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To see every Muslim confident and impacting the world

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Israel's leaders have continuously claimed to pursue peace while increasingly encroaching on Palestinian land.

Israel has then blamed Palestinians for not wanting peace, using failed negotiations as evidence to justify its claim of being in an impossible position.

Shaykh Haitham answers 'What does Israel want?'

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In a stunning admission that shatters the credibility of their earlier reports, Israel has now revised the death toll figures from the October 7th attack.

The initial claim of 1,400 lives lost has been abruptly dropped to 1,200 – a significant discrepancy that exposes the unreliability of their own reporting.

This glaring inaccuracy is yet another example of Israel's notorious reputation in propagating misinformation. 

Previous assertions that have also been discredited:

• Claims of rape
• Allegations of torture
• Beheadings of babies

How much more of what actually happened on that day has been deliberately exaggerated or even fabricated? The integrity of Israel's reporting is in tatters. 

And if Israel can so blatantly mislead the world about such a major event, how can any of their claims be trusted?

How many more untruths are we being fed?

The distortion of facts to serve a narrative and agenda is a dangerous manipulation of public perception. The truth matters, and we must demand it.

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Today, London takes a bold stand for Palestine.
The National March for Palestine begins today, 11th November, at around 12:00pm - Hyde Park, London.
Despite the odds stacked against us – divisive rhetoric from politicians, police asked to intervene, and distorted portrayals by the mainstream media – we're showing up in large numbers because justice should never be compromised by intimidation.
It's a time to be mindful - any misstep will be capitalised upon. We can avoid negative outcomes by standing firm, peaceful, and united. 
Avoid certain groups that will be present to provoke a reaction. We won't hand them the ammunition that they seek.
Will you be there to make history?

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Politicians and the right-wing have desperately tried to stop tomorrow’s ‘Million Man March’ at Hyde Park, 12:45PM.

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With the attacks on Gaza in recent weeks we have seen and received reports of our Uyghur brothers and sisters being put under immense pressure from western pro-Zionist NGOs and even government departments not to stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

This only renews our commitment to the Uyghur cause from a true justice perspective, and reminds us that it is our duty to situate the Uyghur (and any other) cause within an Islamic paradigm, not based on personal or partisan interests of others.

To this end, we are delighted to invite supporters of the Stand4Uyghurs campaign to the launch of the UK East Turkistan Society, on the 90th anniversary of the East Turkistan Islamic Republic (1933).
The UK East Turkistan Society is founded by members of the Uyghur community living in Britain, they will be hosting a special dinner and introducing their work!

Join us to:

🔸 Hear the empowering speeches of a range of Muslim scholars and figures.
🔸 Listen to the testimonies of Uyghur survivors who hold firm onto their faith and traditions
🔸 Learn what Muslims in the UK can do to support the liberation of East Turkistan.

Speakers include:

• Ebu Bekir Hoca (Imam of Aziziye mosque)
• Sh Dr Haitham Al Haddad
• Dr Asim Qureshi (CAGE)
• Hamza Tzortzis
• Ensari Yentürk (Diyanet Müşaviri)
• Ibrahim Türkmen (Milli görüş başkani)
• Keynote speech by Shaykh Abdulkerim Karahanli (Founder of the UK East Turkistan Society)

Save the details:

🗓 Sunday 12 November 2023
🕕 5PM
📍 Aziziye Mosque (117 Stoke Newington Rd, London N16 8BU)
🥘 3-course meal

FREE but registration is necessary


Kindly confirm your attendance by filling the form below:

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Is it halal or haram to join protests?

Shaykh Dr. Sajid Umar writes,

“I have been inundated with questions and arguments about the situation, from people for and against protests, and I believe it would be beneficial for all of us to understand the matter at hand, to foster understanding of the reasoning behind the views of scholars who are for it, and those who are against it.”

Find Shaykh Dr. Sajid’s jurisprudential perspective on the question at:

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Western governments are falling over themselves to clamp down on pro-Palestine marches without looking like they’re banning the right to protest.

The UK Home Secretary has taken to calling them ‘hate marches’ whilst every minister refuses to call for a ceasefire.

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Keir Starmer has continued to face pressure and calls to resign after refusing to call for a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians.

The opposition leader is making no attempt to moderate his stance; instead, he is seeking to ‘clarify’ it, despite the significant backlash from within the Labour Party.

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As global calls for peace and justice for Gaza rise, it's crucial to protest responsibly and effectively.


- Educate Yourself: Understand the historical context of the Palestinian-Israeli issue.
- Maintain Peace: Keep actions and words respectful. Violence undermines our message.
- Comply with Local Laws: Be aware of legal guidelines for public gatherings.
- Use Impactful Imagery: Opt for signs and slogans that resonate with peace, justice, and the sanctity of human life.
- Pray for Peace: Incorporate prayers for Gaza's safety and freedom in your advocacy.


