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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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📔 run a temperature

To have an abnormally high body temperature (a fever), which is indicative of or caused by illness.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Dan: "How's Pete feeling?" Marshall: "Well, he ran a temperature last night, but he seemed a lot better this morning after some rest."

🗣I think I've started running a temperature. Maybe I should go lie down.

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📔 shaken up

Greatly startled, shocked, or upset.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I was very shaken up after the car accident. I couldn't even speak properly to the police for about an hour.

🗣I remained shaken up for most of the day after hearing about my grandfather's death.

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📔 be tipping (it) down

To be raining very heavily. Primarily heard in UK.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣We have a football match scheduled for tomorrow, but if it keeps tipping down like it is today, I'm sure that it will be cancelled.

🗣Looks like it's tipping it down outside again. I guess I won't be cycling to work this morning.

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📔 go halfsies

slang To share something, especially the cost of something, in equal proportion between two people.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣You wanna go halfsies on the bill?

🗣I don't feel like cooking tonight, let's go halfsies on a pizza instead.

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📔 in the middle of nowhere

In a very distant, remote, and isolated location.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I'll never understand why they built this campus out here in the middle of nowhere.

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📔 put the hammer down

To press down the accelerator (of an automobile) as far as possible; to accelerate to or travel at an automobile's maximum speed. Primarily heard in US.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣It would normally take us three days driving to New York from Colorado, but with my brother putting the hammer down the whole way, we made it in two.

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📔 be put out of business

To be caused or forced to cease carrying on commercial trading or transactions.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Our bookstore has been a part of the neighborhood for nearly 50 years, but we're being put out of business by these new electronic books that you can download.

🗣I hear that Mike's company has been put out of business due to allegations of insider trading.

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📔 throw a wobbly

To suddenly become very upset or intensely angry and make a big display of it. Primarily heard in UK, Australia.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣John threw a wobbly at work after the boss criticized his report. Needless to say, he won't be welcome back in the office on Monday.

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📔 Put it there

Shake my hand. As in greeting or in agreement to a deal.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣A: "50 dollars is my final offer for the computer." B: "I wish I could get more for it, but you win. Put it there!"

🗣Hey, John, put it there! I haven't seen you in a donkey's age!

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📔 squashed (in) like sardines

Very tightly or snugly packed together, especially in a small space. Alludes to the way in which sardines are packed closely together during canning.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣We didn't want to take more than one car, so we had to drive for about four hours squashed like sardines in Jeff's little sedan.

🗣Having a concert in our friends café was such a good idea! Sure, we were squashed in like sardines, but everyone had a great time.

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📔 (as) sick as a parrot

Thoroughly displeased, disappointed, or dejected (about something). Primarily heard in UK.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Tim was as sick as a parrot when he learned that he had been passed over for the promotion.

🗣I'm delighted that my children have such wonderful opportunities abroad, but I must say I feel sick as a parrot at the thought of being separated from them for so long.

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📔 scrunch down

To squeeze, crush, or crumple something into a smaller shape, size, or space. A noun or pronoun can be used between "scrunch" and "down"; often followed by "into (something)."

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I scrunched the note down into a ball and tossed it across the room to Jake.

🗣I had to scrunch my suit down into the case in order for it close shut.

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📔 As cold as stone

  Being very cold and unemotional.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “In the Victorian times, many women were told to suppress their feelings and, thus, appeared as cold as stone.”

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📔 give (someone) the stink eye

To make a facial expression of unreserved disgust, contempt, disapproval, distrust, or general ill will toward someone.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Some guy across the bar has been giving me the stink eye since we came in. It must be something to do with my outfit.

🗣I must have done something wrong on Friday because the boss gave me the stink eye as soon as I came into work on Monday.

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📔 wide berth

A good distance (between things, people, etc.). Originally referred to ships.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Once I learned that there was a lice outbreak, I kept a wide berth from all of my students for the rest of the day.

🗣We've been keeping a wide berth from John ever since he dumped our good friend.

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📔 Rain or shine

  Used to indicate that something will happen no matter what. This is one of the rare idioms that’s also often used literally, for outdoor events that’ll take place whether it rains or not.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “I’ll see you at the airport, rain or shine.”

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📔 At a snail's pace

Very slowly.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 I'm never coming to this restaurant again. They serve the food at a snail's pace.      

🗣I recommend you bring a book when you go to the post office. It's the holidays and they always work at a snail's pace this time of year.     

🗣  Traffic was moving at a snail's pace so I arrived 45 minutes late for work.

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📔 Between a rock and a hard place

  In difficulty, faced with a choice between two unsatisfactory options.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “I can understand why she couldn’t make up her mind about what to do. She’s really between a rock and a hard place.”

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📔 boxed in

  feeling restricted or stuck due to one's limited options

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Sandra felt boxed in after having her third child because she couldn't afford child care.

🗣 Once I started working for myself as a freelancer I didn't feel so boxed in about what type of clients I could work with.

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📔 cut corners

  do something perfunctorily so as to save time or money.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "there is always a temptation to cut corners when time is short"

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📔 Straight from the horse's mouth

  directly from the person who knows the most about the matter; someone who knows the facts.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "I heard Andy got angry and quit this morning!" "Well, I can confirm it's true since I had lunch with Andy and heard it straight from the horse's mouth."

🗣 Look, if you don't believe me, go over to Sarah right now and get it straight from the horse's mouth.

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📔 taken aback

  to be surprised, shocked or confused about something

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 I was taken aback when your mother asked if I’m having trouble getting pregnant.

🗣 My friend was taken aback when I asked him if he smokes weed.

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📔 put all your eggs in one basket

  having all of your resources or efforts in just one possibility is very risky.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Don't you think submitting only one job application is putting all your eggs in one basket?

🗣  I put all my eggs in one basket when I quit my job and moved out west—fortunately, I found an apartment and a job before I spent all of my savings.

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📔 On thin ice

1 ) in a dangerous position where you could fall or have an unfavorable result;
2) in a risky or uncertain situation.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 If you keep charging things you can't afford on your credit cards you'll be treading on thin ice in a very short period of time.

🗣 I'm on thin ice with my teacher because I haven't turned in my homework three times this week.

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📔 The sky is the limit

  If you say the sky is the limit, you mean that there is nothing to prevent someone or something from being very successful.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit. 

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📔 Nip something in the bud

  To stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early stage of its development.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “When the kid shows the first signs of misbehaving, you should nip that bad behavior in the bud.”

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📔 the elephant in the room

  a major problem or controversial issue which is obviously present but is avoided as a subject for discussion.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 "they've steadfastly ignored the elephant in the room: the ever-growing debt burden on graduates"

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