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In light of the recent events in Moscow, it's imperative we address the quick-to-blame narratives that seek to point fingers at Muslims.

Recent updates have uncovered that the apprehended individuals confessed to executing the atrocities for monetary rewards, and were purportedly apprehended as they attempted to flee to Ukraine. Additionally, Russian officials have asserted involvement by Ukraine in these events. This information substantially weakens any unfounded assertions linking Muslims with these appalling acts.

Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad said of the events,

“We have said on numerous occasions that ISIS does not represent Islam. Indeed, it is an organisation that is serving the Western imperialist agenda. It is almost certain that this attack comes into that context and it likely aims to create a wave of Islamophobic attacks on Russian Muslims. This might create a very hostile atmosphere that may end up delaying the advancement of Russian troops in Ukraine.

“There is also a possibility that the US wants to punish Russia for voting against its recent UN proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza. China, Russia, and Algeria opposed the US-proposed ceasefire as it merely serves the Israeli occupation and does not help the Palestinians whatsoever."

Let's challenge the rush to judgment and stand united against misinformation and the spread of Islamophobia.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Stepping back through our illustrious history, we uncover a remarkable accomplishment that shows how value was placed upon knowledge in the Muslim world.
Before the dawn of the 15th century, our ancestors had already laid the foundations for more than 200 universities. Collectively, these institutions represent the commitment to education, scholarship, and the pursuit of enlightenment that we have always had.
Let this level of dedication of our predecessors inspire us to uphold the torch of knowledge, to cherish education as our valuable inheritance, and to contribute to the legacy of human advancement.
One thing is certain, the path to a brighter future is based upon a foundation of knowledge and understanding.


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The story of Prophet Yūnus (ʿalayhi al-Salām) offers a strong reminder about the transformative power of repentance, forgiveness, and the Mercy of Allah.

In this chapter, we surface from the depths of adversity faced by Yūnus (ʿalayhi al-Salām), not just in the belly of the whale, but in his introspective journey from despair to hope, from darkness to light.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Yasir Al-Hanafi.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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The contributions of Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn al-‘Abbās al-Zahrāwī al-Ansāri, popularly known as al-Zahrawī — the father of surgery — highlight the path of innovation and excellence that our Ummah has tread.
With a staggering 10,000 medical procedures meticulously described in his medical encyclopaedia, al-Zahrawī did not just practise medicine: he redefined it, laying the groundwork for the surgical practices that stand at the forefront of saving lives in this very day.
This huge achievement is a fine example of our intellectual heritage, showcasing the pioneering spirit that has always driven the Islamic world.
al-Zahrawī’s effort teaches us the value of solid dedication, precision, and the courage to venture into new territories of knowledge. Let us draw inspiration from his life, cherishing our rich history of contributions to humanity, and continue to aspire towards more ground-breaking discoveries.


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Few stories in our tradition capture human fortitude like the exodus from Egypt led by Prophet Mūsa (ʿalayhi al-Salām). It’s a captivating narrative of liberation from oppression, and a testament to the power of faith and leadership in the face of tests.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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For over a millennium, the Islamic world has been a centre of enlightenment, guiding humanity's quest for knowledge.
Our scholars and scientists, with their unparalleled zest for understanding, have left a lasting mark across numerous domains of study.
From the mysteries of the cosmos to the intricacies of the human body, their contributions have laid the groundwork for modern advancements in science, medicine, philosophy, and more.
This amazing history is a demonstration of the intellectual vigour and visionary outlook that characterises our Ummah. It tells us that our collective strength lies not just in numbers, but in our continual pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
Let this chapter of our past inspire us to embrace learning, push the boundaries of inquiry, and contribute our own pages to the timeline of human progress.


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The story of Prophet Ayyub (ʿalayhi al-Salām) stands out from among the stories of the Prophets. His firm belief and strength in the face of immense suffering is a guiding light for us as believers.

He stood alone and relied solely on Allah, making him a central figure in our series on facing adversity.

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Traversing over 5,000 miles, the trade routes of the Muslim Empire epitomise the formidable growth of the Ummah.
These routes connected the heart of the Middle East with the vibrant lands of Europe and Asia. Through them flowed not only trade but a rich exchange of ideas, cultures, and mutual understanding.
This extraordinary legacy reminds us of the strength found in collaboration and the boundless potential when we pursue shared goals.
As we reflect on this milestone of our past, let it inspire us to foster further connections and together build a future with similar ambition.


