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Telegram-канал i_love_english_online - Movies & Books in English


The first channel with free movies and books in English Бесплатный Стол Заказов (The free Order Desk) - @MoviesFeedbackBot По вопросам рекламы: @vertigemoon, @Sherlock_069

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Movies & Books in English

1. The White Tiger, A Novel
by Adiga Aravind
2. The Human Magnet Syndrome: The Codependent Narcissist Trap
by Ross A Rosenberg
3. Braiding Sweetgrass
by Robin Wall Kimmerer
4. Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (3rd Edition)
by Steve Krug
5. Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory
by Raphael Bob-Waksberg
6. Daily Life in Florence: In the Time of the Medici
by Jean Lucas-Dubreton
7. Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet
by Jennifer Homans
8. Kasher in the Rye: The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16
by Moshe Kasher
9. Almond
by Won-Pyung Sohn

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Movies & Books in English

Канал для учителей про яркие и продуктивные уроки ☀️

🔵Много готовых разработок для уроков английского
🔵Советы по оформлению обучающих материалов
🔵Обучение по современным платформам для преподавания

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Movies & Books in English

Чтобы понимать носителей языка и хорошо говорить, нужно расширять свой словарный запас. Этот процесс может быть лёгким и интересным! Подписывайтесь на канал Build Your Vocabulary и убедитесь в этом сами. Каждый день мы разбираем значение одного слова или выражения, сопровождая его примерами употребления.

Присоединяйтесь: /channel/english_lexeme

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Movies & Books in English

1. Lost Japan
by Alex Kerr
2. Another Kyoto
by Alex Kerr, Kathy Arlyn Sokol
3. Dogs and Demons: Tales From the Dark Side of Modern Japan
by Alex Kerr
4. Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan
by Donald Keene
5. Cosplay: A History The Builders, Fans, and Makers Who Bring Your Favorite Stories to Life
by Andrew Liptak
6. Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms
by Daniel J. Estes, Baker Academic
7. Basic Budgeting for Churches
by Jack A. Henry
8. Cultural Intelligence: Improving Your CQ to Engage Our Multicultural World
by David A. Livermore
9. Cultural Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in the Global Village
by David C. Thomas, Kerr Inkson

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Movies & Books in English

Друзья, всем привет! 👋
Очередной архив с книгами заблокирован 😅
Создан новый, все последующие книги будут выгружаться туда как обычно. На всякий случай перезалила книги из двух последних постов.

Ребята, архив блокируют в среднем раз в три месяца. Поэтому старайтесь скачивать нужные вам книги сразу, как только они были опубликованы.

Если интересующая вас книга была опубликована, но сейчас заблокирована - просто сделайте новую заявку на нее в бота.

Всем отличного дня!
Hi guys! 👋
Another archive with books is blocked 😅
A new one has been created, all subsequent books will be uploaded there as usual. Just in case, I re-downloaded the books from the last two posts.

Guys, the archive is blocked on average once every three months. Therefore, try to download the books you need as soon as they have been published.

If the book you are interested in has been published, but is now blocked, just make a new request for it to the bot.

Have a great day!

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Movies & Books in English

1. The Feminine Mystique
by Betty Friedan
2. Men Explain Things to Me
by Rebecca Solnit
3. Sister Outsider
by Audre Lorde
4. Women, Race, & Class
by Angela Y. Davis
5. Whipping Girl
by Serano Julia
6. As Good As Dead
by Holly Jackson
7. Green Creek Series (4 books)
by T.J. Klune
8. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
by Mark Haddon
9. The Highly Sensitive Person
by Elaine Aron

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Movies & Books in English

1. Доктор Голливуд Movie description
Doc Hollywood (USA, 1991)
2. Навсегда моя девушка Movie description
Forever My Girl (USA, 2018)
3. Ночь страха Movie description
Fright Night (USA, 2011)

Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!

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Movies & Books in English

В поисках золотого руна акцента…

Перед вами второе интервью из серии “half”. Быстрые получасовые зарисовки.

Сегодня в гостях калифорниец (Jason), который приехал на родину своих далёких предков – в Россию.

