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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Shaykh Asim Khan.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs — Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all) — ruled for a total of about 29 years.

They expanded the Muslim territory, established justice, and preserved the teachings of Islam. Their leadership exemplifies unity, strategic governance, and commitment to Islamic principles.  
This history encourages us all in our own struggle for strength, showing how the maintenance of faith, establishment of justice, and community efforts can lead to remarkable accomplishments, even despite massive hurdles in the way.  
Their era teaches us the value of collective effort and what is possible with adherence to Islamic guidance.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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The Hijrah, Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ migration from Makkah to Madinah in 622 CE, stands as a pivotal moment in our history. This event embodied a monumental leap of conviction and unparalleled resilience. With only Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) for company, the Prophet embarked on a perilous journey. Faced with the relentless pursuit of the Qurayshi forces, they evaded capture. This act of unwavering trust and companionship, undertaken under the watchful guidance of Allah, exemplifies strategic acumen alongside deep belief.

Allah's words, "If you do not aid the Prophet – Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out [of Makkah] as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, 'Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us,'" serve as a powerful reminder of divine support and the strength of conviction.

Reflecting on this pivotal event reminds us that the choices we make on our own journeys, buoyed by conviction and strategic wisdom, can overcome the most daunting challenges. Together, with unwavering belief as our compass, no obstacle is too great, no adversary too formidable. The Hijrah thus serves as a memorable source of inspiration for us, urging us to embrace resilience and unwavering belief in our daily lives.


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Welcome to the first part of a series titled, 'Trials Transformed' exploring how challenges, difficulties, and obstacles can be used as tools to better ourselves as Muslims.

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Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhī rājiʿūn.

Indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we are returning.

It is with sadness that we share the news of the passing of the veteran scholar, activist, and Imam, Shaykh Ahmed al-Mahlawi, who had been blessed to reach the age of 98.

A brave individual who expertly fused the critical roles of Imam and community activist has returned to his Lord.

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The Battle of Badr stands as a powerful testament within Islamic history. It exemplifies the strength that faith, unity, and strategic thinking can bring.   Against overwhelming odds, a mere 313 warriors, unrelenting in their convictions and trusting in divine support, emerged victorious over a force three times their size. This historic triumph transcends a mere military victory; it stands as an iconic moment of spiritual strength. And it reminds us that even in the face of immense challenges, our greatest strength lies in our faith, our unity, and our firm resolve.   Let this serve as a source of inspiration in all aspects of our lives. Whether we face personal struggles or communal hardships, the legacy of Badr compels us to remain steadfast in our beliefs, to offer steady support to one another, and to trust in the greater plan that unfolds before us.   Together, we are undeniably stronger, and with unwavering faith, no obstacle is insurmountable. #StruggleToStrength

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By the will of Allah, Ramadan 1445 is here! The crescent moon has been sighted; therefore, the first tarawīh will begin tonight. May He accept all of our efforts during this blessed month, and may He allow us to grow closer to Him by the end than where we are right now. This Ramadan, with our Struggle to Strength campaign, we have lots of video and written content to share throughout the month, so keep an eye out on all of our platforms.

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We’ve all heard the quote, “if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” A traveller prepares for his journey, a student prepares for his exams, and now that Ramaḍān is nearing, we too must prepare ourselves for this blessed month.

Shaykh Ali Hammuda highlights the various forms of preparation essential for embracing and capturing the blessings of Ramaḍān.

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No Salman, no problem! Umer Suleman steps in while our host recovers from sickness to speak to Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad for a special Empowered podcast just in time for Ramadan 1445.

From discussing the current situation in Gaza to shedding light on Islamophobia within the UK establishment, they delve into pressing issues like Rishi Sunak's speech, the recent incident involving Aaron Bushnell, and not following Saudi.. 😳

Tune in for an insightful discussion that addresses pertinent topics affecting the Muslim community and beyond.

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Last week, over 101,000 voters in Michigan called out the President as he continues his pro-Zionist stance amid the Gaza genocide.

This week, Minnesota’s primary saw nearly 19 per cent of its votes go to the “uncommitted” category, sending another message that Democratic voters will not tolerate Biden’s unequivocal support for Israel’s war in Gaza.

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This is a reflective exercise that personalises our spiritual journey, making it more meaningful and directed. Such a list acts as a roadmap for our aspirations and prayers, allowing for a concentrated effort in seeking divine assistance and guidance. 

By identifying specific goals and supplications, we engage in a more intimate dialogue with our Creator, enhancing our spiritual connection and focus during Ramadan.

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Planning our charitable actions and Zakat contributions before Ramadan is a vital aspect of preparing for the blessed month, emphasising the significance of generosity and empathy in Islam. 

This preparation ensures that our contributions are thoughtful and impactful and aligns with the Ramadan spirit of compassion and giving. By carefully selecting causes and planning our donations, we engage in a deliberate act of kindness that transcends geographical boundaries, building a sense of global brotherhood and community.

This approach to charity during Ramadan benefits those in need and cleanses our wealth.