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Anyone who tries to fast, even if they are not religious, will share in some of the benefits. For instance, a few years ago, the Principal Director at the Financial Ombudsman took up the challenge to experience one day of Ramaḍān and join his Muslim colleagues in fasting.

Afterwards, he shared his experience, saying that it taught him to not be a jerk to other colleagues. He went on to explain how actively fighting the pangs of hunger tempered his interactions with his colleagues, thus making him more considerate and thoughtful.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Imagine a place where the thirst for knowledge knew no limits, where the wisdom of the ancients met the curiosity of the present. Welcome to the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, a jewel of the Islamic Golden Age, home to an astounding collection of around 17,000 manuscripts.
Manuscripts — documents written by hand, often adorned with beautiful calligraphy — contained the world’s knowledge before the age of printing.
This magnificent library was more than a repository of books; it was a centre of innovation, where scholars of different backgrounds and schools gathered to study, teach, & enhance the knowledge passed down from generations before them.
The House of Wisdom exemplifies the power of curiosity & the relentless pursuit of knowledge. These scholars knew that every manuscript held a piece of the puzzle in understanding the world and improving it. Their dedication shows us that by valuing and cultivating knowledge, we empower individuals, uplift communities, & advance civilisations.


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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Imagine a fledgling community, their faith a radical new idea challenging the status quo: the polytheism of idol worship. A belief firmly embedded in the community through generations.

This was the reality for the early Muslims in Makkah.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Yusuf Patel.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Ramaḍān can be a lonely time for Muslim converts.

My advice to all those who know a person who has embraced Islām is to invite them over for ifṭār and make them part of your family, and if you cannot, then help those organisations which seek to serve the convert community.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Russia’s Vladimir Putin has secured an exceptionally strong victory in the country’s presidential election, a triumph marred by the public outbreak of dissenting voices and widespread accusations of democratic illegitimacy.

Having handed himself another six years in power; how we view this news as Muslims is important.

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Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad and hundreds of scholars and Imams across the United Kingdom have come together to reject the new meaning posed by Michael Gove and lend their backing to the organisations that have been unfairly attacked in recent days.

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Alhamdulillāh, we now have the second Jumu'ah of Ramadan already, one of the best days of the week and the day of giving.  

This Friday, don't give Sadaqa without doing this one thing — a brilliant tip from Shaykh Haitham.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Bilal Ismail.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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With its latest documentary, Al Jazeera's investigative team has provided evidence of the actual events that took place on 7 October 2023. The ground-breaking investigation has exposed the layers of fabricated narratives intertwined in Israeli, US, and allied mainstream media, that have been responsible for manufacturing public consent for the Gazan genocide. What was initially portrayed as a day marked by horrific acts of violence — including claims of widespread rape and babies being beheaded — has been scrutinised under the meticulous lens of forensic analysis and comprehensive interviews. The findings have revealed a completely different reality, where many of these grievous accusations hold little to no substantiated evidence. The investigation has also shed light on the strategic use of lies, misinformation, and disinformation to justify severe retaliatory measures. As media analyst Dr. Marc Owen Jones notes, "So, how does Israel create a balance by asserting that what they're doing is morally right, even though they're killing way more people? “They have to emphasise the brutality, because they can't just say, 'Well, we've killed less than Hamas.' So, how do they do it? They try to make the significance of those individual deaths even more disgusting and objectionable. If you can activate people's sense of disgust, I think they're more likely to support, for example, dire retribution against Palestinians."

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Ustadh Ahmed Hammuda.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Imagine a thriving community built upon trade but riddled with dishonesty. This was Madyan, the city where Prophet Shuʿayb (ʿalayhi al-Salām) emerged, calling the people to the worship of Allah alone and speaking out against the people’s dishonesty in trade.ʿayb-fair-trade-in-madyan/

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Dr Osman Latiff.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Few stories are richer in wisdom than that of Prophet Yūsuf (ʿalayhi al-Salām). Chronicled within an entire chapter of the Qur’ān, his character outlines the lasting power of perseverance, trusting in Allah, and the steady character that tackles adversity.

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This Ramadan, BE part of the movement for truth! Islam21c's crucial mission is to empower and educate the global Muslim community with authentic digital media.

Don’t miss this opportunity of the amplified ongoing rewards (Sadaqah Jāriyah) during this blessed month. Create a lasting impact, nurturing a well-informed and inspired Muslim community.

YOU can make a difference. Act now and be the change!

Invest today at

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