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☝️Group rules 👥 Only learning IELTS and chatting in English with others 💂‍♂️Be respect with others If you speak or practise with others more , you get success quickly in your career 💲💲 Official channel : 👉 @Professotbot

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IELTS online chat

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Using our certificate u can apply for everywhere jobs, student visa, embassy attestation, we also provide embassy attestation legally for our clients

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Ready for IELTS 📀
Second Edition - Audios


🆔 @IELTSBURG 📻 #IELTS #audio

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📔 Ready for IELTS 2nd Edition

📓Student's Book Pack with Answers

👤 Sam McCarter


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Test yechishga yordam bervoringlar

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Bitta yordam kerak edi

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Talk about World Cup in 6 minutes!

@IELTSBURG 📻 #BBC #audio

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IELTS Cambridge 15 Academic with answers

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Check this channel
Learn English with tv series
It was the best channel to learn English

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1) Introduction
-Thesis statement- Your strong opinion.

Body-1 They can be good role models✅
a) They motivate numerous youngersters with their victories.
b) They can propagate healthy life style and healthy life style leads to health generation.
+Examples; Ronaldo, Muhammad Ali and etc.

Body-2 Opposite side✅
a) Some professional athletes have moral decadence, they may be good in their sport field, but celebrity makes them uppish in social life.
b) renowned professional athletes mostly spend their time on advertisement and social media rather than focusing on young generation.

Conclusion-mention both sides briefly and state your strong opinion.

Additionally, you can also develop these ideas if you wish...

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Hello everyone, those who are interested in getting their writing tasks and speaking interviews assessed, feel free to contact me via personal message.
Services include:
⁃ 1 month course/ 2 month course
⁃ Assessment of speaking and writing tasks
⁃ Grammar-focused sessions

Aim Higher

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​​Demystifying English Language Requirement - IELTS

Many think that the higher your IELTS score, the higher the chance to get admitted to a Masters programme and win scholarship. Such a misleading thinking, in turn, misconstrues and overestimates the weight and value of the test to the overall application package. While in reality, IELTS is no more than a test that shows your ability to study in English - read, listen, write and speak - and succesfully graduate from the programme you are applying for. Why then different programmes require different IELTS scores? It depedents on the programme and its prestige. For instance, Oxford and Columbia require 7.5 overall IELTS score, as they are top universities in the world; while less prestigious universities, say, Bristol or Birmingham, require 6.0 overall IELTS score.

Thus, when they ask you to submit IELTS with 6.0 and 5.5 each component, it would be enough to meet these requirements, while gaining stronger IELTS would not maximise your chance of getting into a programme, unless it is specified that higher score gives an edge for applicants. That is why, if you have 6.5 IELTS, which meets the requirements of the programme you are applying for, do not spend extra money and time to score more, as it will not give any weight to your overall application package! Having IELTS 9.0 merely demonstrates your excellent command of English, while the admission committee values your knowledge, motivation and commitment to the area you want to specialise in during your studies!

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A New Approach to My Channel
I've analysed several scholarship/grant portals and channels, but I found no use in following them, as the predominant majority of them merely provide links for scholarships. Thus, I decided that if I share a scholarship programme, I will either explain/analise strategies on how to win it or provide useful external sources. If you remember, I shared a link for UGRAD exchange programme in the US, so please find below attached links for succesful essays and video materials.

Bir qancha grantlarga oid telegram kanal va boshqa manbalarni tahlil qilib, ulardan zarrachayam foyda ko'rmadim. Shuni inobatga olgan holda, men kanalimda na faqat grantning ssilkasini joylashtiraman, balki unga qo'ldan kelgancha taxlil berishga yoki mavjud bo'lgan va taxlil qilingan materiallarni ulashishga harakat qilaman. Esingizda bo'lsa, talabalar almashuvi programmasi bo'yicha UGRADning ssilkasini joylashturudim, bugun esa uning taxlili va shu grantni yutganlarni insholarini ulashyapman.





👉 @grant_detective

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Road to IELTS - верный способ взять быка за рога и подготовиться к сдаче IELTS как следует.💪🏻

Этот популярный онлайн-курс Британского совета включает в себя:

🌀онлайн-ресурсы для Академического и Общеобразовательного модулей IELTS;
🌀видео с подсказками от предыдущих кандидатов;
🌀консультации педагогов, где тебе расскажут, что лучше делать, а чего стоит избегать во время экзамена;
🌀тренировочные тесты на время.

Хочешь сдать IELTS так, что даже ты удивишься результату?😏
Тогда вперед на Road to IELTS!🇬🇧

Подробнее о курсе читай по ссылке.

Курс Road to IELTS доступен как бесплатно, так и платно с дополнительными возможностями.👌🏻


Road to IELTS - buqani shoxidan ushlab, IELTS imtihoniga munosib tayyorgarlik ko'rishning to'g'ri usuli.

Ushbu Britaniya Kengashining mashhur onlayn kursiga quyidagilar kiradi:

🌀 Akademik va umumiy ta'lim IELTS modullari uchun onlayn resurslar;
🌀 Avvalgi nomzodlardan tavsiyalar berilgan video;
🌀 O'qituvchilarning maslahatlari, bu yerda ular sizga nima qilish kerakligi va imtihon paytida nimadan qochish kerakligini aytib berishadi;
🌀 Belgilangan vaqtda mashg'ulot sinovlari.

