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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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📔 close the barn door after the horse has bolted

To try to prevent or rectify a problem after the damage has already been done.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣It isn't worth replacing the oil filter on the engine now—you can't close the barn door after the horse has bolted.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Up to one's eyeballs

  to have a very large amount of something to do or be very busy with something

to emphasize the extreme degree of some undesirable or unwanted thing

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 We've been using our credit cards so much we're now up to our eyes in debt.

🗣 If you don't wash your clothes again this weekend you'll be up to your eyeballs in laundry.

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📔 In a nutshell

  a brief / short summary of something.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 In a nutshell, my parents grounded me for five weeks after they caught me smoking behind the house.

🗣 I'm sorry to interrupt you but could you please give us your point in a nutshell?

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 you look a little peaked

You look ill, especially as if you might vomit.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣You look a little peaked since you got off that roller coaster. Do you want some ginger ale to settle your stomach?

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 be not short of a penny (or two)

To be exceptionally wealthy; to have no concerns regarding money.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣A: "I just heard Sarah just lost her job!" B: "Well, her husband's family isn't short of a penny, so I think they'll be just fine."

🗣I once dated a guy who, though he was never short of a penny or two, was the most miserly person I'd ever met. He wouldn't even tip when we went out to eat!

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 flip (one's) wig

To react to something, good or bad, with strong emotion.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I had to talk to Mr. Myers about the botched report today, and boy, did he flip his wig.

🗣I figured Aunt June would be excited to hear I'm getting married, but she totally flipped her wig!

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Carry (someone) off their feet

To completely overwhelm someone with enthusiasm, ardor, or passion.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣The strength of the senator's oration carried the entire crowd off their feet.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔(Go) tell it/that to Sweeney!

dated A scornful or incredulous response to a story or statement that one does not believe or finds ridiculous.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Chester: "You know, my dad used to play basketball with the President when they were both kids." Dave: "Ah, go tell it to Sweeney, Chester! Why do you tell such fibs?"

A: "I bet you I could eat 20 hot dogs in less than half an hour!" B: "Tell that to Sweeney, pal!"A: "I bet you I could eat 20 hot dogs in less than half an hour!" B: "Tell that to Sweeney, pal!"

🗣Yeah, right, like you're related to that famous astronaut. Tell it to Sweeney.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 cool customer

Someone who remains even-tempered, especially in stressful situations.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Brad is such a cool customer. Nothing ever seems to bother him.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 in front of (one's) very eyes

Right in plain sight or while one is watching.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Someone smashed into my parked car in front of my very eyes.Each day, in front of our very eyes, we see signs of poverty and need on our city's streets.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 fine print

The details of a contract or other document that are important but easily overlooked (often due to very small size of the text.)

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 If you had read the fine print, we wouldn't be going to court over this, now would we?

🗣 Be sure to read the fine print before you sign any contracts!

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 ripen up

To grow ripe; to become mature enough to harvest or pick.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣Make sure you plant your tomatoes in a spot that gets plenty of sunshine, or else it will take a whole lot longer for them to ripen up.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 drive (one's) pigs to market

To snore.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I can't get any sleep with Will driving his pigs to market every night—I think it's time for him to see a doctor about his snoring.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 out of humour

In an irritable, grouchy, or unhappy mood; not feeling well or in good spirits. Primarily heard in UK.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I think something is bugging John because he's been rather out of humour lately.

🗣After living in Gibraltar for so long, these awful London winters leave me feeling me out of humour.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 catch the sun

To get sunburned.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣I caught the sun at the beach last weekend, and now my back hurts so much that I have to sleep on my side!

🗣I made sure to pack you some extra sunscreen so that you don't catch the sun on your trip.

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Learn English Idioms Land

🌹🌹🌹🌹Happy New Year 🌹🌹🌹🌹

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 popcorn flick

A film that is entertaining to watch but is generally not of a very high quality or rich in emotional or intellectual depth.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣A: "So what movie do you want to go see later?" B: "I don't feel like watching anything too heavy or complex—let's just see whatever popcorn flick is out."

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 As cold as stone

  Being very cold and unemotional.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “In the Victorian times, many women were told to suppress their feelings and, thus, appeared as cold as stone.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Make waves

  To cause trouble, to change things in a dramatic way.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “She likes to make waves with her creative marketing campaigns. They get a lot of attention from customers.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 a drop in the bucket

a very small or unimportant amount, especially when compared to something else.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣  For years businesses have dumped toxic waste into the ocean thinking it was just a drop in the bucket but that behavior has destroyed many ecosystems.

🗣 I raked leaves all afternoon but I know it's just a drop in the bucket and the lawn will be covered again tomorrow.

🗣 "Two cans of beer at lunch?" "Yes. That's actually just a drop in the bucket of what I usually drink."

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Barking up the wrong tree

  Doing something that won’t give you the results you want.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “If you think she’s going to lend you money, you’re barking up the wrong tree. She never lends anyone anything.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 bad hair day

  a bad day in general;  a day when many things seem to go wrong

 a day when you can't style your hair well and this makes you feel unattractive

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Yesterday, my mom was having a bad hair day so I decided to show her my report card this evening.

🗣 Avoid the boss if you can. He's having yet another bad hair day and is taking his frustrations out on everyone.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Eat like a horse

  Now, a horse is much bigger than a bird. So how much do you think a horse eats? That’s right, to eat like a horse is to eat a large amount of food.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “My mother has to cook a lot of food when my brother comes to visit. He eats like a horse.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Have a sweet tooth

  Do you like eating cakes, candy and other sweet-tasting food? If you do, then you can say you have a sweet tooth.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “Yes, I definitely have a sweet tooth. I can never walk past a bakery and not stop to buy myself a slice of chocolate cake.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Out of the woods

  The situation is still difficult but it’s improved or gotten easier. The hardest part of something is over.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “The surgery went very well and he just needs to recover now, so he’s officially out of the woods.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Get into deep water

 To be in trouble. Very similar to the idiom in hot water that we discussed above.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “He got into deep water when he borrowed a lot of money from a loan shark.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 The grass is greener on the other side

other people always seem to be in a better situation than you, although they may not be

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Our bookkeeper always imagined that the grass is greener on the other side. She quit her job to pursue a legal education.

🗣 Bob always thinks the grass is greener elsewhere, which accounts for his constant job changes.

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔A dead-end job

a job that has no prospect and will mean that one does the same kind of ( low_grade) work for ever

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣She was worried she was stuck in a dead-end job.

🗣"Unless we boost opportunities and pay we risk losing a generation of young workers to dead-end jobs."

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Barking up the wrong tree

  Doing something that won’t give you the results you want.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 “If you think she’s going to lend you money, you’re barking up the wrong tree. She never lends anyone anything.”

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Learn English Idioms Land

📔 Up to one's eyeballs

  to have a very large amount of something to do or be very busy with something

to emphasize the extreme degree of some undesirable or unwanted thing

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 We've been using our credit cards so much we're now up to our eyes in debt.

🗣 If you don't wash your clothes again this weekend you'll be up to your eyeballs in laundry.

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