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🏥 Facing Trials with a Smile 😊

Almost everyone has been touched by a trial or tragedy at this time. But how do we handle such calamities especially internally?

Shaykh Haitham gives us an important message. Listen till the end for a rewarding opportunity.

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Rеѕеаrсh ѕuggеѕtѕ that boredom іѕ a good thing аѕ іt еnсоurаgеѕ children tо соmе uр wіth ѕоlutіоnѕ. Boredom саn ѕраrk сrеаtіvіtу аnd іѕ a роwеrful tool that teaches children to ѕоlvе рrоblеmѕ. It also builds a self-awareness and allows them to bе соmfоrtаblе and satisfied wіth their own соmраnу. All of these are skіllѕ that will help thеm well into adulthood, writes Parenting Consultant Nur Choudhury

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"Your life in every way should become a beacon of guidance and it should become a means for Dawah."


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A large number of international scholarly bodies and organisations have convened and released a joint statement condemning the French government’s foolhardy pursuit of forcing the crassly titled “Charter of Principles” down the throats of masājid and a’immah across France.

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🎙️ Can PS5 be ibadah?? | Yusha Evans 🎙️

Did you know that there is a Muslim GAMERS League? 🎮

Yusha Evans is on this week's Unscripted podcast talking about a truly dynamic form of Dawah happening in a growing space not many people know about!


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Aleppo Needs Us

An urgent message from Sh Haitham about our brothers and sisters in Northern Syria.

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An Egyptian animation artist and dentist has been arrested by authorities after being accused of spreading false information and allegedly misusing social media.

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Kaplan is a professional hacker and former member of the notorious Israeli Unit 8200, which is well-documented to have been behind the mass surveillance, systematic discrimination, and blackmail of innocent Palestinian citizens.

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Don't forget to fast this week!

1) Monday 25th of January (Sunnah Fast)

2) Tuesday 26th of January (13th of Jumada al-Thani)

3) Wednesday 27th of January (14th of Jumada al-Thani)

4) Thursday 28th of January (15th of Jumada al-Thani / Sunnah Fast)

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

“Fasting three days of each month is fasting for a lifetime, and ayyam al-beed are the 13th, 14th and 15th.” - [An-Nasa’i, (2420)]

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Izz ad-Din al-Qassam was a key resistance figure in the 1921 Syrian revolt against the French rule of Greater Syria after World War I. Whilst in Palestine, he preached to the lower classes, gathering a large following among landless ex-tenant farmers who had lost their livelihoods due to purchases of agricultural land by the Jewish National Fund.

Al-Qassam devoted himself to moral reform, encouraging the community to keep regular prayer, to maintain the Ramadan fast, and to stop gambling and drinking. His campaign was so successful that those among the townspeople who were not noticeably pious either reformed or began to conform to shari’a standards in public.


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Fatima Al-Fihri: The Muslimah Who Established The World’s First University

In the Moroccan city of Fez, Fatima al-Fihri founded a Mosque which developed into the famous University of al-Qarawiyyin. Today it is recognised as the oldest existing university in the world.

Established in the year 859, the University of al-Qarawiyyin was the first degree-granting educational institute in the world (as recognised by UNESCO and Guinness World Records). It became a notable intellectual hub and taught a range of subjects including history, linguistics, theology, and astronomy.


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Hasan al-Banna was a school teacher, Imām and well-known for establishing one of the most influential and significant Islamic revivalist organisations, al–Ikhwān al–Muslimūn (Muslim Brotherhood).

The vast majority of Islamic and political movements around the world have been impacted by the Muslim Brotherhood in one way or another and its academic, humanitarian and political institutions branch throughout the entire world.

The Muslim Brotherhood alone held at one point 20% of Egypt’s 5,000 non-government organisations, serving the poorest through a system of wide-ranging social programmes. 


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🎙️ Did you know learning history brings many people to Islam? 🎙️

On this week’s Unscripted we’re joined by a pair of history communicators, Dr Stef Keris and Abu Zakariya. They talk about the problem with “hero” discourse, history as a tool for power, the importance of learning our history, and of course: GIANTS of Islam.


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🎙️ Are there any countries without Muslims? 🎙️

Muslims are everywhere says Dr Stef Keris, even where you'd least expect it 👀

Watch him and Abu Zakariya in this sneak peek from our upcoming Unscripted Podcast by Islam21c.