- Avoid Generalisations: Our struggle is against injustice, not a specific religion or ethnicity.
- Verify News: Don't spread unverified information.
- Keep Calm: Don't engage in confrontations; respond to anger with peace.
- Observe Segregation Guidelines: Abide by Islamic principles for gender interaction during gatherings.
- Remember the Bigger Picture: Support also involves donating to charities and ongoing prayers for Palestine.

Your actions and intentions make your advocacy for Gaza meaningful and aligned with principles of peace, knowledge, and justice.

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We have long watched the BBC’s biased coverage of Israel’s crimes against Palestine and Palestinians and questioned what we could do about it. This campaign gives concerned viewers a powerful way to show the BBC its bias will no longer be funded by our money.

Send a message to the BBC. Cancel your TV Licence today.

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🇵🇸 This Friday marks National Palestine Flag Day, an initiative by UK Muslim organisations to stand in solidarity with Palestinians and send a powerful statement to the Zionist occupation.

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This concept, often translated as "injustice" or "oppression", is a fundamental aspect of our moral framework. We maintain a strong emphasis on justice, fairness, and the avoidance and removal of Dhulm in all aspects of life.

Considering the recent injustices and brutalities that the apartheid Israeli state is proudly carrying out on innocent civilians, upholding justice, and raising awareness, has become a vital duty for us all.

Here are some practical steps we can take to as part of our role in the removal of injustice:

Be Educated on the Israeli-Palestinian Issue: We all have a responsibility of refuting erroneous claims and relentlessly conveying the reality of the terrorist state of Israel to the world. This can only be achieved by educating ourselves first.

Share and Challenge: Use your social media platforms to share the truth and respectfully challenge all forms of disinformation. This includes sharing our work and similar content with others!

Seek Updates From well-informed Islamic Platforms: As we continue to circulate all Palestine-related information and statistics, it's imperative we establish the authenticity of all reports beforehand. The bulk of mainstream western media platforms are shamelessly spreading falsified pro-Israel data and information, and this must be countered with truth.

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After President Biden cast doubt on Palestinian death counts, a detailed report from the Palestinian Ministry of Health has provided the names and ages of the victims of Israel’s airstrikes.

As Israel tonight attacks Gaza with ground forces, we draw attention to those who have enabled this genocide by downplaying the death count.

#Gaza #GazaGenocide

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The last few weeks have reminded us how difficult it can be to escape headlines that transform ideologically derived narratives into kitchen-table talking points.

The breadth of the propaganda campaign, ranging from fabricated stories of beheaded babies to dehumanising Palestinian victims of Israeli war crimes through word choice, and casting doubt on official death toll figures in Gaza, is nothing new in Western media.

In this article, Maira Mirza of Human Aid & Advocacy speaks about the truth behind Western state and media disinformation campaigns on Gaza.

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In this article, Dr. Abdulrahman El-Nounu draws parallels between the tribulations faced by the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions during the Quraysh boycott and the ongoing struggles of the people in Gaza. He recalls how the Companions braved through years of siege with barely leaves to eat, offering a narrative of resilience and Īmān amidst adversity, encouraging us to reflect on our role in current events.

A compelling read for anyone keen to understand the indomitable strength of belief in Allah that we are today witnessing in the people of Gaza.

#Gaza #Seerah

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Powerful display of unity and solidarity at yesterday’s Free Palestine march. Silence versus violence.

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The collective Western establishment might be ambivalent towards Palestine for an indefinite period, but this must not hinder Muslims from uniting to deliver a collective response.

In the second part of a series on Palestine, Abdul Hai, manager of the Islamic Literary Society, urges Muslims to hold politicians to account and to strive to transform mosques, think-tanks, and other institutions into leading centres for the development of Muslims within British society.

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📢 Don't Miss Islam21c's Annual Tour!

We're excited to invite you to an evening of empowerment this December. Join us for the Islam21c Annual Tour, featuring inspiring talks from leading scholars and activists on the theme of *Unbreakable Ummah: From Home to Palestine*. It's a special event to uplift our faith and stand united for Palestine.

🗓️ Date: 8-10 & 15-17 December
📍 Locations: East & West London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester
🍲 Includes: A delightful 3-course meal
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family-Friendly: Kids are welcome
🔸 Fully Segregated

Book your spot now at

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Medical aid has reached our survivors in Gaza.

Human Aid & Advocacy have funded the Emergency ward at Gaza since 2014, including the wages for doctors and nurses.

As the number of injured increases help provide much needed aid to our brothers and sisters in Gaza now.

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There is a seismic shift underway in the mainstream narrative that traditionally excused Israel's excesses and overlooked Palestinians.

In this week's episode of Islamic Thought by Islam21c, Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad addresses how communities, especially in the West and particularly in the US and UK, are driving this change and impacting the reality on the ground in Gaza.

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This Islamophobia Awareness Month, the UK's Muslim community is working to amplify the conversation around its effects.

Marking its 11th year, IAM2023 highlights the enduring strength and positive contributions of Muslims despite adversity.