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Allocating specific times for this before Ramadan fosters a disciplined approach to spiritual reflection and connection. This preparation will ensure that our days are imbued with moments of contemplative reflection and learning. 
The act of scheduling these periods demonstrates a commitment to integrating the Qur’ān into our daily life during Ramadan, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of its guidance. This deliberate engagement with the Qur’ān can serve as a spiritual anchor throughout the month, enriching our experience with depth and meaning.

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For hundreds of years, Nūh (ʿalayhi al-Salām) preached monotheism to his people, only to be encountered by scorn, rejection, and mockery.

It is for this reason that his life is a masterclass in battling society’s negativity and emerging stronger in faith.

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In light of the Gaza genocide, perhaps we've lost sight of the plight of our Sudanese brothers and sisters; we must stay informed on both.

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Many of us may be unwittingly poisoning ourselves in the nights of Ramadan. In this blessed and virtuous month, we could all do with maximising our good deeds.

If we choose to eat foods which give us energy and make us better parents; if what we drink hydrates us and make us proactive daʿīs; if we no longer feel lethargic, suffer from migraines, or feel parched because of what we have chosen to nourish ourselves with, and become better Muslims as a result, we have made our eating and drinking, our suḥūr and ifṭār an ʿibādah beyond the ritual.

If we are the best versions of ourselves physically as a result of our nutrition, we have opened the doors to being the best versions of ourselves spiritually.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Babar Ahmad.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from Ādam and Hawa (ʿalayhima al-Salām) and their departure to Earth.
Have you considered how it is actually the very beginning of humanity’s story, offering invaluable lessons on facing challenges, making choices, and understanding Allah’s wisdom.

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Join Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed on an enlightening series, focusing on the journey from #StruggleToStrength through the lens of powerful virtues.

From the steadfastness required to remain unwavering in faith to the courage needed to face life's uncertainties, each episode explores how these qualities empower individuals to transform challenges into triumphs.

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This Ramadan we’re asking a new guest everyday, what is one thing that the Ummah needs to go from #StruggleToStrength?

Today we are joined by Dr. Abdul Wahid.

Keep up to date with our Ramadan campaign as we feature a variety of voices sharing their perspectives and experiences, inspiring viewers with practical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

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During the month of Ramaḍān, we are all accustomed to hearing about the virtues of Ramaḍān, the Qur’ān, fasting, and so on. However, there are two important aspects of fasting that we seldom do remember the spiritual significance of: Suḥūr and Iftār.

Shaykh Alomgir Ali mentions some of the important Prophetic traditions related to these two aspects of our fast and their significance.

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The Prophet ﷺ certified the first three generations as being the “best”. By declaring this, he demonstrated that as a collective they embodied the best understanding and practice of Islām.

Ustadh Asim Khan describes how the early Muslims, those who lived Islām in the best possible way, spent their days and nights and what would change for them during the sacred month of Ramaḍān.

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Creating a detailed daily planner before Ramadan offers a structured approach to fulfilling our practical commitments during the month. By visually mapping out our daily activities and goals, we establish a clear path for observance and reflection. 
This planner serves as a reminder of our intentions and acts as a motivational tool, encouraging us to remain focused and accomplish our set objectives. Displaying the planner in a prominent place in our home acts as a constant visual cue, reinforcing our commitment and progress throughout Ramadan. 
This organised approach ensures a balanced and fulfilling Ramadan experience, allowing us to make the most of this special time with purpose and direction.

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Signing up for volunteering opportunities before Ramadan embodies the essence of community service and selflessness — key virtues in Islam. By dedicating our time and efforts to help others, we contribute to the wellbeing of those in need, as well as deepening our own level of practice. 

Volunteering during Ramadan is a powerful way to live the principles of compassion and empathy, sparking a sense of solidarity and communal support. This action adds to the Ramadan experience, providing a practical outlet for the desire to make a difference to the lives of others, reinforcing the communal bonds we have in our community and the wider Ummah.

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Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhī rājiʿūn.

Indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we are returning.

On behalf of Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad and the Islam21c team, we offer our deepest condolences to the family, students, and the entire community in the UK and abroad, on the passing of the esteemed Shaykh Maulana Adam Sahib.
We ask Allah to shower him with His immense mercy and to grant him the best compensation in the Hereafter.

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The government consultation into this draft guidance ends at 11:59pm on 12th March and we need as many Muslim parents and Muslim organisations as possible to respond.

This guidance is surprisingly good, but your response is critical to ensuring it goes in our favour.

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The United States military has carried out a series of strikes targeting Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, reportedly destroying unmanned vessels, missiles, and a drone.

Despite the numerous rounds of strikes by the UK and the US, the Houthis have promised to continue targeting ships associated with Israel, in support of the occupied Palestinians, until the apartheid state ends its ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

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The vast majority of people who identify as “LGBTQ” do not have children. Are we happy with them making decisions for the vast majority of us that do?

We have until 12 March to reply to the government consultation on draft "trans" ideology guidance for schools.

We need as many Muslim parents and Muslim organisations as possible to respond, writes Yusuf Patel.

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