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🎙️ Did you know learning history brings many people to Islam? 🎙️

On this week’s Unscripted we’re joined by a pair of history communicators, Dr Stef Keris and Abu Zakariya. They talk about the problem with “hero” discourse, history as a tool for power, the importance of learning our history, and of course: GIANTS of Islam.


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🎙️ Are there any countries without Muslims? 🎙️

Muslims are everywhere says Dr Stef Keris, even where you'd least expect it 👀

Watch him and Abu Zakariya in this sneak peek from our upcoming Unscripted Podcast by Islam21c.


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Izetbegović was an immensely influential politician, lawyer, and author who lived to write several books, most notably Islam Between East and West and the Islamic Declaration which carried his views on the place of Islam in the modern and westernised world.

He is fondly remembered by his people by the name ‘Dedo’, which means grandfather in Bosnian. His mark on the nation will never be forgotten, and his reputation and legacy are honoured around the world. Today, almost two decades after his death, it is worth revisiting how this great man lived.


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The 'Lion of the Desert' etched his name in the annals of history when he valiantly defended his people, their property and honour by engaging the noble concept of Jihād against the brute of European colonialism.

Omar Mukhtar was deeply concerned about the occupation of their land which had been forcibly and inhumanly taken away from them. After 20 years of resisting and inflicting severe defeats and setbacks to their unwanted European invaders, Allāh sought to elevate Omar’s rank in the hereafter (inshā’Allāh) and immortalise his heroic status in this earthly life when He, in His wisdom permitted that Omar be captured and wounded by Italian colonial forces in 1931.


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NEW Vacancy at Islam21c – Community Fundraising Officer

Do you have excellent communication skills, sales or fundraising experience and want to inspire confidence and create impact?

Join Islam21c today! Click the link below for the full job description.

Applications close: 28th February 2021

🔗 Apply Now:

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Sh Ali Hammuda introduces a new collaborative series with Dr Uthman Lateef, Ust Fatima Barkatulla, Sh Bilal Ismail, Moazzam Begg, Dilly Hussain, and many more on a very important theme

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Alliance of global civil societies lead first pushback against French crackdown of Muslims in France.

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🎙️ Is the Arab Spring Dead or Alive? | Unscripted #73 🎙️

Exactly ten years ago this week Ben Ali was toppled in Tunisia, heralding a "world-changing" succession of dictators falling in what became known as the Arab Spring.

But what happened?

In this week's Unscripted podcast we are joined by two special guests with a deep understanding of the topic: Jalal Ouerghi, a leader of Tunisia's ruling Ennahda Party; and Anas Altikriti, founder and CEO of the Cordoba Foundation think-tank.


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“Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January through 20 January...”

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Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhi rājiʿūn. Indeed, to Allāh we belong, and to Him we are returning.

It is with deep sadness that we inform our readers that Shaykh Dr Muhammad Salah’s father has passed away to meet his Lord subḥānahu wa taʿālā.

May Allāh expand his grave, shower His infinite mercy upon him, forgive his sins, and grant his family patience.

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Rare picture of the funeral prayer of the great Muslim thinker and scholar Syed Abu Al-A'la Al-Maududi in September 1979 in the Lahore City Stadium, led by the world-renowned Egyptian born scholar, Prof Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.

Maulana Maududi influenced millions of people across the globe, including many scholars, Islamic organisations and political parties.

With this in mind, stay tuned because the coming week is going to be a special one...

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“Not only is this seen as a positive move following the reconciliation declaration that was signed in Al-Ula last week between Qatar and the former blockading countries, the resumption of flights between destinations is something that is extremely welcomed.”

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Government accused by rights groups of discrimination against Palestinians for denying access to much-needed jabs.

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Did you know 'Umar b. al Khattab was accused of burning down the Alexandrian Library?

Read the full article here:

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"Trump amassed a staggering 85 million ‘followers’ on the site and consistently releasing outright falsehoods and highly inaccurate statements that his supporters often took as gospel..."