IELTS'ni xatto o'zingizni lol qoldiruvchi natijada topshirishni xohlaysizmi? 😏
Unda Road to IELTS'ga olg'a! 🇬🇧

Kurs haqida ko'proq ma'lumotni havola orqali o'qing.

Road to IELTS kursi ham bepul, ham qo'shimcha funksiyalar bilan mavjud.

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Смотря на твое усердство

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Is anyone here preparing for IELTS?

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#IELTS #Listening

Author: Alexander Ulugbekovich
Confirm ownership for additional features

To read the English text of the topic: 👉 🏻
masofatalim/list.recording" rel="nofollow">

To read the Uzbek text of the topic: 👉 🏻
masofatalim/list-recording" rel="nofollow">

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Ready for IELTS
Second Edition



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If you intend to improve your level of knowledge of English through listening (listening), please visit this site. On the site are located BBC podcasts, where the sound quality is extremely high. You can play online if you want by downloading and if you want.

If this is news for you, send it to your readers and student acquaintances, of course! After all, they have long been looking for this site. 😉


🆔 @IELTSBURG 📻 #BBC #podcast

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Assalomu alaykum qanaqa yordam

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Talk about World Cup in 6 minutes!


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Talk about World Cup in 6 minutes!

@IELTSBURG 📻 #BBC #video

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Before you listen you are always given some time (20-30 seconds) for preparation:

🔴 Try and predict what the answers will be. This will help you focus your mind as you read the questions before you hear the recording and enable you to make better guesses. Ask yourself the following questions:

🔵 What is the subject of the answer?
F.ex: is it a name, a date, a country?

🔵What word fits grammatically?
Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb?

🔵What is the function of the answer?
F.ex: is it a comparison, a list, an instruction, a label, a question?

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thank you so much)))

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I need I am lack of ideas from writing task 2 ...So can you guys help me ?

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Problem solution or discussion?

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Heeey guys How are you ?

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Послушать бы сейчас музыку или фильм посмотреть, но надо английским позаниматься...🙄

Зачем выбирать?
Заходи на платформу The English Channel и учи язык через искусство Великобритании!🇬🇧

На платформе 2 раздела:

🌀Learn English - здесь собраны видео о современном британском искусстве с интерактивными упражнениями, фильмы, музыка и видео с жизненными историями.

🌀Build Career Skills - здесь много полезных видео для студентов, молодых специалистов и предпринимателей. Видео полны мотивации и полезных советов, которые помогут расширить знания и прокачать бизнес-навыки.💪🏻

Что там классного?
👉🏻Бесплатный доступ.
👉🏻Ресурсы высокого качества.
👉🏻Возможность отслеживать свой прогресс и получать сертификаты Британского консульства.

Как от такого можно отказаться?😏
Скорее топай по ссылке и регистрируйся на The English Channel.


Hozir musiqa tinglasam yoki kino ko'rsaydim, lekin ingliz tilini o'rganishim kerak ... 🙄

Tanlashning nima keragi bor?
The English Channel kanaliga kiring va Buyuk Britaniyaning san'ati orqali tilni o'rganing! 🇬🇧
Aslida, bu tuyulganidan ancha qiziqroq.
Zo'r nimasi bor?
👉🏻 Bepul kirish.
👉🏻 Yuqori sifatli manbalar.
👉🏻 O'z yutuqlaringizni kuzatib borish va Buyuk Britaniya kengashidan sertifikatlar olish imkoniyati.

Platformada ikkita bo'lim mavjud:

🌀 Learn English - u o'z ichiga ingliz tilidagi zamonaviy Britaniya san'ati haqidagi interfaol mashqlar, filmlar, musiqa va hayotiy hikoyalarni olgan.

🌀Build Career Skills - Bu yerda talabalar, yosh mutaxassislar va tadbirkorlar uchun juda ko'plab foydali videolar mavjud. Videolavhalar bilimlaringizni kengaytirish va ishbilarmonlik mahoratingizni oshirishga yordam beradigan turtki va foydali maslahatlarga to'la.

Qanday qilib bunday narsadan voz kechish mumkin?
Tezroq havola bo'ylab o'ting va The English Channel'dan ro'yxatdan o'ting.

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Hello do you face difficulties in obtaining your NCLEX, IELTS, PTE, TOEFL,OET,SAT, MRCS,MRCP , CFA certificate, we are here to help you obtain your certificate with your desired score with or without sitting for the test we can also help you to update your score if you didn't score well in your previous exams,we can also help you with leaked questions or answers sheets for your upcoming exam date we can also help you in obtaining your visa to your desired country for more infor
WhatsApp : +13216211124

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Anyone have makkar final version pdf not first only final?

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Не хватает энтузиазма в подготовке к IELTS - смотри историю успеха Улугбека Хамдамова!😏

Он получил IELTS 8, выиграл IELTS Prize £3000 и сейчас учится в Южной Корее.😎

Читай статью и узнаешь, как Улугбеку это удалось. Заодно вдохновишься на усердную учебу.😉

Читайте его рассказ по ссылке.


IELTS'ga tayyorgarlik ko'rishga g'ayrat yetishmayaptimi - Ulug'bek Hamdamovning muvaffaqiyat tarixini ko'ring! 😏

U IELTS 8'ni, IELTS Prize £3000 oldi va hozirda Janubiy Koreyada tahsil olmoqda.😎

Havola orqali o’tib o’qing va Ulug'bek qanday uddalaganini bilib oling. Shu bilan birga, qattiq o'qishga ilhom olasiz.😉

Uning hikoyasini bu yerda o'qing.

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