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“Conditions have deteriorated to the point that I believe they are dangerous...I feel that the airport authorities treat us with complete contempt.”

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Over 100 public figures have signed an open letter calling on the BBC to diversify and better engage with British Muslims.

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“We, the undersigned groups, cannot be complicit in a process that serves only to rubber stamp a fundamentally flawed strategy. We therefore announce a collective boycott of the Prevent review.”

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(Salam Media - Sponsored)

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Sh Dr Haitham al-Haddad begins a new journey based on years of researching what distinguishes successful people

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China has attacked the BBC for its extensive reporting on the plight of the Uyghurs, as well as on the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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The administration of the 46th President of the United States Joe Biden has reiterated its strong intent to close the long-opposed Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp in Cuba, following a formal review initiated on Friday.

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There are two months left till the blessed month of Ramadān!

May Allah allow us to reach it.

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِي رَجَب، وَشَعْبَانَ، وَبَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَانَ

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🇵🇰 Sh Haitham congratulates Pakistan 🇵🇰

“We would not go through the problems we are currently facing if we understood the Holy Qur’ān.”

Sh Haitham al-Haddad urges Muslim countries around the world to follow in the footsteps of Pakistan after they voted to approve the compulsory teaching of the Arabic language in the schools of Pakistan's capital.

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وَعِبَادُ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلَّذِینَ یَمۡشُونَ عَلَى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ هَوۡنࣰا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ ٱلۡجَـٰهِلُونَ قَالُوا۟ سَلَـٰمࣰا

"The 'true' servants of the most Compassionate are those who walk on the earth humbly, and when the foolish address them 'improperly', they only respond with peace."
[Surah Al-Furqan 63]

Akhlaq & Adab: A Guide to Good Manners for the 21st Century

A course that will teach you how you can leave a positive impression on everyone you meet and earn the love of Allah ﷻ.

The course uses lessons from Surah al-Hujurat to help you build good manners, show yourself in the best light possible, and build meaningful relationships.

🎙Shaykh Ali Hammuda & Ustadh Ahmed Hammuda
🗓13th February 2021 (10am-5pm)

Includes a copy of 'Behind the Apartments' authored by Ustadh Ahmed Hammuda as part of the course fee.

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PLEASE NOTE all orders placed before 10th February 2021 will receive their book before the course date.

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Egypt has reopened the only border point between the besieged Gaza Strip and the Arab Republic of Egypt – the Rafah Border Crossing.

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Vicious attacks against Muslims are on the rise, with more attacks feared

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Extraordinary times call for extraordinary parenting, writes home Educator Umm Safwan.

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Turkish minister says the United States orchestrated the failed coup d'état of 2016.

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Court rules it has jurisdiction over the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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🏁 We've sold out 🏁

In less then 48 hrs, the response of our handpicked Madinah Ajwah dates has been so overwhelming to the point we've now sold out!


Don't worry, we’ve made a much larger order for a second batch so pre-order now... whilst stocks last.

Only £23 for 1kg for some of the best Ajwa in the UK inc FREE Delivery 🚚

🔹 100% of proceeds go to Dawah projects
🔸 No order limit
🔹 Delivered 3-4 weeks before Ramadan

🛒 Order now

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Parenting Consultant Nur Choudhury distills six lessons in parenting from a profound hadith of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) with his young companion Anas b. Malik (radiy Allāhu 'anhu)

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Bilal Abdul Kareem has been freed after spending 6 months in detention in Idlib, according to CAGE's Outreach Director, Moazzam Begg.

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📢 Islam21c stock up Madinah Ajwa dates for Ramadan📢

We are excited to announce we have finally found a trusted supplier of Premium Grade-A Ajwa dates picked straight from Madinah.

WIN-WIN-WIN for all

💯 100% of proceeds go to supporting the da'wah so you get the reward of Sadaqah

♥️ You are following the Sunnah of our beloved prophet Mohammed SAW who loved Ajwa dates

😋 Enjoy Premium Grade A quality Ajwa. We have verified they are organic, freshly picked from Madinah and put through a 4 stage cleaning process.

🌗🌖🌙 Rajab is here, Sha'ban is around the corner and Ramadan is fast approaching. Stock up for your family or get the reward of gifting them to your loved ones.

"Whoever takes 7 Ajwa dates in the morning will be protected from magic or poison that day."

ONLY taking orders from London, Manchester, Hertfordshire & Birmingham.

Only £23 for 1kg for some of the best Ajwa in the UK inc FREE Delivery 🚚

🛒 Order now

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Switzerland are spending the equivalent of 300,000 Swiss Francs for every Muslim woman who wears the niqab, in order to ban it. 🤦🏽‍♂️

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During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the British media has been remarkably muted in documenting the enormous efforts by Muslims across the country who have given and continue to give an immense amount of support to those in need during these challenging and unprecedented times.

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Women experience numerous changes throughout their lives. One of the most significant of these changes is motherhood. One minute you are living your regular life, and the next you are responsible for the life of another human being.

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Today marks 72 years since one of the most influential Islamic figures of the 20th century, Hasan al-Banna (rahimahu Allāh), was assassinated by Egyptian secret police...

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Although there are decent God-fearing people amongst us, they are few and far between. Ignorance and backwardness are widespread in our communities. As Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi said, “The decline of Muslims is due not to the shortcomings in Islam but to their failure to live up to Islam."

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Sri Lankan Muslims, forced to undergo mandatory cremation after death, have regained the right to hold burials.

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Starting yesterday, the two long-time rival parties began a “national dialogue” with one another regarding the upcoming countrywide elections, the first in 15 years in the besieged nation.

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In case you haven’t heard yet Emma Barnett

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Before UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov claimed the title of the ‘Lion and Eagle of Dagestan’, there was one particular man whose legacy still resonates across the Caucasus region – a man who was greater and much more powerful in rank.

By Omar Hammuda

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The Palestinian political party Hamas has strongly criticised the US Senate for its near-unanimous Thursday evening decision to keep the US embassy in West Jerusalem.

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Olympic Committee rejects criticism despite overwhelming evidence of genocide against Uyghur Muslims.

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