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Izetbegović was an immensely influential politician, lawyer, and author who lived to write several books, most notably Islam Between East and West and the Islamic Declaration which carried his views on the place of Islam in the modern and westernised world.

He is fondly remembered by his people by the name ‘Dedo’, which means grandfather in Bosnian. His mark on the nation will never be forgotten, and his reputation and legacy are honoured around the world. Today, almost two decades after his death, it is worth revisiting how this great man lived.


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“Appointing Shawcross to lead a review into Prevent is like appointing Harvey Weinstein to lead a review into sexual harassment.”

- Dr Abdul Wahid

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The four-year-old is one of more than 600 children under six referred to the widely discredited and toxic Prevent strategy.

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🎙️ Did you know there's a Muslim Gamers League? 🎙️

Did you know there's a Muslim Gamer League? 👾 You’ll be surprised to hear who runs it!

Salman talks to the man himself, Yusha Evans on this week's episode.


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Realise who you are: a dignified human being and a servant of Al-Karīm, a name of which one of the meanings is the Honoured One. Beware of abasing yourself with a dirty habit, shady business, private conversation, compromising clothing, or careless lifestyle. You know all too well the consequences of such abasement: a humiliating dismantlement of one’s karīm-sense of self.

By Ustadh Ali Hammuda

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Former charity commissioner and director of neoconservative right-wing think-tank has a history of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim derogatory remarks.

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As part of our 'Muslim Legends' series, Moazzam Begg writes on the life and legacy of Zaynab al-Ghazali and why you need to know about her

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Jahangeer Akhtar, CEO of READ Foundation, shares a touching account of how he came face-to-face with death and had a startling realisation...

⚠️ Caution: read with some tissues

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In ongoing defiance of its legal and moral obligations as an “occupying power”, the Zionist state of 'Israel' continues to reject that it must provide coronavirus vaccinations to Palestinians living in occupied territories.

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Abul-A’la Mawdudi was a scholar, journalist, thinker and politician who devoted his life for the revival of Islam in the Indian subcontinent post British colonisation. He played an active role in cultivating the lost dignity and self-respect of Muslims and eventually established the ‘Jamaat-e-Islami’ – a political party and organisation created to uphold and educate Muslims in accordance to Islamic values.

In addition to the numerous literary and scholarly works including ‘Tafheem al Qur’an’ and ‘Seerah of the Prophet’; he expounded systematic ideas to challenge the status quo of secularism by introducing a unique Islamic political system and an Islamic constitution.


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Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and his humble students gave their lives to plant a seed from which Turkey still enjoys the fruits; the seed of a true Islamic revival.

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NEW Vacancy at Islam21c – Community Fundraising Officer

Want to apply yourself in the Dawah?

Join Islam21c and build a strong, confident community based around orthodox Islamic values and help us reach more Muslims with the true message of Islam.

We’re looking for applicants with prior sales, fundraising or communications backgrounds, or aspiring candidates who seek to build their careers in the third sector.

Apply Now:

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Maryam Jameelah was a convert from Judaism to Islam in 1961 who became a spokesperson for Islam, defending Muslim beliefs against Western criticism and championing Muslim causes.

The American born wrote over thirty books on Islam, focusing on the debate between Islam and the West, offering a revivalist critique of Christianity, Judaism, secular Western thought, and Islamic modernism.


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Syed Qutb was born in 1906 in the Egyptian town of Musha, where he memorised the Qur’ān at the age of 10, before relocating to Cairo and earning a degree in literature. Qutb devoted himself to authorship and literature, and from a young age would amass books and scholarly work and borrow from shopkeepers when he could not afford these books.

He settled on becoming one of the most important inspirers of Islamic political activism in Egypt and across the world, and of the most famous theologians and thinkers in contemporary history.


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Tariq ibn Ziyad — The conqueror of Spain

When Tariq ibn Ziyad found the Muslim ranks slightly nervous in the face of the large enemy in front of them, he ordered the ships to be burned and then delivered the historic and stirring address to the Mujahideen.

The two armies met at the battlefield of Guadalete where King Roderic was defeated and killed on Ramadan 28, 92 AH.

As a result of Muslim rule, Spain became a beacon of art, science and culture for Europe. Mosques, palaces, gardens, hospitals and libraries were built. Canals were repaired and new ones were dug. Andalus, as Spain was called by Muslims, became the granary of the West.


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Every architect has set parameters with which they work by, and they accept that their designs will have flaws and limitations. However, this does not apply to Allāh.

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