Джейсон честно делится не только знаниями коуча по акцентам, но и трагикомическими историями своей богемной жизни путешественника по миру.

Поскольку герой интервью занят изучением русского, то попросил не беспокоить его сейчас напрямую.

Но Джейсон будет рад общению через мой дневниковый канал
про творчество, языки, путешестествия…

Видеограф выпуска —
Андрей Еделькин

Для тех, кто всерьёз хочет обсудить акценты и диалекты, будут полезными такие ресурсы как архив акцентов
и атлас разновидностей английского языка

Подписывайтесь, оставляйте жалобы и предложения, вопросы и темы, которые вам интересны.

Поплыли, аргонавты. Смотрим!

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Movies & Books in English

1. Ego Is the Enemy
by Ryan Holiday
2. All's Well
by Mona Awad
3. When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures, 4th Edition
by Richard Lewis
4. An Artist of the Floating World
by Kazuo Ishiguro
5. Cat's Cradle
by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
6. Finding Perfect
by Colleen Hoover
7. Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements
by Tom Rath, James K. Harter
8. A Thousand Small Explosions
by John Marrs
9. What Lies Between Us
by John Marrs

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Movies & Books in English

1. The Long Game
by Elena Armas
2. Hangwoman: Everyone Loves a Good Hanging
by K. R. Meera
3. Six Acres and a Third: The Classic Nineteenth-Century Novel about Colonial India
by Fakir Mohan Senapati
4. Selected Short Stories
by Rabindranath Tagore
5. The PARA Method: Simplify, Organize, and Master Your Digital Life
by Tiago Forte
6. Splendidly Fantastic: Architecture and Power Games in China
by Julia Lovell
7. Charles Dickens: A Life
by Claire Tomalin
8. Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar
by David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg
9. Goddess: The Secret Lives Of Marilyn Monroe
by Anthony Summers

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Movies & Books in English

1. The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness
by Mark Mincolla
2. Whole Health
by Dr. Mark Mincolla
3. Ninth House
by Leigh Bardugo
4. Tell Me What Really Happened
by Chelsea Sedoti
5. American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
by Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin
6. Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts
by John Searle
7. Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk
by Neil Postman
8. No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention
by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer
9. Archer's Voice
by Mia Sheridan

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Movies & Books in English

1. How Many More Women?: The Silencing of Women by the Law and How to Stop It
by Jennifer Robinson, Keina Yoshida
2. Beautiful World, Where Are You
by Sally Rooney
3. Divine Rivals
by Rebecca Ross
4. You Are the One You've Been Waiting For: Applying Internal Family Systems to Intimate Relationships
by Richard Schwartz Ph.D.
5. Wayward Pines series (3 books)
by Blake Crouch
6. Blood Meridian Or the Evening Redness in the West
by Cormac McCarthy
7. Ultimate Exposure: All You Need To Know To Take Perfect Photos With Any Camera
by David Nightingale
8. The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You'll Ever Need
by Scott Pape
9. Funny, You Don’t Look Autistic: A Comedian’s Guide to Life on the Spectrum
by Michael McCreary

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Movies & Books in English

Дорогие подписчики, хочу вам порекомендовать телеграм-канал IELTS/FCE/CAE. Это канал для тех, кто изучает английский на уровнях выше B1. Что можно там найти:

— продвинутую лексику и грамматику;
— слова, которые мы часто путаем, и объяснение популярных ошибок;
— полезную информацию об экзаменах FCE, CAE, IELTS;
— интересное про праздники и культуру англоязычных (и не только) стран;
— просто забавные факты о языке и этимологии слов.


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Movies & Books in English

Нейросети уже сейчас упрощают изучения английского языка, не веришь - посмотри как @EnglishGPT

💠 Никаких скучных материалов, только оригинальный контент от лучших мировых нейросетей.

💠 Читай короткие истории, специально сгенерированные для обучения языку. 

💠 Слушай диалоги и отвечай на вопросы. Прокачай английский на слух.

