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1. Приключения Паддингтона 3 Movie description
Paddington in Peru (UK, USA, 2024)
2. Без вины виноватый Movie description
Wrongfully Accused (USA, 1998)
3. Типа копы Movie description
Let's Be Cops (USA, 2014)
4. Приключения Тома Сойера Movie description
Tom and Huck (USA, 1995)
1. How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
by Michael Greger
2. Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us
by Michael Moss
3. Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World
by Bob Torres
4. The Practicing Mind: Bringing Discipline and Focus into Your Life
by Thomas M. Sterner
5. Born to Run
by Christopher McDougall
6. Musashi
by Eiji Yoshikawa
7. Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch
by Rivka Galchen
8. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
by Julie Smith
9. Guardian: Zhen Hun (Vol. 1-3)
by Priest
🇬🇧 Практика английского с ИИ-девушкой в Телеграме!
Общайся голосовыми сообщениями на любую тему и получай разбор ошибок. Очень круто! @ChattyEnglishBot
1. The Magic of Thinking Big
by David J. Schwartz
2. Think Bigger: And 39 Other Winning Strategies from Successful Entrepreneurs
by Michael Hill
3. Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence
by Ben Carson
4. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t
by Simon Sinek
5. Death of the Author
by Nnedi Okorafor
6. Split or Swallow
by Lindsay Straube
7. First-Time Caller
by B.K. Borison
8. The Greatest Networker in the World
by John Milton Fogg
9. Tell Me What You Want, Or Leave Me
by Megan Maxwell
1. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (12th Edition)
by George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch
2. Persuasive Advertising: Evidence-based Principles
by J. Scott Armstrong
3. Semiotics: The Basics (4th Edition)
by Daniel Chandler
4. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
5. Primordial Breath: An Ancient Chinese Way of Prolonging Life Through Breath Control Vol. 1-2
by Jane Huang
6. Neon Gods
by Katee Robert
7. Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart
by Nicholas Carr
8. My Dark Prince
by L.J. Shen, Parker S. Huntington
9. Wish I Was Here
by M. John Harrison
1. Еще одна из рода Болейн Movie description
The Other Boleyn Girl (UK, USA, 2008)
2. Сестра его дворецкого Movie description
His Butler's Sister (USA, 1943)
3. Интермеццо Movie description
Intermezzo: A Love Story (USA, 1939)
4. Анастасия Movie description
Anastasia (USA, 1956)
1. Let’s Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower
by Therese Huston
2. We’ll Prescribe You a Cat
by Syou Ishida
3. AI Engineering: Building Applications with Foundation Models
by Chip Huyen
4. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
by Brian Hahn and Danial T. Valentine
5. Programming Embedded systems in C and C++
by Michael Barr
6. Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice
by Dr Joyce Catlett, Lisa Firestone, and Robert W. Firestone
7. Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
by Lynne Truss
8. The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition
by The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff
9. Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style
by Benjamin Dreyer
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1. There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof That You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent
by Glenn Boozan
2. Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
by Bobby Fischer
3. The Garden Against Time: In Search of a Common Paradise
by Olivia Laing
4. Peaches and Honey: These Immortal Truths
by R. Raeta
5. The School for Good Mothers
by Jessamine Chan
6. Strange Sally Diamond
by Liz Nugent
7. 10½ Lessons from Experience
by Paul Marshall
8. How to Kill Men and Get Away With It!
by Katy Brent
9. The Likeness
by Tana French
1. Мальчишки из «Никеля» Movie description
Nickel Boys (USA, 2024)
2. Печать зла Movie description
Touch of Evil (USA, 1958)
3. Страх сцены Movie description
Stage Fright (UK, 1950)
4. Дестри снова в седле Movie description
Destry Rides Again (USA, 1939)
5. Белокурая Венера Movie description
Blonde Venus (USA, 1932)
6. Марокко Movie description
Morocco (USA, 1930)
