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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Omar Suleiman.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Witness the transformative power of impact campaigns in addressing pressing issues faced by Muslims worldwide, from injustice to oppression.

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We at Islam21c are keen to share with you a vital update regarding Zakat giving.
We strongly advocate for the distribution of Zakat in the form of cash to beneficiaries where possible.  

Why cash distribution?  

1. Transferring cash directly into the hands of those in need not only grants them ownership but also upholds their dignity by allowing them the freedom to address their personal and immediate needs.  

2. Cash contributions empower the recipient, offering them the flexibility to spend on what they deem most necessary, thereby preserving their self-respect and independence.  

3. We are utilising bank transfers to eliminate transaction fees whilst also allowing for Gift Aid to those eligible.
How can you do this?  

We have worked with our trusted charity partner, Mercy to Humanity, to facilitate this.  

Don’t miss out - visit now to benefit from this opportunity.
— Dr. Salman Butt

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Join Hamza Tzortzis tonight for a dynamic discussion on who should lead the charge in this critical battle, and what attributes are essential from them.

Share your insights and be part of the solution-building process! Let's tackle this challenge together!

Tune in via, YouTube or Instagram.

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Nestled in the heart of Fez, Morocco, stands a monument to the power of knowledge and education: the University of al-Qarawiyyin.
Founded over 1,300 years ago as a mosque by the visionary Fātima al-Fihri, this institution is one of the oldest continuously operating universities in the world.
Indeed, al-Qarawiyyin has been attracting scholars, scientists, and thinkers from across the globe, fostering dialogue and discovery that have illuminated paths for many generations. Its classes have benefitted all those in pursuit of knowledge, from theology and law to the natural sciences.
The institution teaches us to uphold the values of lifelong learning, empowerment through education, and the unity of diverse voices in the pursuit of knowledge.

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Like Fir’awn, Netanyahu and the Zionists substantiate their claim of superiority by invoking the fact that they have created materially prosperous societies, with advanced organisational and technological capabilities.

As Muslims, there are two archetypical ways in which we can respond to this: the way of Qārūn, or the way of Mūsa (ʿalayhi al-Salām).

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Since the dawn of the 9th century, a remarkable revolution in healthcare and compassion began to unfold across the Muslim world.
Over 500 hospitals were established for healing, hope, and humanitarianism. These institutions were far ahead of their time, emphasising not only the physical wellbeing of individuals, but also providing holistic care, including mental and spiritual health.
Such hospitals were open to all, regardless of background, wealth, or creed, reflecting the Islamic ethos of empathy, equity, and the importance of caring for the community. They were centres of learning, where physicians and scholars advanced the frontiers of medical knowledge, treatments, and ethical patient care.
These examples showcase strength and compassion, while representing a pioneering spirit, empathy, and a commitment to the welfare of the community. 
Let this encourage us to build a world where healthcare and compassion are accessible to everyone.

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History recalls the Battle of Badr not simply as a clash of arms, but as a momentous event where faith defied overwhelming odds. This battle shaped the destiny of the developing Muslim community.

Occurring on the 17th of the holy month of Ramadan during the second year in Madina, Badr marked the first major engagement between the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ and the disbelieving Quraysh tribe of Makkah.

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Tune in with Ustadh Yusha Evans and Dr. Salman Butt, discussing the nature of dispelling myths and upholding truth against falsehood.

Engage in thought-provoking conversations and seek clarity through Q&A.

Register now, go to!

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Dr. Stef Keris.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Gaza’s largest medical sanctuary, al-Shifa Hospital, has been reduced to rubble, leaving behind a scene of unimaginable horror.
Following a gruelling two-week bombardment, the terrorist state of Israel had its forces depart, unveiling the extent of devastation and loss.
Craig Murray, author, human rights activist, and former British Ambassador, articulates a shared outcry of the social media community, stating:
“The details coming out today of the massacre in al-Shifa hospital are simply incredible. Surgeons executed. Children executed. Bodies mutilated. Medical facilities systematically destroyed. Forget sanctions, there needs to be international military action against Israel. Now.”
The obliteration of al-Shifa Hospital is yet another red line crossed with no repercussion from the international community.
We continue to call for accountability, justice, and an end to the onslaught that has plagued Gaza for far too long.

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Join the crucial mission of spreading the essence of Islam in the modern world, empowering the Ummah and bridging gaps of misunderstanding.

