1. Planetes in the Signs and Houses: Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol. II
by Bepin Behari
2. Birth Time Rectification: How to Find Your Exact Birth Time
by Paul Manley
3. A Swim In A Pond In The Rain
by George Saunders
4. Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most
by Greg McKeown
5. I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
by Joanne Greenberg
6. Fast Like a Girl
by Dr. Mindy Pelz
7. The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World
by Lincoln Paine
8. The Boundless Sea
by David Abulafia
9. The Incorrigible Optimists Club
by Jean-Michel Guenassia
1. Безумная поездочка Movie description
Joy Ride (UK, USA, 2023)
2. Безумный Бог Movie description
Mad God (USA, 2021)
3. Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк Movie description
Synecdoche, New York (USA, 2008)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. Midnight Blue
by L.J. Shen
2. Boston Belles Series (4 books)
by L.J. Shen
3. All Saints High Series (3 books)
by L.J. Shen
4. Fallen Foe
by L.J. Shen
5. The Devil Wears Black
by L.J. Shen
6. Attached
by Amir Levine, Rachel Heller
7. Korean Workers: The Culture and Politics of Class Formation
by Hagen Koo
8. Holidays of the World Cookbook for Students
by Lois Sinaiko Webbok
9. One Night on the Island
by Josie Silver
1. Проект Феникс Movie description
The Phoenix Project (USA, 2015)
2. Последнее искушение Христа Movie description
The Last Temptation of Christ (Canada, USA, 1988)
3. Одиссея капитана Блада Movie description
Captain Blood (USA, 1935)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini
2. The Kite Runner
by Khaled Hosseini
3. The Grisha trilogy (Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, Ruin and Rising)
by Leigh Bardugo
4. JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development
by Jon Duckett
5. How to Be Well: The 6 Keys to a Happy and Healthy Life
by Frank Lipman
6. My What If Year: A Memoir
by Alisha Fernandez Miranda
7. The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss
by Kathy Caprino
8. Someone Else’s Shoes
by Jo Jo Moyes
9. The Wife App
by Carolyn Mackler
1. All Rhodes Lead Here
by Mariana Zapata
2. Sam Walton: Made in America
by Sam Walton & John Huey
3. The Complete Sherlock Holmes
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
4. How Roland Rolls
by Jim Carrey
5. The Martian
by Andy Weir Six
6. Surrounded by Idiots
by Thomas Erikson
7. How to Be an Overnight Success
by Maria Hatzistefanis
8. How to Make it Happen
by Maria Hatzistefanis
9. How to Live Your Best Life
by Maria Hatzistefanis
1. The Silent Patient
by Alex Michaelides
2. The Strategy of Conflict
by Thomas C. Schelling
3. Unf*ck Your Habitat You're Better Than Your Mess
by Von Rachel Hoffman
4. Michelangelo The Complete Paintings, Sculptures and Architecture
by Frank Zöllner
5. A Good Girl's Guide To Murder Trilogy
by Holly Jackson
6. The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle
7. The Hating Game
by SallyThorne
8. Not in a Billion Years
by Camilla Isley
9. The Jane Austen Project
by Kathleen A. Flynn
Как вписать в режим беглость речи и языковую смекалку, если в сутках всего 24 часа?
На канале Non-Barbarian Guide to English работают с запросом современного занятого человека, у которого нет времени примерно ни на что.
Яркие картинки, разговорный английский, разбор видео, мини-курсы и групповой формат.
Подписывайтесь и выбирайте, что вам лучше зайдет!
1. Ego Is the Enemy
by Ryan Holiday
2. Childhood disrupted: how your biography becomes your biology, and how you can heal
by Donna Jackson Nakazawa
3. My Life So Far
by Jane Fonda
4. Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
by Pete Walker
5. The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You'll Ever Need
by Scott Pape
6. The Millionaire Fastlane, 10th Anniversary Edition
by MJ DeMarco
7. The Psychology of Money
by Morgan Housel
8. Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series (10 books)
by Rick Riordan
9. The Art of Pricing
by Rafi Mohammed
1. Проект Флорида Movie description
The Florida Project (USA, 2017)
2. Запятнанная репутация Movie description
The Human Stain (USA, 2003)
3. Сама жизнь Movie description
Life Itself (USA, 2018)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
"Всё учу английский, делаю упражнения, учу слова, но не могу выйти на новый уровень и пробить этот "потолок". Прогресса как будто нет"😭
Эту проблему можно решить, выполнив всего несколько действий:
1️⃣ Пройти тест на определение уровня английского. Например, вот этот📍
2️⃣ Поставить цель изучения языка, либо проверить уже установленную ранее на актуальность. Формулировки могут быть разные:
- выучить 50 разговорных фраз для общения;
- научиться понимать своего любимого актёра в оригинале;
- подготовиться к собеседованию в международную компанию, и тд.