1. The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
2. Speak
by Laurie Halse Anderson
3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
by Stephen Chbosky
4. The Woman Who Fooled The World
by Beau Donelly and Nick Toscano
5. The Double Helix
by James Watson
6. Outlawed
by Anna North
7. Scarcely English: An A to Z of Assaults On Our Language
by Simon Heffer
8. Who Moved My Cheese?
by Spencer Johnson
9. Reinventing Your Life
by Jeffrey E. Young
1. Один из этих дней Movie description
One of Them Days (USA, 2025)
2. Ясновидец 3: Это Гас Movie description
Psych 3: This Is Gus (Canada, 2021)
3. Четыре комнаты Movie description
Four Rooms (USA, 1995)
4. Непокоренный Movie description
Invictus (USA, 2009)
5. Бёрдмэн Movie description
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
6. Мстители: Финал Movie description
Avengers: Endgame (USA, 2019)
1. The House of God
by Samuel Shem
2. Transformers for Machine Learning: A Deep Dive
by Uday Kamath, Kenneth Graham, Wael Emara
3. Fever Dream
by Samanta Schweblin
4. Once Upon a Broken Heart Series (3 books)
by Stephanie Garber
5. Scythe & Sparrow
by Brynne Weaver
6. Have a New Kid by Friday
by Kevin Leman
7. Fascinating Womanhood
by Helen B. Andelin
8. The Little Book of Valuation
by Aswath Damodaran
9. Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?
by William Poundstone
1. Motors for Makers: A Guide to Steppers, Servos, and Other Electrical Machines 1st Edition
by Matthew Scarpino
2. Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control
by Kevin M. Lynch, Frank C. Park
3. Book Lovers
by Emily Henry
4. Part Of Your World
by Abby Jimenez
5. Just for the Summer
by Abby Jimenez
6. Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests (2nd Edition)
by Jeffrey Rubin
7. About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design
by Robert Reimann, David Cronin, Christopher Noessel, Alan Cooper
8. Measuring the User Experience
by Thomas Tullis
9. 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People
by Susan M. Weinschenk
1. How the World Really Works
by Vaclav Smil
2. The Circle
by Dave Eggers
3. Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
by Judith Lewis Herman
4. From Darkness to Embracing the Light
by Mariel Gordon
5. Why History Matters
by John Tosh
6. A Study of History: Abridgement of Volumes I-VI
by Toynbee Arnold J. & D.C. Somervel
7. Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century
by Jonathan Glover
8. Out of the Woods
by Hannah Bonam-Young
9. The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward
by Michael Lewis
1. Find Your Why
by Simon Sinek
2. Selling the Invisible
by Harry Beckwith
3. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
by Al Ries
4. Purple Cow, New Edition
by Seth Godin
5. Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This
by Luke Sullivan
6. The Trusted Advisor
by David H. Maister
7. The 1-Page Marketing Plan
by Allan Dib
8. Tools of Titans
by Timothy Ferriss
9. Networking with the Affluent and their Advisors
by Thomas J. Stanley
1. Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family
by Miep Gies, Alison Leslie Gold
2. My Friend Anne Frank
by Hannah Pick-Goslar, Dina Kraft
3. Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology
by Chris Miller
4. The Actor’s Art and Craft: William Esper Teaches the Meisner Technique
by William Esper, Damon DiMarco
5. Before the Coffee Gets Cold
by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
6. Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes (2nd edition)
by William Bridges
7. The Molecule of More
by Daniel Z. Lieberman and Mike Long
8. Big Shots Series (3 books)
by Tessa Bailey
9. The ABC of Enlightenment
by Osho
1. Faces in the Crowd
by Valeria Luiselli
2. Old School
by Tobias Wolff
3. Mapping the Interior
by Stephen Graham Jones
4. On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
by William Zinsser
5. English Grammar in Use Book with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English
by Raymond Murphy
6. The Fifth Child
by Doris Lessing
7. Life After Life
by Raymond A. Moody
8. The Forgetting Time
by Sharon Guskin
9. The Seven Sisters Series (8 books)
by Lucinda Riley
1. Thinking in Systems, A primer, Donella H. Meadows
by Chelsea Green
2. Why Liberalism Failed
by Patrick J. Deneen
3. College Essay Essentials
by Ethan Sawyer
4. College Admission Essentials
by Ethan Sawyer
5. A Very Large Expanse of Sea
