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To see every Muslim confident and impacting the world

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The resilience of Palestinian Muslims, subjected to years of direct & indirect Israeli warfare, has stunned people around the world into seeing Islam in an inspiring light.

For Muslims globally, no other cause can mobilise the Ummah like Palestine.

In his article, Shaykh Fuad Abdo delves into eight pivotal lessons that challenge our perspectives on victory, sacrifice, and media influence.

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The title may be shocking, but it's true: Gaza is connected to "LGBTQ+" indoctrination; read on to find out how.

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Geert Wilders leads his far-right Party for Freedom to a historic victory in the Dutch elections, marking a significant rightwing shift in the Netherlands and sparking fears among the Muslim community.

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With the attention of the Ummah focused on events in Palestine, we must remain aware of developments around the world affecting Muslims elsewhere.

China has been expanding its efforts to erase Islam, extending its policy of demolishing mosques to areas beyond East Turkestan.

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The far-right anti-Muslim 'Party for Freedom' has been voted in as the largest party in the Dutch Parliament.

What does the victory of anti-Muslim parties in elections across the continent say about Europe?

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“Everything is won or lost in Palestine.”

Ustadh Ahmed Hammuda draws astounding parallels of the five pillars of injustice in the epic battle between Musa (ʿalayhi al-Salām) and Fir’awn. The institutions that underpinned the reign of terror are the same then as they are now, ranging from military instruments to content creators and billionaires bankrolling oppression.

Most pertinent of all, the experience of previous generations of Believers can powerfully inform strategies we adopt today in re-establishing truth and justice.

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📢 Ticket Giveaway Alert!

We're offering free tickets for our biggest event in history, the Annual Tour of Islam21c.

Join renowned scholars Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad, Shaykh Sajid Umar, Brother Omar Esa, along with - by video - Shaykh Omar Suleiman and Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. Don't miss this opportunity!

Follow these two simple steps:

1. Like and Share our pinned post
2. Tag at least three friends. Don’t forget to include the hashtag: #i21ctour

This event promises to be a source of inspiration and motivation as we unite as brothers and sisters for Palestine.

Witness inspiring talks, the premiere of our short film, spoken word performance, and enjoy a three-course meal.

Seats are limited - get yours now for free!

Deadline: Midnight 26th November. Winner will be contact shortly thereafter.

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Imams who are stepping forward and speaking truth to power are facing great struggle as they hold onto principled and clear positions. Even though Muslim communities in the West are often diverse in professional experience and talent in many fields, there is great room to ensure Imams are supported in their positions.

In this video, Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad advises Muslims in the West to ensure Imams and their families are morally supported as they provide leadership to Muslims and strive to serve the Ummah.

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The early bird offer on our upcoming multi-city tour in the UK ends TONIGHT.

"Unbreakable Ummah: From Home to Palestine" is our annual tour that brings together eminent scholars, activists, and influencers for an empowering event designed to inspire transformative change, insha'Allah.

🗓️ Date: 8-10 & 15-17 December
📍 Locations: East & West London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham, and Leicester
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family-Friendly: Children are welcome
🔸 Fully Segregated

Book your seat now at with the Early Bird Offer Code: EARLYBIRD5

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It's Time for Muslims to Change Strategy on Gaza

Du'ā is indeed the weapon of the believer. The concern of whether we will witness victory in our lifetime or not is a misplaced one.

In this video, Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad calls on Muslims globally to consider the next phase of strategic action that changes the reality on the ground.

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Today we welcome the month of Jumāda Al-Awwal, 1445AH .

This is the month in which the historic Battle of Mu’tah occurred.

An army of three thousand Muslims sent by the Prophet ﷺ took to the field against a numerically superior Byzantine force, with one source suggesting it was 200,000 strong.

Three commanders from the Companions were appointed by the Blessed Prophet ﷺ to lead his army in succession. Each of them fell on the battlefield but ascended to Heaven as martyrs.

The army’s strategic withdrawal, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid - radiy Allahu anh - was mocked as a defeat by the enemies of the believers but praised by the Prophet ﷺ as a victory.

The Muslim Ummah recognises the spirit of optimistic victory and patience, even in the face of overwhelming odds. The help and victory of Allah is undoubtedly near to the Believers.


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Muslims leaders met on the weekend for an Arab-Islamic summit hosted by Saudi Arabia.

The result was a call for an end to the war on Gaza.

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Israel's leaders have continuously claimed to pursue peace while increasingly encroaching on Palestinian land.

Israel has then blamed Palestinians for not wanting peace, using failed negotiations as evidence to justify its claim of being in an impossible position.

Shaykh Haitham answers 'What does Israel want?'

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In a stunning admission that shatters the credibility of their earlier reports, Israel has now revised the death toll figures from the October 7th attack.

The initial claim of 1,400 lives lost has been abruptly dropped to 1,200 – a significant discrepancy that exposes the unreliability of their own reporting.

This glaring inaccuracy is yet another example of Israel's notorious reputation in propagating misinformation. 

Previous assertions that have also been discredited:

• Claims of rape
• Allegations of torture
• Beheadings of babies

How much more of what actually happened on that day has been deliberately exaggerated or even fabricated? The integrity of Israel's reporting is in tatters. 

And if Israel can so blatantly mislead the world about such a major event, how can any of their claims be trusted?

How many more untruths are we being fed?

The distortion of facts to serve a narrative and agenda is a dangerous manipulation of public perception. The truth matters, and we must demand it.

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Today, London takes a bold stand for Palestine.
The National March for Palestine begins today, 11th November, at around 12:00pm - Hyde Park, London.
Despite the odds stacked against us – divisive rhetoric from politicians, police asked to intervene, and distorted portrayals by the mainstream media – we're showing up in large numbers because justice should never be compromised by intimidation.
It's a time to be mindful - any misstep will be capitalised upon. We can avoid negative outcomes by standing firm, peaceful, and united. 
Avoid certain groups that will be present to provoke a reaction. We won't hand them the ammunition that they seek.
Will you be there to make history?

