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IoTeX Official Group.

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IoTeX Official Group

I removed my io pay wallet and installed it again but it shows my funds zero , whereas i had about 2000 iotex
you can check it out here

What's the problem?

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IoTeX Official Group


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IoTeX Official Group

Kindly hold on while @zimne & @jrynkiew respond to you.

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IoTeX Official Group

I tried sending request manually through postman, in that case I received the reply, but I am not sure, if it is correct

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IoTeX Official Group

Why bitget withdrawal is still blocked for iotex ?

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IoTeX Official Group

Which project supports liquid staking on iotex?

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IoTeX Official Group

What error do you encounter?

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IoTeX Official Group

They have team members answering in their chat /channel/cyclonegroup, so you can contact them and ask for future plans.

Yes, for now there is no visual activity, but their team is still working

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IoTeX Official Group

No any update on 2023

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IoTeX Official Group

That drip through which we got different tokens for the users who were burn drop eligible and needed to activate after 30 days

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IoTeX Official Group

Scammer! Please report and block! Real admins/moderators/team member will never pm you first! And all official support can be done only in our official channels!

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IoTeX Official Group

Hi, is the drip still working?

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IoTeX Official Group

Import your trust wallet to iopay ( and withdraw without error.

Here is a guard:

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IoTeX Official Group

Who knows, what's the problem?

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IoTeX Official Group

Hi friends
I can't withdraw my iotx from trust wallet.i received error

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IoTeX Official Group

The best thing you could do is print out all variable and all response in your code to the serial output in between functions to identify where the error is

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IoTeX Official Group

At what step exactly are you getting the error? Any screenshots?

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IoTeX Official Group

if this error was after importing from trust wallet to iopay then I guess you should give it time as team are actively working with trust wallet.

stay tuned for further instruction.

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IoTeX Official Group

#include <Arduino.h>

#ifdef ESP32
#include <WiFi.h>
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#ifdef SAMD21G18A
#include <WiFiNINA.h>

#include <map>
#include "IoTeX-blockchain-client.h"
#include "secrets.h"
#include "abi.h"

constexpr const char ip[] = IOTEX_GATEWAY_IP;
constexpr const int port = IOTEX_GATEWAY_PORT;
constexpr const char wifiSsid[] = SECRET_WIFI_SSID;
constexpr const char wifiPass[] = SECRET_WIFI_PASS;

// Create the IoTeX client connection
Connection<Api> connection(ip, port, "");

// Enum that represents the status of the lock
enum LockStatus { LOCK_OPEN, LOCK_CLOSED };

// The address
const char contractAddress[] = SECRET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_IO;

// The address which performs the action
const char fromAddress[] = IOTEX_ADDRESS_IO;

// The contract object
Contract contract(abiJson);

// The call data
String callData = "";
ParameterValuesDictionary params;

// The execution action
Execution execution;

void initWiFi()
#if defined(ESP32)
#define LED_BUILTIN 2
WiFi.begin(wifiSsid, wifiPass);
Serial.print(F("Connecting to WiFi .."));
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println(F("Connected. IP: "));

void setup()
IotexHelpers.setModuleLogLevel("HTTP", IotexLogLevel::DEBUG);

#if defined(SAMD21G18A)
delay(5000); // Delay for 5000 seconds to allow a serial connection to be established

// Connect to the wifi network

// Set the lock pin to out
digitalWrite(LOCK_PIN, LOW);

contract.generateCallData("isOpen", params, callData);

// Print the info
Serial.print("Calling isOpen on contract ");
Serial.print("with data: 0x");

// Create the execution action = callData;
strcpy(execution.contract, contractAddress);

void loop()
// Read the contract
ReadContractResponse response;
ResultCode result = connection.api.wallets.readContract(execution, fromAddress, 200000, &response);
Serial.print("Result : ");
Serial.print("Return data: ");

// Decode the data
Serial.println("Decoding the data...");
bool isOpen = decodeBool(;
if (result != ResultCode::SUCCESS)
Serial.println("Failed to decode data");
String status = isOpen == true ? "OPEN" : "CLOSED";
Serial.println("Status read from blockchain is: " + status);

// Open or close the lock based on the value we have read from the contract
SetLockStatus(isOpen ? LockStatus::LOCK_OPEN : LockStatus::LOCK_CLOSED);

// Poll the status every second

void SetLockStatus(LockStatus status)
int pinStatus = LOW;
if (status == LockStatus::LOCK_OPEN)
pinStatus = HIGH;
digitalWrite(LOCK_PIN, pinStatus);

So this is the code, I have complied and uploaded on ESP32 with Arduino IDE, this project has 2 more files, secrets.h and abi.h(can be found on the above link)

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IoTeX Official Group

Yes, here is what you need to know about iotex liquid staking.

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IoTeX Official Group

You can check this governance proposal where IoTeX community members voted for Tokenimics updates which include AirDrips changes

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IoTeX Official Group

the withdrawal problem from the trust wallet is not solved,

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IoTeX Official Group

Yes scammer
Admins/team members WILL NEVER DM FIRST or call you. If you have any problems related to IoTeX, don't be shy to ask here or in the support channel. Wait for us to respond.

Be careful of any dodgy websites offering quick fix for your wallet, or airdrops, there's no such thing at the moment and again verify with us first.

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IoTeX Official Group

No, not dead, all official updates from their side you can find in official channels /channel/cycloneprotocol &;t=5pTQjYneaH_Evxx1erg7Jw

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IoTeX Official Group

What drip are you asking?

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IoTeX Official Group

Cyclone protocol is a dead?

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IoTeX Official Group

Same error,when I wanted to send to iopay

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IoTeX Official Group

Sure. Team are already working on resolving this issues ASAP. Atm this is workable.

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IoTeX Official Group

Yes, all users have this problem, I hope dear friends and admins will help to solve this problem and solve the worries of all users in the world.

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IoTeX Official Group

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