3️⃣ Снизить уровень требований к себе. Мы склонны требовать от себя очень много, потому что выучить 10 новых слов или прослушать 20-минутный подкаст нам кажется мало. Просто подумайте о том, что кто-то и этого не делает, а вы делаете и потихоньку движетесь в направлении своей цели.
Эти 3 простых шага помогут более здраво посмотреть на свои знания и подсветят моменты, над которыми стоит поработать💡
👩🏻💻 Маша преподаёт английский уже 6 лет и прорабатывает эту проблему у своих студентов. Она даже записала целый подкаст, в котором подробно разобрала причины возникновения этого "потолка", а также поделилась кейсом своего ученика, которому помогла перейти с А1 на А2.
Также Маша ведёт канал про комфортный английский. И сегодня всем своим новым подписчикам она дарит в подарок чек-лист "Почему я не понимаю английскую речь на слух?"🎁
Чтобы его получить:
• подпишитесь на её канал;
• под подкастом напишите "ХОЧУ ПОДАРОК";
• Маша пришлёт каждому чек-лист, который поможет выявить, что мешает вам понимать английскую речь на слух.
Ссылка на канал Маши👉🏻 English lounge
1. A Gentle Reminder
by Bianca Sparacino
2. A Death in Tokyo
by Keigo Higashino
3. How to Start and Run a Home Tutoring Business: A Complete Manual for Setting Up and Running Your Own Tutoring Agency
by Gillian Stellman, Vivienne Howse
4. Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching
by Jim Scrivener
5. Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective
by Louise Shelley
6. Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal
by Peter Breggin
7. A Mind of Your Own
by Kelly Brogan
8. Cracked
by James Davies
9. Recovery and Renewal
by Baylissa Frederick
1. The Inheritance Games Series (3 books)
by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
2. How It Feels to Float
by Helena Fox
3. The Song Of Achilles
by Madeline Miller
4. We were liars
by E.lockhart
5. The Chic Diet
by Kit Olsen?
6. Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
by Anne Lembke
7. Reclaim Your Brain
by MD Joseph A. Annibali
8. 10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More
by Doing Less by Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy
9. Milk and Honey
by Rupi Kaur
1. Uzbekistan and the United States
by Shahram Akbarzadeh
2. The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life
by Dr. Tara Swart
3. Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are
by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
4. My Year of Rest and Relaxation
by Ottessa Moshfegh
5. Bunny
by Mona Awad
6. The Things We Leave Unfinished
by Rebecca Yarros
7. A Thousand Boy Kisses
by Tillie Cole
8. The Way I Used to Be
by Amber Smith
9. I Fell In Love With Hope
by Lancali
Исчезающий язык милонгеро...
Разговор с Томом (Tom Tabaczynski) о связи в танце и жизни.
Перед вами пятое интервью из серии “half”. Быстрые получасовые зарисовки.
В этот раз мы говорим о языке танго. И о том, когда Том бросает партнёршу и не продолжает танду…
Беседа будет интересна танцорам, но также и всем, кто задаётся вопросами про отношения между словами и телом вообще. Том признаётся в интервью, что прочитал слишком много книжек по философии и нейропсихологии.
Настолько много, что ему пришлось даже одну написать. Про танго. О ней и речь. Кроме того, Том преподаёт английский иногда.
Подробности можно посмотреть на сайте.
В начале интервью пропадает несколько моих фраз. Но будем считать, что это лишний раз напоминает о том, как легко «сonnection» пропадает и в танго тоже.
1. Firefly Lane
by Hannah Kristin
2. You Are A Badass
by Jen Sincero
3. After Series (5 books)
by Anna Todd
4. A Long Fatal Love Chaise
by Louisa May Alcott
5. The Generation Divide: Why We Can't Agree and Why We Should
by Bobby Duffy
6. The Ballad of Never After
by Stephanie Garber
7. Adult Children of Alcoholics
by Janet Geringer Woititz
8. Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results
by Shane Parrish
9. Economic War
by Maximilian Hess
1. The Last Mona Lisa
by Jonathan Santlofer
2. Learning To Love Myself
by Alex Aubrey
3. Princess of Dune
by Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
4. A Dog's Purpose
by W. Bruce Cameron
5. Food and Culture: A Reader
by Carole Counihan
6. Pearl
by Siân Hughes
7. I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf
by Grant Snider
8. The Art of Living: Reflections on Mindfulness and the Overexamined Life
by Grant Snider
9. Bookshelves in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Corinna Norrick-Rühl, Shafquat Towheed
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🌻 И, если Вы также питаете любовь к английскому и искусству, то мой телеграмм-канал для Вас.
