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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Visualise Hājar (ʿalayha al-Salām), accompanied by her young son, left by Ibrāhīm (ʿalayhi al-Salām) in the barren valley of Makkah with only a small supply of provisions.

As their resources dwindled and the cries of thirst echoed from her son, the situation seemed hopeless. And yet, Hājar’s faith remained unshaken (ʿalayha al-Salām).

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Umer Suleman.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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The divine assistance of 3,000 angels during the Battle of Badr is a representation of strength that continues to inspire us to this day.
This monumental day, when a modest group of companions found themselves facing a vastly larger adversary, is an example of the power of divine support and the impact of steadfast belief in Allah.
The Qur'ānic revelation that 3,000 angels were dispatched to aid our predecessors served as a reassurance that Allah's support is always within reach for those who stand firm in belief and righteousness. This moment in our history showed how spiritual strength and divine backing can turn the tide against overwhelming odds.
For us as a community, the Battle of Badr and the celestial assistance sent teaches us that, regardless of the challenges we face, with faith and trust in Allah, support can manifest in ways beyond our understanding.
It really encourages us to remain steadfast in our beliefs & persevere through trials with patience and determination.


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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Dr Ismail Patel.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Imagine a thriving community nestled in the valleys and mountains of the Thamūd. Renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship, they carved magnificent homes into the mountainsides, creating an architectural marvel of their era.

Yet, amidst their prosperity, a seed of arrogance sprouted. Wealth and power blinded them to the importance of humility and gratitude, leading them down a perilous path.

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The government is seeking to kettle Muslims while falsely portraying us as extreme in our way of life.

It is due to this arrogance that Michael Gove has ploughed ahead with what will be remembered as the continuation of years of anti-Muslim policies by government — broadening the already highly controversial definition of “extremism”.

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The meticulous compilation of over 20,000 Hadīth showcases the enduring strength and dedication of the Ummah.
This monumental task, undertaken by revered scholars like Imam Bukhārī and Imam Muslim, outlines the immense commitment to preserving the essence of Islam for future generations.
Their rigorous methodology, which involved verifying each chain of transmission and the reliability of its reporters, is a demonstration of unparalleled dedication to accuracy and truth.
This legacy of compilation teaches us the power of collective effort in the service of a noble cause. It challenges us to contribute positively to our communities, to seek knowledge, and to act with integrity and thoughtfulness.
The heritage of scholarly dedication and meticulous care is an inspiration for us, encouraging us to maintain the preservation of our religion for the coming generations ahead.


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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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In 630, or 8 AH, the bloodless conquest of Makkah under Prophet Muhammad ﷺ demonstrated immense spiritual and strategic strength.
This historic victory, rooted in principles of mercy, justice, and forgiveness, marked a triumph of faith and peace over conflict. The Prophet's actions (ﷺ) in granting amnesty to former foes also highlight the values of compassion and mercy.
This event teaches us the importance of patience, strategic wisdom, and the strength found in forgiveness. It serves as a powerful reminder of how adhering to such principles can guide us through challenges, emphasising that true victory lies in winning hearts with mercy rather than brute force.
The conquest of Makkah embodies the enduring strength of the Ummah when united by belief, justice, and a commitment to higher moral standards, offering timeless lessons on leadership, perseverance, and the transformative power of aligning with divine teachings.


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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Moazzam Begg.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Asim Khan.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs — Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all) — ruled for a total of about 29 years.

They expanded the Muslim territory, established justice, and preserved the teachings of Islam. Their leadership exemplifies unity, strategic governance, and commitment to Islamic principles.  
This history encourages us all in our own struggle for strength, showing how the maintenance of faith, establishment of justice, and community efforts can lead to remarkable accomplishments, even despite massive hurdles in the way.  
Their era teaches us the value of collective effort and what is possible with adherence to Islamic guidance.