Присоединяйся /channel/english_gpt

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Movies & Books in English

•Бесплатный вебинар по английскому•           
Если давно хотели системно начать учить английский и уже на первом уроке научиться рассказывать о себе, то приходите на наши бесплатные вебинары. Регистрация:          
Будет три вебинара, с 19 по 21 сентября в 21:00 по МСК.           
За эти три вечера вы разберетесь в основах грамматики и выучите более 200 слов и выражений на все случаи жизни!           
Всем участникам вебинара - набор полезных материалов.           
Для регистрации перейдите на сайт и зарегистрируйтесь:  

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Movies & Books in English

1. The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback
by Dan Olsen
2. When Coffee and Kale Compete: Become great at making products people will buy
by Alan Klement
3. Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value
by Melissa Perri
4. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want
by Alexander Osterwalder
5. Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation
by David J. Bland
6. Jobs to be Done: Theory to Practice
by Anthony W. Ulwick
7. Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love
by Marty Cagan
8. Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value
by Teresa Torres
9. Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
by Jake Knapp

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Movies & Books in English

1. Папа из спецназа Movie description
The Retirement Plan (Canada, 2023)
2. Ужасающий Movie description
Terrifier 1-2 (USA, 2016/22)
3. Марсель, ракушка в ботинках Movie description
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (USA, 2021)

Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!

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Movies & Books in English

1. Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
2. The Silk Roads: A New History of the World
by Peter Frankopan
3. Strange Weather in Tokyo
by Hiromi Kawakami
4. Sweet Bean Paste
by Durian Sukegawa
5. Way of The Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives
by Dan Millman
6. Same Time Next Summer
by Annabel Monaghan
7. Glucose Goddess Method
by Jessie Inchauspe
8. Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History
by Bruce Cumings
9. Spin Dictators
by Sergei Guriev

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Movies & Books in English

Учите иностранные языки?📚
Тогда заходите в гости на каналы:

English in three minutes 🇬🇧

Erlebe Deutsch! 🇩🇪

Вас ждут:
⭕️ нестандартный подход к изучению лексики;
⭕️ полезные упражнения по грамматике;
⭕️ увлекательные заметки о культуре и истории стран изучаемых языков;
⭕️ тесты и викторины;
⭕️ лингвистический юмор и гарантированное хорошее настроение!

Ждём Вас! 🇬🇧🇩🇪 Присоединяйтесь и совершенствуйте свой английский и немецкий вместе с нами! 👍

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Movies & Books in English

1. It's Not My Head, It's My Hormones: How to tame your hormones and feel like yourself again
by Marion Gluck
2. Hormones and Aggressive Behavior
by Bruce B. Svare
3. Hormones and Behaviour: A Psychological Approach
by Nick Neave
4. The Hormone Factor in Mental Health: Bridging the Mind-Body Gap
by Linda M. Rio
5. Psychoneuroendocrinology: The Scientific Basis of Clinical Practice
by Owen M. Wolkowitz, Anthony J. Rothschild
6. Endocrine Psychiatry: Solving the Riddle of Melancholia
by Edward Shorter, Max Fink
7. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry
by K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies and 6 others
8. Textbook of Evolutionary Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine: The Origins of Psychopathology
by Martin Brune
9. The Art of Mindful Gardening: Sowing the seeds of Meditation
by Ark Redwood

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Movies & Books in English

1. The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow
by Rafi Mohammed
2. Course Design Formula: How to Teach Anything to Anyone Online
by Rebecca Frost Cuevas
3. Designing & Leading Life-Changing Workshops: Creating the Conditions for Transformation in Your Groups, Trainings, and Retreats
by Ken Nelson, David Ronka, Lesli Lang, Liz Korabek-Emerson, Jim White
4. Becoming Vegan: The Complete Reference to Plant-Based Nutrition
by Brenda Davis
5. All Day Vegan
by Mina Rome
6. Deliciously Ella
by Ella Woodward
7. 15-Minute Vegan: Fast, modern vegan cooking
by Katy Beskow
8. 15-Minute Vegan: Comfort Food
by Katy Beskow
9. The Hungry Student Vegan Cookbook
by Gail Wagman