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Syed Qutb was born in 1906 in the Egyptian town of Musha, where he memorised the Qur’ān at the age of 10, before relocating to Cairo and earning a degree in literature. Qutb devoted himself to authorship and literature, and from a young age would amass books and scholarly work and borrow from shopkeepers when he could not afford these books.

He settled on becoming one of the most important inspirers of Islamic political activism in Egypt and across the world, and of the most famous theologians and thinkers in contemporary history.


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Tariq ibn Ziyad — The conqueror of Spain

When Tariq ibn Ziyad found the Muslim ranks slightly nervous in the face of the large enemy in front of them, he ordered the ships to be burned and then delivered the historic and stirring address to the Mujahideen.

The two armies met at the battlefield of Guadalete where King Roderic was defeated and killed on Ramadan 28, 92 AH.

As a result of Muslim rule, Spain became a beacon of art, science and culture for Europe. Mosques, palaces, gardens, hospitals and libraries were built. Canals were repaired and new ones were dug. Andalus, as Spain was called by Muslims, became the granary of the West.


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Every architect has set parameters with which they work by, and they accept that their designs will have flaws and limitations. However, this does not apply to Allāh.

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OVER 10 million people are said to have accepted Islam through his efforts in Africa.

Dr ‘Abdur Rahman As-Sumayt spent around 30 years in the continent, giving everything that Allah had placed under his disposal for the sake of the deen. Through his efforts, many became Muslim, including tribal leaders, priests, bishops, and tens of thousands from tribes that became Muslim in their entirety!


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As China gears up to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, the Chinese Community Party (CCP) is about to feel the heat as campaigners for Uyghur rights across the world come together to pressure multinational corporations into thinking twice about cooperating with the CCP.

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This Week: Giants of Islam

This week on Islam21c we’re focusing on Giants of Islam, a collaborative exploration of many Muslim Legends, mostly from modern history, so that we can learn lessons from inspirational people who we can relate to in particular.

We’ve particularly focused on men and women who aren’t that well known to many of us, from various regions, schools of thought, and reasons we need to know about them.

Subscribe to our mailing list to be at the front of the queue when this content drops

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When we come across verses that end with the names of Allāh – and many a times the verse ends with a pair of names – we should not just simply read them and move on. Rather, we should stop and analyse them in order to understand why Allāh paired those specific two names together rather than providing a different combination. By doing this, we will be able to internalise the names of Allāh within our lives.

Read the full article here:

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Israel is refusing to provide the vaccine to the millions of Palestinians it is forcefully ruling over.

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Border agencies say goods are made by detained Uyghur Muslims forced into slave labour

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“The evidence of the scale and the severity of the human rights violations being perpetrated in Xinjiang against the Uyghur Muslims is now far-reaching, and it paints a truly harrowing picture."

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📱 Not many people know but a LOT of apps come pre-installed with sexually explicit material, warns Islam21c’s Tech Manager Zishan Khan. Here’s what you can do about it.

Read the full article here:

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The UK foreign secretary is expected to announce plans ‘to ban’ Chinese imports as it further cracks down on the Communist regime for its ongoing oppression of the Uyghurs.

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If one is required to leave so much of their self at the door before stepping in to ‘represent’ their community, how impactful and authentic can such representation actually be?

By Zimarina Sarwar

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🔊 Join us at Ayaan Institute's Inaugural Virtual Conference! 🔊

The virtual conference will discuss the major themes of their recently published report "Creating a new Civilisation of Islam."

With esteemed panelists including:

🔹 Sh Yasir Qadhi
🔹 Sh Omar Suleiman
🔹 Jahangir Mohammad - Co-Founder of Ayaan Institute & author of “Creating a New Civilization of Islam."
🔹 Yahya Birt - Research Director at Ayaan Institute

🗓️ Thursday 14th jan 2021
🕕 6pm GMT
📍 Online Virtual Conference
🆓 Register for FREE on the link below

Spaces ARE limited - and going FAST!

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The Secretary of State for Education has been accused of illegally interfering in the right to free speech, as well as meddling in the affairs of autonomous places of further education in the UK.

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