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Approximately spanning an incredible 4.24 million square miles at its zenith, the Muslim empire reminds us of the tremendous strength and unity that this Ummah is capable of.
This vast expanse was a superb achievement in territorial reach, but also a masterful demonstration of how our predecessors pursued the goal of making Allah’s Word the highest.
Together, we navigated diverse landscapes, from bustling cities and lush valleys to serene deserts and majestic mountains, each adding a unique element to our diverse reach.
Let this historical milestone inspire us to embrace the power of unity, to learn from our previous achievements, and to continue working towards rediscovering our collective strength.


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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Ramaḍān presents unique opportunities to taste a special closeness with Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) and to achieve multifold ajr with every righteous action.

In the spirit of the divine revelation, it is clear that maintaining good health, diet, and a strong body characterises a good mu’min (believer) and allows greater stamina for ʿIbādah and many righteous deeds.

Dr Shafiul Amin distils 20 practical health tips for you to make the most out of this Ramadan.

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From a young age, Ibrāhīm (ʿalayhi al-Salām) challenged the idolatry practices of his community, including those within his own family.

Driven by his search for truth, he rejected societal norms and embraced monotheism, dedicating his life to worshipping Allah.

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Islam21c is excited to unveil a new collaboration with Mercy to Humanity, a distinguished and reputable organisation committed to humanitarian efforts internationally.

This collaboration stems from our mutual pledge to actively confront injustice, harness the power of people to spur change, and strengthen Muslim communities globally by standing up for their rights.

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The Prophet’s 23-year journey (ﷺ) of conveying the message of Islam is a remarkable example of unwavering commitment.
This period, which spans from the first revelation in the Cave of Hira to the Prophet's passing (ﷺ), encapsulates a transformative era for the entire world.
These 23 years also represent the significant strength required to challenge the status quo, overcome adversity, and foster a community united under the banner of monotheism.
Indeed, the Prophet ﷺ faced immense opposition, yet his resolve never wavered. His journey teaches us the power of patience, the virtue of perseverance, and the importance of steadfastness in belief.


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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Shaqur Rehman.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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Hunger and thirst are not the only obstacles during this month. A common complaint, especially amongst fasting Muslims required to work with others, is bad breath.

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The people of ‘Ād were known for their impressive buildings that scraped the sky; they were also known for their wealth, both of which led them to become arrogant and forgetful of Allah.

They refused to believe in Allah’s Oneness and worshipped idols, setting the stage for a period of immense hardship — both spiritual and physical — that would test Prophet Hūd (ʿalayhi al-Salām) and his followers to their core.

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A successful fortnight of directly engaging with Londoners, displaying verses of the Qur’ān at prominent Underground stations — including Waterloo and Bond Street — and inspiring at least two people to revert to Islam has concluded.

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Join Dr. Salman Butt and the Islam21c team for the Steps 4 Truth challenge at Leith Hill where you’ll lace up your shoes and step into the heart of Surrey’s stunning landscapes. 

This exclusive event invites you to experience the natural beauty of one of Surrey’s highest points, offering breathtaking views while supporting Islam21c’s efforts to battle the mainstream narrative with your own page to share with family and friends.

Register now and ensure the truth prevails, for Gaza and beyond!

For more info and to register today:

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For hundreds of years, Nūh (ʿalayhi al-Salām) preached monotheism to his people, only to be encountered by scorn, rejection, and mockery.

It is for this reason that his life is a masterclass in battling society’s negativity and emerging stronger in faith.

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In light of the Gaza genocide, perhaps we've lost sight of the plight of our Sudanese brothers and sisters; we must stay informed on both.

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Many of us may be unwittingly poisoning ourselves in the nights of Ramadan. In this blessed and virtuous month, we could all do with maximising our good deeds.

If we choose to eat foods which give us energy and make us better parents; if what we drink hydrates us and make us proactive daʿīs; if we no longer feel lethargic, suffer from migraines, or feel parched because of what we have chosen to nourish ourselves with, and become better Muslims as a result, we have made our eating and drinking, our suḥūr and ifṭār an ʿibādah beyond the ritual.

If we are the best versions of ourselves physically as a result of our nutrition, we have opened the doors to being the best versions of ourselves spiritually.

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