1. Strong Mothers, Strong Sons
by Meg Meeker
2. Lunch Money
by Andrew Clements
3. Confessions of a Flesh-Eater
by David Madsen
4. Horngren's Accounting: The Managerial Chapters, Global Edition 11th Edition
by Tracie Miller-Nobles, Brenda Mattison, Ella Mae Matsumura
5. It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle
by Mark Wolynn
6. The Law of the Sea (Fourth edition)
by Robin Churchill, Vaughan Lowe and Amy Sander
7. Why Good People Do Bad Things: Understanding Our Darker Selves
by James Hollis
8. On Divination and Synchronicity
by Marie-Louise von Franz
9. Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set
by Brandon Sanderson
1. Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier
by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey
2. The 4-Hour Workweek
by Timothy Ferriss
3. Beach Read
by Emily Henry
4. Fourth Wing
by Rebecca Yarros
5. The Things We Do to Our Friends
by Heather Darwent
6. Three Complete Novels: Psycho, Psycho II, Psycho House
by Robert Bloch
7. When You Disappeared
by John Marrs
8. A Killer's Mind
by Mike Omer
9. Too Late
by Colleen Hoover
1. The Lord of the Rings Series and The Hobbit
by J.R.R. Tolkien
2. Zero to one notes on startups, or how to build the future
by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters
3. The Money Masters
by John Train
4. The Intelligent Investor
by Benjamin Graham
5. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings
by Philip A. Fisher
6. Orlando
by Virginia Woolf
7. A Room of One's Own
by Virginia Woolf
8. The Bridge Kingdom Series (2 books)
by Danielle L. Jensen
9. Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism
by Yanis Varoufakis
1. Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power
by John Assaraf
2. Steal Like An Artist
by Austin Kleon
3. Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad
by Austin Kleon
4. Show Your Work!
by Austin Kleon
5. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team
by Alina Wheeler
6. How To Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie
7. Think Like an Artist:How to Live a Happier, Smarter, More Creative Life
by Will Gompertz
8. A Prayer for the Crown-Shy
by Becky Chambers
9. Mayflies
by Andrew O'Hagan
1. Умереть во имя Movie description
To Die For (USA, UK, 1995)
2. Великолепие Амберсонов Movie description
The Magnificent Ambersons (USA, 1942)
3. Глубокий сон Movie description
The Big Sleep (USA, 1946)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. Dark Psychology and Manipulation: Discover 40 Covert Emotional Manipulation Techniques
by William Cooper
2. Dark Psychology and Manipulation Bible: 12 BOOKS IN 1
by Tod Brown
3. The Manipulation Bible: The Dark Side of Communication
by Wladislaw Jachtchenko
4. Emotional Intelligence Mastery: 6 Books in 1
by Travis Emotion
5. Manipulation: 6 Manuscripts - Mind Control, Hypnosis, Manipulation, How To Analyze People, How To Secretly Manipulate People, Human Psychology
by Leonard Moore
6. Dark Psychology (3 Books in 1)
by Jonathan Mind
7. Dark Psychology and Gaslighting Manipulation
by Ryan Pace
8. Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors (How to be More Likable and Charismatic)
by Patrick King
9. What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
by Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey
1. It Ends with Us
by Colleen Hoover
2. Glucose Revolution
by Jessie Inchauspe
3. When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures, 4th Edition
by Richard Lewis
4. The Culture Map
by Erin Meyer
5. Better Hate than Never
by Chloe Liese
6. Mean Girl: Ayn Rand and the Culture of Greed
by Lisa Duggan
7. The Overthinking Cure
by Nick Trenton
8. How Can I Get Through to You
by Terrence Real
9. How To Own The Room
by Viv Groskop
1. Manufacturing Depression
by Gary Greenberg
2. Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression & the Unexpected Solutions
by Johann Hari
3. Pharmageddon
by David Healy
4. Harm Reduction Guide to Coming off Psychiatric Drugs
by Will Hall
5. Emperor’s New Drugs
by Irving Kirsch
6. A Straight-Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Drugs
by Joanna Moncrieff
7. The Myth of the Chemical Cure
by Joanna Moncrieff
8. The Drugs That Changed Our Minds
by Lauren Slater
9. Anatomy of an Epidemic
by Robert Whittaker
1. Чудесная история Генри Шугара Movie description
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (UK, USA, 2023)
2. Шанхайский экспресс Movie description
Shanghai Express (USA, 1932)
3. Вторжение Movie description
Breaking In (USA, 2018)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. Похороны Movie description
The Burial (USA, 2023)
2. Коллекционер Movie description
The Collector (UK, USA, 1965)
3. Миссис Харрис едет в Париж Movie description
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (UK, Canada, 2022)
Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!
1. Climate Crisis for Beginners
by Andy Prentice, Eddie Reynolds
2. The Only Study Guide You'll Ever Need
by Jade Bowler
3. Summer People
by Elin Hilderbrand
4. On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
by William Knowlton Zinsser
5. If you're not first you're last
by Grant Cordone
6. The Virtue of Selfishness
by Ayn Rand
7. The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
8. Philosophy: Who Needs It
by Ayn Rand
9. The Things We Make: The Unknown History of Invention from Cathedrals to Soda Cans
by Bill Hammack