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English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: Buy Ads: 👇👇👇

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📚To Get Caught Red Handed

📝A person who is caught red-handed is discovered in the middle of committing a crime or doing something wrong. It is usually related to stealing but can also be used by a parent who finds their child eating their way through a box of chocolates.

✨Example: He tried to steal from the shop but he was caught red-handed.

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Idioms with "Cry" & "Tears"


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English Idioms with Red


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Color Idioms


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6 Commonly Used Business English Idioms and Phrases


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Baseball Idioms


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Idioms of the body


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Bird Idioms


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📚(your) heart isn't in it

📕Meaning: If your heart isn't in something you're doing, you don't really want to do it.
💥For example:

🔶Ali was studying to be a doctor, but his heart wasn't in it so he decided to follow his real dream and study film-making instead.

🔷We could tell that Sally's heart wasn't in it when she tried singing jazz, so we said she should stick to pop songs.

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Weather Idioms


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Idioms using numbers

11 number idioms

Take a look at these idioms; they all use numbers.

One-horse town
This idiom is used to describe a town or village that is very small; it has a small population. The image is that nothing ever happens in the town; it is boring and quiet.

'I grew up in a one-horse town. I moved away at the first chance I had.'

Two left feet
To have two left feet means that you have terrible coordination in your movements and terrible balance. You would be a bad dancer or footballer.

'Don't ask me to dance, I have two left feet!'

Two's company; three's a crowd
This idiom is used to mean that two is the best amount of people to go somewhere - three people is too many. It is usually used when a boyfriend and girlfriend want to do something together without anyone else.

'I don't think I'll come to the cinema with you and your new girlfriend because two's company and three's a crowd.'

On all fours
When you are on all fours you are crawling on your hands and knees like a baby.

'I got down on all fours trying to find the coin I had dropped.'

Take five
When we take five we take a short break. The five refers to five minutes, so we're taking a 5 minute break.

'I'm tired of walking, let's take five.'

At sixes and sevens
We use this British English expression when are confused or in a state of disorder.

'The government were at sixes and sevens over what to do about the unemployment rate.'

Seventh heaven
To be in seventh heaven means to be very, very happy about something

'She was in seventh heaven when she watched her favourite band play live.'

Pieces of eight
This phrase is used to describe money. Pieces of eight were old Spanish coins. The coin was worth eight reales. You might hear this expression in historical pirate movies.

"In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End the Pirate Lords must meet together by presenting the 'Nine Pieces of Eight'."

On cloud nine
Like seventh heaven, this expression is used when someone feels very happy because of something great that has happened to them.

'She's been on cloud nine since since her boyfriend proposed to her.'

Perfect ten
A perfect ten is used to describe something that couldn't get any better - it is already perfect.

'Have you heard the new Madonna record? I love it. I think it's a perfect ten!'

At the eleventh-hour
This idiom is used when something happens at the last possible moment just before the deadline or end.


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Money Idioms


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🔰an acid test

✔️Meaning: An acid test is something that shows the true worth or value of something or someone.

🔺For example:

▪️Our new player has been doing well at training and in practice matches, but the acid test will come in her first real match.

▪️The new political party is doing better and better in the polls, but the acid test will be the next election.

〽️Origin: Possibly related to the fact that a test involving acid has been used for over a century to prove that a metal that looks like gold is, or is not, really gold.


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Mind Idioms


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🔰tighten your belt

☑️Meaning: If you tighten your belt, you try to spend less money.

💧For example:

🔹I'll have to tighten my belt for a while so I can pay off my debts.

🔹Pablo says his family have had to tighten their belts because everything costs much more now.


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