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Islam21c has written an open letter to the FA to reconsider the stark contrast in its treatment of a footballer who voiced support for the end of Israeli occupation and its inaction over a footballer who has shown little regard for Palestinian deaths on social media.

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Is supporting international causes a risk for students?

The government’s use of the Prevent programme is making it a hostile environment for those who hold a different view on the issue of Israel's war on Gaza.

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Today, 2nd November, marks 106 years to the day since the UK Foreign Secretary wrote to Lord Rothschild and confirmed Britain’s support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

It was a conspiracy that became known as the Balfour Declaration.

Over the past 75 years, ‘incremental genocide’ has been forced upon Palestinians who have had to pay the price for Europe’s treatment of Jews.

This colonialist-created problem has imposed a narrative which, until recently, enjoyed political and mainstream media sponsorship around the world.

That support is now shifting because of the real narrative and facts entering the mainstream discourse.

Read this article by Sayf Bukhara to find out the history of the occupation and how to speak about the issue with confidence.

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From the heights of power to the depths of decline: what led to the reversal of fortunes for the Muslim world?

It’s a question often asked in amazement by students, both new and veteran of Islamic history.

Our latest article, the first of a series by Hamdija Begovic, considers the sociopolitical and spiritual factors behind this complex question, exploring historical lessons, contemporary challenges, and potential paths to revival.

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In a moment of candid reflection on his programme "Uncensored," Piers Morgan — commonly known for his divisive and contentious opinions — brought attention to a critical aspect of the Israeli-Gaza conflict.

Responding to activist Nerdeen Kiswani, Morgan conceded, 'The displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948 is the root cause of all of this.'

By doing so, Morgan acknowledged the core grievance that was the catalyst for subsequent generations of occupation, subjugation, and violence. The 1948 Nakba, or 'catastrophe' in Arabic — involved the systematic uprooting of Palestinian communities, thereby establishing the State of Israel.

More than seven decades on, the scars of this traumatic oppression have not faded. Rather, they have been exacerbated by recurrent acts of severe violence, illicit expansions of settlements, and punishing blockades.

Morgan's forthright admission underscores the entrenched nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, steeped as it is in historical injustices that call for redress. His comment implies that any viable resolution must be willing to confront these inconvenient historical realities head-on.

This straightforward observation contradicts the Israeli narrative, which often attributes the origins of the conflict solely to actions taken by Hamas. Morgan highlights that the roots of the conflict go much deeper, back to historical injustices that must be acknowledged for any meaningful resolution to occur.

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Alarming events have unfolded in the Palestinian village of Qusra in the West Bank.

A funeral convoy transporting the bodies of four Palestinians, killed in recent acts of violence by radical Israeli settlers, was ambushed.

Among the casualties were the family of Abed Wadi, a resident of Qusra. The settlers have intensified their invasions, often supported by the Israeli military. The West Bank is currently experiencing its deadliest week for Palestinians since 2005, according to the UN.
Abed Wadi received an ominous message on the day of the funeral for four of his fellow villagers.

The message showed a group of masked men posing with weapons and issuing a threat in both Hebrew and Arabic. "To all the rats in the sewers of Qusra village, we are waiting for you and we will not mourn you," it read.
The funeral was intended for three Palestinians who had been killed when Israeli settlers invaded their village and a fourth who was killed by Israeli soldiers. The procession was met with an ambush by extremist Israeli settlers, resulting in the death of Wadi's brother and nephew.
The surge in settler violence and the stealing of Palestinian land comes as the world's attention is largely on Gaza, leading to a lack of international scrutiny on the plight of West Bank Palestinians.

Illegal Israeli settlers, sometimes in military uniforms or supported by the Israeli military, have escalated their violent atrocities. According to B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights organisation, there has been a concerted effort by barbaric settlers to unlawfully seize land in the West Bank, capitalising on the distraction caused by the current conflict.
This violent subjugation starkly contradicts Israel's assertion that its acts of aggression are aimed solely at combating Hamas.

Despite the absence of a Hamas stronghold in the West Bank, the indigenous Palestinian community there has been enduring escalating levels of violence, suffering, and theft of homes and land for many years.

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At a time when the world is engrossed in the Israeli war on Gaza, Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad provides a much-needed analysis on the state of affairs.

This conflict has far-reaching implications, and is increasingly perceived in the Muslim world as a struggle between Western powers and Muslims.

The West's selective application of justice has only served to fuel this perception.

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Controversy brews as Labour leader Keir Starmer struggles to defend his views of allowing Israel to ‘defend itself’ whilst breaking international law.

After using a visit to a mosque as a photo opportunity and Muslim councillors quitting the party, Keir Starmer has today had to explain his position to Muslim Labour MPs.

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In times of tribulation and crisis, silence speaks volumes.

Our latest article considers the responsibility Muslims bear to be voices of truth and justice, and not to choose silence out of fear of 'cancel culture'.

#haqq #truthtopower

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