by Tahereh Mafi
6. The Fall
by Albert Camus
7. Make Change That Lasts: 9 Simple Ways to Break Free from the Habits that Hold You Back
by Dr Rangan Chatterjee
8. 111 Museums in New York That You Must Not Miss
by Wendy Lubovich
9. Heartless Hunter
by Kristen Ciccarelli
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1. The Granite Kingdom: A Cornish Journey
by Tim Hannigan
2. Learning Teaching. The Essential Guide to English LanguageTeaching (3rd Edition)
by Jim Scrivener
3. The Mandibles: A Family, 2029–2047
by Lionel Shriver
4. The Degenerates
by Raeden Richardson
5. Calculus, 9th Edition
by James Stewart, Daniel Clegg, Saleem Watson
6. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python (2nd Edition)
by John V. Guttag
7. Dr. Breath: The story of breathing coordination
by Carl Stough, Reece Stough
8. Brothersong
by T.J. Klune
9. Who You Were Meant to be: A Guide to Finding Or Recovering Your Life's Purpose
by Lindsay Gibson
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1. The Last House on Needless Street
by Catriona Ward
2. Body Language
by A.K. Turner
3. AI and Machine Learning for Coders
by Laurence Moroney
4. Envy and Gratitude and Other Works
by Melanie Klein
5. The Japanese Police State: Tokko In Interwar Japan
by Elise K. Tipton
6. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
7. Man’s Eternal Quest
by Paramahansa Yogananda
8. Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide to Productive Writing
by Robert Boice
9. Kairos
by Jenny Erpenbeck
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1. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
2. Walsh Family Series (7 books)
by Marian Keyes
3. The Other Side of the Story
by Marian Keyes
4. Interpreter
by Kristy Marie
5. The Woman Who Stole My Life
by Marian Keyes
6. Kate Marshall Series (5 books)
by Robert Bryndza
7. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach (5th edition)
by Nivaldo J. Tro
8. Chemistry in Context for Cambridge International AS & A Level
by Graham Hill, John Holman
9. How to Love Someone Without Losing Your Mind
by Todd Baratz
1. I'm Glad My Mom Died
by Jennette McCurdy
2. An Expert’s Guide to International Protocol: Best Practices in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations
by Gilbert Monod De Froideville
3. Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail
by Ashley Herring Blake
4. House of Crimson Hearts
by Ruby Roe
5. Don’t Stop Me
by Eden Emory
6. Queen Takes Rose
by Katee Robert
7. Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend
by Emma R. Alban
8. Good Wives
by Louisa May Alcott
9. The Latinist: A Novel
by Mark Prins
1. The Mom Test
by Rob Fitzpatrick
2. Never Split the Difference
by Chris Voss
3. Emily Wilde Series (3 books)
by Heather Fawcett
4. The Chalice of the Gods (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #6)
by Rick Riordan
5. Wrath of the Triple Goddess (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #7)
by Rick Riordan
6. Point Well Made: Persuasive Oral Advocacy
by Nancy Vaidik
7. Fatelessness
by Imre Kertész
8. The Articulate Advocate: Persuasive Skills for Lawyers in Trials, Appeals, Arbitrations, and Motions
by Marsha Hunter
9. I’ve Been Thinking
by Daniel C. Dennett
1. Wag the Dog
by Larry Beinhart
2. Data Science For Dummies (2nd Edition)
by Lillian Pierson
3. Love and the Library
by Lauren Connolly
4. Roger Love’s Vocal Power: Speaking with Authority, Clarity and Convition Guidebook
by Roger Love
5. Singing and the Actor
by Gillyanne Kayes
6. Remote: Office Not Required
by David Heinemeier Hansson
7. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
by Patrick Lencioni
8. Gravitas: Communicate with Confidence, Influence and Authority
by Caroline Goyder
9. Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well
by Douglas Stone
🇬🇧 Практика английского с ИИ-девушкой в Телеграме!
Общайся голосовыми сообщениями на любую тему и получай разбор ошибок. Очень круто! @ChattyEnglishBot
1. Stonehenge
by Bernard Cornwell
2. Metamorphoses: A New Translation
by Ovid
3. The Poppy War Series
by R.F. Kuang
4. Come Together
by Emily Nagoski
5. Glossy: Ambition, Beauty, and the Inside Story of Emily Weiss's Glossier
by Marisa Meltzer
6. My dark desire
by L. J. Shen and Parker S. Huntington
7. Tove Jansson Life, Art, Words
by Boel Westin
8. Mamas Still Got It!
by Louise Boyce
9. Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers
by Gordon Neufeld