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Movies & Books in English

1. The Last Devil to Die
by Richard Osman
2. Looking for Alaska
by John Green
3. Fast Like a Girl
by Dr. Mindy Pelz
4. To Hate Adam Connor
by Ella Maise
5. Man’s Search for Meaning
by Viktor E. Frankl
6. If We Were Villains
by M.L. Rio
7. Introduction to Probability, Second Edition
by Joseph K. Blitzstein, Jessica Hwang
8. Seasonal Qurartet (4 books)
by Karl Ove Knausgaard
9. The Book That Wouldn't Burn
by Mark Lawrence

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Movies & Books in English

1. The Catcher in the Rye
by J.D. Salinger
2. Get the Guy: Learn Secrets of the Male Mind to Find the Man You Want and the Love You Deserve
by Matthew Hussey
3. The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life
by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
4. Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman
5. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
by David Allen
6. The 4-Hour Workweek
by Timothy Ferriss
7. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
by Brian Tracy
8. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
by Cal Newport
9. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
by Charles Duhigg

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Movies & Books in English

Как и обещали - новый конкурс!!! 😎
Приз: Telegram Premium на 3 месяца

Условия не меняются. Что нужно сделать?

1) Правильно ответить на несложный опрос выше☝🏻
2) Быть подписанным на наш канал ❤️
3) Хотеть изучать английский вместе с нами :)

Результат подведет специальный бот случайным образом!
Может выиграть кто угодно!
Всем удачи! 🥰

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Movies & Books in English

1. Spiral Dynamics
by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan
2. Powerless
by Lauren Roberts
3. The Match
by Sarah Adams
4. Mindf*ck Series (5 books)
by S.T. Abby
5. The Right Move
by Liz Tomforde
6. All He'll Ever Be
by W. Winters
7. The Shadows Between Us
by Tricia Levenseller
8. All Good People Here
by Ashley Flowers
9. What Girls Are Made Of
by Elana K. Arnold

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Movies & Books in English

1. Хороший, плохой, коп Movie description
Copshop (USA, 2021)
2. Амадей Movie description
Amadeus (USA, 1984)
3. Дорогой немой дневник Movie description
Dear Dumb Diary (USA, 2013)

Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!

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Movies & Books in English

1. Man With a Van
by Drew Pritchard
2. Victoria The Queen: An Intimate Biography of the Woman Who Ruled an Empire
by Julia Baird
3. Win Every Argument
by Mehdi Hasan
4. The Bell Jar
by Sylvia Plath
5. Mary Boleyn: The Mistress of Kings
by Alison Weir
6. The Wives of Henry VIII
by Antonia Fraser
7. The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine
by Serhii Plokhy
8. Clean: The New Science of Skin and the Beauty of Doing Less
by James Hamblin
9. Tessa and Scott: our journey from childhood dream to Gold
by Tessa Virtue, Scott Moir, Steve Milton

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Movies & Books in English

1. Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success: Building Blocks for a Better Life
by John Wooden, Jay Carty
2. The Code Breaker
by Walter Isaacson
3. Meet Me at the Lake
by Carley Fortune
4. How to Build a Boat
by Elaine Feeney
5. The House of Doors
by Tan Twan Eng
6. Study for Obedience
by Sarah Bernstein
7. Twisted Tales Series (13 books)
by Liz Braswell, Jen Calonita, Elizabeth Lim, Farrah Rochon
8. The House on Mango Street
by Sandra Cisneros
9. Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
by Peter Attia, Bill Gifford

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Movies & Books in English

1. Бэтмен Movie description
The Batman (USA, 2022)
2. Компаньон Movie description
The Associate (USA, 1996)
3. Новогодний корпоратив Movie description
Office Christmas Party (USA, 2016)

Cмотреть любые фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с интерактивными субтитрами!

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Movies & Books in English

1. Inheritance
by Dani Shapiro
2. Trespasses: A Memoir
by Lacy M. Johnson
3. The Two Kinds of Decay
by Sarah Manguso
4. Loathe to Love You
by Ali Hazelwood
5. After the Fall: American literature since 9/11
by Richard gray
6. How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life
by Lilly Singh
7. Economix: How and Why Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work), in Words and Pictures
by Michael Goodwin
8. Big Little Lies
by Liane Moriarty
9. Hyperfocus: How to Work Less to Achieve More
by Chris Bailey

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