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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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📚07 Handy Colour Idioms.

Life is colourful and in English, we have idioms related to colours that will improve your English fluency and make your speak English confidently.They are fun to learn and easy to use.

1⃣) Born with a silver spoon
✅ Someone who is born into a rich family. Has all the wealth and privilege.
Example 🔹 John can afford to go to the medical college, he was born with a silver spoon.

2⃣) To catch someone red handed
✅To catch someone doing something wrong or illegal or private.
Example 🔹I boyfriend is cheating on, so she is planning to follow him and catch him red handed.

3⃣) White lie
✅ Innocent lie to protect another person’s feelings.
Example 🔹 We told Sharon that her chicken pie was delicious, which was actually a white lie.

4⃣) Tickled pink
✅ To be very pleased or delighted by someone or something.
Example 🔹 I was tickled pink to receive flowers from my husband.

5⃣) Yellow-bellied
✅Someone who is extremely timid or coward
Example🔹Ron is yellow bellied and is never willing to fight for what is right.

6⃣) Talk a blue streak
✅ To talk too much and rapidly
Example🔹 She talked a blue streak all night long.

7⃣) Black sheep of a family
✅ A person who is a disgrace to a family or a group.
Example 🔹Sam is a black sheep of the family. He’s always in trouble with the cops.

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Idiom of the Day

✳️in a nutshell

☑️Meaning: You can say "in a nutshell" if you're about to describe something as briefly as possible, or you're going to sum something up.
For example:

🔹It's a very complex situation, but the problem is, in a nutshell, a lack of sales.

🔹The president's in trouble and the reason, in a nutshell, is that people no longer trust him.


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💥To sit down with.
☑️This means to spend time with someone in order to discuss something.

💥I'm screwed.
☑️This means that one is doomed, is in big trouble, or has made a huge mistake.

💥I'll bet.
☑️This is a hyperbolic or sarcastic way of saying "certainly" or "of course".

💥Who knows.
☑️This is a hyperbolic or sarcastic way of saying "I don't have any idea or clue".

💥This is a piece of cake!
☑️This means a task will be easy.

💥Put your eye on it.
☑️This means to watch or monitor something or a person/persons closely and carefully.

💥Wear your heart on your sleeve, To air your dirty laundry.
☑️This means to be open, maybe too open, about your feelings in the public, or to talk to other people about personal things that you should keep private.


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⭕️Top 10 Most Common Idiomatic Expressions with ‘Like’

💥Sleep like a log
✅Sleep very deeply, sleep very well

💥Sell like hotcakes
✅Sell very well, very quickly

💥Like a fish out of water
✅Completely out of place, not belonging at all

💥Feel like a million
✅Feel very happy

💥Like a bump on a log
✅Do not react in a useful of helpful way to the activities around them

💥Read someone like a book
✅Know exactly someone’s thinking or feelings without having to ask

💥Watch someone like a Hawk
✅Watch someone very carefully, especially because you expect them to do something wrong

💥Fit like a glove
✅It fits exactly

💥Eat like a bird
✅Eat only small amount of food

💥Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand
✅Know very well, in every detail


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✳️Back to the drawing board
☑️When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.

✳️Ball is in your court
☑️It is up to you to make the next decision or step

✳️Barking up the wrong tree
☑️Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person

✳️Be glad to see the back of
☑️Be happy when a person leaves.

✳️Beat around the bush
☑️Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.

✳️Best of both worlds
☑️Meaning: All the advantages.

✳️Best thing since sliced bread
☑️A good invention or innovation. A good idea or plan.

✳️Bite off more than you can chew
☑️To take on a task that is way to big.

✳️Blessing in disguise
☑️Something good that isn't recognized at first.

✳️Burn the midnight oil
☑️To work late into the night, alluding to the time before electric lighting.


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🔹Example sentences from the web:

✳️He loved his garden and maintained it with great care. It was a real labour of love and it was a pleasure watching him work in the garden.
✳️To establish a field site and balance research with family life was a labor of love: my wife, Claudia Valeggia, a biological anthropologist as well, was beginning her field research on the reproductive ecology of the Toba-Qom indigenous communities of northern Argentina.

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🔹Example sentences from the web:

✳️I don’t know, and I don’t care, because he just got every single one of us off the hook.
✳️I guess she thought she could use your file and pathetic past to get you off the hook.
✳️He counted on his friends to get him off the hook.

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💥A bit much
🔹If something is excessive or annoying, it is a bit much.

💥A chain is no stronger than its weakest link
🔹This means that processes, organisations, etc, are vulnerable because the
weakest person or part can always damage or break them.

💥A day late and a dollar short
🔹(USA) If something is a day late and a dollar short, it is too little, too late.

💥A fool and his money are soon parted
🔹This idiom means that people who aren't careful with their money spend it quickly. 'A fool and his money are easily parted' is an alternative form of the idiom.


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⭕️sell like hot cakes
🔹Things that sell like hot cakes sell quickly or in large quantities.

▶️"She's a very successful author. Her books always sell like hot cakes."


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✳️not have a hope in hell (of doing something)

✅To not have any chance at all of doing or achieving something.

🔹With that giant supermarket opening up across the street, our little grocery store won't have a hope in hell of staying open.
🔹You think you can beat me? Ha! You don't have a hope in hell.


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✳️'The Bee's Knees'

☑️When you refer to something as 'the bee's knees', it means that it is of excellent or very high quality.

📝The origin of this expression is largely unknown, although there are a number of theories. Some people believe that it is a reference to the fact that bees carry pollen in sacks on their knees, and that the expression therefore alludes to this concentrated goodness. Others maintain that the saying is just a corruption of the word 'business'.

✔️Another suggestion is that the 'bee' in question was actually Bee Jackson, a world champion Charleston dancer who was very popular in New York in the 1920's!

🔹"Try this chocolate. It's the bee's knees, it really is."

🔹 "Do you like my new shoes? I think they are the bee's knees."


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💥A hot potato
✅Speak of an issue which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed

💥A penny for your thoughts
✅A way of asking what someone is thinking

💥Actions speak louder than words
✅People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.

💥Add insult to injury
✅To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.

💥An arm and a leg
✅Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money.

💥At the drop of a hat
✅Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly.


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✳️calculated risk
☑️A calculated risk is a risk taken with full knowledge of the dangers involved.

💥"The company took a calculated risk when they hired Sean straight out of college."


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⭕️in cahoots with someone

☑️If one person is in cahoots with another, they are working in close partnership, usually conspiring to do something dishonest.

💥"There was a rumour that the Mayor was in cahoots with a chain of supermarkets"


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