💥 Nest Egg:
Savings set aside for future use.
💥 Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You:
Don't hurt anyone that helps you.
💥 New kid on the block:
Someone new to the group or area.
💥 New York Minute:
A minute that seems to go by quickly, especially in a fast paced environment.
💥 No Dice:
To not agree. To not accept a proposition.
💥 No Room to Swing a Cat:
An unsually small or confined space.
💥 Not Playing With a Full Deck:
Someone who lacks intelligence.
16 ways to use the word WAY in English. Idioms and expressions with WAY.
part 4
16 ways to use the word WAY in English. Idioms and expressions with WAY.
✅ Cook the books
👉 To change fact.
✅ Be cooking with gas
👉 To be doing something very well.
✅ Cook something up
👉 Invent something.
✅ Call something into play
👉 To make use of something.
✅ Call it a day
👉 To decide or agree to stop doing something.
✅ Call a shots/tune
👉 To be a person who controls a situation.
✅ A devil of a job.
👉 A very difficult job.
✅ Do the job.
👉 To be successful in doing what you want.
✅ Hope springs external.
👉People never stop hoping.
✅ Make good
👉 To become rich and successful.
✅ In two shakes
👉 Very soon
20 Amazing Animal Idioms in English
Part 1
1️⃣fish for something - to try to get information from someone.
2️⃣a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle(slogan) - a feminist slogan, suggesting that men are superfluous to women's needs.
3️⃣teach fish to swim(proverb)- tell someone something which he/she has already known.
4️⃣beat a dead horse - to continue fighting a battle that has been won.
5️⃣horse trade - to bargain in a hard and skillful way.
6️⃣as weak as a kitten - weak, sickly.
7️⃣a fraidy-cat - someone who is easily frightened.
8️⃣in a pig's eye - unlikely.
9️⃣make an ass of yourself - if you behave so stupidly that you appear ridiculous, you make an ass of yourself.
🔟bee's knees - to say that someone/something is the bee's knees means that you think they are exceptionally good.
16 ways to use the word WAY in English. Idioms and expressions with WAY.
16 ways to use the word WAY in English. Idioms and expressions with WAY.
My computer shut down unexpectedly while I was writing that essay, and I had to start again from scratch.