile not losing track, despite being hit by an Israeli projectile.

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We’re asking thinkers around the world, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Sami Hamdi.

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8 Sunnahs that the Muslim should observe on the day of Eid.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi.

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In this Islamic Thought contribution Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad answers a pertinent question put to him by Imams and Khatibs: how can we celebrate Eid this year when there is a genocide going on?

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The genius of al-Jazarī is noted with his design of mechanical instruments, including sophisticated water clocks and captivating automata.
He not only transcended the technological norms of his time but laid the groundwork for future advancements in engineering and robotics.
al-Jazarī's inventions were a blend of artistry and science, symbolising the boundless potential of the human mind when fuelled by curiosity and perseverance. His work reminds us of the importance of pushing the boundaries of what is known and daring to imagine what could be.
His incredible creations also drive us to embrace our own creativity and curiosity. May we strive to explore, combining art and science to create solutions that benefit humanity.


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Imam Mālik, known for his deep knowledge and piety, clashed with the authorities over a sensitive legal issue, they tried to silence him, and today this is the majority opinion among the jurisprudential schools of thought.

Due to his persistence in speaking the truth, the ruler of Madina had him flogged and tied upside down to a riding animal.

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Do we listen to the promise of Allah, or the promise of Shaytān?

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Under the reign of the Fatimid Caliphate thrived a magnificent centre for learning and intelligence in Cairo.
This remarkable concentration of schools, libraries, and universities served to highlight the unparalleled value placed upon education within society.
It was a place where scholars and students from all corners of the globe congregated, seeking and sharing knowledge across many disciplines, from the sciences to the humanities, from theology to philosophy.
The legacy of Cairo during the Fatimid era causes us to value and pursue education, to nurture places of learning, and to foster a culture that treasures knowledge.
In doing so, we honour our past and pave the way for a future bright with understanding and progress.


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As Ramaḍān is nearing an end, remind yourselves to try if possible — even if it is for one hour, 30 minutes, or even 10 minutes — to just simply be with your Muslim brother or sister on the day of Eid, just so that they get to experience some kind of celebration that is in addition to the Eid prayer.  

When this happens, the joy and value they will feel are hard to match.

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“Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth?”

If Gaza is not the wake-up call we need, then what more will it take?

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Man of steel? We know a man of justice!

As part of our collaboration with CAGE International, Zimarina Sarwar sat down with Shaykh Adel Abdel Bary — the man accused of bombing a US Embassy.

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🌟 Middle Way Muslims 🌟 Being a Principled Person

We are excited to invite you to Yaseen Youth's first-ever thought-provoking panel discussion with special guests from the UK and the US!

🌠 In testing times, staying balanced and on the moderate path of the Prophetic Sunnah can seem difficult.

Join us for an interactive panel discussion on what the path of moderation is for an orthodox Muslim in the 21st century.

📅 Thursday 18th April 2024

⏰ 7pm to 9pm

📍Grand Union Community Hub, 1 Quay Walk, Wembley, London

☕️ Light refreshments and drinks available

💻 Sign up at:

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If esteemed surgeons and medical professionals are confirming that the Zionist state is purposefully targeting civilians, would this not suggest that it is clearly on the wrong side of history?

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The days of Ramadan are over for this year, but that does not mean that the days of accruing great rewards are as well.

To fast six days of this month after completing Ramadan is as though one has fasted a lifetime!

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All that fasting, praying, and reciting. But is there a way to tell if it was accepted?

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From the Islam21c team, we extend our greetings of Eid Mubarak to you! Taqabbal Allāhu minnā wa minkum ṣālihal-aʿmāl. May Allah accept this worship from you and us; by His grace, we have reached the end of Ramadan. May we all have the best Eid and may Allah accept our fasts, prayers, supplications, charity, and all of the good we have done this past month. We wish you a joyous celebration of the Month of Mercy.  The Sunnah of Takbīr to celebrate Eid begins from Maghrib tonight.  Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar, Lā ilāha ill-Allāh. Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu akbar, wa Lillāhi’l-hamd.

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In this final part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the sanctions enforced against the Prophet ﷺ and Banu Hāshim.

In a calculated move to silence their message, the Quraysh leadership ostracised the entire clan, forcing them into a confined valley for three gruelling years.

To make it worse, they would buy all the food that entered Makkah, lest it enter the hands of Banu Hāshim.

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In a rare slapping down of Israel, United States President Joe Biden has expressed his apparent “outrage” and being “heartbroken” over the needless killing of seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid workers in Gaza.

The incident, which occurred during an Israeli airstrike on 1 April, has prompted some of Biden’s strongest criticism yet of the close US ally.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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The date of Eid al-Fitr 1445 has been announced! The crescent moon was not sighted so Eid al-Fitr will be on Wednesday, 10th April.

Don't lose steam now, there are still precious moments of Ramadan left to make the most of.

May Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) accept our ṣiyām, our qiyām, our duʿā’, our charity, and all our ʿibādah. Āmīn.

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”How can we celebrate Eid when there’s a genocide going on?”

Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad’s advice to khatībs and Imams.

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Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (raḥimahu Allah) became a beacon of courage during a dark period in Islamic history.

His story, particularly his ordeal during the Mihna under the Abbasid Caliphate, is a powerful reminder of the fight to preserve the Islamic tradition.

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Join us for our final livestream this Ramadan as we delve into crucial strategies for addressing Zionism with Ustadh Hamza Tzortzis.
Discover actionable insights on countering this ideology and empowering our communities. Don't miss out on this vital discussion, marking the end of our Ramadan livestream series as we tackle one of the most pressing topics of our time.
Tune in after Taraweeh (11:30 PM) via, YouTube or Instagram!

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