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This week, a notable Palestinian prisoner has told the world how Israeli officials threatened to murder her still-detained father if she spoke publicly about conditions in Israeli jails.

In his latest video, Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad explains that the contrast between the treatment of prisoners by Hamas and Israel points to the latter’s disregard for humanitarian values and dignity.

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"“...O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not. He will say: O Lord, and how should I feed You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so asked you for food and you fed him not? Did you not know that had you fed him you would surely have found that (the reward for doing so) with Me?...”(Hadith 18, 40 Hadith Qudsi).

Human Aid & Advocacy are on the ground in Gaza delivering food packs to our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Donate now to help our brothers and sisters in their time of need.

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In the battle for narratives and global opinion, British Muslims have a unique role.

Watch our latest Islamic Thought video on how Muslims are turning the tide.

Book today using the code EMPOWER5 at

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The Western media demonstrates again its clear pro-Israeli stance in terminology used to describe individuals captured by either side.
Those captured by Israel are referred to as 'prisoners', implying a legal or justified basis for their capture.
This portrayal overlooks the fact that many of those detained by Israel are children, or individuals held without formal charges, or those accused of minor acts of resistance, such as stone-throwing. Alarmingly, numerous detainees are not even informed of the accusations against them, suggesting their capture might be more about using them as bargaining chips in negotiations rather than for any legal or security concerns.
In contrast, individuals captured by Palestinians are labeled as 'hostages', terms that carry a distinctly negative connotation.
This disparity in language not only reveals an inherent bias but also shapes public perception, suggesting Israel's actions are lawful or defensive, while actions by Palestinians are portrayed as unlawful or aggressive.
Such hypocrisy in reporting fails to provide a fair view and irresponsibly contributes to a skewed understanding of the issues at hand.

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Earn and share the reward by gifting your friend a ticket to dinner at the Annual Tour by Islam21c at HALF PRICE!
For today only, you can book a seat at our upcoming tour ‘Unbreakable Ummah’ for your friends at an incredible 50% discount. 
Simply add your friend's details to the cart and use the discount code FRIDAY50 on the checkout page at
Valid Until Friday Midnight! 100 Tickets Only
Restricted to gifting to friends.
Book now to avoid disappointment at

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“At the launch of the UK East Turkistan Society, we were reminded of the special bond shared by Palestinians and Uyghurs” writes Dr. Salman Butt, Head of Islamic Thought at Islam21c.

Following the organisation’s launch earlier this month, Dr. Butt emphasises the shared challenges of Uyghurs and Palestinians, underscoring a collective call for justice and unity against oppression, rooted in Islamic principles.

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We ask the question: why has Israel been holding Palestinian women and teenagers hostage?

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Would you be a bystander if you witnessed someone else experiencing a problem, or would you take on the responsibility to intervene and act?

In his latest article, Shaykh Ali Hammuda considers the Qur’anic paradigm and a powerful Prophetic example of personal responsibility, empowering individuals to summon moral courage to act. Read on to discover how you can avoid 'the bystander effect.'

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“The ordinary institution beats the flamboyant individual.”

To combat the Gaza massacre we need to BUILD our Muslim institutions, says Sufyan Ismail, in this week’s episode of Empowered by Islam21c.

We discuss Islamophobia Awareness Month #IAM, what Suella Braverman’s sacking means for the political equation for Muslims in the UK, responding to the Labour Party’s shameful stance on Gaza, and more.

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In light of the appalling responses from both the Conservatives and Labour when it comes to Israel's massacre of 11,000 Palestinians — the overwhelming majority women and children — and counting, Muhammad Jalal, host of The Thinking Muslim, discusses whether British Muslims require a new political party or need to vote tactically, and why we should consider a different approach altogether: independent Muslim MPs in all constituencies.

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'Jakob the Liar' is an extraordinary story that highlights optimism and the cultivation of strength in the face of oppression.

In this video, Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad calls upon the Muslim Ummah to respond to the pain of current events with patience, optimism, and belief in victory.

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📢 Don't Miss Our Annual Tour's Early Bird £5 Off Offer This Week

Unbreakable Ummah: From Home to Palestine” is our upcoming multi-city tour that brings together eminent scholars, activists, and influencers for an empowering event designed to inspire transformative change, insha'Allah.

🗓️ Date: 8-10 & 15-17 December
📍 Locations: East & West London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham, and Leicester
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family-Friendly: Children are welcome
🔸 Fully Segregated

Book your seat now at with the Early Bird Offer Code: EARLYBIRD5

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Powerful display of unity and solidarity at yesterday’s Free Palestine march. Silence versus violence.

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The collective Western establishment might be ambivalent towards Palestine for an indefinite period, but this must not hinder Muslims from uniting to deliver a collective response.

In the second part of a series on Palestine, Abdul Hai, manager of the Islamic Literary Society, urges Muslims to hold politicians to account and to strive to transform mosques, think-tanks, and other institutions into leading centres for the development of Muslims within British society.

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📢 Don't Miss Islam21c's Annual Tour!

We're excited to invite you to an evening of empowerment this December. Join us for the Islam21c Annual Tour, featuring inspiring talks from leading scholars and activists on the theme of *Unbreakable Ummah: From Home to Palestine*. It's a special event to uplift our faith and stand united for Palestine.

🗓️ Date: 8-10 & 15-17 December
📍 Locations: East & West London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester
🍲 Includes: A delightful 3-course meal
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family-Friendly: Kids are welcome
🔸 Fully Segregated

Book your spot now at

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