Donate today:

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Spanning the vibrant markets of the Middle East to the bustling cities of North Africa, the construction of 5,000 miles of paved roads stands as a huge testament to the ingenuity and foresight of our ancestors.
These pathways were like veins through which the lifeblood of the empire flowed, connecting diverse communities, facilitating the exchange of ideas, culture, and commodities, whilst knitting together a vast and varied landscape into a cohesive and dynamic entity.
This impressive network of roads symbolises the strength and unification of the Ummah, showcasing an unparalleled commitment to progress, connectivity, and mutual support. It reminds us of the importance of building bridges — both literal and metaphorical — between different parts of our world.
These ancient roads also motivate us to pave our own paths of progress, connecting hearts & minds, and forging ahead with purpose. We can draw from our rich heritage to build a future marked by understanding & shared success.


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It is expected of us to say that we will miss Ramadan or are sad it is ending.

But if we truly reflect on this and are honest with our own souls, are we really happy this Ramadan or are we really sad it is ending?

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Allah gives the parable of a father who owned a garden, not too far from Sana’a. The parable was a reminder to the Quraysh — and is to us all — of the end of those who are ungrateful.

The owner of this particular garden was very charitable when he was alive. In his lifetime, he would give a portion to his family, a portion he would reinvest into the garden, and the excess he would give to the poor in charity.

When he passed away, he left the garden to his children. So what happened to the garden?

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Imam Shakeel Begg.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Prophet Sulaymān was himself the son of a prophet, Dāwūd (ʿalayhima al-Salām). He was blessed with a kingdom similar to Dāwūd and spread the truth with wisdom and justice.

But similar to Dāwūd, he was also tested.

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Explore the critical role of rebuilding confidence within the Muslim community, challenged by negative stereotypes and media misrepresentation.

Donate today:

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Taqwā is a term that, along with its derivatives, has been mentioned in the Qur’ān approximately 240 times.

When Allāh makes mention of a particular word that denotes a particular quality, numerous times, it teaches us how important that quality is to Allāh.

It is no secret that this quality of Taqwā is synonymous with the month of Ramaḍān.

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Don’t forget to recite this du’ā in the last 10 nights.

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Step into the digital arena where truth battles falsehood, and learn how you can fortify the frontlines online.

Donate today:

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In a stunning turn of events, Turkey’s main opposition, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), has secured a significant victory in local elections, retaining key cities including Istanbul and Ankara.

This outcome has delivered a major setback to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Justice and Development Party (AK Party), which has dominated Turkish politics for over two decades.

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The city of Baghdad stood as a hub of intellectual prosperity, with strength and strategic acumen.
Encircling this historic city were walls stretching approximately 4,000 metres, a monumental achievement based upon the architectural and military prowess of the Ummah.
These walls helped in preserving the heart of learning and enlightenment within. It is a reminder of the importance of safeguarding our values, knowledge, and communities through both physical and intellectual fortitude.
The mighty walls of Baghdad can encourage us to build our own metaphorical walls of protection around our faith, knowledge, and unity to find the strength to face the challenges with wisdom and courage.
After all, it is essential to preserve the essence of our heritage while forging a tough and enlightened path forward.


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At Islam21c, we understand the importance of directing your Zakat to where it's most needed. In response to frequent enquiries and after careful consideration and due diligence, we have partnered with a reputable organisation that is currently engaged in delivering vital aid in some of the most affected regions of the Muslim world: Gaza, Yemen, and Syria.

Mercy to Humanity have been approved by our Islamic governance, and we have a personal acquaintance with the team behind these efforts, which allows us to vouch for their credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness. To support their critical work with your Zakat and Sadaqa, we've set up a dedicated page for your contributions.

Please donate today:
Your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of those in dire need.
- Dr. Salman Butt

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The Prophet’s journey (ﷺ) to Tā’if is a vivid illustration of personal courage, faith, and the transformative power of patience in the face of rejection.

This pivotal event, unfolding roughly three years before the Hijra, resonates deeply even today, offering lessons for anyone navigating life’s inevitable difficulties.

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The local elections in Turkey have marked a historic shift, with the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) capturing major cities, including Istanbul, under Ekrem Imamoglu’s continued leadership. This is a notable blow to President Erdogan's AK Party, challenging its two-decade grip on power.
Key Takeaways:
1. The results reflect a public desire for reform and could signal a turning point for Turkish politics, emphasising a call for greater transparency and accountability.
2. The AK Party's response to the genocide in Gaza have also played a role in shaping the election's outcome, suggesting a broader discontent with the party's governance beyond domestic economic issues.
3. With the opposition gaining control in key urban areas, expect shifts in urban policy and a potential for more bipartisan governance, aiming to address the urban-rural divide.
May Allah make the outcome favourable for the people of Turkey and the Ummah at large.

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